Bulgaria Championship History 1923-2009 (original) (raw)


1923/24 season details

The first State championship was organized in 1924 by the Bulgarian National Sports Federation (BNSF), which was created on 16 Dec 1923. The title was to be contested between the winners of the existing six regional "sports federations" ("sportni federatsii").

Competition system

Direct eliminations over a single leg. Extra time played if scores are level, and if still level at the end of extra time - the match is replayed on the next day at the same venue. The final is to be played in Sofia.

Participants Team Sports Federation Area covered Vladislav (Varna) Severobulgarska SF NE and N Central Bulgaria Orel (Vratsa) Bdinska SF NW Bulgaria Levski (Sofia) Sofiyska SF Sofia Krakra (Pernik) Yugozapadna SF SW Bulgaria Pobeda (Plovdiv) Trakiyska SF S Central Bulgaria Chernomorets (Burgas) Primorska SF SE Bulgaria

Round 1

Chernomorets (Burgas) - Levski (Sofia) 0:7 Orel (Vratsa) - Krakra (Pernik) 1:0 Vladislav (Varna) bye Pobeda (Plovdiv) bye

Round 2 (1/2 finals)

Pobeda (Plovdiv) - Orel (Vratsa) 5:0 Levski (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) 0:0 replay: Levski (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) npd *

1923/24 season details


1924/25 season details


Team Sports Federation Area covered Vladislav (Varna) Severobulgarska SF NE and N Central Bulgaria Orel (Vratsa) Bdinska SF NW Bulgaria Levski (Sofia) Sofiyska SF Sofia Levski (Dupnitsa) Yugozapadna SF SW Bulgaria BP 25 (Plovdiv) * Trakiyska SF S Central Bulgaria Asenovets (Sliven) Primorska SF SE Bulgaria

Round 1

Levski (Dupnitsa) - Orel (Vratsa) 5:0 Vladislav (Varna) - Asenovets (Sliven) 3:0 awd Levski (Sofia) bye BP 25 (Plovdiv) bye

Round 2 (1/2 finals)

Vladislav (Varna) - Levski (Dupnitsa) 4:0 BP 25 (Plovdiv) - Levski (Sofia) 0:4

Final [30 Aug 1925] Levski (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) 0:2

1924/25 season details


1925/26 season details

Change The six regional sports federations are disbanded and several "okrazhni sportni oblasti", covering lesser area than their predecessors, are created on their place. Again, the winners from each OSO qualify for the State championship.

Participants OSO Team Varnenska OSO Vladislav (Varna) Shumenska OSO Sokol (Shumen) Rusenska OSO Levski (Ruse) Tarnovska OSO Etar (Tarnovo) * Plevenska OSO no representative Vrachanska OSO Orel (Vratsa) Bdinska OSO no representative Sofiyska OSO Slavia (Sofia) Rilska OSO Levski (Dupnitsa) Plovdivska OSO Botev (Pazardzhik) Haskovska OSO Borislav (Borisovgrad) * Starozagorska OSO Beroya (Stara Zagora) Primorska OSO Chegan (Burgas)

Round 1

Sokol (Shumen) - Etar (Tarnovo) 6:0 Slavia (Sofia) - Levski (Dupnitsa) 9:1 Botev (Pazardzhik) - Beroya (Stara Zagora) 4:0 Chegan (Burgas) - Borislav (Borisovgrad) 4:1 Vladislav (Varna) bye Levski (Ruse) bye Orel (Vratsa) bye

Round 2

Vladislav (Varna) - Chegan (Burgas) 9:0 Levski (Ruse) - Sokol (Shumen) 1:0 Botev (Pazardzhik) - Orel (Vratsa) 5:1 Slavia (Sofia) bye

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Vladislav (Varna) - Levski (Ruse) 5:1 Botev (Pazardzhik) - Slavia (Sofia) 2:6

Final [22 Aug 1926] Slavia (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) 1:1 [23 Aug 1926] Slavia (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) npd * [26 Dec 1926] Slavia (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) npd * [7 Apr 1927] Slavia (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) 0:3 awd *

1925/26 season details


1926/27 season details

Not held Following the bitter dispute from last season, that dragged on well into the spring of 1927, Slavia (Sofia), which won Sofiyska OSO, refused to enter the championship. Furthermore, only three other OSO winners were determined before the alotted deadline for participation in the State championship. Those were Vladislav (Varna) from Varnenska OSO, Levski (Ruse) from Rusenska OSO and Levski (Plovdiv) from Plovdivska OSO. Because of this the championship for this season had to be cancelled.

1926/27 season details


1927/28 season details


Only five teams were admitted to the championship as many OSOs again didn't determine their winners before the deadline. For most of the OSOs from the south of the country this was also due to the two devastating earthquakes near Chirpan in April 1928.

Participants OSO Team Varnenska OSO Vladislav (Varna) Rusenska OSO Levski (Ruse) Bdinska OSO Maria Luisa (Lom) Sofiyska OSO Slavia (Sofia) Plovdivska OSO Levski (Plovdiv)

Round 1

Maria Luisa (Lom) - Slavia (Sofia) 0:4 Vladislav (Varna) bye Levski (Ruse) bye Levski (Plovdiv) bye

Round 2 (1/2 finals)

Vladislav (Varna) - Levski (Ruse) 5:1 Slavia (Sofia) - Levski (Plovdiv) 4:0


[30 Sep 1928] Slavia (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) 4:0

1927/28 season details


1928/29 season details

Participants OSO Team Varnenska OSO Shipchenski sokol (Varna) Shumenska OSO Han Omurtag (Shumen) Rusenska OSO Rakovski (Ruse) Tarnovska OSO Chardafon (Gabrovo) Plevenska OSO Levski (Pleven) Vrachanska OSO no representative Bdinska OSO Maria Luisa (Lom) Sofiyska OSO Levski (Sofia) Rilska OSO no representative Plovdivska OSO Botev (Plovdiv) Haskovska OSO no representative Starozagorska OSO Trayana (Stara Zagora) Primorska OSO Levski (Burgas)

Round 1

Shipchenski sokol (Varna) - Han Omurtag (Shumen) 5:0 Rakovski (Ruse) - Chardafon (Gabrovo) 3:2 Levski (Pleven) - Maria Luisa (Lom) 2:0 Levski (Burgas) - Trayana (Stara Zagora) 3:1 Levski (Sofia) bye Botev (Plovdiv) bye

Round 2

Shipchenski sokol (Varna) - Rakovski (Ruse) 2:0 Levski (Sofia) - Levski (Pleven) 2:0 Botev (Plovdiv) - Levski (Burgas) 3:1

Round 3

Botev (Plovdiv) - Shipchenski sokol (Varna) 3:1

Final [3 Oct 1929] Levski (Sofia) - Botev (Plovdiv) 0:1

1928/29 season details


1929/30 season details

Participants OSO Team Varnenska OSO Vladislav (Varna) Shumenska OSO Han Omurtag (Shumen) Rusenska OSO Rakovski (Ruse) Tarnovska OSO Etar (Tarnovo) * Plevenska OSO no representative Vrachanska OSO no representative Bdinska OSO Viktoria 23 (Vidin) Sofiyska OSO Slavia (Sofia) Rilska OSO Krakra (Pernik) Plovdivska OSO Botev (Plovdiv) Haskovska OSO no representative Starozagorska OSO no representative Primorska OSO Slava (Yambol)

Round 1

Vladislav (Varna) - Slava (Yambol) 7:1 Rakovski (Ruse) - Han Omurtag (Shumen) 0:6 Etar (Tarnovo) - Viktoria 23 (Vidin) 6:2 Krakra (Pernik) - Slavia (Sofia) 0:4 Botev (Plovdiv) bye

Round 2

Vladislav (Varna) - Han Omurtag (Shumen) 4:2 Slavia (Sofia) - Etar (Tarnovo) 4:2 Botev (Plovdiv) bye

Round 3

Slavia (Sofia) - Botev (Plovdiv) 2:1 aet Vladislav (Varna) bye

Final [3 Oct 1930] Slavia (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) 4:1

1929/30 season details


1930/31 season details

Change All the State championship matches are now played during a single tournament, held in Sofia.

Participants OSO Team Varnenska OSO Shipchenski sokol (Varna) Shumenska OSO Han Omurtag (Shumen) Rusenska OSO Napredak (Ruse) Tarnovska OSO Etar (Tarnovo) * Plevenska OSO Pobeda 26 (Pleven) Vrachanska OSO Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) Bdinska OSO Sportist (Vidin) Sofiyska OSO AS 23 (Sofia) ** Rilska OSO Levski (Dupnitsa) Plovdivska OSO Botev (Plovdiv) Haskovska OSO Bulgaria (Haskovo) Starozagorska OSO no representative Primorska OSO Slava (Yambol)

Round 1

Shipchenski sokol (Varna) - Botev (Plovdiv) 1:0 Slava (Yambol) - Sportist (Vidin) 3:1 AS 23 (Sofia) - Etar (Tarnovo) 5:0 Napredak (Ruse) - Pobeda 26 (Pleven) 3:1 Han Omurtag (Shumen) - Levski (Dupnitsa) 2:0 Bulgaria (Haskovo) - Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) 6:2

Round 2

AS 23 (Sofia) - Slava (Yambol) 7:0 Shipchenski sokol (Varna) - Bulgaria (Haskovo) 5:1 Napredak (Ruse) - Han Omurtag (Shumen) 3:1

Round 3

AS 23 (Sofia) - Napredak (Ruse) 3:1 [some sources give 5:0] Shipchenski sokol (Varna) bye *

Final [13 Sep 1931] AS 23 (Sofia) - Shipchenski sokol (Varna) 3:0 awd *

1930/31 season details


1931/32 season details

Change The old system of matches being played at the home ground of one of the teams from each pair is restored.

Participants OSO Team Varnenska OSO Shipchenski sokol (Varna) Shumenska OSO Han Omurtag (Shumen) Rusenska OSO Levski (Ruse) Tarnovska OSO Chardafon (Gabrovo) Plevenska OSO Pobeda 26 (Pleven) Vrachanska OSO Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) Bdinska OSO Levski (Lom) Sofiyska OSO Slavia (Sofia) Rilska OSO Levski (Dupnitsa) Plovdivska OSO Sokol (Plovdiv) Haskovska OSO Bulgaria (Haskovo) Starozagorska OSO Borislav (Stara Zagora) Primorska OSO Slava (Yambol)

Round 1

Slavia (Sofia) - Levski (Dupnitsa) 4:0 Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) - Levski (Lom) 2:1 Shipchenski sokol (Varna) - Han Omurtag (Shumen) 6:2 Slava (Yambol) - Borislav (Stara Zagora) 3:0 Chardafon (Gabrovo) - Pobeda 26 (Pleven) 1:0 annulled * replay in Pavlikeni: Chardafon (Gabrovo) - Pobeda 26 (Pleven) 1:3 Levski (Ruse) bye Sokol (Plovdiv) bye Bulgaria (Haskovo) bye

Round 2

Slavia (Sofia) - Slava (Yambol) 5:0 Levski (Ruse) - Shipchenski sokol (Varna) 0:2 Pobeda 26 (Pleven) - Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) 3:2 Sokol (Plovdiv) - Bulgaria (Haskovo) 3:1

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Slavia (Sofia) - Sokol (Plovdiv) 5:0 Shipchenski sokol (Varna) - Pobeda 26 (Pleven) 4:1


[18 Sep 1932] Slavia (Sofia) - Shipchenski sokol (Varna) 1:1; 1:2 aet

1931/32 season details


1932/33 season details

Change A new Tundzhanska OSO is created out of part of Primorska OSO.

Participants OSO Team Varnenska OSO Shipchenski sokol (Varna) Shumenska OSO no representative Rusenska OSO Napredak (Ruse) Tarnovska OSO Chardafon (Gabrovo) Plevenska OSO Levski (Pleven) Vrachanska OSO Botev (Vratsa) Bdinska OSO Maria Luisa (Lom) Sofiyska OSO Levski (Sofia) Rilska OSO Borislav (Kyustendil) Plovdivska OSO Petar Parchevich (Plovdiv) Haskovska OSO Levski (Svilengrad) Starozagorska OSO Borislav (Stara Zagora) Primorska OSO Chernomorets (Burgas) Tundzhanska OSO Botev (Yambol)

Round 1

Borislav (Kyustendil) - Petar Parchevich (Plovdiv) 3:2 Botev (Yambol) - Chernomorets (Burgas) 0:0; 1:0 aet Napredak (Ruse) - Maria Luisa (Lom) 3:0 Shipchenski sokol (Varna) - Chardafon (Gabrovo) 3:0 Borislav (Stara Zagora) - Levski (Svilengrad) 0:0; 1:0 aet Levski (Pleven) - Botev (Vratsa) 6:0 Levski (Sofia) bye

Round 2

Levski (Sofia) - Borislav (Kyustendil) 9:1 Levski (Pleven) - Napredak (Ruse) 1:2 Botev (Yambol) - Borislav (Stara Zagora) 5:1 Shipchenski sokol (Varna) bye

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Napredak (Ruse) - Shipchenski sokol (Varna) 1:4 Levski (Sofia) - Botev (Yambol) 4:2

Final [3 Oct 1933] Levski (Sofia) - Shipchenski sokol (Varna) 3:1

1932/33 season details


1933/34 season details

Change The 14 okrazhni sportni oblasti are renamed to just "sportni oblasti".

Participants SO Team Varnenska SO Vladislav (Varna) Shumenska SO Han Omurtag (Shumen) Rusenska SO Napredak (Ruse) Tarnovska SO Chardafon (Gabrovo) Plevenska SO Pobeda 26 (Pleven) Vrachanska SO Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) Bdinska SO Maria Luisa (Lom) Sofiyska SO Slavia (Sofia) Rilska SO Borislav (Kyustendil) Plovdivska SO Shipka (Plovdiv) Haskovska SO Bulgaria (Haskovo) Starozagorska SO Svetoslav (Stara Zagora) Primorska SO Levski (Burgas) Tundzhanska SO Botev (Yambol)

Round 1

Slavia (Sofia) - Pobeda 26 (Pleven) 8:0 Han Omurtag (Shumen) - Vladislav (Varna) 1:4 Maria Luisa (Lom) - Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) 3:2 Shipka (Plovdiv) - Botev (Yambol) 1:4 * Napredak (Ruse) - Chardafon (Gabrovo) 1:1; 3:1 aet Svetoslav (Stara Zagora) - Levski (Burgas) 3:3; 4:3 aet Borislav (Kyustendil) bye Bulgaria (Haskovo) bye

Round 2 (1/4 finals)

Slavia (Sofia) - Borislav (Kyustendil) 9:1 Napredak (Ruse) - Maria Luisa (Lom) 2:2; 3:2 aet Vladislav (Varna) - Botev (Yambol) 6:0 Svetoslav (Stara Zagora) - Bulgaria (Haskovo) 5:1

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Slavia (Sofia) - Svetoslav (Stara Zagora) 4:0 Vladislav (Varna) - Napredak (Ruse) 3:1

Final [16 Sep 1934] Slavia (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) 0:2

1933/34 season details


1934/35 season details

Change From this season, both the semi-finals as well as the final are played in Sofia.

Participants SO Team Varnenska SO Ticha (Varna) Shumenska SO Panayot Volov (Shumen) Rusenska SO Napredak (Ruse) Tarnovska SO Levski (Gorna Oryahovitsa) Plevenska SO Pobeda 26 (Pleven) Vrachanska SO Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) Bdinska SO Maria Luisa (Lom) Sofiyska SO Sportklub (Sofia) Rilska SO Strumska slava (Radomir) Plovdivska SO Botev (Pazardzhik) Haskovska SO no representative Starozagorska SO DFV (Kazanlak) Primorska SO Levski (Burgas) Tundzhanska SO Botev (Yambol)

Round 1

Maria Luisa (Lom) - Sportklub (Sofia) 1:1 aet Strumska slava (Radomir) - Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) 0:1 Napredak (Ruse) - DFV (Kazanlak) 3:3 aet Pobeda 26 (Pleven) - Botev (Yambol) 3:2 Levski (Gorna Oryahovitsa) - Panayot Volov (Shumen) 0:6 replays: Maria Luisa (Lom) - Sportklub (Sofia) 0:3 awd Napredak (Ruse) - DFV (Kazanlak) 2:0 Ticha (Varna) bye Botev (Pazardzhik) bye Levski (Burgas) bye

Round 2 (1/4 finals)

Sportklub (Sofia) - Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) 2:1 Botev (Pazardzhik) - Pobeda 26 (Pleven) 7:1 Levski (Burgas) - Ticha (Varna) 1:0 annulled * Panayot Volov (Shumen) - Napredak (Ruse) 3:2 replay in Sofia: Levski (Burgas) - Ticha (Varna) 0:3

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Sportklub (Sofia) - Panayot Volov (Shumen) 1:0 in Sofia: Ticha (Varna) - Botev (Pazardzhik) 7:0

Final [3 Oct 1935] Sportklub (Sofia) - Ticha (Varna) 4:0

1934/35 season details


1935/36 season details

Participants SO Team Varnenska SO Ticha (Varna) Shumenska SO Panayot Volov (Shumen) Rusenska SO Levski (Ruse) Tarnovska SO Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) Plevenska SO Pobeda 26 (Pleven) Vrachanska SO no representative Bdinska SO Viktoria 23 (Vidin) Sofiyska SO Slavia (Sofia) Rilska SO Krakra (Pernik) Plovdivska SO Botev (Plovdiv) Haskovska SO Urli (Harmanli) Starozagorska SO no representative Primorska SO Levski (Burgas) Tundzhanska SO Georgi Drazhev (Yambol)

Round 1

Viktoria 23 (Vidin) - Pobeda 26 (Pleven) 4:2 Levski (Ruse) - Panayot Volov (Shumen) 3:0 Krakra (Pernik) - Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) 2:1 Georgi Drazhev (Yambol) - Urli (Harmanli) 8:0 Ticha (Varna) bye Slavia (Sofia) bye Botev (Plovdiv) bye Levski (Burgas) bye

Round 2 (1/4 finals)

Levski (Ruse) - Krakra (Pernik) 0:1 Georgi Drazhev (Yambol) - Botev (Plovdiv) 1:0 Ticha (Varna) - Levski (Burgas) 1:0 Viktoria 23 (Vidin) - Slavia (Sofia) 1:6

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Slavia (Sofia) - Georgi Drazhev (Yambol) 6:0 in Sofia: Ticha (Varna) - Krakra (Pernik) 1:0

Final [4 Oct 1936] Slavia (Sofia) - Ticha (Varna) ppd * [18 Oct 1936] Slavia (Sofia) - Ticha (Varna) 2:0

1935/36 season details


1936/37 season details

Change From this season, the semi-finals are again played at the home ground of one of the teams from each pair.

