Memory Lane - Index (original) (raw)

This is the index page for the childhood memories in Scotland submitted by Rampant Scotland readers whether they still live here or now live in other parts of the world. As we grow older, it is great to look back and remember what life was like in Scotland and the changes that have taken place during our lifetimes. We can pass on our stories and experiences of those days, particularly to the younger generation, so that the lives we led while we grew up are not forgotten and so they can better appreciate what they have today!

Please submit your own experiences from your childhood so that they can be recorded here. Send your stories and anecdotes by email to with "Memories" in the subject line and the editor will add suitable ones to the appropriate pages. New category pages will be added as required. If you have any illustrations you want to include, feel free to attach these - but they are not essential. Depending on the volume of emails, it may not be possible to include all contributions and some may have to be reduced in size.

Feel free to add to the subject pages as well as adding to the collection that's already there. No need to write your life story - just send an outline description of what you recall from all those years ago. Let me know if you want me to put your "real" name at the end or a nickname.

NOTE - the index below is a "work-in-progress" and further pages will be added soon - so make sure you bookmark this page and check back for more articles - there will be a reminder every now and then in the Rampant Scotland "Snippets" newsletter.

NOTE ALSO - "New" indicates that a section has been added recently and "Updated" that additional items have been added recently.

  • Brushes with the Law Although most of us are law-abiding citizens, there are times when we come in contact with law enforcement personnel - even if it's relatively minor such as a driving offence. But these incidents are often nerve-wracking - and memorable!
  • Coal Fires There is still some nostalgia associated with coal fires with flames dancing in the hearth but they required a lot of work.
  • Dancing and Dance Halls While it might be thought that dancing should be included in "entertainmnt (below), in the larger cities dancing and dance halls were such an important part of the Scottish culture they deserve a separate page to themselves
  • Entertainment Going to the cinema was a favourite past-time and listening to radio shows - and a great treat was going to a pantomime at Christmas. Before the days of TV there was a lot more reading - including "comics" as well as books
  • First Motor Cars Even if we later drive in a big, plush executive type auto, we all recall with pleasure that first vehicle that we called our own. It may have been a small, second-hand jalopy which broke down too often at the wrong moment - but it will still arouse fond memories. Roads were a lot quieter 50 years ago and that made a difference too.
  • First Aeroplane Flight A flight in an aeroplane is fairly routine occurence nowadays but it was not until commercial aircraft became more accessible after World War II that many of us first had the excitement of travelling on an aircraft for the first time. Flying to another country is now almost routine but in earlier days things were somewhat different - and maybe more excititing!
  • First Full Time Employment After years of education at school - or further education or university, our first big step into adulthood is starting our first full-time paid employment. Regular hours, new experiences and skills, responsibilities, colleagues, being assessed on how well you are performing and wondering what the future will hold. And of course earning some money, perhaps for the first time!
  • Food We Ate The range of foods available in the past were not nearly as wide as they are today.
  • Games and Toys Children had far fewer toys than nowadays and those they had tended to last longer than today.
  • Genealogy Delving into your family tree and finding out about your heritage can yield a lot of interesting facts - and often unexpected surprises!
  • Holidays / Vacations These days families often have more than just the one "summer holiday" as they had in the past
  • Medical and Health Services Medical advances in the last century have meant that some medical conditions can be treated differently and often more effectiveley now than used to be the case
  • Organisations, Clubs and Societies Recollections of past events involving various clubs, societies and organisations recalled by contributors to "Memory Lane" Updated
  • Return to Scotland Coming back to Scotland after a long spell abroad can be a great experience but it can also be difficult to adjust to the changes that have taken place.
  • School Days Looking back to going to school for the first time, were they the happiest days of your life?
  • Sport Memories of sport and sporting occasions related to Scotland, whether as a spectator or as a participant
  • Wartime Second World War and later conflicts brought their hardships and joys too. Updated
  • Washing Day In the days before automatic washing machines and spin dryers, all clothing had to be cleaned by hand.