Midnight Express | Online World of Wrestling (original) (raw)


Title History

Career Highlights

The Original Midnight Express:

Mid-South Wrestling:

World Class Championship Wrestling

National Wrestling Alliance – Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton

Regarding the departure of Dennis Condrey:

Dennis Condrey suddenly disappeared from NWA Television and Bobby Eaton teamed with Big Bubba on house shows. In April 1987, Cornette publically ditched Condrey and replaced him with Stan Lane. The story they gave to the audience was that Cornette’s mother ordered him to shake up the team and rebuild. Condrey had a brief stay in Portland before going to the AWA to reform the original Midnight Express with Randy Rose with Paul E. Dangerously as their manager (as you will read later in this profile).

National Wrestling Alliance – Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane:

Meanwhile, over in the American Wrestling Association:

Back in the National Wrestling Alliance:

The New Midnight Express:

Midnight Express Reunion Tour: