Flos Ferri (original) (raw)

- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.


Angelelli et al. (1983)

Raúl J. Tauber Larry´s collection +1 other reference

Raúl J. Tauber Larry´s collection


Sorrell (n.d.)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1440237.html) [Cororooke](/loc-411789.html)

Sorrell (n.d.)


V. v. Zepharovich et al. (Vienna)

  * Hüttenberg
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-222708.html) [Felixbau Mine](/loc-42338.html)

M. Puttner: Carinthia II 175./95.:253-255 (1985)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-226892.html) [Hüttenberger Erzberg](/loc-4376.html)

H. Meixner: 32 (3)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1264310.html) [Railway station dump](/loc-46765.html)

Groß (1983)

  * Mölbling
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-200046.html) [Meiselding](/loc-42323.html)

Niedermayr et al. (1995)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-749930.html) [Barbara adit](/loc-59053.html)

Chris Auer

Pichler (2009)

C.Auer (2013)

  * Völkermarkt
     * Trixen
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1264329.html) [Terpetzen](/loc-48603.html)

Groß (1983)

V. Leitner: Der Karinthin 58:63-64 (1968)

NIEDERMAYR et al. (1992a)

Exel (1993)

  * Reichenau an der Rax
     * Hirschwang an der Rax
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-725629.html) [Knappenberg](/loc-58683.html)

Hackenberg (2003)

Strasser (1989)

Strasser (1989)

  * Werfen
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-212674.html) [Höllgraben](/loc-27118.html)

Strasser (1989)

Strasser (1989)

Strasser (1989)

  * Leogang
     * Hütten
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-907192.html) [Schwarzleograben](/loc-50782.html)

Neschen (n.d.)

           * Schwarzleo mining district
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-908454.html) [Christoph adit](/loc-50779.html)

Neschen (n.d.)

  * Maria Alm am Steinernen Meer
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-212613.html) [Rotmoosgraben](/loc-45098.html)

Strasser (1989)

  * Saalbach-Hinterglemm
     * Hinterglemm
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-267401.html) [Hubergraben](/loc-58305.html)

Exel (1993)

Sigmund 1912

  * Sankt Barbara im Mürztal
     * Veitsch
        * Sattlerkogel
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-772596.html) [Magnesite deposit](/loc-20193.html)

Schweiger (1969)

Auer (2020)

  * Frohnleiten
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-709191.html) [Arzwaldgraben](/loc-57922.html)

Steir.Mineralog 25/2011

  * Semriach
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-911980.html) [Taschen](/loc-57921.html)

Offenbacher (1991)

Palache et al. (1951) +1 other reference

  * Kammern im Liesingtal
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-273118.html) [Rahm quarry](/loc-60558.html)

www.vstm.at (2004)

  * Radmer
     * Radmer an der Hasel
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-873612.html) [Copper mine (including Paradeis adit)](/loc-167673.html)

Roger Lang

     * Radmer an der Stube
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1233932.html) [Radmer iron ore mine](/loc-254990.html)

Martin Reich collection

de.wikipedia.org (2006)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-267402.html) [Severinggraben](/loc-58306.html)

Exel (1993)

www.vstm.at (2003)

C.Auer (2012)

        * Cu deposit (Schönberg)
           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-776071.html) [Brunngraben district](/loc-107857.html)

C.Auer (2012)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-949968.html) [Weißenbach district (Flatschachgraben; Weißenbachgraben)](/loc-155907.html)

C.Auer (2015)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1618165.html) [Brandegger Mine](/loc-440869.html)

Jakely (Hrsg.)

Lapis 19 (7/8)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-263524.html) [Ringenwechsel mining district](/loc-57185.html)

Lapis 19 (7/8)

  * Schwaz
     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-263546.html) [Heiligkreuz adit](/loc-57137.html)

Lapis 19 (7/8)

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-263526.html) [Palleiten](/loc-57182.html)

Lapis 19 (7/8)


Hatert et al. (2002)


Wang Binghua


Prüfer (2010)

DR Congo

De Bondt (n.d.)


Yves Masson specimen.