Participants SO Team Varnenska SO Vladislav (Varna) Shumenska SO Panayot Volov (Shumen) Rusenska SO Levski (Ruse) Tarnovska SO Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) Plevenska SO Belite orleta (Pleven) Vrachanska SO Tsar Krum (Byala Slatina) Bdinska SO Bdin (Vidin) Sofiyska SO Levski (Sofia) Rilska SO Levski (Dupnitsa) Plovdivska SO Botev (Plovdiv) Haskovska SO Bulgaria (Haskovo) Starozagorska SO ZhSK (Stara Zagora) * Primorska SO Chernomorets (Burgas) Tundzhanska SO Georgi Drazhev (Yambol)

Round 1

Belite orleta (Pleven) - Tsar Krum (Byala Slatina) 4:1 Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) - ZhSK (Stara Zagora) 3:1 Levski (Sofia) - Levski (Dupnitsa) 7:1 Vladislav (Varna) - Panayot Volov (Shumen) 3:0 awd * Levski (Ruse) - Bdin (Vidin) 3:0 Georgi Drazhev (Yambol) - Chernomorets (Burgas) 3:2 Botev (Plovdiv) - Bulgaria (Haskovo) 6:0

Round 2

Levski (Ruse) - Belite orleta (Pleven) 2:0 Botev (Plovdiv) - Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) 4:0 Vladislav (Varna) - Georgi Drazhev (Yambol) 1:0 Levski (Sofia) bye

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Levski (Sofia) - Botev (Plovdiv) 1:0 Levski (Ruse) - Vladislav (Varna) 1:1; 1:1 aet replay: Levski (Ruse) - Vladislav (Varna) 3:0 awd *

Final [3 Oct 1937] Levski (Sofia) - Levski (Ruse) 1:1 * [5 Oct 1937] Levski (Sofia) - Levski (Ruse) 3:0 *

1936/37 season details


1937/38 season details

Change From this season for the first time a nation-wide top level league is established. Initially it was decided that the league, called "Natsionalna futbolna diviziya" - National Football Division - would consist of 8 teams - the top 3 teams from Sofiyska SO, the top 2 teams from Varnenska SO, and the top team from Rusenska, Plovdivska and Primorska SO from 1936/37. The winner of Primorska SO - Chernomorets was excluded in favour of the winner of Tundzhanska SO because of poor quality of its football ground. Eventually though after public pressure from Burgas, it was decided that the league would consist of 10 clubs, with Chernomorets, as well as the 4th team from Sofiyska SO, which happened to be the influential team of Slavia (Sofia), making up the numbers.

Competition system The teams meet each other twice on a home-and-away basis for a total of 18 matches for each team. 2 points for a win, 1 - for a draw and 0 for a loss. In case of tie in points, next tie-braker is goal ratio. The last two teams at the end of the season are relegated back to their respective SOs, with the two teams to replace them determined following qualifications among one representative from each of the SOs. The SOs grow in number from 14 to 16, after the sepparation of Balkanska SO from Tarnovska SO and of Pirinska SO from Rilska SO.


SO Team (as per performance in 1936/37) Varnenska SO 1. Vladislav (Varna) 2. Ticha (Varna) Rusenska SO 1. Levski (Ruse) Sofiyska SO 1. Levski (Sofia) 2. FK 13 (Sofia) * 3. Shipka (Sofia) 4. Slavia (Sofia) Plovdivska SO 1. Botev (Plovdiv) Primorska SO 1. Chernomorets (Burgas) Tundzhanska SO 1. Georgi Drazhev (Yambol)

  1. Ticha (Varna) 18 9 7 2 26:17 25 [+] Champions
  2. Vladislav (Varna) 18 8 6 4 42:20 22 [+]
  3. Shipka (Sofia) 18 8 6 4 33:20 22 [+]
  4. FK 13 (Sofia) 18 8 4 6 31:30 20 [+]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 18 8 4 6 30:30 20 [+]
  6. Levski (Ruse) 18 7 5 6 27:23 19 [+]
  7. Levski (Sofia) 18 7 4 7 30:26 18 [+]
  8. Chernomorets (Burgas) 18 4 4 10 30:40 12 [+]

  1. Botev (Plovdiv) 18 5 2 11 27:44 12 [+] Relegated
  2. Georgi Drazhev (Yambol) 18 3 4 11 18:44 10 [+] Relegated


AS 23 (Sofia) *, Sportklub (Plovdiv).

1937/38 season details


1938/39 season details

                       **NFD - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Slavia (Sofia) 18 11 1 6 30:25 23 Champions
  2. Vladislav (Varna) 18 9 4 5 26:15 22
  3. Ticha (Varna) 18 9 4 5 18:17 22
  4. AS 23 (Sofia) * 18 10 1 7 38:25 21 [+]
  5. Sportklub (Plovdiv) 18 8 4 6 28:21 20 [+]
  6. Levski (Sofia) 18 8 2 8 29:25 18
  7. Levski (Ruse) 18 6 6 6 27:25 18
  8. FK 13 (Sofia) * 18 6 5 7 28:27 17

  1. Shipka (Sofia) 18 6 3 9 28:28 15 [*]
  2. Chernomorets (Burgas) 18 0 4 14 17:61 4 Relegated

[*] - Shipka due to be relegated because of its league position but also won the "Tsarska kupa" - The Tsar's Cup - the national cup competition, and as a cup holder remain in the NFD. Thus only one team is promoted instead of two.


ZhSK (Sofia) *.

1938/39 season details


1939/40 season details

                       **NFD - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. ZhSK (Sofia) * 18 10 3 5 31:27 23 [+] Champions
  2. Levski (Sofia) 18 9 4 5 29:18 22
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 18 9 4 5 30:20 22
  4. AS 23 (Sofia) * 18 9 2 7 41:27 20
  5. FK 13 (Sofia) * 18 6 7 5 37:29 19
  6. Shipka (Sofia) 18 7 3 8 25:27 17
  7. Ticha (Varna) 18 6 5 7 17:24 17
  8. Sportklub (Plovdiv) 18 4 9 5 17:24 17

  1. Levski (Ruse) 18 4 4 10 13:27 12 Relegation Playoff
  2. Vladislav (Varna) 18 3 5 10 14:31 11 Relegation Playoff

Promoted Botev (Sofia)

1939/40 season details


Change At the start of this season the NFD was disbanded. Two were the major reasons for that - on one hand, the costs for the clubs, competing in the division were too high, on the other, the clubs from outside Sofia were getting increasingly unhappy by the big number of Sofia clubs in the division, which for the 1940/41 season would have been up to 7 out of 10 total teams. This initially resulted in a decision for the NFD to be reduced to 8 teams, of which only 3 from Sofia, 2 from Varna and not more than one of the rest of the SO. On this basis, the new NFD would have consisted of the top-3 Sofia teams from 1939/40 - ZhSK, Levski and Slavia (thus resulting in the other 3 teams from Sofia being excluded from the league, as well as Botev (Sofia) denied promotion); the two Varna teams in the NFD from 1939/40 - Ticha and Vladislav, Sportklub (Plovdiv), Napredak (Ruse) (which would substitute for Levski (Ruse) - that were excluded from the BNSF until 1943, because of not showing up for The Tsar's Cup final in 1939/40); and one other unknown team.

This naturally sparked huge uproar from the Sofia clubs, and though at least 2 matches of the "new version" of the NFD were played, eventually it was disbanded.

The BNSF mostly reverted to the old elimination system. 12 teams would qualify for the State championship. The 7 NFD Sofia clubs formed the new top level of Sofiyska SO (the old top level being reduced to 2nd level status). The top 3 teams from that would qualify for the State championship. The SOs of the other cities with clubs in NFD in 1939/40

"Severobulgarska" FD consisted of 6 winners of the SOs in Northern Bulgaria from 1939/40 (other than Rusenska and Varnenska SO) with additional teams from Bdinska and Vrachanska SO. "Yuzhnobulgarska" FD consisted of two teams from Starozagorska SO, one team each of Rilska, Tundzhanska and Haskovska SO, and three teams from Plovdivska SO, including Sportklub from NFD, and Botev, that would have been promtoed to the NFD, despite the fact that Plovdivska SO would have its separate competition and slot for the State championship.

Some of the SOs that didn't give direct access to the State championship because of the two newly created divisions continued running (and at places even including any teams that competed in the divisions), others ran only unofficially and some stopped running at all.

The NFD remained to exist only in name, as the State championship was now named Natsionalna futbolna diviziya (despite the fact it consisted only of eliminatory games).

Competition system Direct eliminations over two legs on a home-and-away basis. If the overall score is equal after the second leg (regardless of number of away goals) extra time is played. If the overall score is still equal at the end of extra time, a third match is played, but it's not clear whether that third game should be at the field of the hosts of the second leg, or at a neutral venue, which would prove to cause some problems (see below).

Participants SO Team Varnenska SO 1. Vladislav (Varna) 2. Ticha (Varna) Rusenska SO 1. Napredak (Ruse) Severobulgarska FD 1. Tsar Krum (Byala Slatina) 2. Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) Sofiyska SO 1. FK 13 (Sofia) * 2. Slavia (Sofia) 3. ZhSK (Sofia) * "Newly Liberated Lands" 1. Makedonia (Skopie) ** Yuzhnobulgarska FD 1. Sportklub (Plovdiv) 2. Levski (Plovdiv) Plovdivska SO 1. Petar Parchevich (Plovdiv)

Round 1

Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

FK 13 (Sofia) - Vladislav (Varna) 3:0 awd; 3:0 awd * Tsar Krum (Byala Slatina) - Petar Parchevich (Plovdiv) 6:1; 1:0 Levski (Plovdiv) - Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) 4:1; 0:1 ** Napredak (Ruse) - ZhSK (Sofia) 1:3; 2:1 Ticha (Varna) - Slavia (Sofia) 1:2; 0:0 Makedonia (Skopie) - Sportklub (Plovdiv) 2:1; 0:3 awd ***

Round 2

Slavia (Sofia) - FK 13 (Sofia) 0:0; 4:1 Tsar Krum (Byala Slatina) - Levski (Plovdiv) 0:0; 2:2; 1:1, 2:3 aet * Sportklub (Plovdiv) - ZhSK (Sofia) 0:2; 0:1

Round 3

Levski (Plovdiv) - Slavia (Sofia) 0:3; 0:2 ZhSK (Sofia) bye

Final [21 Sep 1941] - 1st leg Slavia (Sofia) - ZhSK (Sofia) 0:0 [28 Sep 1941] - 2nd leg ZhSK (Sofia) - Slavia (Sofia) 1:2


Change The Severobulgarska and Yuzhnobulgarska FDs were disbanded and once again all the teams qualify for the NFD through the competitions in the different SOs.

Varnenska SO remained with 2 berths for the NFD, Plovdivska SO also got a second berth, while Sofiyska SO was given additional 3 berths - up to 6. Of those 4 went to the top 4 teams in the first level of the SO (out of a total of 8), with the remaining 2 going to the top 2 teams in the second level of the SO.

The team of Makedonia (Skopie) was moved to play in the first level of Sofiyska SO (and as can be seen below, qualified through there). The newly acquired lands of Southern Dobrudzha (following the Treaty of Craiova in September 1940) were incorporated into a newly created Dobrichka SO. The parts of Vardarska Makedonia that were under Bulgarian administration were organized into two SOs - Skopska and Bitolska, which were also given 2 berths each for the NFD.

Lastly it was decided again to return to the system of elimination following a single game for the earlier rounds, with the home-and-away elimination starting from Round 3.

Participants SO Team Varnenska SO 1. Pobeda (Varna) 2. Ticha (Varna) Dobrichka SO 1. Tsar Boris III (Dobrich) Shumenska SO 1. Han Kubrat (Popovo) Rusenska SO 1. ZhSK (Ruse) * Tarnovska SO no representative Balkanska SO no representative Plevenska SO 1. SP 39 (Pleven) * Vrachanska SO no representative Bdinska SO 1. Knyaginya Maria Luisa (Lom) Sofiyska SO 1. Levski (Sofia) 2. Makedonia (Skopie) ** 3. ZhSK (Sofia) * 4. Slavia (Sofia) 1b.Botev (Sofia) 2b.Knyaz Kiril Preslavski (Sofia) Rilska SO 1. Atletik (Dupnitsa) Pirinska SO no representative Skopska SO . ZhSK (Skopie) /* . Vardar (Skopie) ** Bitolska SO . Makedonia (Bitolya) ** . Gotse Delchev (Prilep) ** Plovdivska SO 1. Sportklub (Plovdiv) 2. Botev (Plovdiv) Haskovska SO 1. Botev (Haskovo) Starozagorska SO no representative Primorska SO no representative Tundzhanska SO 1. Georgi Drazhev (Yambol)

Round 1

Ticha (Varna) - Tsar Boris III (Dobrich) 4:0 Han Kubrat (Popovo) - Pobeda (Varna) 1:2 Knyaginya Maria Luisa (Lom) - Botev (Sofia) 3:1 Atletik (Dupnitsa) - Knyaz Kiril Preslavski (Sofia) 1:0 Botev (Plovdiv) - Levski (Sofia) 2:5 Botev (Haskovo) - Sportklub (Plovdiv) 1:4 SP 39 (Pleven) - ZhSK (Sofia) 0:1 Slavia (Sofia) - Georgi Drazhev (Yambol) 6:0 ZhSK (Skopie) - Gotse Delchev (Prilep) 8:0 Makedonia (Bitolya) - Vardar (Skopie) 4:1 ZhSK (Ruse) bye Makedonia (Skopie) bye

Round 2

Slavia (Sofia) - Makedonia (Bitolya) 1:0 Ticha (Varna) - ZhSK (Ruse) 4:0 ZhSK (Sofia) - ZhSK (Skopie) 3:0 Levski (Sofia) - Atletik (Dupnitsa) 5:2 Sportklub (Plovdiv) - Makedonia (Skopie) 0:2 Pobeda (Varna) - Knyaginya Maria Luisa (Lom) 4:0

Round 3

Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

Levski (Sofia) - Ticha (Varna) 4:0; 2:0 Pobeda (Varna) - Slavia (Sofia) 1:1; 0:0, 0:0 aet; 1:3 Makedonia (Skopie) - ZhSK (Sofia) 3:1; 3:0 awd

Round 4

Makedonia (Skopie) - Slavia (Sofia) 5:1; 0:3 Levski (Sofia) bye

Final [11 Oct 1942] Makedonia (Skopie) - Levski (Sofia) 0:2 [18 Oct 1942] Levski (Sofia) - Makedonia (Skopie) 1:0



The system of direct eliminations over two legs on a home-and-away basis was again introduced from the first round of the competition.

The parts of Belomorska Trakia that were under Bulgarian administration were organized into Belomorska SO. Sofiyska SO's quota is reduced from 6 to 5 teams (now only the winner of the 2nd level qualifies).

Participants SO Team Varnenska SO 1. Ticha (Varna) 2. Vladislav (Varna) Dobrichka SO 1. Levski (Dobrich) Shumenska SO 1. Han Kubrat (Popovo) Rusenska SO 1. ZhSK (Ruse) * Tarnovska SO 1. Knyaz Simeon Tarnovski (Pavlikeni) Balkanska SO 1. Chardafon (Gabrovo) Plevenska SO 1. SP 39 (Pleven) * Vrachanska SO 1. Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) Bdinska SO 1. Knyaginya Maria Luisa (Lom) Sofiyska SO 1. Levski (Sofia) 2. Slavia (Sofia) 3. Makedonia (Skopie) ** 4. ZhSK (Sofia) * 1b.Sportist (Sofia) Rilska SO 1. Atletik (Dupnitsa) Pirinska SO 1. Botev (Gorna Dzhumaya) *** Skopska SO . ZhSK (Skopie) /* . Vardar (Skopie) ** Bitolska SO . Bitolya (Bitolya) ** . Makedonia (Bitolya) ** Plovdivska SO 1. Levski (Plovdiv) 2. Botev (Plovdiv) Belomorska SO 1. Belomorets (Kavala) Haskovska SO 1. Botev (Haskovo) Starozagorska SO 1. Tritsvet (Chirpan) Primorska SO 1. Levski (Burgas) Tundzhanska SO 1. Georgi Drazhev (Yambol)

Round 1

Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

Levski (Dobrich) - ZhSK (Ruse) 2:4; 2:4 Belomorets (Kavala) - Botev (Haskovo) 4:1; 2:1 Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) - Knyaginya Maria Luisa (Lom) 1:2; 2:4 Georgi Drazhev (Yambol) - Levski (Burgas) 2:1; 1:2, 1:3 aet Knyaz Simeon Tarnovski (Pavlikeni) - Chardafon (Gabrovo) 3:0 awd * SP 39 (Pleven) - Sportist (Sofia) 1:4; 0:3 ZhSK (Skopie) - Makedonia (Bitolya) 3:0; 1:0 Han Kubrat (Popovo) - Vladislav (Varna) 1:1; 0:3 Tritsvet (Chirpan) - Botev (Plovdiv) 1:4; 0:3 ZhSK (Sofia) - Ticha (Varna) 2:0; 0:0 Botev (Gorna Dzhumaya) - Atletik (Dupnitsa) 1:3; 0:3 Bitolya (Bitolya) - Vardar (Skopie) npd; npd /* Levski (Sofia) bye Slavia (Sofia) bye Makedonia (Skopie) bye Levski (Plovdiv) bye

Round 2

Sportist (Sofia) - Knyaginya Maria Luisa (Lom) 5:0; 4:0 ZhSK (Ruse) - Vladislav (Varna) 2:4; 6:1 * Knyaz Simeon Tarnovski (Pavlikeni) - Levski (Burgas) 3:4; 1:2 Belomorets (Kavala) - Botev (Plovdiv) 2:1; 0:1, 0:1 aet; 1:2 Levski (Sofia) - Atletik (Dupnitsa) 2:1; 4:1 Levski (Plovdiv) - ZhSK (Skopie) 3:1; 2:1 ZhSK (Sofia) - Makedonia (Skopie) 3:0 awd; 3:0 awd ** Slavia (Sofia) bye

Round 3 (1/4 finals)

Levski (Sofia) - ZhSK (Sofia) 2:2; 2:1 Sportist (Sofia) - Slavia (Sofia) 2:2; 0:1 Levski (Burgas) - Botev (Plovdiv) 0:1; 0:3 Levski (Plovdiv) - ZhSK (Ruse) 6:1; 1:3

Round 4 (1/2 finals)

Levski (Sofia) - Levski (Plovdiv) 3:1; 2:0 Botev (Plovdiv) - Slavia (Sofia) 1:1; 1:5

Final [10 Oct 1943] Slavia (Sofia) - Levski (Sofia) 1:0 [17 Oct 1943] Levski (Sofia) - Slavia (Sofia) 0:1


Change Silistrenska SO is separated from Dobrichka SO, Sofiyska SO's quota is reduced to 4 berths (only the top 4 teams from first level), and Makedonia (Skopie) is moved from Sofiyska SO back to Skopska SO.

