Physics simulations物理模擬/Html5/Java/高中物理概念/例題 (original) (raw)

Java SimHtml5 SimPhysics Ed Papers高中物理概念/例題/習題

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Java Physics
物 理 模 擬 Physics Simulations


Html5 Physics
Vector Addition vector 向 量 (矢 量) 相 加
1D Kinematics 1D kinematics 一 維 運 動
Car Racing car racing 賽 車
Newton's First Law of Motion 1st law 牛 頓 運 動 第 一 定 律
Newton's Second Law of Motion 1st law 牛 頓 運 動 第 二 定 律
Motion under a Player-controlled Force Motion under a force 自主施力製造運動
Inclined Plane inclined plane 斜 板
Collisions in 1D 1D Collision 一 維 碰 撞
Balance of Moments moments 力 矩 平 衡
Projectile Motion projectile 拋 物 體 運 動
Spring - Mass SHM spring shm 彈 簧 — 質 量 諧 振
Two-Body Orbits two-body 二 體 軌 跡
Damped Oscillations two-body 阻尼振動
Free and Driven Oscillations two-body 自由及受迫振動
Phase Difference phase difference 相 位 差
Types of Waves waves 波 的 種 類
Transverse Traveling Wave T wave 橫 行 波
Longitudinal Traveling Wave L wave 縱 行 波
Longitudinal Traveling Wave 2 L wave 縱 行 波 2
Refraction of Light refraction of light 光 的 折 射
Inteference of Water Waves interference 水 波 干 涉
Diffraction of Water Wave (Opening) diffraction (opening) 水 波 衍 射 (縫 隙)
Diffraction of Water Wave (Obstacle) diffraction (obstacle) 水 波 衍 射 (障 礙)
Quality of Sound timbre 音 質
Acoustic Beats beats 音 拍
Production of Standing Waves on String resonance 弦 線 產 生 駐 波
Simple Circuits circuit 簡 單 電 路
Electromagnetic Induction induction 電 磁 感 應
Lissajous Figures Lissajous Figures 利 薩 如 圖 形
Root-Mean-Square V RMS V 方均根電壓
RLC Series a.c. rlc RLC 串 聯 交 流 電


Physics Education Articles
Simple quantitative examples illustrating how the centrifugal and Coriolis forces 'rescue' Newton's second law in rotating frames (Physics Education, May 2024)Download from PE (Open Access) The Thomson Jumping Ring Experiment and Ideal Transformer (The Physics Teacher) Accepted Manuscript Resting a disk on a rough incline (The Physics Teacher) Download VOR The voltages and polarity of an inductor (Physics Education)Download from PE (Open Access) Clarifying concepts and gaining a deeper understanding of ideal transformers (European Journal of Physics)Download from EJP (Open Access) Understanding the damped SHM without ODEs (Physics Education) Accepted Manuscript How tidal forces cause ocean tides in the equilibrium theory (Physics Education) Accepted Manuscript Energy in a String Wave (The Physics Teacher) Download VOR Oblique and Head-On Elastic Collisions (The Physics Teacher) Download VOR
