Southamerican Championship 1939 (original) (raw)

Peru, January 15-February 12. All games played in Lima. Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil withdrew.

15.01.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

PAR - CHI 5:1 (3:1)

(10,000) Alberto March ECU

PAR: Encina - Lezcano, Invernizzi - Ayala, Villalba, Ib��ez - Barrios, Godoy, Mingo, Ortega, Aquino CHI: Simi�n - Roa, Jorge C�rdova - Montero, Riveros, Ponce (Julio C�rdova) - Sorrel, Toro, Dom�nguez, Carvajal, Avenda�o (Luco)

1:0 Barrios 6, 2:0 Godoy 7, 2:1 Sorrel 9pen, 3:1 Godoy 10, 4:1 Mingo 73, 5:1 Aquino 87 NB: some sources credit the 4:1 to Barrios; other sources have the 2:1 scored in the 12th and the 3:1 in the 13th minute

15.01.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

PER - ECU 5:2 (3:0)

(10,000) Carlos Puyol URU

PER: Honores - A.Fern�ndez, Quispe - Tovar, Castillo, Perales - Magallanes (T.Alcalde), Ib��ez, T.Fern�ndez, J.Alcalde, Paredes ECU: V�squez - Ronquillo, Sol�s - Merino, Zambrano (Peralta), Arias (Vasconez) - Cevallos, Unamuno (Alc�var), Su�rez Rizzo, Herrera, Freire

1:0 T.Fern�ndez 6, 2:0 J.Alcalde 16, 3:0 T.Fern�ndez 34, 3:1 Alc�var 55, 4:1 J.Alcalde 58, 5:1 T.Fern�ndez 77, 5:2 Alc�var 89

22.01.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

URU - ECU 6:0 (1:0)

(10,000) Enrique Cuenca PER

URU: Granero - Sanguinetti, Mascheroni - Zunino, Galvalisi, Viana (70 Reyes) - Porta, Ciocca, Lago, S.Varela, Camait� ECU: V�squez - Ronquillo, Sol�s - Merino, Peralta (Zambrano), Vasconez - Cevallos, Su�rez Rizzo, Arenas (Alc�var), Herrera (Boh�rquez), Elizalde

1:0 Porta 22, 2:0 S.Varela 53, 3:0 S.Varela 55, 4:0 Lago 65, 5:0 Lago 70, 6:0 S.Varela 81

22.01.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

PER - CHI 3:1 (0:0)

(6,000) Carlos Puyol URU

PER: Honores - A.Fern�ndez, Chapel - Tovar, Pasache, Perales - T.Alcalde, Bielich, T.Fern�ndez, J.Alcalde, Paredes CHI: Lobos - Cort�s, Jorge C�rdova - Montero, Mediavilla, Ponce - Sorrel, Toro (Dom�nguez), Pizarro, Carvajal, Mu�oz

1:0 T.Fern�ndez 46, 1:1 Dom�nguez 55, 2:1 T.Fern�ndez 65 p, 3:1 J.Alcalde 80

29.01.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

URU - CHI 3:2 (2:2)

(15,000) Enrique Cuenca PER

URU: Granero - Sanguinetti, Mascheroni - Zunino, Galvalisi, Reyes (46 O.Varela) - Porta, Ciocca (46 Chirimini), Lago (80 Fager), S.Varela, Camait� CHI: Lobos (Simi�n) - Cort�s, Jorge C�rdova - Julio C�rdova, Riveros (Mediavilla), Ponce - Sorrel (Luco), Dom�nguez, Pizarro, Avenda�o, Mu�oz

0:1 Mu�oz 3, 1:1 S.Varela 19, 2:1 Camait� 30, 2:2 Luco 39, 3:2 Chirimini 73

29.01.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

PER - PAR 3:0 (2:0)

(15,000) Alfredo Vargas CHI

PER: Honores - A.Fern�ndez, Chapel - Tovar, Pasache, Castillo - T.Alcalde (Magallanes), Bielich, T.Fern�ndez, J.Alcalde, Paredes PAR: Gonz�lez - Lezcano, Invernizzi - Ayala, Villalba, Ib��ez - Barrios, Godoy, Mingo, Ortega, Aquino

1:0 T.Fern�ndez 11, 2:0 T.Fern�ndez 30, 3:0 J.Alcalde 78

05.02.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

CHI - ECU 4:1 (3:1)

(10,000) Carlos Puyol URU

CHI: Simi�n - Cort�s, Jorge C�rdova - Julio C�rdova, Riveros, Ponce - Sorrel, Toro, Pizarro, Avenda�o, Luco ECU: Mart�nez - Ronquillo, Hungr�a - Peralta, Vasconez, Laurido - Cevallos, Freire, Alc�var, Arenas, Su�rez Rizzo

1:0 Toro 6, 2:0 Avenda�o 15, 3:0 Sorrel 19 p, 3:1 Arenas 35, 4:1 Avenda�o 79

05.02.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

URU - PAR 3:1 (2:0)

(10,000) Enrique Cuenca PER

URU: Granero - Sanguinetti (85 Zaccour), Mascheroni - Zunino, Galvalisi (67 O.Varela), Viana - Porta, Ciocca, Lago (85 Fager), S.Varela, Camait� PAR: Gonz�lez - Velloso (Lezcano), Invernizzi - Ayala, Villalba, Ib��ez - Barrios, Godoy, Mingo, Ortega, Aquino

1:0 Lago 14, 2:0 S.Varela 40 p, 2:1 Barrios 59, 3:1 Porta 66

12.02.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

PAR - ECU 3:1 (1:0)