Participants SO Team Varnenska SO 1. Shipchenski sokol (Varna) 2. ZhSK (Varna) * Dobrichka SO 1. Levski (Dobrich) Silistrenska SO 1. Vihar (Silistra) Shumenska SO 1. Han Kubrat (Popovo) Rusenska SO 1. Dobrudzha (Ruse) Tarnovska SO 1. Etar (Tarnovo) ** 2. Knyaz Simeon Tarnovski (Pavlikeni) *** Balkanska SO no representative Plevenska SO 1. SP 39 (Pleven) * Vrachanska SO 1. Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) Bdinska SO 1. Viktoria 23 (Vidin) Sofiyska SO 1. AS 23 (Sofia) * 2. Benkovski (Sofia) 3. Levski (Sofia) 4. Slavia (Sofia) Rilska SO 1. Slavia (Dupnitsa) Pirinska SO 1. Makedonska slava (Gorna Dzhumaya) ** Skopska SO . Makedonia (Skopie) **** . ZhSK (Skopie) **** Bitolska SO no representatives Plovdivska SO 1. ZhSK (Plovdiv) * 2. Botev (Plovdiv) Belomorska SO 1. Momchil yunak (Kavala) **** Haskovska SO 1. Bulgaria (Haskovo) Starozagorska SO 1. ZhSK (Stara Zagora) * Primorska SO 1. Levski (Burgas) Tundzhanska SO 1. Botev (Yambol)

Round 1

Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

Shipchenski sokol (Varna) - ZhSK (Varna) 1:0; 1:0 Orel-Chegan 30 (Vratsa) - Knyaz Simeon Tarnovski (Pavl) 3:3; 3:4 * ZhSK (Plovdiv) - Botev (Plovdiv) 3:1; 2:2 Botev (Yambol) - ZhSK (Stara Zagora) 5:1; 3:2 * Slavia (Dupnitsa) - Makedonska slava (Gorna Dzhumaya) 4:2; 4:4 Levski (Dobrich) - Vihar (Silistra) 2:1; 3:0 awd Momchil yunak (Kavala) - Bulgaria (Haskovo) 1:1; 3:0 awd * Levski (Sofia) - Slavia (Sofia) 4:3; 1:0 Benkovski (Sofia) - AS 23 (Sofia) 3:1; 7:1 Han Kubrat (Popovo) bye Dobrudzha (Ruse) bye Etar (Tarnovo) bye SP 39 (Pleven) bye Viktoria 23 (Vidin) bye Makedonia (Skopie) bye ZhSK (Skopie) bye Levski (Burgas) bye

Round 2 (1/8 finals)

Viktoria 23 (Vidin) - Levski (Sofia) 2:9; 0:3 awd * Benkovski (Sofia) - Slavia (Dupnitsa) 6:0; 3:0 SP 39 (Pleven) - Etar (Tarnovo) 3:0; 2:3 Makedonia (Skopie) - ZhSK (Skopie) 0:1; ?:? ** ZhSK (Plovdiv) - Bulgaria (Haskovo) 4:3; ?:? ** ZhSK (Stara Zagora) - Levski (Burgas) 0:2; 0:3 awd Levski (Dobrich) - Shipchenski sokol (Varna) 2:1; 1:2; 0:3 awd Dobrudzha (Ruse) - Han Kubrat (Popovo) 0:5; 0:3 awd

Round 3 (1/4 finals)

Benkovski (Sofia) - Han Kubrat (Popovo) npd; npd * Shipchenski sokol (Varna) - Levski (Sofia) npd; npd * Levski (Burgas) - Bulgaria (Haskovo) npd; npd * SP 39 (Pleven) - Makedonia (Skopie) npd; npd *



The SOs are disbanded, but nevertheless, qualification for the State championship is still based on performance in regional leagues.

The system of elimination over a single leg is again reinstated with only the final being played over two legs.

Participants Region Team Varna Spartak (Varna) TV 45 (Varna) * Dobrich Vihar (Dobrich) Shumen Stamo Kostov (Popovo) Ruse Angel Kanchev-Levski (Ruse) Silistra Levski-Dorostol (Silistra) Tarnovo Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) Gabrovo Orlovets (Gabrovo) Pleven ZhSK-Botev (Pleven) * Vratsa Botev (Byala Slatina) Mihaylovgrad Botev (Mihaylovgrad) ** Vidin Benkovski (Vidin) Sofia 1. PSK Levski (Sofia) * 2. Sportist (Sofia) 3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) Pernik Lokomotiv (Pernik) Gorna Dzhumaya Botev (Gorna Dzhumaya) ** Plovdiv - city ZhSK-Levski (Plovdiv) * Botev (Plovdiv) SP 45 (Plovdiv) * Plovdiv - region Borislav (Borisovgrad) ** Stara Zagora ZhSK (Stara Zagora) * Burgas Slavia (Burgas) Yambol Nikolay Laskov (Yambol)

Round 1

Botev (Byala Slatina) - ZhSK-Botev (Pleven) 2:3 aet Orlovets (Gabrovo) - Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) 1:0 Borislav (Borisovgrad) - ZhSK (Stara Zagora) 3:3; 1:0 Botev (Mihaylovgrad) - Benkovski (Vidin) 0:1 Botev (Gorna Dzhumaya) - Lokomotiv (Pernik) 3:1 Levski-Dorostol (Silistra) - Angel Kanchev-Levski (Ruse) 0:2 Nikolay Laskov (Yambol) - Slavia (Burgas) 2:1 PSK Levski (Sofia) - ZhSK-Levski (Plovdiv) 4:0 Spartak (Varna) bye TV 45 (Varna) bye Vihar (Dobrich) bye Stamo Kostov (Popovo) bye Sportist (Sofia) bye Lokomotiv (Sofia) bye Botev (Plovdiv) bye SP 45 (Plovdiv) bye

Round 2 (1/8 finals)

Benkovski (Vidin) - Sportist (Sofia) 1:2 [some sources give 1:3] Angel Kanchev-Levski (Ruse) - Spartak (Varna) 1:2 Stamo Kostov (Popovo) - TV 45 (Varna) 1:2 ZhSK-Botev (Pleven) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 1:4 Orlovets (Gabrovo) - Vihar (Dobrich) 2:0 Nikolay Laskov (Yambol) - Botev (Plovdiv) 0:3 Borislav (Borisovgrad) - SP 45 (Plovdiv) 1:3 Botev (Gorna Dzhumaya) - PSK Levski (Sofia) 1:2

Round 3 (1/4 finals)

Botev (Plovdiv) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 0:2 Spartak (Varna) - Orlovets (Gabrovo) 3:0 SP 45 (Plovdiv) - TV 45 (Varna) 2:2 aet; 4:1 Sportist (Sofia) - PSK Levski (Sofia) 2:1

Round 4 (1/2 finals)

Sportist (Sofia) - Spartak (Varna) 3:2 SP 45 (Plovdiv) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 0:0, 0:1 aet

Final [30 Sep 1945] Lokomotiv (Sofia) - Sportist (Sofia) 3:1 [7 Oct 1945] Sportist (Sofia) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 1:1


Change The number of participants in the State championship is reduced to 16.

Elimination in two legs is now introduced for the semi-finals too.


Region Team Varna Spartak (Varna) TV 45 (Varna) * Ruse Lokomotiv (Ruse) Tarnovo Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) Lovech Kirkov-Yunak (Lovech) Mihaylovgrad YuBS 45 (Mihaylovgrad) /* Vidin Benkovski (Vidin) Sofia - city 1. PSK Levski (Sofia) * 2. Slavia 45 (Sofia) 3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) Sofia - region Levski (Samokov) Gorna Dzhumaya Ilinden (Petrich) Plovdiv Botev (Plovdiv) Slavia (Plovdiv) Haskovo Rodina (Haskovo) Burgas LB 45 (Burgas) *

Round 1 (1/8 finals)

Rodina (Haskovo) - Spartak (Varna) 1:4 TV 45 (Varna) - YuBS 45 (Mihaylovgrad) 5:0 Levski (Samokov) - Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) 1:1 aet; 1:1; 1:5 Benkovski (Vidin) - Botev (Plovdiv) 5:3 LB 45 (Burgas) - Kirkov-Yunak (Lovech) 2:1 aet PSK Levski (Sofia) - Ilinden (Petrich) 7:0 Slavia (Plovdiv) - Slavia 45 (Sofia) 0:1 Lokomotiv (Ruse) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 0:4

Round 2 (1/4 finals)

LB 45 (Burgas) - PSK Levski (Sofia) 0:2 aet Benkovski (Vidin) - Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) 2:1 TV 45 (Varna) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 1:2 Slavia 45 (Sofia) - Spartak (Varna) 1:3

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

PSK Levski (Sofia) - Spartak (Varna) 3:0; 3:0 Benkovski (Vidin) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 2:2; 0:2

Final [6 Sep 1946] PSK Levski (Sofia) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 1:0 [15 Sep 1946] Lokomotiv (Sofia) - PSK Levski (Sofia) 0:1


Participants Region Team Varna TVP (Varna) * Spartak (Varna) Ruse Lokomotiv (Ruse) Tarnovo Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) Gabrovo Angel Kanchev (Tryavna) Mihaylovgrad Republikanets (Lom) Vidin Benkovski (Vidin) Sofia 1. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 2. Levski (Sofia) 3. Spartak (Sofia) Gorna Dzhumaya Ilinden (Petrich) Kyustendil Marek (Dupnitsa) Plovdiv Slavia (Plovdiv) Levski (Plovdiv) Stara Zagora Lokomotiv (Stara Zagora) Burgas Lyubislav (Burgas)

Round 1 (1/8 finals)

TVP (Varna) - Angel Kanchev (Tryavna) 2:0 Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) - Slavia (Plovdiv) 3:2 Republikanets (Lom) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 0:1 Lyubislav (Burgas) - Spartak (Varna) 2:2; 0:1 Levski (Sofia) - Ilinden (Petrich) 4:0 Benkovski (Vidin) - Lokomotiv (Ruse) 2:1 Spartak (Sofia) - Marek (Dupnitsa) 2:0 Levski (Plovdiv) - Lokomotiv (Stara Zagora) 2:1

Round 2 (1/4 finals)

Lokomotiv (Sofia) - TVP (Varna) 3:0 Spartak (Varna) - Levski (Sofia) 1:2 Hadzhi Slavchev (Pavlikeni) - Spartak (Sofia) 0:1 Benkovski (Vidin) - Levski (Plovdiv) 1:2

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

Lokomotiv (Sofia) - Spartak (Sofia) 3:1; 3:0 Levski (Plovdiv) - Levski (Sofia) 0:4; 1:5

Final [29 Oct 1947] Levski (Sofia) - Lokomotiv (Sofia) 1:1 [2 Nov 1947] Lokomotiv (Sofia) - Levski (Sofia) 0:1


Change Elimination over two legs is introduced in all rounds.

Participants Region Team Varna 1. TVP (Varna) * 2. Spartak (Varna) Ruse Lokomotiv (Ruse) Gabrovo Aprilov (Gabrovo) Pleven Spartak (Pleven) Mihaylovgrad Hristo Mihaylov (Mihaylovgrad) ** Vidin Benkovski (Vidin) Sofia 1. Levski (Sofia) 2. Septemvri pri CDV (Sofia) * 3. Spartak (Sofia) Gorna Dzhumaya Ilinden (Petrich) Kyustendil Marek (Dupnitsa) Plovdiv 1. Slavia (Plovdiv) 2. Botev (Plovdiv) Stara Zagora Lokomotiv (Stara Zagora) Burgas Lyubislav (Burgas)

Round 1 (1/8 finals)

Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

Levski (Sofia) - Lyubislav (Burgas) 2:0; 0:0 Aprilov (Gabrovo) - Septemvri pri CDV (Sofia) 0:2; 1:2 Hristo Mihaylov (Mihaylovgrad) - Marek (Dupnitsa) 3:4; 3:9 Benkovski (Vidin) - Lokomotiv (Ruse) 2:0; 2:0 Spartak (Sofia) - Ilinden (Petrich) 2:0; 1:0 TVP (Varna) - Lokomotiv (Stara Zagora) 1:1; 6:2 Spartak (Pleven) - Slavia (Plovdiv) 1:1; 0:3 Botev (Plovdiv) - Spartak (Varna) 2:3; 0:1

Round 2 (1/4 finals)

Benkovski (Vidin) - Septemvri pri CDV (Sofia) 0:4; 1:2 Marek (Dupnitsa) - Spartak (Sofia) 2:0; 0:0 Levski (Sofia) - Slavia-Chengelov (Plovdiv) 4:0; 3:3 * TVP (Varna) - Spartak (Varna) 2:2; 0:4

Round 3 (1/2 finals)

Spartak (Varna) - Septemvri pri CDV (Sofia) 1:2; 1:4 Levski (Sofia) - Marek (Dupnitsa) 3:1; 3:2

Final [5 Sep 1948] Septemvri pri CDV (Sofia) - Levski (Sofia) 1:2 [9 Sep 1948] Levski (Sofia) - Septemvri pri CDV (Sofia) 1:3


Change For the first time since the end of the 30s, a nation-wide top level league is established again. It was called "Republikanska futbolna diviziya" - Republican Football Division, and consisted of 10 teams, of which 5 were to be from Sofia. Qualification for the division was based on performance in the regional competitions in 1947/48. The top-5 clubs from Sofia were: 1.Levski, 2.Septemvri pri CDV, 3.Spartak, 4.Slavia and 5.Lokomotiv. The winners of the Plovdiv and Varna regional competitions - respectively Slavia-Chengelov and TVP were also qualified, as well as Benkovski (Vidin), Lyubislav (Burgas) and Marek (Dupnitsa).

Competition system The teams meet each other twice on a home-and-away basis for a total of 18 matches for each team. 2 points for a win, 1 - for a draw and 0 for a loss. In case of tie in points, next tie-braker is goal ratio.

At the end of the season, the last team are to be directly relegated to second level, its place being taken by the winner of the predecessor division that would serve as a basis for the 2nd level in next season - the MFD ("Mezhduzonova futbolna diviziya" - Inter-zone Footbal Division).

The teams placed 7th, 8th and 9th meet in playoffs over two legs (home and away) the teams, which are placed respectively 4th, 3rd and 2nd in the MFD.

                       **RFD - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 18 15 3 0 44:8 33 [+] Champions
  2. CDNV (Sofia) * 18 10 4 4 28:15 24 [+]
  3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 18 8 5 5 25:17 21 [+]
  4. Slavia (Sofia) 18 9 3 6 29:20 21 [+]
  5. Spartak (Sofia) 18 8 5 5 23:18 21 [+]
  6. Botev pri DNV (Varna) * 18 9 3 6 30:25 21 [+]

  1. Slavia (Plovdiv) * 18 4 8 6 16:21 16 [+] Playoff
  2. Marek (Marek) * 18 2 4 12 16:42 8 [+] Playoff
  3. Benkovski (Vidin) * 18 2 4 12 13:35 8 [+] Playoff - Relegated

  1. Botev (Burgas) * 18 2 3 13 15:38 7 [+] Relegated


Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

Rosstroy (Pavlikeni) - Slavia (Plovdiv) 2:2; 2:4 Septemvri (Sofia) - Marek (Marek) 2:0; 0:2; 0:1 * Benkovski (Vidin) - Borev pri DNV (Plovdiv) 1:3; 0:0

Promoted Septemvri (Pleven) - as winners of MFD, Botev pri DNV (Plovdiv) - through playoffs.


Note It's not clear if the promotion/relegation rules had changed compared to last season.

                       **RFD - Table after 2 rounds:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 2 2 0 0 6:1 4
  2. CDNV (Sofia) * 2 2 0 0 4:0 4
  3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 2 2 0 0 2:0 4
  4. Septemvri (Pleven) 2 1 1 0 2:1 3 [+]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 2 1 0 1 2:2 2
  6. Botev pri DNV (Plovdiv) * 2 1 0 1 2:4 2 [+]
  7. Botev pri DNV (Varna) * 2 0 1 1 1:2 1
  8. Marek (Marek) 2 0 0 2 2:5 0
  9. Slavia (Plovdiv) 2 0 0 2 1:3 0
  10. Spartak (Sofia) 2 0 0 2 0:4 0

Change On 27 Aug 1949 the communist party of Bulgaria takes the decision to drastically reform the sports organizations in the country, based on the current Soviet model. As a result, all of the sport clubs are extinct, with their place being taken by seven massive "Dobrovolni sportni organizatsii" (Voluntary Sports Organizations), based around the different economy sectors. Each DSO was supposed to have "branches" in every city and encompassed all kinds of sport, with every sportsman or woman being a member of the DSO, which is uniting the workers of the respective sector of the economy that he or she belongs to.

The newly created DSOs were as follows:

Despite the drastic change, most of the big clubs - especially in the few big cities did manage to preserve their identity, both through players and staff participating in the DSOs and through already established affiliation with the relative economy sectors (which allowed most of the players to pass on to the new DSO teams).

As mentioned above, all the teams, which were already relatively well-established practically remained intact (CDNV, the two Botevs in Varna and Plovidv as an example). The football teams in most of the local Torpedo DSOs were almost entirely build around the Lokomotiv teams where they existed as naturally they were designated teams of the transport workers before the reform (example of this is Lokomotiv of Sofia, which was "reborn" in Torpedo). There were quite a few Spartak teams too before the reform, and they were already affiliated to the police, so they also projected themselves in the new Spartak DSOs. The other Sofia teams at top level in 1949/50 were related to the new DSOs as follows: Slavia as a team related with Stroitelni voyski were projected into DSO Stroitel, and Levski as a team related with the postal services were projected into DSO Dinamo. The clubs that were hit the hardest were those in the smaller cities and towns, which were traditionally only one or two (especially after the mass mergers ongoing since 1944) and were now effectively split among up to five or six new clubs. Usually though in this cases most of the best players (so also those participating in the traditional club before the reform) were funelled into a single DSO that emerged as the strongest in that city or town with the other falling into obscurity. Such was the case with Marek for example. As for the final team that participated in the RFD in 1949/50 - Slavia (Plovdiv), the DSO reform effectively resulted into the team extinction.

Following that decision for a month or so football competitions went on on inertia, with the teams' old names, but after 2 rounds of the RFD were played, by the end of September, all championship games were put on hold.

The reorganization of football (as well as all other sports) started in earnest. It was decided that (again, following Soviet model) the championship would move to a spring-fall cycle, with a new season starting in the spring of 1950.

As the new system's purpouse was effectively to terminate the traditional clubs (a process started since 1944 with closing down of clubs and mainly with mass mergers of clubs so that their identity can be diluted), the membership in the "new" top level (as well as the lower levels) due to start in 1950 was to be decided after qualifying tournaments.

Each city was given a quota of teams to participate in the top level and the two second level groups. The "A" Republikanska futbolna grupa (Republican Football Group) was to remain with 10 teams, with the cities given a quota for it based on the number of teams each had at the beginning of 1949/50. Thus Sofia had 5 berths, Plovdiv - 2, Varna (now renamed Stalin!), Marek and Pleven - 1 each.

