World Cup Champions Squads 1930 (original) (raw)

This file lists all the squads of the World Cup winners.

Shirt number, name, DOB, height/weight, club (at the time of the WC finals), matches, minutes and goals in quals and finals (30, 34, 38, 50, 62, 66, 74, 78, 98 - finals only).

Reserves are players who did not play any quals matches, but appeared in the finals squad (without playing a match).

From 1930 to 1950 players did not wear a unique number throughout the tournament.

1930 Uruguay

 Jos� Leandro ANDRADE      22.11.01 179/77  Nacional Montevideo     4 (360)
Juan Pelegnuo ANSELMO      03.08.04         Penarol Montevideo      2 (180)  3
      Enrique BALLESTRERO  18.01.05 183/86  Rampla Jr Montevideo    4 (360)- 3
       H�ctor CASTRO       29.11.04 169/69  Nacional Montevideo     2 (180)  2
   Jos� Pedro CEA          01.09.00 172/73  Nacional Montevideo     4 (360)  5
        Pablo DORADO       22.06.08 175/71  Bella Vista Montevideo  3 (270)  2
      Lorenzo FERNANDEZ    20.05.00 173/75  Penarol Montevideo      4 (360)
    Alvaro A. GESTIDO      17.05.07 176/73  Penarol Montevideo      4 (360)

Victoriano Santos IRIARTE 02.11.02 169/71 Racing Club Montevideo 4 (360) 2 Ernesto MASCHERONI 21.11.07 183/78 Olimpia Montevideo 3 (270) Jos� NASAZZI 24.05.01 182/85 Bella Vista Montevideo 4 (360) Pedro PETRONE 11.05.05 173/74 Nacional Montevideo 1 ( 90) H�ctor Pedro SCARONE 26.11.98 171/73 Nacional Montevideo 3 (270) 1 Domingo TEJERA 22.07.99 Wanderers Montevideo 1 ( 90) Santos URDINARAN 30.03.00 170/68 Nacional Montevideo 1 ( 90)

    Alberto F. SUPPICI     20.11.98 coach                           4 (360)

Reserve: Juan Carlos Calvo, Miguel Capuccini, Miguel Angel Melogno, Conduelo Piriz, Emilio Recoba, Carlos Riolfo Secco and Zoilo Saldombide

1934 Italy

        Luigi ALLEMANDI    18.11.03 178/76  Internazionale   1 ( 90)     5 (510)
        Luigi BERTOLINI    13.09.04 177/66  Juventus Turin               4 (390) 

Felice Placido BOREL 05.04.14 179/76 Juventus Turin 1 ( 90) Armando CASTELLAZZI 07.02.04 184/72 Internazionale 1 (120) Carlo CERESOLI 14.06.10 178/76 Internazionale 1 ( 90) Gianpiero COMBI 20.11.02 174/72 Juventus Turin 5 (510)- 3 Attilio DEMARIA 19.03.09 176/76 Internazionale 1 ( 90) Ottavio FANTONI 07 Lazio 1 ( 90) Giovanni FERRARI 06.12.07 172/75 Juventus Turin 1 ( 45) 1 4 (420) 2 Attilio FERRARIS 26.03.04 174/73 AS Roma 3 (300) Enrico GUAITA 15.07.10 172/73 AS Roma 1 ( 90) 4 (420) 1 Anfilogino GUARISI 26.12.05 AS Roma 1 ( 90) 1 1 ( 90) Giuseppe MEAZZA 23.08.10 169/73 Internazionale 1 ( 90) 2 5 (510) 2 Mario MONTESANTO 09 FC Bologna 1 ( 90) Luis Fernando MONTI 15.05.01 167/76 Juventus Turin 1 ( 90) 5 (510) Eraldo MONZEGLIO 05.06.06 173/74 FC Bologna 1 ( 90) 4 (420) Raimundo ORSI Bibiani 02.12.01 169/68 Juventus Turin 5 (510) 3 Mario PIZZIOLO 08.12.09 Fiorentina AC 2 (210) Nereo ROCCO 20.05.12 179/75 USC Trieste 1 ( 45) Virginio ROSETTA 25.02.02 172/74 Juventus Turin 1 ( 90) Angelo SCHIAVIO 15.10.05 178/69 FC Bologna 4 (420) 4 Pietro SERANTONI 11.12.06 163/69 Internazionale 1 ( 90)

     Vittorio POZZO        12.03.86 coach                    1 ( 90)     5 (510)