(15,000) Enrique Cuenca PER

PAR: Gonz�lez - Lezcano, Invernizzi - Ayala, Villalba, Ib��ez - Barrios (Barreiro), Godoy, Ortega, Aquino, Mingo ECU: V�squez - Ronquillo, Sol�s - Peralta, Vasconez, Arias - Cevallos, Freire, Alc�var (Su�rez Rizzo), Arenas, Herrera

1:0 Mingo 4, 2:0 Godoy 61, 3:0 Barreiro 63, 3:1 Arenas 75

12.02.39 Lima, Stadium Nacional

PER - URU 2:1 (2:1)

(40,000) Alfredo Vargas CHI

PER: Honores - A.Fern�ndez, Chapel - Tovar, Pasache, Castillo - T.Alcalde, Bielich (Ib��ez, Quispe), T.Fern�ndez, J.Alcalde, Paredes URU: Granero - Sanguinetti (84 Zaccour), Mascheroni - Zunino, Galvalisi, Viana - Porta, Ciocca (60 Camait�), Lago, S.Varela (70 Chirimini), Rodr�guez

1:0 J.Alcalde 7, 2:0 Bielich 35, 2:1 Porta 44

  1. PER 4 8 4 0 0 13-4
  2. URU 4 6 3 0 1 13-5
  3. PAR 4 4 2 0 2 9-8
  4. CHI 4 2 1 0 3 8-12
  5. ECU 4 0 0 0 4 4-18

Scorers' List

7 - T.Fern�ndez PER 5 - J.Alcalde PER, S.Varela URU 3 - Barrios, Godoy PAR, Lago, Porta URU 2 - Avenda�o, Sorrel CHI, Alc�var, Arenas ECU 1 - Dom�nguez, Luco, Mu�oz, Toro CHI, Aquino, Barreiro, Mingo PAR, Bielich PER, Camait�, Chirimini URU

In total 47 goals, 4.7 per match. Most goals PER & URU (13), no team without goals. 22 players scored, including four earlier scorers from 1937 and 1935.


4 - Cuenca PER 3 - Puyol URU 2 - Vargas CHI 1 - March ECU

In total 4 referees in 10 matches. One earlier scorer from 1937.


CHI Jos� AVENDA�O Magallanes Osvaldo CARVAJAL Uni�n Espa�ola Jorge C�RDOVA Magallanes Julio C�RDOVA Magallanes Ascanio CORT�S Audax Italiano Alfonso DOM�NGUEZ Uni�n Espa�ola Augusto LOBOS Santiago Morning Roberto LUCO Colo Colo Felipe MEDIAVILLA Uni�n Espa�ola Julio MONTERO Colo Colo Ra�l MU�OZ Magallanes Gustavo PIZARRO Badminton Luis PONCE Magallanes Guillermo RIVEROS Audax Italiano Humberto ROA Audax Italiano Eduardo SIMI�N Universidad de Chile Enrique SORREL Colo Colo Ra�l TORO Santiago Wanderers Coach: Pedro MAZULLO (URU)


PAR Ricardo AQUINO Diego AYALA Libertad Eustaquio BAREIRO Marcial BARRIOS V�ctor ENCINA Fidelino ETCHEVERRY FERREIRA Tiberio GODOY Milciades G�MEZ BEN�TEZ Manuel GONZ�LEZ Jos� IB��EZ Antonio INVERNIZZI Libertad Juan F�lix LEZCANO Eduardo MINGO Gabino MOR�N Ra�l N��EZ VELLOSO Miguel ORTEGA Libertad E. ROMERO Lorenzo VELLOSO Nacional Jacinto VILLALBA Coach: Manuel FLEITAS SOLICH

PER Jorge ALCALDE Sport Boys Teodoro ALCALDE Sport Boys Alberto BALDOVINO Universitario V�ctor BIELICH Deportivo Municipal Segundo CASTILLO Sport Boys Ra�l CHAPEL Sport Boys Arturo FERN�NDEZ Universitario Teodoro FERN�NDEZ Universitario Juan HONORES Universitario Pedro IB��EZ Sport Boys Rafael LE�N Feder LARIOS Adolfo MAGALLANES Alianza Lima Arturo PAREDES Sport Boys Jorge PARR� Municipal Pablo PASACHE Deportivo Municipal Enrique PERALES Universitario Juan QUISPE Alianza Lima Pedro REYES Santiago Barranco C�sar SOCARRAZ Universitario Carlos TOVAR Universitario Juan Humberto VALDIVIESO Alianza Lima Coach: Jack GREENWELL (ENG)

URU Adelaido CAMAIT� Pe�arol An�bal CIOCCA Nacional Oscar CHIRIMINI CA River Plate Roberto FAGER Wanderers Eugenio GALVALISI Rampla Juniors Horacio GRANERO Central Pedro LAGO Pe�arol Ernesto MASCHERONI Pe�arol An�bal Luis PAZ Bella Vista Roberto PORTA Nacional Abd�n REYES Sud Am�rica Pl�cido RODR�GUEZ Rampla Juniors Manuel SANGUINETTI CA River Plate Obdulio Jacinto VARELA Wanderers Severino VARELA Pe�arol General VIANA Central F�lix ZACCOUR Sud Am�rica Erebo ZUNINO Pe�arol Coach: Alberto SUPICCI

overview file

About this document

Thanks to Neil Morrison

Prepared and maintained by Mart�n Tabeira for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Mart�n Tabeira ( Last updated: 21 Aug 2019

(C) Copyright Mart�n Tabeira and RSSSF 2000/19
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