The DSO tournaments in this cities, were to determine the teams that shape the new "A" RFG.

City qualifications for "A" RFG 1950

  1. DSO Dinamo (Sofia) 7 3 3 1 12:5 9
  2. DSO Torpedo (Sofia) 7 3 3 1 10:6 9
  3. DSO Cherveno zname (Sofia) 7 3 2 2 11:9 8
  4. DSO Stroitel (Sofia) 7 3 2 2 11:12 8
  5. DSO Akademik (Sofia) 7 2 4 1 10:12 8

  1. CDNV (Sofia) 7 3 1 3 15:11 7
  2. DSO Spartak (Sofia) 7 1 3 3 5:11 5
  3. VVS (Sofia) 7 1 0 6 7:15 2

Due to the general chaos, the tournament was poorly organized and in the end the last match of the competition - between DSO Dinamo and DSO Akademik was played after all the other games were played, despite being detrimental to the final standings. With DSO Dinamo already ensured qualification for "A" RFG and needing only a point to win the tournament, and DSO Akademik also needing a point to go above CDNV and win the final berth for "A" RFG, not surprisingly the game ended 1:1.

With the tight contests for the title between the two clubs in the last two seasons, this game, though it didn't involve both teams, in a way cemented what is at present known as the "eternal rivalry" between present-day Levski and CSKA.

With the dramatic elimination of CDNV from "A" RFG though, it was decided to "reorganize" the army teams with the four army teams in the top two levels - DNV (Plovdiv), VMS (Stalin), CDNV (Sofia) and VVS (Sofia) - being merged into a single army club that used DNV (Plovdiv)'s berth in "A" RFG. That team was named "Narodna voyska" (People's army) and was based in Sofia, with most of its players coming from CDNV (Sofia), and a couple of players joining in from DNV (Plovdiv).


Competition system The teams meet each other twice on a home-and-away basis for a total of 18 matches for each team. 2 points for a win, 1 - for a draw and 0 for a loss. In case of tie in points, next tie-braker is goal ratio.

At the end of the season, the bottom two teams are directly relegated to second level, their places being taken by the winners of the two second level groups.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. DSO Dinamo (Sofia) 18 12 5 1 36:12 29 [+] Champions
  2. DSO Stroitel (Sofia) 18 11 5 2 31:12 27 [+]
  3. DSO Akademik (Sofia) 18 10 2 6 40:20 22 [+]
  4. Narodna voyska (Sofia) 18 9 4 5 22:12 22 [+]
  5. DSO Spartak (Stalin) * 18 10 2 6 37:27 22 [+]
  6. DSO Cherveno zname (Sofia) 18 7 2 9 20:29 16 [+]
  7. DSO Torpedo (Plovdiv) 18 5 4 9 19:34 14 [+]
  8. DSO Torpedo (Pleven) 18 3 6 9 19:27 12 [+]

  1. DSO Torpedo (Sofia) 18 4 2 12 16:29 10 [+] Relegated
  2. DSO Cherveno zname (Marek) * 18 2 2 14 9:47 6 [+] Relegated

Promoted DSO Torpedo (Ruse), DSO Spartak (Sofia).


Change As of 1 Jan 1951 two more DSOs are formed:

As a result nearly all DSO Torpedo teams split into DSO Torpedo and DSO Lokomotiv teams. In "A" RFG the teams of DSO Torpedo in Pleven and Ruse remain at the top level, while the DSO Lokomotiv teams start at lower levels, while in Plovdiv DSO Lokomotiv (carrying the projection of pre-reform Lokomotiv from Plovdiv) remains in "A" RFG, while DSO Torpedo is relegated to a lower level.

Similarly DSO Stroitel (Sofia) remains in "A" RFG, while DSO Udarnik (carrying the projection of pre-reform Slavia of Sofia) is entered into second level.

The united army team Narodna voyska is also again split into its forming parts - CDNV (Sofia), which uses the berth of Narodna voyska, DNV (Plovdiv), which is also given a place in "A" RFG, VMS (Stalin) ("Voennomorski sili" or Marine forces), which is inserted in second level and VVS (Sofia) which is entered into a lower level.

With the group being expanded because of DNV (Plovdiv)'s inclusion, an additional team from second level - DSO Torpedo (Dimitrovo) is also admitted to "A" RFG to make the numbers up to 12.

Competition system The promotion/relegation system is changed, so that a constant ratio is kept between the Sofia and non-Sofia teams. At the end of the season the two worst placed non-Sofia teams are directly relegated to second level, with their places taken by the two best placed non-Sofia teams in the unified single second level group. The worst placed Sofia team is also directly relegated, being replaced by the best placed Sofia team from second level, while the second worst placed team from Sofia meets the second best placed Sofia team from second level in a play-off over two legs for a place in "A" RFG.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNV (Sofia) 22 18 1 3 62:7 37 Champions
  2. DSO Spartak (Sofia) 22 14 8 0 27:7 36 [+]
  3. DSO Dinamo (Sofia) 22 9 8 5 37:16 26
  4. DSO Akademik (Sofia) 22 10 6 6 40:33 26
  5. DSO Spartak (Stalin) * 22 10 5 7 40:27 25
  6. DSO Cherveno zname (Sofia) 22 6 11 5 26:21 23 Playoff - Relegated
  7. DSO Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 22 7 9 6 21:20 23
  8. DSO Stroitel (Sofia) 22 8 6 8 25:24 22 Relegated
  9. DSO Torpedo (Dimitrovo) * 22 9 2 11 37:36 20 [+]
  10. DNV (Plovdiv) 22 6 5 11 26:32 17 [+]
  11. DSO Torpedo (Pleven) 22 1 3 18 16:59 5 Relegated
  12. DSO Torpedo (Ruse) 22 0 4 18 8:83 4 [+] Relegated


Note: The team shown in first place hosted in the first leg.

DSO Cherveno zname (Sofia) - DSO Lokomotiv (Sofia) 0:2; 0:1

Promoted DSO Udarnik (Sofia), DSO Lokomotiv (Sofia) - through playoff, VMS (Stalin), DSO Spartak (Pleven)


Change As of 1 Jan 1952 two more DSOs are formed:

As a result thte DSO Minyor team in Dimitrovo remains in "A" RFG, while DSO Torpedo is placed into a lower level.

Competition system It is decided that the "A" RFG should be expanded for the next season. As a result the bottom two teams at the end of the season are relegated to second level (or possibly the worst placed Sofia and non-Sofia teams), with 6 teams to be promoted from second level (the best three Sofia and non-Sofia teams respectively).

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) * 22 13 7 2 38:12 33 Champions
  2. DSO Spartak (Sofia) 22 9 8 5 30:13 26
  3. DSO Lokomotiv (Sofia) 22 11 3 8 30:22 25 [+]
  4. DSO Spartak (Pleven) 22 8 8 6 19:21 24 [+]
  5. DSO Dinamo (Sofia) 22 8 6 8 22:16 22
  6. DSO Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 22 9 4 9 24:26 22
  7. VMS (Stalin) ** 22 8 6 8 22:32 22 [+]
  8. DSO Udarnik (Sofia) 22 8 5 9 29:22 21 [+]
  9. DNA (Plovdiv) * 22 9 1 12 17:25 19
  10. DSO Minyor (Dimitrovo) ** 22 7 4 11 26:34 18

  1. DSO Akademik (Sofia) 22 6 6 10 19:32 18 Relegated
  2. DSO Spartak (Stalin) ** 22 4 6 12 16:37 14 Relegated

Promoted VVS (Sofia), DSO Stroitel (Sofia), DSO Cherveno zname (Sofia), DSO Cherveno zname (Stanke Dimitrov), DSO Akademik (Stalin), DSO Spartak (Plovdiv).


Change As of 1 Jan 1953 one more DSO is formed:

Probably shortly before the season it's decided to include the national team of Bulgaria (under the name of "Sboren otbor na DSO") in "A" RFG, on the place of DSO Cherveno zname (Sofia) - the worst placed Sofia team from those that should have been promoted. This is done in order to help the national team prepare for the WC 1954 qualifications. After playing 10 games the team is removed from the group and their results are annulled. The team has preparatory camps for most of the season though, and thus strips some of the leading clubs from their key players for many of their championship games. The hardest hit clubs are the Sofia sides DSO Udarnik, DSO Lokomotiv, DSO Spartak and Sofiyski garnizon (that even had their coach taken away most of the time as he was also coaching the national team). The latter two sides also suffered most from this, as it proved decisive in the race for the championship title between DSO Dinamo (Sofia) and OSG, as well as was a pivotal factor in DSO Spartak being relegated.

Competition system It's decided that "A" RFG is to be downsized to 14 teams for the next season, so all teams placed 10th or worse are to be relegated, with five teams from the newly created five second level groups taking their place.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. DSO Dinamo (Sofia) 28 19 5 4 48:22 43 Champions
  2. Sofiyski garnizon (Sofia) ** 28 18 6 4 64:23 42
  3. VMS (Stalin) * 28 12 7 9 29:20 31
  4. DSO Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 28 9 13 6 30:29 31
  5. DSO Udarnik (Sofia) 28 9 12 7 42:33 30
  6. DSO Spartak (Pleven) 28 9 12 7 29:29 30
  7. DSO Lokomotiv (Sofia) 28 10 9 9 30:32 29
  8. DSO Minyor (Dimitrovo) * 28 11 6 11 33:35 28
  9. DSO Spartak (Plovdiv) 28 9 9 10 29:29 27 [+]

  1. DSO Akademik (Stalin) * 28 9 7 12 26:43 25 [+] Relegated
  2. DNA (Plovdiv) 28 8 8 12 29:31 24 Relegated
  3. DSO Spartak (Sofia) 28 5 14 9 24:34 24 Relegated
  4. DSO Stroitel (Sofia) 28 5 12 11 22:29 22 [+] Relegated
  5. VVS (Sofia) 28 6 9 13 26:35 21 [+] Relegated
  6. DSO Cherveno zname (St.Dimitrov) * 28 3 7 18 23:60 13 [+] Relegated [] --. Sboren otbor na DSO (Sofia) 13 11 0 2 37:8 - []

[*] - DSO Cherveno zname (Stanke Dimitrov) excluded after crowd violence in their home match with DSO Minyor (Dimitrovo). Their results so far stood, their last 8 matches were awarded 0:3 against them and they were relegated not in their respective second level group, but in a lower level. Sboren otbor na DSO (Sofia) represented the national team and was excluded from the group after 13 matches played, all of which were annulled.

Promoted DSO Spartak (Stalin), DSO Torpedo (Pleven), Zavod 12 (Sofia), DSO Cherveno zname (Kyustendil), DSO Udarnik (Stara Zagora).


Change As of 1 Jan 1954 DSO Stroitel is disbanded.

Competition system The last three teams are relegated at the end of the season, with their places taken by the top 3 teams from a qualification tournament between the winners of the five second level groups.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) * 26 20 5 1 76:14 45 Champions
  2. DSO Udarnik (Sofia) 26 17 4 5 67:24 38
  3. DSO Lokomotiv (Sofia) 26 15 6 5 56:25 36
  4. Zavod 12 (Sofia) * 26 9 11 6 26:24 29 [+]
  5. DSO Dinamo (Sofia) 26 9 10 7 39:26 28
  6. DSO Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 26 8 9 9 33:32 25
  7. VMS (Stalin) ** 26 9 7 10 27:29 25
  8. DSO Minyor (Dimitrovo) ** 26 9 6 11 32:36 24
  9. DSO Spartak (Plovdiv) 26 9 6 11 29:34 24
  10. DSO Spartak (Stalin) ** 26 7 9 10 34:42 23 [+]
  11. DSO Spartak (Pleven) 26 6 11 9 17:25 23

  1. DSO Cherveno zname (Kyustendil) 26 7 6 13 19:50 20 [+] Relegated
  2. DSO Torpedo (Pleven) 26 5 5 16 13:51 15 [+] Relegated
  3. DSO Udarnik (Stara Zagora) 26 2 5 19 13:69 9 [+] Relegated

Promoted DNA (Plovdiv), VVS (Sofia), DSO Cherveno zname (Pavlikeni).


Competition system The group is to be reduced to 12 teams for 1956. Because of this the bottom 3 clubs are relegated directly, with the 11th placed team entering the qualification tournament of the winners of the five second level groups. The top 2 teams of this tournament qualify for "A" RFG.

From this season onwards the champion also qualifies for the European Champions' Cup.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) 26 14 9 3 38:16 37 Champions [ECC]
  2. DSO Udarnik (Sofia) 26 14 3 9 34:20 31
  3. DSO Spartak (Stalin) * 26 8 12 6 26:25 28
  4. DSO Minyor (Dimitrovo) * 26 11 5 10 29:24 27
  5. DSO Dinamo (Sofia) 26 10 7 9 33:30 27
  6. DSO Spartak (Plovdiv) 26 11 5 10 25:25 27
  7. DSO Lokomotiv (Sofia) 26 9 9 8 33:34 27
  8. VVS (Sofia) 26 7 12 7 34:28 26 [+] Relegated [*]
  9. DSO Spartak (Pleven) 26 9 8 9 31:30 26
  10. DNA (Plovdiv) 26 9 8 9 27:31 26 [+]

  1. Zavod 12 (Sofia) 26 9 7 10 26:27 25 Playoff

  1. VMS (Stalin) * 26 10 5 11 26:28 25 Relegated
  2. DSO Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 26 6 6 14 18:29 18 Relegated
  3. DSO Cherveno zname (Pavlikeni) 26 5 4 17 12:45 14 Relegated

[*] - VVS (Sofia) is relegated from the group to a lower level before the start of the next season due to a reorganization of the army teams. It's place in the group is not taken by some of the teams participating in the "A" RFG Qualification tournament for example, but rather by the team of DSO Torpedo (Ruse), which even does not participate in second level this season.

  1. DSO Spartak (Sofia) 5 5 0 0 15:0 10 Promoted
  2. Zavod 12 (Sofia) 5 2 2 1 10:2 6 Remains in "A" RFG

  1. DSO Dinamo (Plovdiv) 5 1 3 1 5:7 5
  2. DSO Dinamo (Stanke Dimitrov) * 5 1 2 2 4:5 4
  3. DSO Cherveno zname (Vidin) 5 1 2 2 4:13 4
  4. DSO Septemvri (Tolbuhin) * 5 0 1 4 4:15 1

Promoted DSO Spartak (Sofia), DSO Torpedo (Ruse) - replacing VVS (Sofia).


Competition system The last team at the end of the season is directly relegated to second level, while the team placed 11th is to meet the winner of its respective second level group (on geographical principle) in a playoff over two legs. The winner of the playoff, together with the other six winners of the second level groups (now up to 7) enters a qualification tournament with the top 2 teams qualifying for "A" RFG.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) 22 11 9 2 46:25 31 Champions [ECC]
  2. DSO Dinamo (Sofia) 22 8 10 4 30:24 26
  3. SKNA (Plovdiv) * 22 9 7 6 27:20 25
  4. DSO Udarnik (Sofia) 22 8 7 7 37:31 23
  5. DSO Minyor (Dimitrovo) ** 22 8 6 8 40:34 22
  6. DSO Spartak (Plovdiv) 22 7 7 8 28:29 21
  7. DSO Lokomotiv (Sofia) 22 5 11 6 20:22 21
  8. DSO Spartak (Pleven) 22 6 9 7 19:26 21
  9. DSO Spartak (Sofia) 22 5 9 8 25:30 19 [+]
  10. DSO Spartak (Varna) ** 22 5 9 8 22:28 19

  1. Zavod 12 (Sofia) 22 5 9 8 20:29 19 Playoff - Relegated

  1. DSO Torpedo (Ruse) 22 2 13 7 16:32 7 [+] Relegated
  1. DSO Cherveno zname (St.Dimitrov) * 6 4 1 1 9:8 9 Promoted
  2. SKNA (Varna) 6 3 2 1 11:4 8 Promoted

  1. Zavod 12 (Sofia) 6 3 1 2 12:4 7 Relegated
  2. DSO Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 6 2 2 2 9:7 6
  3. SKNA (Ruse) 6 2 1 3 4:4 5
  4. DSO Udarnik (Stara Zagora) 6 2 1 3 4:13 5
  5. DSO Lokomotiv (Lom) 6 0 2 4 6:15 2

Promoted DSO Cherveno zname (Stanke Dimitrov), SKNA (Varna).


Change Since the beginning of the year a decision to abolish the DSO system is taken. Throughout April and May 1957 the DSOs are gradually dissolved, with new clubs being created either based on several DSOs, or on territorial principle within each city. Some of the traditional clubs were restored, while others were based on established DSO clubs that became popular. The newly established clubs simply take over the places of the DSO clubs as the season progresses. Also most of the clubs retain their ties with industry or state (i.e. the Spartaks to the police, the Lokomotivs - to transportation etc).

Here is how this process went for the clubs in "A" RFG:

Competition system The bottom two teams at the end of the season are directly relegated, with their places taken by the winners of the second level groups, that are now reduced to just two in number.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) 22 15 4 3 53:16 34 Champions [ECC]
  2. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 22 16 1 5 33:19 33
  3. Levski (Sofia) 22 12 6 4 46:21 30
  4. Spartak (Pleven) 22 8 8 6 28:28 24
  5. Minyor (Dimitrovo) * 22 8 6 8 30:26 22
  6. Slavia (Sofia) 22 7 6 9 38:39 20
  7. Spartak (Plovdiv) 22 7 5 10 33:41 19
  8. Botev (Plovdiv) 22 6 7 9 22:33 19
  9. Botev (Varna) 22 5 8 9 19:24 18 [+]
  10. Spartak (Varna) 22 6 6 10 23:31 18

  1. Spartak (Sofia) 22 4 8 10 22:35 16 Relegated
  2. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 22 2 7 13 20:54 11 [+] Relegated

Promoted Dunav (Ruse), Botev (Stara Zagora).


Change A decision is taken to move from a spring-fall, to a fall-spring calendar. Because of this a transitional half-season took place in spring 1958. The teams met each other only once. Because of this no relegation or promotion took place.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) 11 7 4 0 19:9 18 Champions
  2. Levski (Sofia) 11 6 2 3 18:9 14
  3. Spartak (Pleven) 11 5 4 2 12:9 14
  4. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 11 4 4 3 17:17 12
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 11 5 1 5 23:17 11
  6. Spartak (Plovdiv) 11 3 5 3 18:16 11
  7. Minyor (Dimitrovo) * 11 5 1 5 20:19 11
  8. Spartak (Varna) 11 4 2 5 19:18 10
  9. Botev (Plovdiv) 11 3 3 5 14:18 9
  10. Botev (Stara Zagora) 11 3 2 6 13:19 8 [+]
  11. Dunav (Ruse) 11 2 4 5 11:19 8 [+]
  12. Botev (Varna) 11 3 0 8 8:22 6

Promoted none.