Reserve: Pietro Arcari, Umberto Caligaris, Giuseppe Cavanna and Mario Varglien

1938 Italy

 Miguel Angel ANDREOLO     06.09.12 169/71  FC Bologna                   4 (390)
       Amedeo BIAVATI      04.04.15 172/74  FC Bologna                   3 (270)
        Luigi COLAUSSI     04.03.14 171/74  USC Trieste                  3 (270)  4
     Giovanni FERRARI      06.12.07 172/75  Internazionale               4 (390)
       Pietro FERRARIS     15.02.12 166/72  Internazionale               1 (120)  1
      Alfredo FONI         20.01.11 172/71  Juventus Turin               3 (270)
          Ugo LOCATELLI    05.02.16 172/74  Internazionale               4 (390)
     Giuseppe MEAZZA       23.08.10 169/73  Internazionale               4 (390)  1
       Eraldo MONZEGLIO    05.06.06 173/74  AS Roma                      1 (120)
         Aldo OLIVIERI     02.10.10 175/75  Lucchese Libertas            4 (390)- 5
        Piero PASINATI     21.07.10         USC Triese                   1 (120)
       Silvio PIOLA        29.09.13 180/75  Lazio                        4 (390)  5
       Pietro RAVA         20.01.16 175/73  Juventus Turin               4 (390)
       Pietro SERANTONI    11.12.06 163/69  AS Roma                      4 (390)

     Vittorio POZZO        12.03.86 coach                                4 (390)

Reserve: Sergio Bertoni, Carlo Ceresoli, Bruno Chizzo, Aldo Donati, Mario Genta, Guido Masetti, Renato Olmi and Mario Perazzolo

1950 Uruguay

Victor Rodriguez ANDRADE 14.02.27 169/62 Cen. Esp. Montevideo 4 (360) Schubert GAMBETTA 14.04.20 172/69 Nacional Montevideo 2 (180) Alcide Edgardo GHIGGIA 22.12.26 169/62 Penarol Montevideo 4 (360) 4 Juan Carlos GONZALEZ 22.08.24 175/65 Penarol Montevideo 2 (180) Matias GONZALEZ 06.08.25 180/74 Cerro Montevideo 4 (360) Rogue Gast�n M�SPOLI 12.10.17 189/85 Penarol Montevideo 3 (270)- 3 Oscar Ornar MIGUEZ 05.12.27 176/78 Penarol Montevideo 4 (360) 5 Rub�n MORAN 06.08.30 171/71 Cerro Montevideo 1 ( 90) An�bal Luis PAZ 18.02.18 Nacional Montevideo 1 ( 90)- 2 Julio Gervasio P�REZ 19.06.26 174/69 Nacional Montevideo 4 (360) 1 Juan Alberto SCHIAFFINO 28.07.25 175/69 Penarol Montevideo 4 (360) 3 Eusebio Ram�n TEJERA 06.01.22 180/72 Nacional Montevideo 4 (360) Obdulio Muirios VARELA 20.09.17 178/76 Penarol Montevideo 4 (360) 1 Ernesto Jos� VIDAL 15.11.21 168/65 Penarol Montevideo 3 (270) 1

         Juan L�PEZ        15.03.08 coach                                4 (360)

Reserve: Julio C. Britos, J�an Burgueno, William Pablo Mart�nez, Washington Orturio, Rodolfo Pini, Luis A. Rijo, Carlos Romero and H�ctor Vilches

1954 West Germany

4 Hans BAUER 28.07.27 172/73 Bayern M�nchen 2 (180) 6 Horst ECKEL 08.02.32 180/65 1.FC Kaiserslautern 3 (233) 6 (540) (5) Herbert ERHARDT 06.07.30 174/81 SpVgg F�rth 1 ( 90) Richard GOTTINGER 04.06.26 SpVgg F�rth 1 ( 37) 17 Richard Franz HERMANN 28.01.23 167/68 FSV Frankfurt 1 ( 90) 1 ( 90) 1 14 Bernhard KLODT 26.10.26 172/66 Schalke 04 2 (180) 1 3 Werner KOHLMEYER 19.04.24 174/76 1.FC Kaiserslautern 3 (270) 5 (450) 22 Heinrich KWIATKOWSKI 16.07.26 180/76 Borussia Dortmund 1 ( 90)- 8 2 Friedrich LABAND 01.11.25 182/78 HSV Hamburg 3 (270) 10 Werner LIEBRICH 18.01.27 176/75 1.FC Kaiserslautem 1 ( 90) 4 (360) 8 Karl MAI 27.07.28 172/71 SpVgg F�rth 2 (180) 5 (450) 6 Paul MEBUS 09.06.20 168/73 1.FC K�ln 1 (90) (11) Karl-Heinz METZNER 09.01.23 Hessen Kassel 1 ( 90) 13 Maximilian MORLOCK 11.05.26 170/74 1.FC N�rnberg 4 (360) 6 5 (450) 6 19 Alfred PFAFF 16.07.26 175/76 Eintracht Frankfurt 1 ( 54) 1 ( 90) 1 1 Josef POSIPAL 20.06.27 176/76 Hamburger SV 4 (360) 5 (450) 12 Helmut RAHN 16.08.29 178/76 Rot-Wei� Essen 4 (360) 1 4 (360) 4

20 Hans SCH�FER 19.10.27 174/71 1.FC K�ln 3 (216) 1 5 (450) 4 1 Anton TUREK 18.01.19 181/80 Fortuna D�sseldorf 4 (360)- 3 5 (450)- 6 16 Friedrich WALTER 31.10.20 174/73 1.FC Kaiserslautem 3 (241) 2 6 (540) 3 15 Ottmar WALTER 06.03.24 177/77 1.FC Kaiserslautem 3 (209) 1 5 (450) 4

