Images of Saxon & Danish Kings of the English (original) (raw)

Choose the monarch you are interested in from the sections below:

King Redwald of East Anglia Kings of East Anglia Eastern England King Osric of the Hwicce Kings of the Hwicce South-West Midlands
King Ethelbert of Kent Kings of Kent South-East England King Penda of Mercia Kings of Mercia Midland England 585-919
King Oswald of Northumbria Kings of Northumbria Northern England King Cynegils of Wessex Kings of Wessex Southern England
King Egbert of the English Egbert (AD 775-839) King of the English AD 802-839 King Ethelwulf of the English Ethelwulf (AD 800-858) King of the English AD 839-858
King Ethelbert of the English Ethelbald (AD 834-860) King of the English AD 858-860 & Ethelbert (AD 836-865) King of the English AD 860-865 King Ethelred I of the English Ethelred I (AD 840-871) King of the English AD 865-871
King Alfred the Great of the English Alfred the Great (AD 846-899) King of the English AD 871-899 King Edward the Elder of the English Edward the Elder (AD 871-925) King of the English AD 899-925
King Athelstan of the English Elfweard (AD 903-925) King of the English AD 925 & Athelstan (AD 895-939) King of the English AD 925-939 King Edmund the Magnificent of the English Edmund the Magnificent (AD 920-946) King of the English AD 939-946
King Edred of the English Edred (AD 924-955) King of the English AD 946-955 King Edwig of the English Edwig All-Fair (AD 942-959) King of the English AD 955-959
King Edgar the Peacemaker of the English Edgar the Peacemaker (AD 943-975) King of the English AD 959-975 King Edward the Martyr of the English Edward the Martyr (AD 962-978) King of the English AD 975-978
King Ethelred the Unready of the English Ethelred the Unready (AD 968-1016) King of the English AD 978-1013; 1014-1016 King Edmund Ironside of the English Sweyn Forkbeard AD 960-1014 King of England 1013-1014 & Edmund Ironside (AD 990-1016) King of the English AD 1016
King Canute the Great of England Canute the Great (AD 995- 1035) King of England AD 1016-1035 King Hardicanute of England Hardicanute (1018-1042) King of England 1035-1037; 1040-1042
King Harold I of England Harold I (1016-1040) King of England 1035-1040 King Edward the Confessor of England Edward the Confessor (1005-1066) King of England 1042-1066
King Harold II of England Harold II (1021-1066) King of England 1066 & Edgar Atheling (1053-1130) King of England 1066 King William the Conqueror of England Norman Kings to the Present Day

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