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) 22 13 6 3 37:16 32 Champions [ECC]
  2. Slavia (Sofia) 22 10 7 5 29:17 27
  3. Levski (Sofia) 22 10 4 8 27:15 24
  4. Spartak (Plovdiv) 22 8 8 6 33:29 24
  5. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 22 10 3 9 33:28 23
  6. Dunav (Ruse) 22 8 6 8 25:27 22
  7. Spartak (Pleven) 22 8 6 8 24:30 22
  8. Botev (Plovdiv) 22 8 6 8 28:41 22
  9. Spartak (Varna) 22 6 9 7 21:24 21
  10. Minyor (Dimitrovo) * 22 7 4 11 27:32 18

  1. Beroe (Stara Zagora) ** 22 7 4 11 21:25 18 Relegated
  2. Cherno more (Varna) ** 22 3 5 14 15:36 11 Relegated


Spartak (Sofia), Septemvri (Sofia).


Change The group is to be expanded to 14 teams for 1960/61, because of this only the bottom team is relegated, and the top 3 teams from the unified second level are promoted at its place.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) 22 12 8 2 42:18 32 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 22 11 6 5 32:22 28
  3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 22 7 9 6 31:22 23
  4. Slavia (Sofia) 22 7 9 6 30:28 23
  5. Septemvri (Sofia) 22 7 8 7 34:31 22 [+]
  6. Minyor (Dimitrovo) * 22 8 6 8 27:25 22
  7. Botev (Plovdiv) 22 8 5 9 30:31 21
  8. Dunav (Ruse) 22 7 6 9 29:34 20
  9. Spartak (Plovdiv) 22 4 12 6 21:28 20
  10. Spartak (Varna) 22 6 8 8 27:38 20
  11. Spartak (Sofia) 22 5 9 8 21:29 19 [+]

  1. Spartak (Pleven) 22 3 8 11 14:32 14 Relegated

Promoted Beroe (Stara Zagora), Marek (Stanke Dimitrov), Cherno more (Varna).


Competition system Bottom two clubs are relegated, the top two clubs from second level are promoted on their place.

Second tie-braker following goal ratio is team sportsmanship.

From this season onwards the Soviet Army cup winner qualifies for the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup competition. In case the winner is also the champion, then the finalist qualifies.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) 26 18 4 4 56:17 40 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 26 10 10 6 45:33 30
  3. Botev (Plovdiv) 26 10 9 7 50:41 29
  4. Minyor (Dimitrovo) * 26 9 10 7 36:39 28
  5. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 26 9 9 8 33:45 27 [+]
  6. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 26 9 8 9 33:29 26
  7. Spartak (Varna) 26 11 4 11 29:37 26 [CWC]
  8. Dunav (Ruse) 26 10 5 11 38:46 25
  9. Spartak (Plovdiv) 26 7 10 9 39:37 24
  10. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 26 7 10 9 30:38 24 [+]
  11. Slavia (Sofia) 26 8 7 11 33:37 23
  12. Cherno more (Varna) 26 8 7 11 33:37 23 [+]

  1. Spartak (Sofia) 26 8 6 12 39:35 22 Relegated
  2. Septemvri (Sofia) 26 5 7 14 33:56 17 Relegated

Promoted Spartak (Pleven), Lokomotiv (Plovdiv).


Competition system The group is to be expanded from 14 to 16 teams for 1962/63. As a result of this, the top two teams from second level are directly promoted, while the bottom two teams from "A" RFG and the teams, placed 3rd and 4th in second level enter a qualification tournament for two more places.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CDNA (Sofia) 26 18 5 3 60:25 41 Champions [ECC]
  2. Spartak (Plovdiv) 26 13 9 4 55:35 35
  3. Levski (Sofia) 26 12 6 8 46:37 30
  4. Botev (Plovdiv) 26 8 11 7 43:38 27 [CWC]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 26 10 7 9 45:40 27
  6. Cherno more (Varna) 26 9 9 8 29:30 27
  7. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 26 8 10 8 39:39 26
  8. Spartak (Pleven) 26 11 4 11 33:40 26 [+]
  9. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 26 10 5 11 30:40 25
  10. Dunav (Ruse) 26 8 8 10 40:40 24
  11. Spartak (Varna) 26 7 9 10 33:31 23
  12. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 26 7 7 12 24:35 21 [+]

  1. Minyor (Pernik) * 26 4 10 12 18:39 18 Playoff - Relegated
  2. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 26 5 4 17 24:50 14 Playoff
  1. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) 3 1 2 0 5:3 4
  2. Dobrudzha (Tolbuhin) * 3 2 0 1 7:7 4 Promoted

  1. Septemvri (Sofia) 3 1 1 1 6:5 3
  2. Minyor (Pernik) 3 0 1 2 3:6 1 Relegated

Promoted Spartak (Sofia), Rakovski (Dimitrovgrad), Dobrudzha (Tolbuhin) - after playoff.


Competition system The bottom two clubs in "A" RFG are directly relegated to second, with the winners of the two second level groups being promoted on their place.

First tie-braker becomes goal difference, instead of goal ratio, second tie-braker remains team sportsmanship.

As of next season's competition, Bulgaria also entered a single team in the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. The country representative was picked among the Plovdiv sides in "A" RFG, with Plovdiv being host to the biggest trade fair in Bulgaria.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Spartak (Plovdiv) 30 19 5 6 57:33 43 Champions [ECC]
  2. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 17 6 7 55:26 40
  3. CDNA (Sofia) 30 14 9 7 55:28 37
  4. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 12 12 6 42:27 36
  5. Spartak (Sofia) 30 12 10 8 37:34 34 [+]
  6. Levski (Sofia) 30 8 16 6 41:31 32
  7. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 10 10 10 35:40 30 [ICFC]
  8. Cherno more (Varna) 30 11 7 12 26:33 29
  9. Spartak (Pleven) 30 10 8 12 39:43 28
  10. Slavia (Sofia) 30 9 9 12 36:38 27 [CWC]
  11. Dunav (Ruse) 30 8 10 12 36:46 26
  12. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 8 9 13 32:44 25
  13. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 10 5 15 41:56 25
  14. Spartak (Varna) 30 10 5 15 37:53 25

  1. Dobrudzha (Tolbuhin) * 30 7 9 14 25:38 23 [+] Relegated
  2. Himik (Dimitrovgrad) ** 30 7 6 17 36:60 20 [+] Relegated

Promoted Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovita), General Zaimov (Sliven).


Competition system In the next season's competition, Bulgaria also entered a single team in the Intertoto Cup, but that was discontinued again with the next participation in the tournament by a Bulgarian side in 1977.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 18 8 4 53:28 44 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 30 16 9 5 53:32 41
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 30 13 9 8 46:36 35 [CWC]
  4. Spartak (Plovdiv) 30 13 8 9 42:34 34
  5. Dunav (Ruse) 30 12 8 10 31:35 32
  6. Cherno more (Varna) 30 11 9 10 35:30 31
  7. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 13 4 13 43:54 30
  8. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 10 9 11 33:38 29 [ICFC]
  9. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 11 6 13 39:32 28
  10. Spartak (Pleven) 30 9 10 11 31:33 28 [ITC]
  11. CSKA Cherveno zname (Sofia) ** 30 12 3 15 58:40 27
  12. Spartak (Sofia) 30 8 9 13 28:40 25
  13. Mlada gvardiya (Sliven) ** 30 8 9 13 29:41 25 [+]
  14. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 8 8 14 28:38 24

  1. Spartak (Varna) 30 9 6 15 34:52 24 Relegated
  2. Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa) 30 9 5 16 29:49 23 [+] Relegated

Promoted Botev (Vratsa), Akademik (Sofia).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 30 18 6 6 59:28 42 Champions [ECC]
  2. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 16 7 7 42:33 39
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 30 11 13 6 45:33 35
  4. CSKA Cherveno zname (Sofia) 30 14 6 10 48:26 34 [CWC]
  5. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 11 9 48:41 31
  6. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 12 6 12 43:40 30 [ICFC]
  7. Spartak (Pleven) 30 10 10 10 30:47 30
  8. Cherno more (Varna) 30 10 9 11 37:37 29
  9. Botev (Vratsa) 30 10 9 11 29:35 29 [+]
  10. Spartak (Plovdiv) 30 11 6 13 42:42 28
  11. Spartak (Sofia) 30 9 10 11 32:34 28
  12. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 9 9 12 40:49 27
  13. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 9 8 13 34:41 26
  14. Dunav (Ruse) 30 9 8 13 28:41 26

  1. Sliven (Sliven) ** 30 9 7 14 29:40 25 Relegated
  2. Akademik (Sofia) 30 7 7 16 29:48 21 [+] Relegated

Promoted Spartak (Varna), Botev (Burgas).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Cherveno zname (Sofia) 30 17 8 5 53:30 42 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 30 15 11 4 59:31 41
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 30 16 7 7 38:25 39 [CWC]
  4. Spartak (Sofia) 30 14 8 8 45:30 36
  5. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 12 7 11 36:33 31
  6. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 10 10 41:41 30
  7. Dunav (Ruse) 30 12 6 12 29:40 30
  8. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 10 9 11 46:35 29
  9. Spartak (Plovdiv) 30 9 10 11 28:42 28 [ICFC]
  10. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 9 9 12 41:39 27
  11. Cherno more (Varna) 30 8 11 11 30:35 27
  12. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 9 9 12 39:51 27
  13. Botev (Vratsa) 30 9 7 14 30:41 25
  14. Botev (Burgas) 30 8 9 13 34:48 25 [+]

  1. Spartak (Varna) 30 6 10 14 32:48 22 [+] Relegated
  2. Spartak (Pleven) 30 6 9 15 30:42 21 Relegated

Promoted Dobrudzha (Tolbuhin), Minyor (Pernik).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Botev (Plovdiv) ** 30 13 12 5 39:24 38 Champions [ECC]
  2. Slavia (Sofia) 30 13 11 6 33:27 37
  3. Levski (Sofia) 30 13 10 7 46:32 36 [CWC]
  4. Spartak (Sofia) 30 13 9 8 40:26 35
  5. CSKA Cherveno zname (Sofia) 30 11 12 7 42:34 34
  6. Cherno more (Varna) 30 12 9 9 40:29 33
  7. Botev (Vratsa) 30 13 6 11 45:40 32
  8. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 12 7 11 39:34 31
  9. Botev (Burgas) 30 10 10 10 38:35 30
  10. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 9 11 37:41 29
  11. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 7 14 9 30:31 28 [ICFC]
  12. Dobrudzha (Tolbuhin) * 30 9 8 13 24:43 26 [+]
  13. Spartak (Plovdiv) ** 30 10 5 15 26:35 25 Merged
  14. Minyor (Pernik) 30 6 11 13 24:30 23 [+]

  1. Dunav (Ruse) 30 9 4 17 35:60 22 Relegated
  2. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 8 5 17 24:41 21 Relegated

Promoted Spartak (Pleven), Sliven (Sliven), Maritsa (Plovdiv) - substituting for Spartak (Plovdiv).


Competition system As of this season a second team, from Sofia, enters the ICFC.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 30 18 9 3 61:29 45 Champions [ECC - withdrew]
  2. CSKA Cherveno zname (Sofia) 30 18 6 6 63:27 42
  3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 18 4 8 65:40 40
  4. Spartak (Sofia) 30 16 6 8 49:38 38 [CWC - withdrew]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 30 13 8 9 49:41 34 [ICFC]
  6. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 10 10 10 52:49 30 [ICFC]
  7. Minyor (Pernik) 30 11 6 13 39:59 28
  8. Botev (Vratsa) 30 11 5 14 55:40 27
  9. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 11 5 14 47:42 27
  10. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 12 3 15 56:57 27
  11. Cherno more (Varna) 30 10 6 14 43:43 26
  12. Dobrudzha (Tolbuhin) * 30 8 9 13 36:50 25
  13. Spartak (Pleven) 30 9 7 14 43:61 25 [+]
  14. Botev (Burgas) 30 9 7 14 35:53 25

  1. Sliven (Sliven) 30 9 6 15 38:57 24 [+] Relegated
  2. Maritsa (Plovdiv) 30 6 5 19 29:74 17 [+] Relegated

Promoted Dunav (Ruse), Marek (Stanke Dimitrov).


1968/69 season details

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) * 30 22 3 5 74:38 47 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) * 30 17 6 7 59:33 40 [CWC]
  3. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 16 7 7 53:40 39 [ICFC]
  4. Cherno more (Varna) * 30 13 12 5 44:27 38
  5. ZhSK-Slavia (Sofia) * 30 15 7 8 54:33 37 [ICFC]
  6. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 11 6 13 51:48 28
  7. Chernomorets (Burgas) ** 30 10 8 12 51:56 28
  8. Botev (Vratsa) 30 10 7 13 48:51 27
  9. Spartak (Pleven) 30 12 3 15 44:52 27
  10. Krakra Pernishki (Pernik) * 30 10 7 13 42:53 27
  11. Akademik (Sofia) * 30 8 10 12 32:35 26 -Spartak (Sofia) 15 5 5 5 14:13 15 Merged -Akademik (Sofia) 15 3 5 7 18:22 11
  12. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 6 14 36:45 26
  13. Dunav (Ruse) 30 10 5 15 36:48 25 [+]
  14. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) *** 30 9 7 14 34:46 25 [+]

  1. Dobrudzha (Tolbuhin) *** 30 8 8 14 32:44 24 Relegated
  2. Lokomotiv (Sofia) * 30 7 2 21 23:64 16 Merged

Promoted Etar (Veliko Tarnovo), Maritsa (Plovdiv).

1968/69 season details


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 23 4 3 67:17 50 Champions [ECC]
  2. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 21 5 4 73:29 47 [CWC]
  3. ZhSK-Slavia (Sofia) 30 15 8 7 41:31 38 [ICFC]
  4. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 15 4 11 48:34 34 [ICFC]
  5. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 14 5 11 53:45 33
  6. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 12 8 10 42:36 32 [+]
  7. Cherno more (Varna) 30 11 7 12 47:34 29
  8. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 10 9 11 33:41 29
  9. Akademik (Sofia) 30 9 10 11 34:32 28
  10. Dunav (Ruse) 30 9 9 12 28:34 27
  11. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 12 3 15 41:49 27
  12. Spartak (Pleven) 30 10 7 13 29:53 27
  13. Botev (Vratsa) 30 9 7 14 34:38 25
  14. Maritsa (Plovdiv) 30 10 3 17 34:51 23 [+]

  1. Krakra Pernishki (Pernik) 30 5 5 20 24:59 15 Relegated
  2. Beroe (Stara Zagora) ** 30 6 4 20 19:64 16 Relegated

Promoted Chardafon-Orlovets (Gabrovo), Nikolay Laskov (Yambol).


Competition system The UEFA Cup relaces the ICFC as of next season, Bulgaria gets two berths in the competition.

At the end of the season it was decided that the ZhSK-Slavia (Sofia) merger would be dissolved, with Slavia and Lokomotiv both getting a place in "A" RFG. Because of this it was decided that the group would be expanded to 18 teams, with only one team relegated from "A" RFG at the end of this season.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 21 6 3 74:21 48 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 21 6 3 59:22 48 [CWC]
  3. Botev (Vratsa) 30 17 4 9 51:31 38 [UEFA]
  4. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 14 7 9 55:42 35 [UEFA]
  5. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 13 6 11 53:50 32
  6. ZhSK-Slavia (Sofia) 30 12 7 11 53:41 31
  7. Cherno more (Varna) 30 11 6 13 37:42 28
  8. Chardafon-Orlovets (Gabrovo) 30 11 6 13 42:52 28 [+]
  9. Spartak (Pleven) 30 10 7 13 46:47 27
  10. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 9 9 12 37:41 27
  11. Dunav (Ruse) 30 10 7 13 32:45 27
  12. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 10 7 13 33:49 27
  13. Nikolay Laskov (Yambol) 30 8 9 13 26:47 25 [+]
  14. Akademik (Sofia) 30 6 11 13 33:41 23
  15. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 6 7 17 33:66 19

  1. Maritsa (Plovdiv) 30 4 9 17 28:55 17 Relegated

Promoted ZhSK-Spartak (Varna), Beroe (Stara Zagora).


Competition system The normal promotion/relegation system is restored with the bottom two teams being relegated and replaced by the winners of the two second level groups.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 34 26 6 2 95:28 58 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 34 22 6 6 68:26 50 [UEFA]
  3. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 34 18 6 10 61:46 42 [+] [UEFA]
  4. Slavia (Sofia) ** 34 15 9 10 50:43 39 [CWC]
  5. Lokomotiv (Sofia) ** 34 13 12 9 47:34 38 [+]
  6. Trakia (Plovdiv) 34 14 7 13 54:47 35
  7. Botev (Vratsa) 34 13 5 16 62:64 31
  8. Cherno more (Varna) 34 13 5 16 53:60 31
  9. Dunav (Ruse) 34 12 7 15 38:50 31
  10. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 34 7 16 11 32:44 30
  11. Akademik (Sofia) 34 11 7 16 37:45 29
  12. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 34 11 7 16 39:54 29
  13. Spartak (Pleven) 34 11 7 16 40:61 29
  14. Chernomorets (Burgas) 34 11 8 15 47:49 28 [*]
  15. ZhSK-Spartak (Varna) 34 10 8 16 45:50 28 [+]
  16. Nikolay Laskov (Yambol) 34 11 6 17 35:50 28

  1. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 34 10 6 18 31:65 26 Relegated
  2. Chardafon-Orlovets (Gabrovo) 34 10 8 16 34:52 22 [*] Relegated

[*] - Chernomorets had 2 points deducted, Chardafon-Orlovets had 6 points deducted.

Promoted Panayot Volov (Shumen), Pernik (Pernik).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 34 22 7 5 80:40 51 Champions [ECC]
  2. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 34 18 7 9 62:38 43 [UEFA]
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 33 16 11 6 55:33 43 [*] [UEFA]
  4. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 34 15 10 9 62:37 40
  5. Akademik (Sofia) 34 15 8 11 61:43 38
  6. Dunav (Ruse) 34 14 9 11 42:41 37 [*] Relegated
  7. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 34 14 9 11 44:44 37
  8. Botev (Vratsa) 34 13 7 14 48:55 33
  9. Trakia (Plovdiv) 34 12 8 14 44:44 32
  10. Cherno more (Varna) 34 12 8 14 51:54 32
  11. Spartak (Pleven) 33 13 5 15 46:51 31 [*]
  12. Chernomorets (Burgas) 34 12 7 15 35:44 31 [*] Relegated
  13. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 34 12 6 16 50:47 30 [CWC]
  14. Pernik (Pernik) 34 8 14 12 35:54 30 [+]
  15. ZhSK-Spartak (Varna) 33 10 9 14 34:49 29 [*]
  16. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 34 7 14 13 37:49 28

  1. Nikolay Laskov (Yambol) 33 9 7 17 37:55 25 [*] Relegated
  2. Panayot Volov (Shumen) 34 6 6 22 25:70 18 [+] Relegated

[*] - following the end of the season, after allegations of match fixing and allocation of funds for briberies, Dunav and Chernomorets were relegated from the group, while the matches Slavia - ZhSK-Spartak and Spartak (Pleven) - Nikolay Laskov were annulled. No teams were promoted to replace Dunav and Chernomorets, so the group was reduced to 16 teams.