        Josef HERBERGER    28.03.97 coach                       4 (360)     6 (540)

Reserve: Ulrich Biesinger (18) and Heinz Kubsch (21)

1958 Brazil

Oswaldo Augusto BRAND�O 19.09.16 coach 2 (180) Vicente �talo FEOLA 01.11.09 coach 6 (540)

Reserve: Carlos Jos� de CASTILHO (1), MAURO Ramos de Oliveira (16), MOACIR Claudino Pinto (13), ORECO - Waldemar Rodrigues Martins (8) and PEPE - Jos� Macia (22)

1962 Brazil

20 AMARILDO Tavares da Silveira 29.07.39 169/66 Botafogo RJ 4 (360) 3 8 DIDI - Waldir Pereira 08.10.28 174/68 Botafogo RJ 6 (540) 2 DJALMA dos SANTOS 27.02.29 172/73 Palmeiras SP 6 (540) 7 GARRINCHA - Manoel Francisco dos Santos 28.10.33 169/72 Botafogo RJ 6 (532) 4 1 GILMAR dos Santos Neves 22.08.30 180/72 Santos FC 6 (540)- 5 3 MAURO Ramos de Oliveira 30.08.30 180/76 Santos FC 6 (540) 6 N�LTON Reis dos SANTOS 16.05.25 181/79 Botafogo RJ 6 (540) 10 PEL� - �dson Arantes do Nascimento 23.10.40 171/73 Santos FC 2 (180) 1 19 VAV� - Edvaldo Iz�dio Neto 12.11.34 174/71 Palmeiras SP 6 (540) 4 21 M�rio Jorge Lobo ZAGALLO 09.08.31 169/61 Botafogo RJ 6 (540) 1 4 ZITO - Jos� Ely de Miranda 08.08.32 179/69 Santos FC 6 (540) 1 5 Z�ZIMO Alves Calazans 19.06.32 176/65 Bangu RJ 6 (540)

Aimor� MOREIRA 24.04.12 coach 6 (540)

Reserve: ALTAIR Gomes de Figueiredo (15), Hideraldo Luiz BELLINI (13), Carlos Jos� de CASTILHO (22), COUTINHO - Ant�nio Wilson Hon�rio (9), JAIR da Costa (18), JAIR MARINHO de Oliveira (12), JURANDIR de Freitas (14), MENG�LVIO Pedro Figueir� (17), PEPE - Jos� Macia (11) and ZEQUINHA - Jos� Ferreira Franco (16).

1966 England

7 Alan James BALL 12.05.45 168/66 Blackpool 4 (390) 1 Gordon BANKS 30.12.37 183/84 Leicester City 6 (570)- 3 20 lan Robert CALLAGHAN 10.04.42 170/68 Liverpool FC 1 ( 90) 5 John CHARLTON 08.05.35 187/82 Leeds United 6 (570) 9 Robert CHARLTON 11.10.37 173/72 Manchester United 6 (570) 3 2 George R. COHEN 22.10.39 178/79 Fulham 6 (570) 11 John Michael CONNELLY 18.07.38 175/70 Manchester United 1 ( 90) 8 James Peter GREAVES 20.02.40 173/66 Tottenham Hotspur 3 (270) 21 Roger HUNT 20.07.38 175/75 Liverpool FC 6 (570) 3 10 Geoffrey C. HURST 08.12.41 181/81 West Ham United 3 (300) 4 6 Robert F. C. MOORE 12.04.41 178/72 West Ham United 6 (570) 19 Terence Lionel PAINE 23.03.39 170/65 Southampton 1 ( 90) 16 Martin S. PETERS 08.11.43 184/75 West Ham United 5 (480) 1 4 Norbert Peter STILES 18.05.42 168/68 Manchester United 6 (570) 3 Ramon WILSON 17.12.34 173/73 Everton FC 6 (570)

Alfred Ernest RAMSEY       22.01.20 coach                                6 (570)

Reserve: James Christopher Armfield (14), Phillip Peter Bonetti (13), Gerald Byrne (15), George Edward Eastham (22), Ronald Flowers (17), Norman Hunter (18), Ronald D. G. Springen (12)

1970 Brazil

2 H�rcules de BRITO Ruas 09.08.39 182/81 Flamengo RJ 1 (45?) 1 6 (540) 4 CARLOS ALBERTO Torres 17.07.44 180/77 Santos FC 6 (540) 6 (540) 1 5 CLODOALDO Tavares de Santana 25.09.49 172/69 Santos FC 6 (523) 1

NOTE: no substitution minutes for three qual Brasil games (one with COL and two with VEN) led to the inclusion of question marks for some players indicating that they played 45 minutes on average in each of the matches concerned

Reserve: ADO - Eduardo Roberto Stinghen (12), Jos� Guilherme BALDOCHI (14), DARIO Jos� dos Santos (20), �merson LE�O (22) and Z� MARIA - Jos� Maria Rodrigues Alves (21).

