optimal merge (original) (raw)
Definition: Merge n sorted sequences of different lengths into one output while minimizing reads. Only two sequences can be merged at once. At each step, the two shortest sequences are merged.
Formal Definition: Let D={n1, … , nk} be the set of lengths of sequences to be merged. Take the two shortest sequences, ni, nj∈ D, such that n≥ ni and n≥ nj ∀ n∈ D. Merge these two sequences. The new set D is D' = (D - {ni, nj}) ∪ {ni+nj}. Repeat until there is only one sequence.
See also simple merge, ideal merge, Huffman coding, greedy algorithm.
Note: Merging sequences by length is the same as joining trees by frequency in Huffman coding. For example, let there be a set of sorted sequences of the following lengths: D={3,5,7,9,12,14,15,17}. Building the optimal merge tree goes as follows. Note that merged sequences are replaced by the sum of their lengths. For instance, the first step merges the sequence of length 3 and the sequence of length 5 to get a sequence of length 8.
3 5 7 9 12 14 15 17
8 7 9 12 14 15 17 _/ _ 3 5
15 9 12 14 15 17 _/ _ 8 7 _/ _ 3 5
15 21 14 15 17 _/ \ / _ 8 7 9 12 _/ _ 3 5
29 21 15 17 _/ \ / _ 14 15 9 12 _/ _ 8 7 _/ _ 3 5
29 21 32 _/ \ / \ / _ 14 15 9 12 15 17 _/ _ 8 7 _/ _ 3 5
50 32 _/ \ / _ / \ 15 17 29 21 _/ \ / _ 14 15 9 12 _/ _ 8 7 _/ _ 3 5
82 _/ _ _/ _ _/ _ 50 32 _/ \ / _ / \ 15 17 29 21 _/ \ / _ 14 15 9 12 _/ _ 8 7 _/ _ 3 5
Author: AL
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Entry modified 14 August 2008.
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Alen Lovrencic, "optimal merge", inDictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Paul E. Black, ed. 14 August 2008. (accessed TODAY) Available from: https://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/optimalMerge.html