Promoted Yantra (Gabrovo), Pirin (Blagoevgrad).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 21 5 4 58:30 47 Champions [ECC]
  2. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 19 8 3 54:27 46 [CWC]
  3. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 13 8 9 49:36 34 [UEFA]
  4. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 13 7 10 38:30 33 [UEFA]
  5. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 12 9 9 35:32 33
  6. Akademik (Sofia) 30 11 10 9 37:38 32
  7. Botev (Vratsa) 30 12 6 12 42:48 30
  8. Slavia (Sofia) 30 10 8 12 36:33 28
  9. Cherno more (Varna) 30 11 6 13 42:42 28
  10. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 7 13 10 36:42 27
  11. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 11 5 14 29:43 27 [+]
  12. Yantra (Gabrovo) 30 10 5 15 40:49 25 [+]
  13. Minyor (Pernik) * 30 7 11 12 28:45 25
  14. Spartak (Pleven) 30 7 10 13 32:43 24

  1. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 7 7 16 50:46 21 Relegated
  2. ZhSK-Spartak (Varna) 30 7 6 17 26:48 20 Relegated

Promoted Dunav (Ruse), Sliven (Sliven).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 15 9 6 52:32 39 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 15 8 7 54:30 38 [UEFA]
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 30 15 6 9 56:35 36 [CWC]
  4. Dunav (Ruse) 30 15 5 10 41:28 35 [+] [UEFA]
  5. Akademik (Sofia) 30 14 7 9 39:33 35
  6. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 12 9 9 49:44 33
  7. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 12 7 11 53:43 31
  8. Sliven (Sliven) 30 10 10 10 42:45 30 [+]
  9. Spartak (Pleven) 30 9 10 11 34:45 28
  10. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 12 4 14 41:55 28
  11. Botev (Vratsa) 30 9 9 12 46:49 27
  12. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 11 5 14 31:42 27
  13. Minyor (Pernik) 30 11 4 15 36:45 26
  14. Cherno more (Varna) 30 9 8 13 28:43 26

  1. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 8 5 17 43:56 21 Relegated
  2. Yantra (Gabrovo) 30 7 6 17 30:50 20 Relegated

Promoted ZhSK-Spartak (Varna), Beroe (Stara Zagora).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 17 9 4 61:30 43 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 16 9 5 58:33 41 [CWC]
  3. Akademik (Sofia) 30 14 9 7 35:25 37 [UEFA]
  4. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 12 9 9 43:33 33 [UEFA]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 30 11 10 9 43:41 32
  6. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 10 12 8 24:26 32
  7. Sliven (Sliven) 30 13 5 12 29:30 31
  8. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 9 11 10 35:33 29
  9. Dunav (Ruse) 30 11 7 12 32:38 29
  10. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 8 12 10 35:39 28 [+]
  11. ZhSK-Spartak (Varna) 30 10 7 13 32:33 27 [+]
  12. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 7 13 10 24:28 27
  13. Botev (Vratsa) 30 11 5 14 30:36 27
  14. Minyor (Pernik) 30 8 10 12 30:46 26

  1. Cherno more (Varna) 30 7 10 13 35:44 24 Relegated
  2. Spartak (Pleven) 30 4 6 20 32:63 14 Relegated

Promoted Akademik (Svishtov), Marek (Stanke Dimitrov).


Competition system Participation in the Intertoto Cup is resumed with one team entering the competition.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 17 9 4 73:34 43 Champions [ECC]
  2. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 14 11 5 45:27 39 [UEFA]
  3. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 15 8 7 43:28 38 [+] [UEFA]
  4. Slavia (Sofia) 30 14 9 7 52:36 37 [ITC]
  5. Botev (Vratsa) 30 12 7 11 31:35 31
  6. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 11 9 10 26:30 31
  7. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 9 12 9 42:40 30 [CWC]
  8. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 10 10 10 32:31 30
  9. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 9 11 38:51 29
  10. Sliven (Sliven) 30 10 8 12 41:46 28
  11. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 7 13 10 36:40 27
  12. Akademik (Sofia) 30 7 12 11 25:30 26
  13. Akademik (Svishtov) 30 9 8 13 32:45 26 [+]
  14. ZhSK-Spartak (Varna) 30 7 10 13 37:42 24

  1. Minyor (Pernik) 30 7 9 14 34:43 23 Relegated
  2. Dunav (Ruse) 30 5 8 17 22:51 18 Relegated

Promoted Cherno more (Varna), Chernomorets (Burgas).


Competition system Bulgaria gets an additional, third spot in the UEFA Cup and also enters a second team in the Intertoto Cup.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 16 10 4 40:16 42 Champions [ECC]
  2. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 18 5 7 60:35 41 [UEFA]
  3. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 15 8 7 53:30 38 [UEFA]
  4. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 13 6 11 39:36 32 [UEFA]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 30 12 6 12 54:35 30 [ITC]
  6. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 12 5 13 37:37 29
  7. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 12 5 13 32:40 29 [ITC]
  8. Akademik (Sofia) 30 10 8 12 34:38 28
  9. Cherno more (Varna) 30 8 12 10 27:34 28 [+]
  10. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 11 5 14 44:43 27 [+]
  11. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 11 5 14 33:41 27
  12. Sliven (Sliven) 30 11 5 14 36:51 27
  13. Botev (Vratsa) 30 11 5 14 31:56 27
  14. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 11 4 15 37:40 26 [CWC]

  1. ZhSK-Spartak (Varna) 30 11 3 16 30:46 25 Relegated
  2. Akademik (Svishtov) 30 9 6 15 36:45 24 Relegated

Promoted Spartak (Pleven), Haskovo (Haskovo).


Competition system Bulgaria is again down to two spots in the UEFA Cup.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 18 7 5 54:29 43 Champions [ECC]
  2. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 14 12 4 49:26 40 [UEFA]
  3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 14 9 7 35:22 37 [UEFA]
  4. Slavia (Sofia) 30 16 4 10 52:33 36 [ITC]
  5. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 13 8 9 45:43 34
  6. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 13 7 10 42:39 33
  7. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 14 5 11 45:47 33 [CWC]
  8. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 9 11 10 45:45 29
  9. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 9 11 10 37:39 29 [ITC]
  10. Cherno more (Varna) 30 8 10 12 29:40 26
  11. Spartak (Pleven) 30 9 7 14 25:27 25 [+]
  12. Botev (Vratsa) 30 9 7 14 36:42 25
  13. Sliven (Sliven) 30 8 9 13 35:42 25
  14. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 10 4 16 35:43 24

  1. Akademik (Sofia) 30 6 10 14 27:50 22 Relegated
  2. Haskovo (Haskovo) 30 7 5 18 35:59 19 [+] Relegated

Promoted Etar (Veliko Tarnovo), Minyor (Pernik).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 18 10 2 60:30 46 Champions [ECC]
  2. Slavia (Sofia) 30 21 3 6 66:27 45 [ITC][CWC]
  3. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 15 7 8 45:38 37 [UEFA]
  4. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 13 8 9 49:37 34 [UEFA]
  5. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 14 5 11 39:38 33
  6. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 11 9 10 51:42 31 [ITC]
  7. Cherno more (Varna) 30 9 13 8 36:33 31
  8. Minyor (Pernik) 30 11 6 13 31:46 28 [+]
  9. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 12 3 15 39:42 27
  10. Botev (Vratsa) 30 10 6 14 35:43 26
  11. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 7 12 11 32:43 26
  12. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 9 7 14 27:34 25
  13. Sliven (Sliven) 30 8 9 13 32:43 25
  14. Spartak (Pleven) 30 7 10 13 26:39 24

  1. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 6 10 14 33:52 22 Relegated
  2. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 7 6 17 31:45 20 [+] Relegated

Promoted Akademik (Sofia), Belasitsa (Petrich).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 14 12 4 70:32 40 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 13 10 7 44:25 36 [UEFA]
  3. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 15 5 10 64:40 35 [CWC]
  4. Akademik (Sofia) 30 13 8 9 42:40 34 [+] [UEFA]
  5. Spartak (Pleven) 30 12 7 11 38:41 31 [ITC]
  6. Cherno more (Varna) 30 8 13 9 36:37 29
  7. Slavia (Sofia) 30 10 9 11 35:44 29
  8. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 12 4 14 39:40 28 [ITC]
  9. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 8 12 10 34:35 28
  10. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 11 6 13 45:49 28
  11. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 9 10 11 42:49 28
  12. Botev (Vratsa) 30 8 11 11 32:37 27
  13. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 11 5 14 38:47 27 [+]
  14. Sliven (Sliven) 30 11 5 14 33:43 27

  1. Minyor (Pernik) 30 12 3 15 32:51 27 Relegated
  2. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 6 14 10 33:47 26 Relegated

Promoted Etar (Veliko Tarnovo), Haskovo (Haskovo).


Competition system Tie-break criteria in case of teams finshing on equal points is now changed as follows:

  1. overall goal difference;
  2. head-to-head record;
  3. overall goals scored;
  4. team sportsmanship.

The promotion/relegation procedure is also changed. The bottom two clubs are still directly relegated and replaced by the two winners of the two second level groups. The teams placed 13th and 14th now have to play a playoff with direct elimination over two legs with the teams that finished second in the two second level groups.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 22 3 5 73:27 47 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 20 6 4 71:32 46 [UEFA]
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 30 15 5 10 35:33 35 [UEFA]
  4. Cherno more (Varna) 30 14 5 11 41:37 33 [ITC]
  5. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 13 6 11 41:37 32 [CWC]
  6. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 14 4 12 48:44 32 [ITC]
  7. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 13 4 13 46:42 30
  8. Haskovo (Haskovo) 30 12 6 12 34:37 30 [+]
  9. Spartak (Pleven) 30 13 3 14 40:40 29
  10. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 9 10 11 46:48 28 [+]
  11. Sliven (Sliven) 30 10 7 13 38:40 27
  12. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 11 5 14 32:43 27

  1. Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) * 30 9 8 13 23:40 26 Playoff - Relegated
  2. Botev (Vratsa) 30 7 8 15 23:41 22 Playoff

  1. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 7 5 18 33:51 19 Relegated
  2. Akademik (Sofia) 30 6 5 19 23:55 17 Relegated


Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

Marek (Stanke Dimitrov) - Rozova dolina (Kazanlak) 0:0; 1:2 Botev (Vratsa) - Shumen (Shumen) 1:0; 1:2

Promoted ZhSK-Spartak (Varna), Pirin (Blagoevgrad), Rozova dolina (Kazanlak) - through playoffs.


Competition system The Soviet Army Cup is no longer the top cup competition in Bulgaria that gives a place in the Cup Winners' Cup. Instead, the Cup of Bulgaria, established two seasons ago, now becomes the primary cup competition.

Instead, one of the country's two places for the UEFA Cup is now given to the winner of the Soviet Army Cup (but not to the finalist, if the winners is otherwise qualified for another European competition).

Bulgaria enters a third team in the Intertoto Cup.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 18 9 3 52:26 45 Champions [ECC]
  2. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 18 6 6 50:21 42 [UEFA]
  3. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 16 6 8 62:40 38 [ITC]
  4. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 12 8 10 39:40 32
  5. Spartak (Pleven) 30 13 5 12 46:40 31 [*] Relegated
  6. Sliven (Sliven) 30 13 4 13 46:45 30
  7. ZhSK-Spartak (Varna) 30 12 5 13 36:38 29 [+] [CWC]
  8. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 13 3 14 38:41 29
  9. Cherno more (Varna) 30 9 11 10 24:28 29
  10. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 12 5 13 43:54 29
  11. Botev (Vratsa) * 30 13 4 13 38:35 28 [ITC]
  12. Slavia (Sofia) 30 11 6 13 35:37 28 [ITC]

  1. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 12 4 14 41:47 28 Playoff
  2. Haskovo (Haskovo) 30 9 4 17 34:41 22 Playoff

  1. Rozova dolina (Kazanlak) 30 7 5 18 30:53 19 [+] Relegated
  2. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 7 5 18 26:54 19 [+] Relegated

[*] - following the end of the season, after allegations of match fixing and allocation of funds for briberies, Spartak (Pleven) were relegated from the group.

Note The second place for the UEFA Cup (allocated to the Soviet Army Cup winner) was taken by Lokomotiv (Plovdiv), who competed in second level this season.


Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

Chernomorets (Burgas) - Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 2:1; 0:0 Osam (Lovech) - Haskovo (Haskovo) 0:0; 1:2

[*] - after the relegation of Spartak (Pleven) from "A" RFG an additional playoff over a single leg in Sofia was played between the two losers of the Playoffs for the place freed by Spartak.

in Sofia: Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) - Osam (Lovech) 2:1 aet

Promoted Shumen (Shumen), Beroe (Stara Zagora), Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) - substituting for Spartak (Pl).


Competition system No teams entered for the Intertoto Cup.

The promotion/relegation playoff system is further elaborated. At the first stage the 14th vs the 11th and the 13th vs the 12th team in "A" RFG meet over two legs with the 13th and 14th team hosting the 1st legs. The losers of those two playoffs go on to the second stage of the playoffs, where they meet the second placed teams from the two second level teams again over two legs, with the winners getting a place in "A" RFG.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 19 9 2 64:29 47 Champions [ECC]
  2. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 18 9 3 72:24 45 [UEFA]
  3. ZhSK-Spartak (Varna) 30 13 5 12 41:37 31 [*]
  4. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 11 9 10 38:40 31 [+]
  5. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 12 7 11 43:47 31
  6. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 11 8 11 35:29 30
  7. Sliven (Sliven) 30 10 10 10 39:37 30 [*] [UEFA]
  8. Botev (Vratsa) 30 10 10 10 31:32 30 [*]
  9. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 11 7 12 64:58 29 [CWC]
  10. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 13 2 15 47:48 28

  1. Shumen (Shumen) 30 11 5 14 35:46 27 [+] Playoff - Relegated
  2. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 11 5 14 25:49 27 Playoff - Relegated
  3. Cherno more (Varna) 30 9 8 13 36:43 26 Playoff
  4. Slavia (Sofia) 30 10 5 15 40:38 25 Playoff

  1. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 10 4 16 43:63 24 [+] Relegated
  2. Haskovo (Haskovo) 30 7 5 18 30:63 19 Relegated

[*] - "A" RFG's final table looked like this until literally minutes before the closing ceremony of the season, where the medals should have been given to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed teams. However ZhSK- Spartak were turned back from the stadium's tunnel as they were about to go out and receive their bronze medals, because of a last minute decision, which awarded the Botev (Vratsa) - Sliven (Sliven) match from the penultimate 29th round of the competition to the team of Sliven. The match originally ended 2:1 for Botev, but the ruling for a 0:3 result that gave Sliven the win - and thus the bronze medals came, claiming Botev used an ineligible player.

ZhSK-Spartak protested, that if at least the ruling had come earlier, they could have still finished 3rd, as they finished their last match of the season with a 3:3 draw away to relegated Lokomotiv (Plovdiv).

Nevertheless their pleas were left without result. The awarded win gave Sliven a total of 30 11 10 9 41:35 32 pts, which was enough for the third place and participation in the UEFA Cup. Consequently ZhSK-Spartak, Beroe, Chernomorets and Lokomotiv (Sofia) were all pushed back a place to 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th respectively, while Trakia and Etar moved up a place to 8th and 9th, with Botev falling down to 10th place with a total of 30 9 10 11 29:34 28 pts.

Nearly 16 years later, in the spring of 2000, the Bulgarian Football Union (BFU) officially overruled the decision for the awardment of the match, and thus reinstated the initial final table, and returned the 3rd place to Spartak (Varna).

Note Levski-Spartak won the Soviet Army Cup and because of that both UEFA Cup places went to the best qualified teams in "A" RFG not counting the champions and the team, qualified for the Cup Winners' Cup.


Note: The teams shown in first place were hosts in the first legs.

Round 1

Slavia (Sofia) - Shumen (Shumen) 2:1; 2:2 Cherno more (Varna) - Belasitsa (Petrich) 3:1; 1:2

Round 2

Belasitsa (Petrich) - Minyor (Pernik) 4:2; 0:3 Shumen (Shumen) - Dunav (Ruse) 1:1; 2:3


Spartak (Pleven), Pirin (Blagoevgrad), Dunav (Ruse) - through playoffs, Minyor (Pernik) - through playoffs.


Competition system Two teams are again entered in the Intertoto Cup

As of this season no points are awarded for scoreless draws (0:0). Those are denoted in the table under the "d" column, with score draws under the "D" column.

Promotion/relegation system changed again, now only the bottom two teams are directly relegated, and are replaced by the top two teams from the unified second level.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D d   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski-Spartak (Sofia) 30 18 4 2 6 66:37 40 [*] Champions
  2. CSKA Septemvriysko zname (Sofia) 30 15 6 1 8 66:36 36 [*]
  3. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 15 3 2 10 68:32 33 [ECC]
  4. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 13 7 1 9 45:41 33 [ITC][UEFA]
  5. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 12 7 0 11 42:43 31 [+] [UEFA]
  6. Botev (Vratsa) 30 13 3 0 14 48:42 29
  7. Slavia (Sofia) 30 14 1 1 14 49:48 29
  8. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 14 0 1 15 49:50 28
  9. Spartak (Pleven) 30 11 5 2 12 47:52 27 [+]
  10. Cherno more (Varna) 30 11 4 3 12 41:45 26
  11. Sliven (Sliven) 30 11 4 1 14 41:45 26
  12. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 11 4 1 14 41:51 26
  13. Dunav (Ruse) 30 10 6 1 13 39:51 26 [+]
  14. ZhSK-Spartak (Varna) 30 11 4 0 15 35:49 26

  1. Minyor (Pernik) 30 11 3 2 14 32:65 25 [+] Relegated
  2. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 8 5 0 17 35:57 21 Relegated [ITC]

[*] - The Cup of Bulgaria final between CSKA Septemvriysko zname and Levski-Spartak ended with a 2:1 win for CSKA, but after a lot of ugly scenes on the field during the game a radical decision was taken to disband the clubs and relegate them from "A" RFG as well as ban for life some of the most talented players at the time. This happened a round before the end of the "A" RFG, so in the last round Beroe were awarded a 3:0 home win against Levski-Spartak, while Dunav were awarded a 3:0 away win against CSKA, thus helping significantly both teams (especially Dunav) to avoid relegation.

3rd placed Trakia (Plovdiv) were declared champions and also participated in the ECC, while 4th and 5th placed Lokomotiv (Sofia) and Pirin (Blagoevgrad) participated in the UEFA Cup. Bulgaria also had no entry for the CWC for 1985/86.