1974 West Germany

5 Franz BECKENBAUER 11.09.45 181/75 Bayern M�nchen 7 (630) 16 Rainer BONHOF 29.03.52 180/72 Borussia MG 4 (360) 1 3 Paul BREITNER 05.09.51 176/73 Bayern M�nchen 7 (630) 3 8 Bernhard CULLMANN 01.11.49 181/78 1.FC K�ln 3 (247) 1 15 Heinz FLOHE 28.01.48 174/72 1.FC K�ln 3 (110) 9 J�rgen GRABOWSKI 07.07.44 175/67 Eintracht Frankfurt 6 (475) 1 18 Dieter HERZOG 15.07.46 173/70 Fortuna D�sseldorf 2 (155) 11 Josef HEYNCKES 09.05.45 180/77 Borussia MG 2 (135) 14 Ulrich HOENESS 05.01.52 181/76 Bayern M�nchen 7 (557) 1 17 Bernd H�LZENBEIN 09.03.46 176/65 Eintracht Frankfurt 6 (400) 6 Horst-Dieter H�TTGES 10.09.43 174/73 Werder Bremen 1 ( 22) l Josef Dieter MAIER 08.02.44 183/77 Bayern M�nchen 7 (630)- 4 13 Gerhard M�LLER 11.11.45 175/77 Bayern M�nchen 7 (630) 4 10 G�nther T. NETZER 14.09.44 180/79 Real Madryt 1 ( 21) 12 Wolfgang OVERATH 29.09.43 176/71 1.FC K�ln 7 (594) 2 4 Hans-Georg SCHWARZENBECK 03.04.48 183/78 Bayern M�nchen 7 (608) 2 Hans-Hubert VOGTS 30.12.46 168/67 Borussia MG 7 (630) 7 Herbert WIMMER 09.11.44 179/72 Borussia MG 2 ( 96)

       Helmut SCH�N         15.09.15 coach                           7 (630)

Reserve: Hans-Josef Kappellmann (19), Wolfgang Kleff (22), Helmut Kremers (20) and Norbert Nigbur (21).

1978 Argentina

1 Norberto ALONSO 04.01.53 174/68 River Plate BA 3 ( 85) 2 Osvaldo C�sar ARDILES 03.08.52 169/62 Hurac�n BA 6 (470) 4 Ricardo BERTONI 14.03.55 179/73 Independiente BA 6 (478) 2 5 Ubaldo Manido FILLOL 21.07.50 183/80 River Plate BA 7 (660)- 4 6 Am�rico Rub�n GALLEGO 25.04.55 170/70 Newell's Old Boys 7 (655) 7 Luis Adolfo GALV�N 24.02.48 174/74 A. Talleres C�rdoba 7 (660) 9 Rene Orlando HOUSEMAN 19.07.53 165/63 Hurac�n BA 6 (328) 1 10 Mario Alberto KEMPES 15.07.54 181/78 Valencia CF 7 (660) 6 12 Rub�n Ornar LAROSSA 18.11.47 175/70 Independiente BA 2 (145) 14 Leopoldo LUOUE 03.05.49 177/75 River Plate BA 5 (480) 4 15 Jorge Mario OLGUIN 17.05.52 175/70 SL de Almagro BA 7 (660) 16 Oscar Alberto ORTIZ 08.04.53 170/70 River Plate BA 6 (293) 17 Miguel Angel OVIEDO 12.10.50 172/71 Tal. Rem. de Escalada 1 ( 5) 19 Daniel PASSARELLA 25.05.53 173/70 River Plate BA 7 (660) 1 20 Alberto C�sar TARANTINI 03.12.55 179/72 N/A 7 (660) 1 21 Jos� Daniel VALENCIA 03.10.55 169/65 A. Talleres C�rdoba 4 (271) 22 Julio Ricardo VILLA 18.08.52 185/83 Racing C. Avellaneda 2 ( 90)

  C�sar Luis MENOTTI       05.11.38 coach                            7 (660)

Reserve: Rudolfo Hector Balley (3), Am�rico Rub�n Galv�n (8), Daniel Pedro Killer (11), Ricardo Lavolpe (13) and Rub�n Pagnanini.

1982 Italy

18 Alessandro ALTOBELLI 28.11.55 181/64 Internazionale 4 (335) 3 (111) 1

9 Giancarlo ANTOGNONI 01.04.54 179/73 Fiorentina AC 6 (467) 1 6 (477)

3 Giuseppe BERGOMI 22.12.63 184/74 Internazionale 3 (237)

4 Antonio CABRINI 08.10.57 178/72 Juventus Turin 7 (630) 1 7 (630) 1 15 Franco CAUSIO 01.02.49 172/68 UC Udinese 1 ( 79) 2 ( 48) 5 Fulvio COLLOVATI 09.05.57 181/75 Internazionale 8 (720) 2 7 (573) 16 Bruno CONTI 13.03.55 169/65 AS Roma 7 (559) 2 7 (630) 1 (10) Giuseppe DOSSENA 02.05.58 179/76 FC Bologna 4 (294) 6 Claudio GENTILE 27.09.53 178/71 Juventus Turin 8 (720) 6 (540) 19 Francesco GRAZIANI 16.12.52 180/76 Fiorentina AC 6 (540) 3 7 (526) 1 11 Giampiero MARINI 25.02.51 176/74 Internazionale 5 (426) 5 (273)