Hohl (1994)

De Bondt (n.d.)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1422485.html) [Cep de Vigne](/loc-311126.html)

De Bondt (n.d.)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1361831.html) [Cobalt mine](/loc-311721.html)

De Bondt (n.d.)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1305017.html) [Dead Man mine](/loc-311705.html)

Les Minéraux de Sainte Marie-aux-Mines

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1304968.html) [Green Pine mine](/loc-311701.html)

Les Minéraux de Sainte Marie-aux-Mines

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-674322.html) [Lead Mines](/loc-217616.html)

De Bondt (n.d.)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1422661.html) [Mine of the 3 Kings](/loc-406226.html)

De Bondt (n.d.)

           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1641309.html) [Ste Anne mine](/loc-444043.html)

De Bondt (n.d.)

        * Neuenberg
           * Sankt Jakob vein
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-124525.html) [Sankt Jakob Mine](/loc-21913.html)


           * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-963065.html) [Sankt Wilhelm vein](/loc-266189.html)

De Bondt (n.d.)

              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1305026.html) [Wilhelm mine](/loc-21912.html)

De Bondt (n.d.)


Walenta (1992)

  * Ortenaukreis
     * Seelbach
        * Seelbach
           * Weiler
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-167497.html) [Michael Mine](/loc-16142.html)

Walenta (1992)

F. Müller: "Bayerns steinreiche Ecke" et al. (Hof)

Weiß (1990)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-179713.html) [Limonite deposit](/loc-36201.html)

Weiß (1990)

Erik Hock Collection

R Lang collection

        * Hellefeld
           * [ⓘ](/locentry-104985.html) [Hellefeld quarry](/loc-17778.html)

Wittern (2001)

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-104662.html) [Westenfeld quarry](/loc-17722.html)

Weiß (1990)

  * Siegen-Wittgenstein
     * Siegen
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-912117.html) [Philippshoffnung Mine](/loc-16827.html)

Andreas Gerstenberg collection

Christof Schäfer

M Berghäuser collection

Roger Lang collcetion

        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-857650.html) [Pfingstwiese Mine](/loc-34231.html)

Andreas Gerstenberg collection

  * Diez
     * Holzappel
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-694169.html) [Holzappel Mine](/loc-34250.html)

Stefan Koch Collection

Weiß (1990)


Frenzel (1895)

        * Agios Konstantinos (Kamariza)
           * Kamariza Mines (Kamareza Mines)
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-63287.html) [Hilarion Mine](/loc-1936.html)

        * Legrena Valley
           * Megala Pefka Mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-63288.html) [Megala Pefka Mine No. 28 ("Sigia Mine")](/loc-10637.html)

Hanke (1998)

           * [ⓘ](/locentry-63293.html) [Soureza mines](/loc-10613.html)

        * Lophos
           * [ⓘ](/locentry-63291.html) [Agrileza mines](/loc-10612.html)

        * Plaka
           * Paliokamariza Mines (Paleokamariza Mines)
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1603313.html) [Paliokamariza Mine No. 18](/loc-225392.html)

Label from Sourtzis Phidias from Azur ...

           * Plaka Mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-63290.html) [Adami Mine No. 2](/loc-8008.html)

        * Sounion
           * Cato Sounio mines
              * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-63292.html) [Sounion Mine No. 19](/loc-10471.html)

Rieck et al. (2022)


Capitanio A. Il Ferro della Val di ...

Fabio Brignoli

Carello (1983) +2 other references

Salvatore Giagheddu specimen

www.tonyminerals.it (2015)

Mair (1996)

Personal found of Adriano Perugini


www.johnbetts-fineminerals.com (2015) +2 other references


Tiago Guia's collection 2024


Kaňa R. et al. (in Slovak)

various photographs

     * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-822826.html) [Dobšiná mining district](/loc-12692.html)

Russ et al. (2012)


Calderón (1910)


Stalder et al. (1998)


Tony Aldworth specimen

  * St Endellion
     * Port Isaac
        * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-1644891.html) [Tresungers Mine (Rose Mine; Wheal Arthur)](/loc-1236.html)

De Bondt (n.d.)


Galbraith et al. (1959)

  * [](#themap) [ⓘ](/locentry-194862.html) [Warren Mining District](/loc-13153.html)

Anthony et al. (1995)

Galbraith (1959) +1 other reference

Murdoch (1966)

Eckel et al. (1997)

Ream (2004)

Heinrich et al. (2004)

Dana 6: 1065.

Manchester (1931)