Pitcairn (original) (raw)

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Country overview:

Short name PITCAIRN
ISO code PN
FIPS code PC
Language English (en)
Time zone -8
Capital Adamstown

Pitcairn Island was a British possession at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1902, it annexed Ducie, Henderson, and Oeno Islands.

Other names of country:

  1. Dutch: Pitcairneilanden
  2. English: "Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Islands" (formal)
  3. French: �le f Pitcairn, Pitcairn
  4. German: Pitcairn-Insel f
  5. Italian: Pitcairn
  6. Russian: Острова Питкэрн
  7. Spanish: Pitcairn
  8. Turkish: Pitcairn

Origin of name:

Named for Robert Pitcairn (1747?-1770?), helmsman

Primary subdivisions:

Pitcairn has no known administrative divisions.

Country HASC Population Area(km.�) Area(mi.�) Capital
Pitcairn Islands PN.PN 48 49 19 Adamstown
Country: This division is the whole of thecountry, treated as a division for compatibility. HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision code. Population: 2011-07 estimate

Postal codes:

The postal code for all locations in Pitcairn, in the U.K. system, is PCRN 1ZZ.

Territorial extent:

The country includes the South Pacific islands of Pitcairn, Ducie, Henderson, and Oeno.

The UN LOCODE page for Pitcairn lists locations in the country, some of them with their latitudes and longitudes, some with their ISO 3166-2 codes for their subdivisions. This information can be put together to approximate the territorial extent of subdivisions.

Population history:

Date Population
1936 220
1947 124
1959 146
1976-06-30 74
1986-12-31 57
1995-12 54
2003 48
2011-07 48