13 Gabriele ORIALI 25.12.52 176/74 Internazionale 5 (239) 5 (435)

20 Paolo ROSSI 23.09.56 174/66 Juventus Turin 7 (575) 6

7 Gaetano SCIREA 25.05.53 178/75 Juventus Turin 8 (720) 1 7 (630) (21) Franco SELVAGGI 15.05.53 172/69 Cagliari Calcio 1 ( 90) 14 Marco TARDELLI 24.09.54 178/70 Juventus Turin 7 (585) 7 (615) 2

1 Dino ZOFF 28.02.42 182/78 Juventus Turin 8 (720)- 5 7 (630)- 6

     Vicenzo BEARZOT       26.09.27 coach                     8 (720)     7 (630)

Reserve: Franco Baresi (2), Ivano Bord�n (12), Giovanni Galli (22), Daniele Massaro (17) and Pietro Vierchowod (8).

1986 Argentina

4 Claudio BORGHI 28.09.64 182/74 Argentinos Juniors BA 2 (119) 5 Jos� Luis BROWN 10.11.56 183/81 CD Espa�ol BA 7 (630) 1 7 Jorge Luis BURRUCHAGA 09.10.62 173/71 FC Nantes 6 (540) 1 7 (608) 2

9 Jos� Luis CUCIUFFO 01.02.61 176/72 Velez Sarsfield BA 6 (540)

13 Oscar GARRE 09.12.56 175/76 Ferro Carril Oeste BA 6 (540) 4 (360) 14 Ricardo Ornar GIUSTI 11.12.56 178/76 Independiente BA 5 (450) 7 (630) 10 Diego Armando MARADONA 30.10.60 166/67 Napoli SSC 6 (540) 3 7 (630) 5

Carlos Salvador BILARDO 16.03.38 coach 6 (540) 7 (630)

Reserve: Sergio Ornar Almir�n (1), Luis Alberto Islas (15) and H�ctor Miguel Zelada (22)

1990 West Germany

5 Klaus AUGENTHALER 26.09.57 183/81 Bayern M�nchen 2 (135) 7 (660) 15 Uwe BEIN 26.09.60 178/69 Eintracht Frankfurt 2 ( 54) 4 (292) 1 14 Thomas BERTHOLD 12.11.64 185/76 AS Roma 3 (270) 7 (599) 3 Andreas BREHME 09.11.60 176/72 Internazionale 6 (540) 6 (570) 3 6 Guido BUCHWALD 24.01.6l 188/82 VfB Stuttgart 6 (476) 7 (660)

8 Thomas H�SSLER 30.05.66 165/65 1.FC K�ln 6 (495) 5 (408) 1 Bodo ILLGNER 07.04.67 187/78 1.FC K�ln 6 (540)- 3 7 (660) 5 18 J�rgen KLINSMANN 30.07.64 182/73 Internazionale 5 (317) 1 7 (629) 3 4 J�rgen KOHLER 06.10.65 186/84 Bayern M�nchen 3 (254) 4 (390) 7 Pierre LITTBARSKI 16.04.60 168/64 1.FC K�ln 3 (270) 1 6 (376) 1 10 Lothar H. MATTH�US 21.03.6l 173/70 Internazionale 4 (360) 2 7 (660) 4 (11) Frank MILL 23.07.58 182/75 Borussia Dortmund 2 ( 35) 17 Andreas M�LLER 02.09.67 180/70 Borussia Dortmund 4( 340) 2 2 ( 23) 19 Hans PFL�GLER 27.03.60 182/80 Bayern M�nchen 1 ( 90)

2 Stefan REUTER 16.10.66 181/75 Bayern M�nchen 4 (360) 6 (429) 13 Karl-Heinz RIEDLE 16.09.65 179/73 Werder Bremen 3 (181) 2 4 (204)

20 Olaf THON 01.05.66 177/78 Bayern M�nchen 1 ( 90) 2 (123) 9 Rudolf V�LLER 13.04.60 177/71 AS Roma 6 (483) 4 6 (418) 3

       Franz BECKENBAUER   11.09.45 coach                        6 (540)     7 (660)

Reserve: Raimond Aumann (12), G�nter Hermann (21), Andreas K�pke (22) and Paul Steiner (16)

1994 Brazil

13 ALDAIR Santos 30.11.65 183/75 AS Roma 7 (593)

Reserve: GILMAR Luiz Rinaldi (22), RONALD�O - Ronaldo Rodrigues de Jesus (4), RONALDO Luiz Naz�rio de Lima (20) and ZETTI - Annelino Donizetti Ouagliato (12).

