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Arranging Ranges: Mountain Ranges of the World

The Peakbagger.com Mountain Range Classification System (PEMRACS)

This page is the gateway for browsing the Peakbagger.com Mountain Range Classification System (PEMRACS), a huge, consistent, hierarchical database that divides the entire land surface of the earth into ranges and subranges.

There are tens of thousands of named ranges and mountain groupings on the planet, varying greatly in size, elevation span, and mountaineering interest. Often, smaller ranges are nested within other ranges, and larger ranges contain numerous sub-ranges. Comparing ranges and creating lists of range high points is difficult if all ranges in the world are treated equally. For an extreme example, any system that treats the Himalaya range of Asia and the Watchung Mountains of New Jersey as equivalent is next to useless.

The core of the PEMRACS is a classification of the world's ranges into a six-level hierarchy, with the general idea that all ranges at the same level are roughly equivalent in extent and interest. The six levels are simply called Range1, Range2, and so on, down to Range6. A Range1 is equivalent to a continent, while a Range6 is a tiny massif or range of just a few peaks.

The PEMRACS is set up so that every Range1 through Range5 is completely divided into between 2 and 10 non-overlapping Ranges of the next lower level. For example, a Range2 will be divided into a number of Range3s, and each one of those in turn is divided into Range4s. For example, the Rocky mountains (a Range2) is divided into Range3s like the Canadian Rockies, the Yellowstone area Rockies, and the Southern Rockies. In turn, the Southern Rockies Range3 is divided into Range4s like the Sawatch Range and the San Juan Mountains.

Note that every level is chock-full of bogus ranges with bogus-sounding names like "North Eureka County Ranges" or "Shavers Fork Mountain Complex" that are needed to fill out the master outline. Very few mountains will have well-known and established range names for all six levels of ranges. Most commonly, peaks are in one or two commonly used ranges: Mount Rainier is in the Cascade Range; Mount Elbert is in the Sawatch Range of the Rocky Mountains. Some peaks might have three well-known ranges—for example, Mount Washington in the Presidential Range of the White Mountains of the Appalachian Mountains. And some peaks have no ranges at all—Kilimajaro springs to mind. So, in order to classify these peaks into all six levels, the slots missing familiar names are filled with bogus ranges.

It is very important to note that this elaborate scheme contains some arbitrary elements. When classifying the ranges, I had to make innumerable judgment calls, and the bogus placeholder ranges may look wrong to people more familiar with their local mountain areas than I am. And the very notion of six levels is just the number that felt right for this kind of work. That said, however, a great deal of effort went into ensuring that the ranges with established names and extents are reflected accurately.

Aside from being a way to see just what the various child-parent relationships among ranges are, the principal application of PEMRACS is in making consistent and meaningful lists. Any sort of ranking or tabulation of ranges can be created by selecting only ranges at one certain level (1 through 6), ensuring that all the ranges in your list will be roughly equivalent. Then your list of range high points, range area, or ranges you have climbed in will be at least more meaningful.

As a example, without a classification system the list of the range high points of North America could have thousands of entries for everything from the high point of a major chain like the Rocky Mountains down to that of a low range of minor hills. However, if you want a list of the Range2 high points, you have a list of 10 peaks that all crown major ranges or extensive areas of land. Or, you could pick a list of the Range3 high points (60 summits in North America) or Range4 high points (199 summits in the USA and Canada).

Rules used in creating the PEMRACS: