About the Web Pages of Observatorio ARVAL (original) (raw)

ARVAL's Web site is dedicated to propagating astronomical information since February '96.
All of it is bilingual (Spanish - English), except for the 'Astronom�a Caraque�a' section, which contains local astronomical information centered around Caracas, Venezuela.
The section 'Astronomy for South Florida' is only available in English.
The emphasis is on the wonder and beauty of astronomy.

Observatorio ARVAL was retired from www.arval.org.ve by anonymous interests on September 1 '01,
having served more than 65,000 visitors and answered more than 700 messages from them.

But I'm pleased to announce that since Sept. 26 '01 you can browse the pages of Observatorio ARVAL in its new Web address, at www.oarval.org, thanks to Roger Curry and David Knighton of theNortheast Florida Astronomical Society (NEFAS).

If you use the contents of an Observatorio ARVAL page in your Web site,
you must credit it and link back from your page to ARVAL's original page.

The background on these pages is black,
to remind you that astronomical observation
is only really possible from dark sites,
that let you see a black sky.

One of the main enemies of astronomers is light pollution. Do not allow light sources under your control to illuminate the sky! It is a waste of resources that helps nobody, but does hurt many people!

See:Our Vanishing Night, Verlyn Klinkenborg, National Geographic, November 2008.

See:The Fading Milky Way,Lighting Up the Ecosphere (in Science@NASA),
and Earth Observatory Study: Bright Lights, Big City (NASA).
See The night sky in the World(Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell'Inquinamento Luminoso).
See also Luminic Map of Venezuela,Luminic Map of Florida andLuminic Map of Europe (in ARVAL).
See alsoSky and Telescope - Resources - Saving Dark Skies,
and Earth at Night (Black Marble - City Lights 2012, Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership - Suomi NPP).

To help stop light pollution, please visit theInternational Dark-Sky Association (IDA).
"To preserve and protect the nighttime environment and our heritage of dark skies through quality outdoor lighting."

See Losing the Dark [YouTube 06:26].Downloads in various video formats and languages (IDA).

In these pages, text is red,
to avoid interfering with your night vision.

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In these pages, the word "billion" indicates one thousand millions;
Not a million of millions, like "bill�n" (in Spanish).

This site is designed so that its pages are easy to save and read off-line,
as some pages are too dense to just browse.
All .htm text files, .gif and .jpg graphics, are in just one directory.

Updated: November 11 '08, November 13 '13, June 18 '14

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Spanish: Sobre las P�ginas en el Web del Observatorio ARVAL


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