1998 France

16 Fabien BARTHEZ 28.06.71 183/76 AS Monaco 7 (684)- 2 5 Laurent BLANC 19.11.65 190/82 Olympique Marseille 5 (487) 1 14 Alain BOGHOSSIAN 27.10.70 185/81 Sampdoria 5 (216) 2 Vincent CANDELA 24.10.73 180/73 AS Roma 1 ( 90) 8 Marcel DESAILLY 07.09.68 183/80 AC Milan 7 (661) 7 Didier DESCHAMPS 15.10.68 174/71 Juventus 6 (594) 13 Bernard DIOM�DE 23.01.74 170/70 AJ Auxerre 3 (222) 6 Youri DJORKAEFF 09.03.68 179/72 Internazionale 7 (585) 1 21 Christophe DUGARRY 24.03.72 188/78 Olympique Marseille 3 (118) 1 9 Stephane GUIVARC'H 06.09.70 184/78 AJ Auxerre 6 (267) 12 Thierry HENRY 17.08.77 187/81 AS Monaco 6 (367) 3 19 Christian KAREMBEU 03.12.70 177/71 Real Madrid 4 (239) 18 Franck LEBOEUF 22.01.68 183/72 Chelsea 3 (197) 3 Bixente V. LIZARAZU 09.12.69 169/69 Bayern M�nchen 6 (594) 1 17 Emmanuel PETIT 22.09.70 185/79 Arsenal 6 (502) 2 11 Robert PIRES 29.01.73 180/76 FC Metz 3 (134) 15 Lilian THURAM 01.01.72 182/70 AC Parma 6 (594) 2 20 David TR�ZEGUET 15.10.77 187/75 AS Monaco 6 (347) 1 4 Patrick VIEIRA 23.06.76 191/81 Arsenal 2 (106) 10 Zinedine ZIDANE 23.06.72 185/81 Juventus 5 (459) 2

       Aim� JACQUET                 coach

Reserve: Lionel Charbonnier (22) and Bernard Lama (21)

2002 Brazil

14 ANDERSON Correa POLGA 09.02.79 Gr�mio RS 2 (180) 13 Juliano Hauss BELLETI 20.06.76 S�o Paulo FC 1 ( 5)
2 CAFU - Marcos Evangelista de Moraes 07.06.70 AS Roma (Ita) 7 (630) 17 DEN�LSON de Oliveira 24.08.77 Real Betis (Spa) 5 (117) 20 ED�LSON da Silva Ferreira 17.09.70 Cruzeiro MG 4 (170) 5 EDM�LSON Jose Gomes Moraes 10.07.76 Olympique Lyon (Fra) 6 (540) 1 8 GILBERTO Aparecido da SILVA 07.10.76 Atletico MG 7 (630) 19 JUNINHO PAULISTA - Oswaldo Giroldo J�nior 22.02.73 Flamengo RJ 5 (265) 16 J�NIOR - Genilson Angelo de Souza 20.06.73 Parma (Ita) 1 ( 90) 1
23 KAK� - Ricardo Izecson Santos Leite 22.04.82 S�o Paulo FC 1 ( 18) 15 Jose KL�BERSON Pereira 19.06.79 Atletico Paranaense 5 (307) 3 L�CIO - Lucimar da Silva Ferreira 08.05.78 Bayer Leverkusen (Ger) 7 (630)
21 LUIZ�O � Luiz Carlos Goulart 14.11.75 Gr�mio RS 2 ( 39) 1 MARCOS Roberto Silveira Reis 04.08.73 Palmeiras SP 7 (630) -4 7 RICARDINHO - Ricardo Luis Pozzi Rodrigues 23.05.76 Corinthians SP 3 ( 50) 10 RIVALDO - Vitor Borba Ferreira 19.04.72 FC Barcelona (Spa) 7 (611) 5 6 ROBERTO CARLOS da Silva 10.04.73 Real Madrid (Spa) 6 (540) 1 11 RONALDINHO - Ronaldo de Assis Moreira 21.03.80 Paris Saint-Germain (Fra) 5 (335) 2 9 RONALDO � Ronaldo Luiz Naz�rio de Lima 22.09.76 Inter Milan (Ita) 7 (552) 8 4 Jos� V�tor ROQUE J�NIOR 31.08.76 AC Milan (Ita) 6 (540) 18 VAMPETA - Marcos Andr� Batista Santos 13.03.74 Corinthians SP 1 ( 18)

Luiz Felipe SCOLARI 09.11.48 coach 7 (630)

Reserve: DIDA - Nelson de Jesus Silva (12), 07.10.73 Corinthians SP ROG�RIO Rodrigo CENI (22), 22.01.73 S�o Paulo FC

