Guatemala - Record International Players (original) (raw)

Last match included: Guatemala-Iceland, 13 Jan 2024

Note that Guatemala played two official matches on 7 Sep 2010, against Japan (in Osaka) and against El Salvador (in Washington DC)

Appearances for Guatemala National Team

Name Caps Goals First-Last

Carlos Humberto RU�Z GUTI�RREZ 133 68 1998-2016
Guillermo RAM�REZ ORTEGA 106 16 1997-2012 Gustavo Adolfo CABRERA MARROQU�N 104 2 2000-2012 Fredy Williams THOMPSON LE�N 96 3 2001-2015 Juan Carlos PLATA 87 35 1996-2010 Gonzalo Antonio ROMERO PAZ 83 9 2000-2012 Julio Estuardo GIR�N RAFAEL 82 0 1992-2006
Edgar Eladio ESTRADA SOL�S 80 0 GK 1995-2003 Jose Manuel CONTRERAS 79 5 2006-2021 Mario Rafael RODR�GUEZ 79 10 2003-2013 Freddy Alexander GARC�A CARRERA 73 23 1998-2011 Dwight Anthony PEZZAROSSI GARC�A 72 16 2000-2012 Carlos Eduardo GALLARDO 69 4 2008-2022 Erick Roberto MIRANDA CHONAY 69 1 1991-2001 Edgar Everaldo VALENCIA 68 5 1991-2003 German RUANO GONZALEZ 67 0 1995-2001 Juan Manuel FUNES FERN�NDEZ 66 15 1985-2000 Ricardo Antonio JEREZ FIGUEROA * 63 0 GK 2006-2023 Carlos Fernando FIGUEROA 62 5 2003-2015 Allan Kenny WELLMANN 62 1 1976-1989 Mart�n Alejandro MACH�N GUERRA 60 5 1992-2006
Pablo Sebasti�n MELGAR TORINO 56 1 2002-2007 Marco Pablo PAPPA 56 11 2008-2016 Victor Hugo MONZON 55 1 1979-1992 Mario Giovany ACEVEDO MENZIE 53 5 1996-2008 Jose Carlos PINTO * 53 0 2016-2024 Ricardo TRIGUE�O FOSTER 53 0 GK 2003-2010 Rodrigo SARAVIA * 52 0 2016-2023 N�stor Fernando MART�NEZ NORALES 51 0 2002-2007 Julio Alberto RODAS URTARTE 51 10 1988-2000
Byron Romeo PEREZ 50 5 1984-1992 Alejandro GALINDO * 48 6 2012-2024 Julio Roberto GOMEZ 48 4 1972-1985 Jean Jonathan MARQUEZ 48 3 2008-2019 Carlos MEJIA * 47 8 2014-2023 Edwin Rodolfo WESTPHAL 47 16 1985-1998 Sergio Estuardo RIVERA HERNANDEZ 46 3 1976-1989 Jorge APARICIO * 45 1 2014-2023 Minor LOPEZ CAMPOLLO 44 7 2008-2015 Marvin Tomas AVILA 43 4 2006-2015 Jorge ROLDAN POPOL 43 2 1961-1973 Yony Wilson FLORES 39 2 2007-2012 Cristian NORIEGA SANTIZO 39 0 2008-2014 Jorge RODAS URTARTE 39 4 1991-2001 Elias Enoc VAZQUEZ 39 1 2011-2018 Claudio ALBIZURIS AGUILAR 37 1 2001-2012 Nicholas HAGEN * 37 0 GK 2018-2024 Moises HERNANDEZ * 36 2 2015-2022 Edgar Ricardo JEREZ HIDALGO 36 0 GK 1980-1992 Oscar CASTELLANOS * 35 1 2020-2024
Paulo Cesar MOTTA 35 0 GK 2003-2018 Carlos Mauricio CASTRILLO 34 0 2008-2016 Dennis CHEN FERNANDEZ 34 1 1999-2005 Jonathan LOPEZ MEJICANOS 34 0 2010-2016 Angel David SANABRIA 34 0 2004-2006 Marlon Ivan LEON 33 1 1989-1999 Steven ROBLES * 32 2 2019-2023 Darwin LOM * 31 11 2020-2024 Nelson Noel MORALES 31 0 2001-2005 Wilfred Armando VELASQUEZ 31 0 2009-2013 Jairo ARREOLA * 30 1 2007-2021 Carlos Rafael CASTILLO 30 1 2004-2011
Carlos Enrique CASTA�EDA 29 2 1988-1996 Luis Fernando MART�NEZ * 29 7 2015-2022 F�lix McDONALD 29 3 1976-1989 Benjam�n Eduardo MONTERROSO 29 1 1977-1989
Kevin SANDOVAL 29 2 1980-1989 Oscar Alexander SANTIS * 29 8 2021-2024
Marvin CEBALLOS * 28 6 2010-2022 Carlos QUI�ONEZ 28 1 2000-2007
Edwin Roberto VILLATORO 28 5 2005-2009 Robin BENTANCOURT * 27 2 2013-2023 Alvaro JIM�NEZ 27 1 1996-2004 Wilson Clemente LALIN 27 1 2008-2016 Maynor DAVILA 26 1 2004-2010 Gerardo GORDILLO * 26 3 2019-2023 Antonio Jes�s L�PEZ * 26 0 2020-2024 Jos� Alfredo MORALES * 26 2 2020-2024 Claudio ROJAS 26 0 1997-2001 Eduardo ACEVEDO 25 0 1991-2000 Henry MEDINA 25 1 2004-2011 Selvin PENNANT 25 4 1977-1989 Jorge Arturo PEREZ 25 3 1997-2000 Ricardo Antonio PICCININI 25 0 GK 1976-1989
Oscar SANCHEZ 25 11 1976-1989

NB: list purged of Olympic Games

Goalscoring for Guatemala National Team

Name Goals Caps First-Last

Carlos Humberto RU�Z GUTI�RREZ 68 133 1998-2016 Juan Carlos PLATA 35 87 1996-2010 Freddy Alexander GARC�A CARRERA 23 73 1998-2011 Edwin Rodolfo WESTPHAL 16 47 1985-1998
Dwight Anthony PEZZAROSSI GARC�A 16 72 2000-2012 Guillermo RAM�REZ ORTEGA 16 106 1997-2012 Juan Manuel FUNES FERN�NDEZ 15 66 1985-2000

About this document

With thanks to Carlos Muralles Maga�a (

Prepared and maintained by Luis Fernando Passo Alpuin for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Luis Fernando Passo Alpuin Last updated: 20 Jan 2024

(C) Copyright Luis Fernando Passo Alpuin and RSSSF 2008/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.