Eventually most of the personal sanctions to the players were lifted sooner or later, and both teams were admitted to participate in "A" RFG for the next season, albeit with changed name and without (official) ties to the police and the army. They were also entered in the Intertoto Cup 1986

In 1990 the BFU oficially overruled the most of the decisions and though they confirmed the two teams' awarded losses in the final round, the final standings (with those losses) were reinstated, with Levski given back the title, while CSKA were given back the Cup of Bulgaria.

Note CSKA Septemvriysko zname won the Soviet Army Cup and since because of the events described above that UEFA Cup spot was not used, it went to the teams positioned behind Trakia in the "A" RFG.

Promoted Akademik (Svishtov), Lokomotiv (Plovdiv).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D d   L    GD    Pts
  1. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 20 3 1 6 55:36 43 Champions [ECC]
  2. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 18 5 1 6 82:38 41 [UEFA]
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 30 16 4 1 9 63:33 36
  4. Sredets (Sofia) * 30 16 2 0 12 62:37 34 [ITC][UEFA]
  5. Vitosha (Sofia) * 30 14 5 1 10 55:39 33 [ITC][CWC]
  6. Sliven (Sliven) 30 12 7 1 10 46:48 31
  7. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 14 3 0 13 51:57 31 [+]
  8. Spartak (Varna) * 30 11 8 1 10 31:32 30
  9. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 12 5 1 12 47:45 29
  10. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 12 5 0 13 52:58 29
  11. Akademik (Svishtov) 30 11 4 0 15 39:54 26 [+]
  12. Vratsa (Vratsa) * 30 10 5 0 15 44:60 25
  13. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 8 5 1 16 34:49 21
  14. Spartak (Pleven) 30 9 3 1 17 33:63 21

  1. Cherno more (Varna) 30 9 2 1 18 47:58 20 Relegated
  2. Dunav (Ruse) 30 8 2 2 18 29:63 18 Relegated

Note Sredets (Sofia) qualified for the UEFA Cup as winners of the Soviet Army Cup.

Promoted Chernomorets (Burgas), Dimitrovgrad (Dimitrovgrad).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D d   L    GD    Pts
  1. CFKA Sredets (Sofia) * 30 21 5 0 4 73:30 47 Champions [ECC]
  2. Vitosha (Sofia) 30 19 6 0 5 75:35 44 [CWC]
  3. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 16 7 0 7 57:30 39 [UEFA]
  4. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 14 7 1 8 67:45 35 [UEFA]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 30 15 5 0 10 59:46 35
  6. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 11 8 1 10 58:44 30
  7. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 12 6 0 12 40:42 30 [ITC]
  8. Vratsa (Vratsa) 30 11 6 0 13 42:56 28
  9. Sliven (Sliven) 30 11 5 0 14 52:52 27
  10. Spartak (Varna) 30 10 5 0 15 44:62 25 [ITC]
  11. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 8 8 2 12 35:47 24
  12. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 10 4 0 16 48:76 24 [+]
  13. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 8 5 0 17 44:54 21
  14. Spartak (Pleven) 30 7 7 2 14 31:50 21

  1. Akademik (Svishtov) 30 7 7 1 15 29:51 21 Relegated
  2. Dimitrovgrad (Dimitrovgrad) 30 8 5 1 16 32:66 21 [+] Relegated

Note As CFKA Sredets also won the Soviet Army Cup, both UEFA Cup spots went to the best qualified teams not particpating in ECC or CWC.

Promoted Minyor (Pernik), Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa).


Competition system The rule not giving points for a 0:0 draws was abolished, as it only lead to the absurd of having only 4 out of 240 games in the previous season end in a scoreless draw.

Only one team is entered in the Intertoto Cup.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Vitosha (Sofia) 30 20 8 2 67:29 48 Champions [ECC]
  2. CFKA Sredets (Sofia) 30 20 6 4 76:32 46 [CWC]
  3. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 15 9 6 52:31 39 [UEFA]
  4. Slavia (Sofia) 30 14 10 6 48:30 38 [ITC][UEFA]
  5. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 12 8 10 47:47 32
  6. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 11 7 12 41:44 29
  7. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 12 4 14 44:59 28
  8. Sliven (Sliven) 30 11 5 14 35:43 27
  9. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 10 6 14 44:41 26
  10. Spartak (Varna) 30 10 6 14 36:52 26
  11. Minyor (Pernik) 30 10 5 15 34:36 25 [+]
  12. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 7 11 12 32:37 25
  13. Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa) 30 11 3 16 41:57 25 [+]
  14. Vratsa (Vratsa) 30 8 8 14 34:46 24

  1. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 9 3 18 27:50 21 Relegated
  2. Spartak (Pleven) 30 6 9 15 37:61 21 Relegated

Note As Vitosha also won the Soviet Army Cup, both UEFA Cup spots went to the best qualified teams not particpating in ECC or CWC.

Promoted Cherno more (Varna), Dunav (Ruse).


Competition system Bulgaria is down to only a single UEFA Cup spot for this season. Two teams enter in the Intertoto Cup

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CFKA Sredets (Sofia) 30 20 9 1 86:24 49 Champions [ECC]
  2. Vitosha (Sofia) 30 17 5 8 63:38 39 [UEFA]
  3. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 13 8 9 48:30 34 [ITC]
  4. Trakia (Plovdiv) 30 12 9 9 49:36 33
  5. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 13 7 10 41:46 33
  6. Dunav (Ruse) 30 12 7 11 29:32 31 [+]
  7. Cherno more (Varna) 30 10 10 10 33:43 30 [+]
  8. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 12 4 14 36:34 28
  9. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 12 3 15 34:33 27
  10. Sliven (Sliven) 30 11 5 14 38:39 27
  11. Slavia (Sofia) 30 8 10 12 32:36 26
  12. Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa) 30 11 4 15 26:45 26
  13. Vratsa (Vratsa) 30 9 8 13 32:53 26
  14. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 10 6 14 31:55 26

  1. Spartak (Varna) 30 7 9 14 37:54 23 Relegated [ITC]
  2. Minyor (Pernik) 30 8 6 16 27:44 22 Relegated

Note CWC spot was won by second level side Chernomorets (Burgas) as losing finalists against CFKA Sredets.

Promoted Hebar (Pazardzhik), Chernomorets (Burgas).


Competition system As of this season the bottom three teams are directly relegated from "A" RFG, with the top three teams from second level replacing them.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA (Sofia) * 30 18 9 3 85:30 45 Champions [ECC]
  2. Slavia (Sofia) 30 13 10 7 37:29 36 [ITC][UEFA]
  3. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 14 7 9 51:32 35
  4. Levski (Sofia) * 30 12 11 7 57:39 35
  5. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 15 5 10 53:40 35
  6. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 13 8 9 46:32 34 [ITC]
  7. Botev (Plovdiv) * 30 15 3 12 43:39 33
  8. Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa) 30 11 8 11 28:32 30
  9. Sliven (Sliven) 30 12 5 13 41:44 29 [CWC]
  10. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 9 11 43:48 29
  11. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 11 7 12 36:41 29 [+]
  12. Dunav (Ruse) 30 9 9 12 30:38 27
  13. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 9 9 12 30:47 27

  1. Hebar (Pazardzhik) 30 10 5 15 29:43 25 [+] Relegated
  2. Cherno more (Varna) 30 6 4 20 28:63 16 Relegated
  3. Botev (Vratsa) * 30 5 5 20 25:65 15 Relegated

Promoted Yantra (Gabrovo), Minyor (Pernik), Haskovo (Haskovo).


Competition system The ECC is renamed to the Champions League. Bulgaria again gets a second spot in the UEFA Cup.

The old promotion/relegation system is restored, with only the bottom two clubs relegated, and replaced with the top two clubs from second level.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 18 8 4 49:21 44 Champions [CL]
  2. CSKA (Sofia) 30 14 9 7 51:28 37 [UEFA]
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 30 14 9 7 48:29 37 [UEFA]
  4. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 13 10 7 50:36 36
  5. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 13 10 7 49:41 36 [ITC]
  6. Levski (Sofia) 30 12 9 9 51:38 33 [CWC]
  7. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 11 8 11 41:50 30
  8. Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa) 30 13 3 14 42:39 29
  9. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 7 13 38:41 27
  10. Minyor (Pernik) 30 10 7 13 36:44 27 [+]
  11. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 9 9 12 34:42 27
  12. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 11 4 15 38:40 26 [ITC]
  13. Sliven (Sliven) 30 9 8 13 39:49 26
  14. Yantra (Gabrovo) 30 9 8 13 31:44 26 [+]

  1. Dunav (Ruse) 30 8 6 16 23:42 22 Relegated
  2. Haskovo (Haskovo) 30 7 3 20 27:63 17 [+] Relegated

Promoted Hebar (Pazardzhik), Dobrudzha (Dobrich).


                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA (Sofia) 30 20 7 3 74:26 47 Champions [CL]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 30 19 7 4 54:18 45 [CWC]
  3. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 14 9 7 42:22 37 [UEFA]
  4. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 13 11 6 46:27 37 [UEFA]
  5. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 12 13 5 35:18 37
  6. Sliven (Sliven) 30 12 8 10 37:39 32
  7. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 10 10 32:41 30
  8. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 10 9 11 38:40 29 [ITC]
  9. Yantra (Gabrovo) 30 8 11 11 24:33 27
  10. Slavia (Sofia) 30 8 10 12 33:31 26
  11. Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa) 30 9 8 13 23:39 26 [ITC]
  12. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 8 9 13 28:43 25
  13. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 7 9 14 22:34 23
  14. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 30 8 7 15 29:48 23 [+]

  1. Minyor (Pernik) 30 5 9 16 19:51 19 Relegated
  2. Hebar (Pazardzhik) 30 3 11 16 17:43 17 [+] Relegated

Promoted Haskovo (Haskovo), Spartak (Varna).


1992/93 season details

Competition system Only one team entered in the Intertoto Cup.

                       **"A" RFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 30 22 6 2 76:27 50 Champions [CL]
  2. CSKA (Sofia) 30 17 8 5 66:31 42 [CWC]
  3. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 16 6 8 55:33 38 [UEFA]
  4. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 16 5 9 57:29 37 [UEFA]
  5. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 11 13 6 52:39 35
  6. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 13 9 8 37:36 35
  7. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 13 7 10 33:32 33
  8. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 11 8 11 33:31 30
  9. Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa) 30 10 9 11 31:37 29
  10. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 8 12 29:35 28
  11. Yantra (Gabrovo) 30 10 6 14 38:52 26 [ITC]
  12. Spartak (Varna) 30 8 8 14 30:48 24 [+]
  13. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 30 9 4 17 32:57 22
  14. Slavia (Sofia) 30 8 5 17 39:56 21

  1. Haskovo (Haskovo) 30 6 5 19 32:66 17 [+] Relegated
  2. Sliven (Sliven) 30 6 1 23 27:58 13 Relegated

Promoted Cherno more (Varna), Shumen (Shumen).

1992/93 season details


1993/94 season details

Change "A" RFG is renamed to "A" PFG ("A" Professional Football Group).

Competition system As of this season 3 points are awarded for a win. Also in case of teams on equal points, the first two tie-brakers change positions, with head-to-head record taking first place, and overall goal difference falling to second place.

The bottom four clubs are directly relegated, and are replaced by the top two teams from each of the newly established two second level groups.

As of this season the champion of Bulgaria no longer has right to participate in the Champions League, but instead enters the UEFA Cup, thus a total of three clubs participate in the competition.

                       **"A" PFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 28 22 5 1 78:17 71 Champions [UEFA]
  2. CSKA (Sofia) 28 17 3 8 58:27 54 [UEFA]
  3. Botev (Plovdiv) * 28 15 5 8 50:29 50
  4. Shumen (Shumen) * 28 14 6 8 49:34 48 [+] [UEFA]
  5. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 28 12 4 12 38:43 40
  6. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 28 10 10 8 42:33 40
  7. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 28 11 5 12 33:38 38
  8. Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa) 28 11 5 12 25:39 38
  9. Slavia (Sofia) 28 9 9 10 30:37 36
  10. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 28 10 6 12 35:36 36 [CWC]
  11. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 28 10 4 14 37:40 34 [ITC]
  12. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 28 8 10 10 37:42 34

  1. Chernomorets (Burgas) 28 8 6 14 30:36 30 Relegated
  2. Cherno more (Varna) 28 5 6 17 24:68 21 [+] Relegated
  3. Spartak (Varna) 28 4 4 20 18:65 16 Relegated --. Yantra (Gabrovo) 8 1 0 7 5:18 - [*] Relegated

[*] - Yantra (Gabrovo) is relegated from the group after round 8 for trying to bribe Beroe (Stara Zagora) in their round 8 match. All their results were annulled.

Promoted LEX (Lovech), Montana (Montana), Neftohimik (Burgas), Spartak (Plovdiv).

1993/94 season details


1994/95 season details

Competition system As of this season only three teams are relegated from "A" PFG to second level.

Two clubs enter the Intertoto Cup.

                       **"A" PFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 30 26 1 3 84:15 79 Champions [UEFA]
  2. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 21 5 4 59:30 68 [CWC]
  3. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 18 6 6 66:31 60 [UEFA]
  4. Slavia (Sofia) 30 16 5 9 63:35 53 [UEFA]
  5. CSKA (Sofia) 30 13 7 10 51:46 46
  6. Spartak (Plovdiv) 30 12 7 11 33:34 43 [+] [ITC]
  7. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 13 3 14 48:38 42
  8. Neftohimik (Burgas) 30 12 3 15 41:50 39 [+]
  9. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 10 6 14 31:54 36 [ITC]
  10. Shumen (Shumen) 30 10 6 14 33:50 36
  11. LEX (Lovech) 30 10 6 14 25:46 36 [+]
  12. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 30 10 5 15 32:43 35
  13. Montana (Montana) 30 9 7 14 31:41 34 [+]

  1. Lokomotiv (Gorna Oryahovitsa) 30 10 3 17 35:53 33 Relegated
  2. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 9 3 18 30:46 30 Relegated
  3. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 3 3 24 27:77 12 Relegated

Promoted Spartak (Varna), Levski (Kyustendil), Rakovski (Ruse).

1994/95 season details


1995/96 season details

Competition system Bulgaria's quota for the UEFA Cup is reduced by one team.

                       **"A" PFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Slavia (Sofia) 30 20 7 3 51:14 67 Champions [UEFA]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 30 19 5 6 49:22 62 [CWC]
  3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 17 7 6 55:24 58 [UEFA]
  4. Neftohimik (Burgas) 30 17 6 7 58:31 57
  5. CSKA (Sofia) 30 16 8 6 49:26 56 [ITC]
  6. Spartak (Varna) 30 13 2 15 47:52 41 [+] [ITC]
  7. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 30 12 3 15 30:43 39
  8. Levski (Kyustendil) 30 10 7 13 27:37 37 [+]
  9. Montana (Montana) 30 9 9 12 33:35 36
  10. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 10 6 14 33:38 36
  11. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 10 5 15 25:50 35
  12. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 9 6 15 21:37 33
  13. Rakovski (Ruse) 30 9 5 16 33:41 32 [+]

  1. Shumen (Shumen) 30 9 5 16 28:44 32 Relegated
  2. Lovech (Lovech) * 30 7 9 14 29:40 30 Relegated
  3. Spartak (Plovdiv) 30 6 4 20 24:58 22 Relegated

Promoted Maritsa (Plovdiv), Minyor (Pernik), Spatak (Pleven).

1995/96 season details


1996/97 season details

Competition system Bulgaria's champion again enters the Champions League. Only one team enters the Intertoto Cup.

                       **"A" PFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA (Sofia) 30 22 5 3 65:19 71 Champions [CL]
  2. Neftohimik (Burgas) 30 20 7 3 70:20 67 [UEFA]
  3. Slavia (Sofia) 30 17 6 7 61:23 57
  4. Levski (Sofia) 30 14 11 5 58:30 53 [CWC]
  5. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 14 3 13 41:41 45
  6. Minyor (Pernik) 30 12 8 10 28:35 44 [+]
  7. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 13 4 13 59:47 43
  8. Levski (Kyustendil) 30 13 3 14 51:52 42
  9. Spartak (Varna) 30 13 3 14 40:41 42 [ITC]
  10. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 12 5 13 38:41 41
  11. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 30 11 6 13 44:48 39
  12. Spartak (Pleven) 30 12 3 15 35:46 39 [+]
  13. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 10 5 15 37:53 35

  1. Maritsa (Plovdiv) 30 8 8 14 38:45 32 [+] Relegated
  2. Montana (Montana) 30 8 4 18 32:54 28 Relegated
  3. Rakovski (Ruse) 30 0 1 29 8:110 1 Relegated

Promoted Litex (Lovech), Olimpik (Galata, Lovech reg.), Metalurg (Pernik).

1996/97 season details


1997/98 season details

                       **"A" PFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Litex (Lovech) 30 21 6 3 73:24 69 [+] Champions [CL]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 30 19 7 4 73:27 64 [CWC]
  3. CSKA (Sofia) 30 18 7 5 70:29 61 [UEFA]
  4. Neftohimik (Burgas) 30 17 4 9 62:31 55
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 30 15 9 6 51:30 54
  6. Levski (Kyustendil) 30 15 1 14 45:40 46
  7. Spartak (Varna) 30 12 6 12 42:36 42 [ITC]
  8. Minyor (Pernik) 30 12 5 13 32:35 41
  9. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 11 6 13 42:40 39
  10. Metalurg (Pernik) 30 11 4 15 28:36 37 [+]
  11. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 30 11 3 16 33:55 36
  12. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 11 3 16 31:58 36
  13. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 11 3 16 35:48 36

  1. Olimpik (Galata, Lovech region) 30 11 2 17 26:50 35 [+] Relegated
  2. Spartak (Pleven) 30 7 0 23 32:75 21 Relegated
  3. Etar (Veliko Tarnovo) 30 4 2 24 21:82 14 Relegated

Promoted Septemvri (Sofia), Pirin (Blagoevgrad), Shumen (Shumen).

1997/98 season details


1998/99 season details

Competition system As of 1999/2000 the Cup Winners' Cup is merged into the UEFA Cup, thus the cup winner from now on qualifies for the UEFA Cup.