2006 Italy

Nr. Name Team Born M Pl. Mins Goals Role 1 Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus) 28.01.1978 7 690 - GK 2 Cristian Zaccardo (Palermo) 21.12.1981 3 156 - D 3 Fabio Grosso (Palermo) 28.11.1977 6 600 1 D 4 Daniele De Rossi (Roma) 24.07.1983 3 176 - M 5 Fabio Cannavaro (Juventus) 13.09.1973 7 690 - D 6 Andrea Barzagli (Palermo) 08.05.1981 2 124 - D 7 Alessandro Del Piero (Juventus) 09.11.1974 5 171 1 F 8 Gennaro Gattuso (Milan) 09.01.1978 6 492 - M 9 Luca Toni (Fiorentina) 26.05.1977 6 451 2 F 10 Francesco Totti (Roma) 27.09.1976 7 437 1 F 11 Alberto Gilardino (Milan) 05.07.1982 5 307 1 F 12 Angelo Peruzzi (Lazio) 16.02.1970 - - - GK 13 Alessandro Nesta (Milan) 19.03.1976 3 197 - D 14 Marco Amelia (Livorno) 02.04.1982 - - - GK 15 Vincenzo Iaquinta (Udinese) 21.11.1979 5 190 1 F 16 Mauro German Camoranesi(Juventus) 04.10.1976 5 350 - M 17 Simone Barone (Palermo) 30.04.1978 2 39 - M 18 Filippo Inzaghi (Milan) 09.08.1973 1 30 1 F 19 Gianluca Zambrotta (Juventus) 19.02.1977 6 600 1 M 20 Simone Perrotta (Roma) 17.09.1977 7 615 - M 21 Andrea Pirlo (Milan) 19.05.1979 7 668 1 M 22 Massimo Oddo (Lazio) 14.06.1976 1 22 - D 23 Marco Materazzi (Inter) 19.08.1973 4 363 2 D

2010 Spain

Nr. Name Team Born M Pl. Mins Goals Role 1 Iker Fernandez Casillas (Real Madrid) 20.05.1981 7 660 - GK 2 Tortajada Raul Albiol (Real Madrid) 04.09.1985 - - - D 3 Gerard Bernabeu Pique (Barcelona) 02.02.1987 7 660 - D 4 Carlos Lopez Marchena (Valencia) 31.07.1979 3 8 - D 5 Carles Saforcada Puyol (Barcelona) 13.04.1978 7 654 1 D 6 Andres Lujan Iniesta (Barcelona) 11.05.1984 6 557 2 M 7 David Sanchez Villa (Valencia) 03.12.1981 7 635 5 F 8 Hernandez Creus Xavi (Barcelona) 25.01.1980 7 636 - M 9 Fernando Jos� Torres (Liverpool) 20.03.1984 7 291 - F 10 Francesc Soler Fabregas (Arsenal) 04.05.1987 4 126 - M 11 Joan Mendez Capdevila (Villarreal) 03.02.1978 7 660 - D 12 Victor Arribas Valdes (Barcelona) 14.01.1982 - - - GK 13 Juan Manuel Garcia Mata (Valencia) 28.04.1988 1 20 - F 14 Olano Xabi Alonso (Real Madrid) 25.11.2981 7 593 - M 15 Garcia Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid) 30.03.1986 7 647 - D 16 Sergio Burgos Busquets (Barcelona) 16.07.1988 7 621 - M 17 Alvaro Coca Arbeloa (Real Madrid) 17.01.1983 1 13 - D 18 Rodriguez Ledesma Pedro (Barcelona) 28.07.1987 5 176 - F 19 Fernando Torres Llorente (Ath. Bilbao) 26.02.1985 1 32 - F 20 Aginaga Javi Martinez (Ath. Bilbao) 02.09.1988 1 17 - M 21 Jimenez David Silva (Valencia) 08.01.1986 2 66 - M 22 Gonzalez Jesus Navas (Sevilla) 21.11.1985 3 178 - M 23 Jos� Manuel Paez Reina (Liverpool) 31.08.1982 - - - GK

2014 Germany

Nr. Name Team Born M Pl. Mins Goals Role 1 Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich) 27.03.1986 7 690 - GK 2 Kevin Grosskreutz (Borussia Dtm) 19.97.1988 - - - D 3 Matthias Ginter (Freiburg) 19.01.1994 - - - D 4 Benedikt Howedes (Schalke 04) 29.02.1988 7 690 - D 5 Mats Hummels (Borussia Dtm) 16.12.1988 6 509 2 D
6 Sami Khedira (Real Madrid) 04.04.1987 5 376 1 M 7 Bastian Schweinsteiger (Bayern Munich) 01.08.1984 6 505 - M 8 Mesut Ozil (Arsenal) 15.10.1988 7 655 1 M 9 Andr� Schurrle (Chelsea) 06.11.1990 6 243 3 F 10 Lukas Podolski (Arsenal) 04.06.1985 2 54 - M 11 Miroslav Klose (Lazio) 09.06.1978 5 280 2 F 12 Ron Robert Zieler (Hannover 96) 12.02.1989 - - - GK 13 Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich) 13.09.1989 7 682 5 F 14 Julian Draxler (Schalke 04) 20.09.1993 1 14 - M 15 Erik Durm (Borussia Dtm) 12.05.1992 - - - D 16 Philipp Lahm (Bayern Munich) 11.11.1983 7 690 - D 17 Per Mertesacker (Arsenal) 29.09.1984 6 434 - D 18 Toni Kroos (Bayern Munich) 04.01.1990 7 690 2 M 19 Mario Gotze (Bayern Munich) 03.06.1992 6 258 2 M 20 Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich) 03.09.1988 7 646 - D 21 Shkodran Mustafi (Sampdoria) 17.04.1992 3 131 - D 22 Roman Weidenfeller (Borussia Dtm) 06.08.1980 - - - GK 23 Christoph Kramer (Borussia Monch.)19.02.1991 3 43 - M

