Boolean expressions (original) (raw)
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This subchapter looks at Boolean expressions.
stub section
This subchapter is a stub section. It will be filled in with instructional material later. For now it serves the purpose of a place holder for the order of instruction.
Professors are invited to give feedback on both the proposed contents and the propsed order of this text book. Send commentary to Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, 92781, USA.
Boolean expressions
This subchapter looks at Boolean expressions.
The following material is from the unclassified Computer Programming Manual for the JOVIAL (J73) Language, RADC-TR-81-143, Final Technical Report of June 1981.
The JOVIAL operators are summarized in the following table: Type Operators Operation Logical NOT (prefix) "not"
AND OR "and", "or"
XOR EQV "exclusive or", "equivalent" A relational operator compares any two values of the same type
and produces a Boolean value as its result. A logical operator
takes bit-string values and also produces a Boolean result. (A
Boolean value is a one-bit bit-string, representing "true" or
"false", depending on whether it is one or zero.) The JOVIAL operators are described in detail in Chapter 11,
where, for example, you will find the rules for operations on
fixed values and for the comparison of such objects as
character-strings and pointers.
Chapter 1 Introduction, page 8
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