                       **"A" PFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Litex (Lovech) 29 23 4 2 81:24 73 [*] Champions [CL]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 29 22 5 2 52:11 71 [*] [UC]
  3. Levski (Kyustendil) 29 18 3 8 57:29 57 [*]
  4. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 17 4 9 46:30 55
  5. CSKA (Sofia) 29 15 5 9 54:39 50 [*] [UC - cup]
  6. Neftohimik (Burgas) 30 15 4 11 52:38 49
  7. Slavia (Sofia) 30 11 8 11 47:36 41
  8. Minyor (Pernik) 30 11 7 12 44:46 40
  9. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 30 11 3 16 45:55 36
  10. Metalurg (Pernik) 28 11 2 15 32:41 35 [*] Relegated
  11. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 10 4 16 35:58 34 [+]
  12. Spartak (Varna) 30 10 4 16 39:50 34 [ITC]
  13. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 9 5 16 34:55 32

  1. Shumen (Shumen) 30 8 8 14 36:56 32 [+] [*]
  2. Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) 30 4 5 21 26:73 17 Relegated
  3. Septemvri (Sofia) 30 4 5 21 34:73 17 [+] Relegated

[*] - days before the start of the 1999/2000 season, amid internal squabbles, club officials of Metalurg showed evidence of their home matches with Litex (Lovech) and Levski (Sofia) being fixed (both games were in the spring part of the season and lost by Metalurg). The matches in question were annulled, and Metalurg relegated to second level. Litex and Levski (Sf) however remained in "A" PFG without any further penalties. Also, contrary to competition relegations the group was not completed with the next best team from the lower level (in that cause that would have been 4th placed in second level Maritsa (Plovdiv)), but Shumen, which were already relegated, were brought back to the group instead. - the match Levski (Kyustendil) - CSKA (Sofia) was abandoned at half time and was later not awarded to any of the teams, but instead annulled.

Promoted Chernomorets (Burgas), Belasitsa (Petrich), Olimpik (Teteven).

1998/99 season details


1999/00 season details

Competition system It is decided that "A" PFG would be reduced to 14 teams for next season, as a result the bottom three clubs from "A" PFG at the end of the season are directly relegated to second level to be replaced by only the winner of the second level. The clubs, placed 12th and 13th meet in a playoffs over a single leg at a neutral venue with the 3rd and 2nd from second level respectively.

                       **"A" PFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 30 23 5 2 66:17 74 Champions [CL]
  2. CSKA (Sofia) 30 20 4 6 60:26 64 [UC]
  3. Velbazhd (Kyustendil) * 30 17 4 9 52:32 55 [ITC]
  4. Neftohimik (Burgas) 30 14 11 5 42:21 53 [UC - cup]
  5. Lovech (Lovech) * 30 15 4 11 61:34 49
  6. Slavia (Sofia) 30 13 6 11 38:40 45
  7. Spartak (Varna) 30 12 5 13 42:51 41
  8. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 12 4 14 43:42 40
  9. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 10 9 11 54:37 39
  10. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 10 7 13 31:40 37 [+]
  11. Minyor (Pernik) 30 11 3 16 44:58 36

  1. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 30 10 5 15 30:43 35 Playoff - Relegated
  2. Olimpik-Beroe (Stara Zagora) * 30 10 4 16 28:47 34 [+] Playoff

  1. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 9 6 15 28:57 33 [+] Relegated
  2. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 10 3 17 31:50 33 Relegated
  3. Shumen (Shumen) 30 3 2 25 13:68 8 [*] Relegated

[*] - Shumen had 3 points deducted for a no-show.


Note: Both matches played in Sofia.

Round 1

Dobrudzha (Dobrich) - Iskar (Sofia) 0:2 Olimpik-Beroe (Stara Zagora) - Spartak (Pleven) 1:0

Promoted Cherno more (Varna), Iskar (Sofia) - through playoffs.

1999/00 season details


2000/01 season details

Change "A" PFG is renamed to Vissha profesionalna futbolna liga - VPFL (Premier Professional Football League).

Competition system The bottom two clubs at the end of the season are directly relegated, with the top two teams from second level replacing them, while the 12th placed team enters a playoff with the 3rd placed team from second level over a single leg at a neutral venue.

                       **VPFL - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 26 22 3 1 63:13 69 Champions [CL]
  2. CSKA (Sofia) 26 19 5 2 65:16 62 [UC]
  3. Velbazhd (Kyustendil) 26 18 3 5 48:29 57
  4. Lovech (Lovech) 26 17 4 5 70:23 55 [UC - cup]
  5. Neftohimik (Burgas) 26 12 6 8 47:34 42
  6. Slavia (Sofia) 26 10 5 11 35:35 35
  7. Spartak (Varna) 26 10 4 12 38:40 34 [ITC]
  8. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 26 9 6 11 37:37 33
  9. Hebar 1920 (Pazardzhik) * 26 7 5 14 39:55 26 [+]
  10. Cherno more (Varna) 26 7 5 14 20:49 26 [+]
  11. Chernomorets (Burgas) 26 6 4 16 22:48 22

  1. Beroe (Stara Zagora) * 26 6 4 16 21:47 22 Playoff

  1. Botev (Plovdiv) 26 6 2 18 28:55 20 Relegated
  2. Minyor (Pernik) 26 3 4 19 19:71 13 Relegated


Note: Played in Sofia.

Beroe (Stara Zagora) - Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 1:0


Spartak (Pleven), Marek (Dupnitsa).

2000/01 season details


2001/02 season details

Competition system The VPFL season is divided in two stages.

In the first stage teams meet home and away twice for a total of 26 matches. Then the top 6 clubs and the bottom 8 clubs form two separate groups, within which they meet each other again twice for an additional 10 matches in the top-6 group and 14 matches in the bottom-8 group respectively. The teams start this second stages with their points totals from the first stage halved, rounded up.

The bottom three clubs from the bottom-8 group at the end of the second stage are relegated directly to second level, and are replaced by the top three teams from second level.

                       **VPFL - First Stage:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 26 20 5 1 58:21 65 Top 6 Group
  2. Litex (Lovech) * 26 16 7 3 50:27 55 Top 6 Group
  3. Lokomotiv 1936 (Plovdiv) * 26 16 5 5 42:23 53 Top 6 Group
  4. CSKA (Sofia) 26 15 7 4 48:17 52 Top 6 Group
  5. Naftex (Burgas) * 26 12 6 8 35:25 42 Top 6 Group
  6. Slavia (Sofia) 26 10 7 9 30:32 37 Top 6 Group

  1. Spartak (Pleven) 26 10 3 13 40:44 33 [+] Bottom 8 Group

  2. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 26 7 8 11 33:32 29 Bottom 8 Group

  3. Spartak (Varna) 26 5 11 10 29:39 26 Bottom 8 Group

  4. Chernomorets (Burgas) 26 7 5 14 24:54 26 Bottom 8 Group

  5. Marek (Dupnitsa) 26 6 6 14 22:42 24 [+] Bottom 8 Group

  6. Cherno more (Varna) 26 6 6 14 28:36 24 Bottom 8 Group

  7. Belasitsa (Petrich) * 26 6 5 15 21:35 23 Bottom 8 Group

  8. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 26 3 5 18 13:46 14 Bottom 8 Group

                       **VPFL - Final Table, Top 6:**
                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  9. Levski (Sofia) 36 27 7 2 77:27 56 Champions [CL]

  10. Litex (Lovech) * 36 23 8 5 66:34 50 [UC]

  11. CSKA (Sofia) 36 19 7 10 60:29 38 [UC - cup]

  12. Lokomotiv 1936 (Plovdiv) * 36 18 6 12 48:41 34

  13. Slavia (Sofia) 36 14 8 14 42:48 32

  14. Naftex (Burgas) * 36 14 9 13 44:40 30

                       **VPFL - Final Table, Bottom 8:**
                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  15. Marek (Dupnitsa) 40 14 8 18 46:57 38 [+] [ITC]

  16. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 40 14 9 17 49:48 37

  17. Spartak (Varna) 40 12 13 15 50:51 36

  18. Chernomorets (Burgas) 40 13 9 18 41:69 35

  19. Cherno more (Varna) 40 12 11 17 47:51 35

  1. Spartak (Pleven) 40 15 4 21 58:66 33 [+] Relegated
  2. Belasitsa (Petrich) * 40 12 7 21 34:50 32 Relegated
  3. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 40 4 8 28 19:70 13 Relegated

Promoted Rilski sportist (Samokov), Dobrudzha (Dobrich), Botev (Plovdiv).

2001/02 season details


2002/03 season details

Competition system It is decided that the group would be expanded to 16 teams from next season. As a result only the bottom two clubs are relegated to second level, with four teams from second level getting promoted on their place.

The old system with teams meeting each other only twice - home and away is restored.

                       **VPFL - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA (Sofia) 26 21 3 2 67:16 66 Champions [CL]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 26 19 3 4 61:19 60 [UC - cup]
  3. Litex (Lovech) 26 17 4 5 49:22 55 [UC]
  4. Slavia (Sofia) 26 16 3 7 57:30 51
  5. Cherno more (Varna) 26 14 6 6 42:21 48
  6. Lokomotiv 1936 (Plovdiv) 26 16 2 8 56:33 47 [*]
  7. Spartak (Varna) 26 10 4 12 25:34 34
  8. Naftex (Burgas) 26 10 3 13 31:36 33
  9. Marek (Dupnitsa) 26 8 6 12 35:42 30 [ITC]
  10. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 26 7 4 15 23:37 25
  11. Chernomorets (Burgas) 26 7 3 16 32:56 24
  12. Botev (Plovdiv) 26 6 3 17 26:61 21 [+]

  1. Dobrudzha (Dobrich) 26 4 2 20 19:73 14 [+] Relegated
  2. Rilski sportist (Samokov) 26 1 6 19 20:63 9 [+] Relegated

Promoted Rodopa (Smolyan), Makedonska slava (Simitli), Vidima-Rakovski (Sevlievo), Belasitsa (Petrich).

2002/03 season details


2003/04 season details

Change VPFL again returns its original name - "A" PFG.

Competition system The bottom three clubs are relegated directly to second level and are replaced by the top three clubs from second level.

Bulgaria gets a third spot in the UEFA Cup.

                       **"A" PFG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Lokomotiv 1936 (Plovdiv) 30 24 3 3 74:24 75 Champions [CL]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 30 22 6 2 59:16 72 [UC]
  3. CSKA (Sofia) 30 20 5 5 65:28 65 [UC]
  4. Litex (Lovech) 30 18 10 2 43:20 64 [UC - cup]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 30 18 3 9 57:30 57
  6. Cherno more (Varna) 30 10 8 12 45:53 38
  7. Marek (Dupnitsa) 30 12 2 16 33:50 38 [ITC]
  8. Naftex (Burgas) 30 9 8 13 49:38 35
  9. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 8 9 13 37:48 33
  10. Rodopa (Smolyan) 30 10 3 17 28:47 33 [+]
  11. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 8 7 15 34:52 31 [+]
  12. Vidima-Rakovski (Sevlievo) 30 6 12 12 32:48 30 [+]
  13. Spartak (Varna) 30 8 6 16 35:46 30

  1. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 7 6 17 33:60 27 Relegated
  2. Makedonska slava (Simitli) 30 8 2 20 32:58 26 [+] Relegated
  3. Chernomorets (Burgas) 30 4 6 20 30:68 18 Relegated

Promoted Beroe (Stara Zagora), Pirin (Blagoevgrad), Nesebar (Nesebar).

2003/04 season details


2004/05 season details

Change "A" PFG is renamed to "A" FG ("A" Football Group). Note that all the clubs in the group still remain fully professional despite that part being dropped from the official name of the competition.

Competition system No team enters the Intertoto Cup.

                       **"A" FG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA (Sofia) 30 25 4 1 81:16 79 Champions [CL]
  2. Levski (Sofia) 30 24 4 2 76:19 76 [UC - cup]
  3. Lokomotiv 1936 (Plovdiv) 30 18 4 8 65:34 58 [UC]
  4. Litex (Lovech) 30 16 4 10 45:27 52 [UC]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 30 13 9 8 43:33 48
  6. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 14 7 9 43:35 46 [*]
  7. Naftex (Burgas) 30 10 5 15 24:38 35
  8. Cherno more (Varna) 30 10 5 15 30:38 35
  9. Marek (Dupnitsa) 30 9 8 13 34:44 35
  10. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 9 8 13 32:36 35 [+]
  11. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 9 7 14 25:48 34
  12. Rodopa (Smolyan) 30 9 6 15 33:43 33
  13. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 30 7 12 11 31:40 33 [+]

  1. Vidima-Rakovski (Sevlievo) 30 9 5 16 32:51 32 Relegated
  2. Nesebar (Nesebar) 30 5 5 20 26:63 20 [+] Relegated
  3. Spartak (Varna) 30 5 3 22 18:73 18 Relegated

[*] - Lokomotiv (Sofia) deducted 3 points on FIFA decision for failure to pay salaries to former player.

Promoted Vihren (Sandanski), Botev (Plovdiv), Pirin 1922 (Blagoevgrad).

2004/05 season details


2005/06 season details

Competition system One team enters the Intertoto Cup again.

                       **"A" FG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 28 21 5 2 71:23 68 Champions [CL]
  2. CSKA (Sofia) 28 20 5 3 73:22 65 [UC - cup]
  3. Litex (Lovech) 28 18 6 4 51:22 60 [UC]
  4. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 28 18 0 10 49:29 54 [UC]
  5. Lokomotiv 1936 (Plovdiv) 28 11 7 10 43:42 40 [ITC]
  6. Belasitsa (Petrich) 28 11 6 11 33:33 39
  7. Slavia (Sofia) 28 12 3 13 33:34 39
  8. Cherno more (Varna) 28 10 7 11 29:27 37
  9. Vihren (Sandanski) 28 10 2 16 35:55 32 [+]
  10. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 28 8 8 12 36:53 32
  11. Marek (Dupnitsa) 28 8 7 13 23:37 31
  12. Rodopa (Smolyan) 28 7 4 17 23:52 25
  13. Botev (Plovdiv) 28 4 12 12 20:38 24 [+]

  1. Pirin 1922 (Blagoevgrad) 28 5 8 15 23:46 23 [+] Relegated
  2. Naftex (Burgas) 28 4 6 18 14:43 18 Relegated --. Pirin (Blagoevgrad) 2 0 0 2 0:3 - [*] Relegated

[*] - after two rounds have been played, Pirin had their professional license revoked for failure to settle their debts. Their results were annulled and they continued the season in third level.

Promoted Spartak (Varna), Rilski sportist (Samokov), Koneliano (German).

2005/06 season details


2006/07 season details

                       **"A" FG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 30 24 5 1 96:13 77 Champions [CL]
  2. CSKA (Sofia) 30 23 3 4 68:13 72 [UC]
  3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 23 3 4 70:28 72 [UC]
  4. Litex (Lovech) 30 19 5 6 65:29 62 [UC - cup]
  5. Slavia (Sofia) 30 14 7 9 47:35 49
  6. Cherno more (Varna) 30 14 5 11 35:29 47 [ITC]
  7. Lokomotiv 1936 (Plovdiv) 30 13 4 13 48:43 43
  8. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 11 5 14 38:43 38
  9. Vihren (Sandanski) 30 11 4 15 27:39 37
  10. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 11 4 15 41:45 37
  11. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 10 6 14 34:33 36
  12. Marek (Dupnitsa) 30 9 7 14 39:58 34
  13. Spartak (Varna) 30 10 3 17 27:52 33 [+]

  1. Rilski sportist (Samokov) 30 10 0 20 31:53 30 [+] Relegated
  2. Rodopa (Smolyan) 30 5 4 21 22:52 19 Relegated
  3. Chernomorets Burgas (Sofia) * 30 0 1 29 8:131 -2 [+] Relegated [*]

[*] - Chernomorets Burgas had three points deducted for failing to organize their round 1 match (at home to Levski) because of not having registered enough youth playes.

Promoted Chernomorets Burgas (Burgas), Pirin Blagoevgrad (Blagoevgrad), Vidima-Rakovski (Sevlievo).

2006/07 season details


2007/08 season details

                       **"A" FG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. CSKA (Sofia) 30 24 6 0 53:11 78 [*] Champions
  2. Levski (Sofia) 30 19 5 6 56:19 62 [CL]
  3. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 16 9 5 47:28 57 [UC]
  4. Litex (Lovech) 30 16 8 6 51:26 56 [UC - cup]
  5. Cherno more (Varna) 30 13 9 8 39:28 48 [UC]
  6. Chernomorets Burgas (Burgas) 30 13 8 9 39:32 47 [+] [ITC]
  7. Slavia (Sofia) 30 13 8 9 38:28 47
  8. Pirin Blagoevgrad (Blagoevgrad) 30 13 7 10 33:29 46 [+]
  9. Lokomotiv 1936 (Plovdiv) 30 12 7 11 37:28 43
  10. Vihren (Sandanski) 30 9 6 15 26:29 33
  11. Spartak (Varna) 30 8 7 15 21:34 31
  12. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 8 6 16 36:54 30
  13. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 7 5 18 23:43 26

  1. Beroe (Stara Zagora) 30 6 8 16 23:39 26 Relegated
  2. Vidima-Rakovski (Sevlievo) 30 4 6 20 17:61 18 [+] Relegated
  3. Marek (Dupnitsa) 30 5 3 22 16:66 18 Relegated

[*] - CSKA did not receive license for participation in the UEFA competitions in 2008/09. Because of this Levski represented Bulgaria in the UEFA Champions League, and the UEFA Cup and Intertoto Cup places were also reallocated accordingly.

Promoted Sliven 2000 (Sliven), Lokomotiv (Mezdra), Minyor (Pernik).

2007/08 season details


2008/09 season details

Competition system The UEFA Cup is restructured and renamed to the Europa League, while the UEFA Intertoto Cup is discontinued and incorporated into the Europa League. Bulgaria remains with a quota of 3 clubs for the new Europa League.

                       **"A" FG - Final Table:**

                                    M    W   D   L    GD    Pts
  1. Levski (Sofia) 30 21 6 3 57:18 69 Champions [CL]
  2. CSKA (Sofia) 30 21 5 4 54:22 68 [EL]
  3. Cherno more (Varna) 30 18 6 6 48:19 60 [EL]
  4. Litex (Lovech) 30 17 7 6 53:26 58 [EL - cup]
  5. Lokomotiv (Sofia) 30 16 6 8 52:29 54
  6. Lokomotiv 1936 (Plovdiv) 30 12 7 11 40:43 43
  7. Chernomorets Burgas (Burgas) 30 11 10 9 41:37 43
  8. Lokomotiv (Mezdra) 30 10 7 13 39:41 37 [+]
  9. Slavia (Sofia) 30 11 4 15 41:38 37
  10. Pirin Blagoevgrad (Blagoevgrad) 30 10 5 15 35:50 35
  11. Minyor (Pernik) 30 9 8 13 24:39 35 [+]
  12. Sliven 2000 (Sliven) 30 8 8 14 32:40 32 [+]
  13. Botev (Plovdiv) 30 8 6 16 31:50 30

  1. Vihren (Sandanski) 30 8 2 20 29:50 26 Relegated
  2. Spartak (Varna) 30 5 10 15 19:46 25 Relegated
  3. Belasitsa (Petrich) 30 4 5 21 24:71 17 Relegated

Promoted Beroe (Stara Zagora), Montana (Montana), Sportist (Svoge).

2008/09 season details

About this document

Thanks to Markus Schaal and Todor Krastev for earlier version of this file

Prepared and maintained by Iordan Tsirov for theRec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Iordan Tsirov (i_tsirov@yahoo.com) Last updated: 26 May 2023

(C) Copyright Iordan Tsirov and RSSSF 1998/2023
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.