2018 France

Nr. Name Team Born M Pl. Mins Goals Role 1 Hugo Lloris (Tottenham H.) 26.12.1986 6 540 - GK 2 Benjamin Pavard (VfB Stuttgart) 28.03.1996 6 540 1 DF 3 Presnel Kimpembe (Paris St. Germain) 13.08.1995 1 90 - DF 4 Rapha�l Varane (Real Madrid) 25.04.1993 7 630 1 DF 5 Samuel Umtiti (Barcelona) 14.11.1993 6 540 1 DF 6 Paul Pogba (Manchester United) 15.03.1993 6 539 1 MF 7 Antoine Griezmann (Atl�tico Madrid) 21.03.1991 7 571 4 FW 8 Thomas Lemar (Monaco) 12.11.1995 1 90 - FW 9 Olivier Giroud (Chelsea) 30.09.1986 7 546 - FW 10 Kylian Mbapp� (Paris St. Germain) 20.12.1998 7 534 4 FW 11 Ousmane Demb�l� (Barcelona) 15.05.1997 4 165 - FW 12 Corentin Tolisso (Bayern Munich) 03.08.1994 5 194 - MF 13 N'Golo Kant� (Chelsea) 29.03.1991 7 595 - MF 14 Blaise Matuidi (Juventus) 09.04.1987 5 336 - MF 15 Steven Nzonzi (Sevilla) 15.12.1988 5 141 - MF 16 Steve Mandanda (Olymp. Marseille) 28.03.1985 1 90 - GK 17 Adil Rami (Olymp. Marseille) 27.12.1985 - - - DF 18 Nabil Fekir (Olympique Lyon) 18.07.1993 6 68 - FW 19 Djibril Sidib� (Monaco) 29.07.1992 1 90 - DF 20 Florian Thauvin (Olymp. Marseille) 26.01.1993 1 1 - FW 21 Lucas Hern�ndez (Atl�tico Madrid) 14.02.1996 7 590 - DF 22 Benjamin Mendy (Manchester City) 17.07.1994 1 40 - DF 23 Alphonse Areola (Paris St. Germain) 27.02.1993 - - - GK

2022 Argentina

Nr. Name Team Born M Pl. Mins Goals Role

1 Franco Armani (River Plate) 16.10.1986 - - - GK 2 Juan Foyth (Villarreal) 12.01.1998 1 4 - DF 3 Nicol�s Tagliafico (Olympique Lyon) 31.08.1992 6 372 - DF 4 Gonzalo Montiel (Sevilla) 01.01.1997 4 118 - DF 5 Leandro Paredes (Juventus) 29.06.1994 5 224 - MF 6 Germ�n Pezzella (Betis Sevilla) 27.06.1991 3 57 - DF 7 Rodrigo De Paul (Atl�tico Madrid) 24.05.1994 7 602 - MF 8 Marcos Acu�a (Sevilla) 28.10.1991 6 374 - MF 9 Juli�n �lvarez (Manchester City) 31.01.2000 7 467 4 FW 10 Lionel Messi (Paris St. Germain) 24.06.1987 7 690 7 FW 11 �ngel Di Mar�a (Juventus) 14.02.1988 5 290 1 FW 12 Ger�nimo Rulli (Villarreal) 20.05.1992 - - - GK 13 Cristian Romero (Tottenham H.) 27.04.1998 7 548 - DF 14 Exequiel Palacios (Bayer Leverkusen) 05.10.1998 3 47 - FW 15 �ngel Correa (Atl�tico Madrid) 09.03.1995 1 4 - MF 16 Thiago Almada (Atlanta United) 26.04.2001 1 6 - MF 17 Alejandro G�mez (Sevilla) 15.02.1988 2 109 - MF 18 Guido Rodr�guez (Betis Sevilla) 12.04.1994 1 57 - MF 19 Nicol�s Otamendi (Benfica) 12.02.1988 7 690 - DF 20 Alexis Mac Allister (Brighton & Hove) 24.12.1998 6 555 1 MF 21 Paulo Dybala (Roma) 15.11.1993 2 16 - FW 22 Lautaro Mart�nez (Internazionale) 22.08.1997 6 238 - FW 23 Emiliano Mart�nez (Aston Villa) 02.09.1992 7 690 - GK 24 Enzo Fern�ndez (Benfica) 17.01.2001 7 563 1 MF 25 Lisandro Mart�nez (Manchester United) 18.01.1998 5 301 - DF 26 Nahuel Molina (Atl�tico Madrid) 06.04.1998 7 568 1 DF

About this document

Thanks to Luiz Fernandes ( for correcting spelling of Brazilian names

Prepared and maintained by Gwidon Naskrent, Roberto Di Maggio and José Luis Pierrend for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Gwidon Naskrent, Roberto Di Maggio ( and José Luis Pierrend ( Last updated: 24 Dec 2022

(C) Copyright Gwidon Naskrent, Roberto Di Maggio, José Luis Pierrend and RSSSF 1999/2022
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.