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Course Descriptions and Syllabi

Course descriptions and sample syllabi for the following courses are available on-line. Click and ye shall find.

Engl. 101: Introduction to Expository Writing

Engl. 102: Reading, Writing, and Research

Engl. 314:�Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Studies

Engl. 433: Renaissance Literature

Engl. 434: Seventeenth-Century Literature

Engl. 453: Female Literary Traditions

Engl. 470 (WI):� Toni Morrison

Engl. 472: Studies in Shakespeare

HONR 490: "The Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name": Introduction to Lesbian/Gay/ Bisexual Studies

Engl. 496: Senior Seminar

Engl. 600: Introduction to Literary Scholarship

Engl. 633: Studies in the Renaissance: Theatre and Social Conflict in Early Modern England

Engl. 633:� Studies in the Renaissance:� Shakespeare and Early Modern England

Engl. 639:� The Aesthetics and Politics of Virginia Woolf and Toni Morrison

Engl. 653: "Sites of Memory": International Women's Voices of Protest and Prophecy

Engl. 680: Culture & Sexualities: Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Studies

WMST 101:� Women and the World

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