Zambia - Record International Players (original) (raw)

Last match included: Comoros-Zambia, 2 Jul 2024

Appearances for Zambia National Team

Name First/Last Caps Goals

Kennedy MWEENE * 2004-2021 122 2 David Efford CHABALA 1983-1993 115 0 Godfrey CHITALU 1968-1980 111 79 Joseph MUSONDA * 2002-2014 109 0 Rainford KALABA * 2005-2018 104 15 Christopher KATONGO * 2003-2016 103 23 Alex CHOLA 1975-1985 102 43 Elijah TANA 1995-2009 101 4 Derby MAKINKA 1985-1993 98 10 Stoppila SUNZU * 2008-2024 91 5 Kalusha BWALYA 1983-2004 87 39 Kaiser KALAMBO 1973-1982 82 1 Kenneth MALITOLI 1988-1999 80 19 Dennis LOTA 1994-2002 78 21 Dick CHAMA 1967-1976 76 6 Jani SIMULAMBO 1971-1981 75 7 Felix KATONGO * 2004-2016 74 6 Dickson MAKWAZA 1965-1975 71 0 Bernard CHANDA 1971-1980 68 29 Boniface SIMUTOWE 1967-1978 68 15 Isaac CHANSA * 2004-2016 66 3 Collins Ntofontofo MBESUMA * 2003-2017 62 22 James CHAMANGA * 2005-2015 61 17 Emmanuel MAYUKA * 2007-2015 58 12 Nathan SINKALA * 2011-2021 58 3 Lubambo MUSONDA * 2012-2024 53 2

NB: this list is incomplete; other players are being investigated, including: Jerico Shinde, Peter "King" Mhango, Peter Kaumba, Stone Chibwe, Manfred Chabinga, John Kaunda, Ackim Musenge, Patrick Phiri, Wisdom Mumba Chansa, Johnson Bwalya

Goalscoring for Zambia National Team

Name First/Last Goals

Godfrey CHITALU 1968-1980 79 Alex CHOLA 1975-1985 43 Kalusha BWALYA 1983-2004 39 Bernard CHANDA 1970-1980 29 Christopher KATONGO * 2003-2016 23 Collins Ntofontofo MBESUMA * 2003-2017 22 Patson DAKA * 2015-2024 21 Dennis LOTA 1994-2002 21 Kenneth MALITOLI 1988-1999 19

About this document

Prepared and maintained by _Jerry Muchimba and Roberto Mamrud_for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Jerry Muchimba and Roberto Mamrud ( Last updated: 23 Aug 2024

(C) Copyright Jerry Muchimba, Roberto Mamrud and RSSSF 2014/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.