Contact us (original) (raw)

The core neuroConstruct team:

Padraig Gleeson (p.gleeson - at -

Angus Silver (a.silver - at -

To get in contact directly with the team please mail: info -at-

Alternatively use/join the neuroConstruct mailing list: neuroConstruct -at- (archives)

Past neuroConstruct developers:

Boris Marin

Rokas Stanislovas

Guy Billings

Matteo Farinella

Eugenio Piasini

Yates Buckley

Yoana Dimitrova

Simon Barnes

See also the list of contributors on GitHub.

Many thanks to the following people who have made significant contributions to the development of neuroConstruct

Volker Steuber

Robert Cannon

Sharon Crook

Koen Vervaeke

Simon O'Connor

Development of this software was made possible with funding from the Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Council and the EU Synapse Project.