Kenya Districts (original) (raw)

Kenya is divided into provinces, which are subdivided into districts. The table below shows the districts of Kenya as of ~2005, from sources [5] and [6].

District HASC Cod Population Area(km.²) Capital
Baringo KE.RV.BA 701 264,978 8,646 Kabarnet
Bomet KE.RV.BO 702 382,794 1,882 Bomet
Bondo KE.NY.BO 611 238,780 987 Bondo
Bungoma KE.WE.BN 801 876,491 2,069 Bungoma
Buret KE.RV.BU 718 316,882 955 Litein
Busia KE.WE.BS 802 370,608 1,124 Busia
Butere/Mumias KE.WE.BT 808 476,928 939 Mumias
Embu KE.EA.EB 401 278,196 729 Embu
Garissa KE.NE.GA 501 329,939 44,952 Garissa
Gucha KE.NY.GU 601 460,939 661 Tabaka
Homa Bay KE.NY.HB 602 288,540 1,160 Homa Bay
Ijara KE.NE.IJ 504 62,571 Ijara
Isiolo KE.EA.IS 402 100,861 25,698 Isiolo
Kajiado KE.RV.KJ 704 406,054 21,903 Kajiado
Kakamega KE.WE.KK 804 603,422 1,395 Kakamega
Keiyo KE.RV.KY 703 143,865 1,439 Iten/Tambach
Kericho KE.RV.KR 705 468,493 2,111 Kericho
Kiambu KE.CE.KB 201 744,010 1,324 Kiambu
Kilifi KE.CO.KF 301 544,303 4,779 Kilifi
Kirinyaga KE.CE.KY 202 457,105 1,478 Kerugoya/Kutus
Kisii Central KE.NY.KI 603 491,786 649 Kisii
Kisumu KE.NY.KU 604 504,359 919 Kisumu
Kitui KE.EA.KT 403 515,422 20,402 Kitui
Koibatek KE.RV.KO 706 138,163 2,306 Eldama Ravine
Kuria KE.NY.KR 605 151,887 581 Kehancha
Kwale KE.CO.KW 302 496,133 8,295 Kwale
Laikipia KE.RV.LK 707 322,187 9,229 Nanyuki
Lamu KE.CO.LM 303 72,686 6,167 Lamu
Lugari KE.WE.LU 805 215,920 670 Lugari
Machakos KE.EA.MC 405 906,644 6,281 Machakos
Makueni KE.EA.MK 404 771,545 7,966 Makueni
Malindi KE.CO.ML 307 281,552 7,751 Malindi
Mandera KE.NE.MD 502 250,372 26,744 Mandera
Maragua KE.CE.MA 207 387,969 868 Maragua
Marakwet KE.RV.EM 708 140,629 1,588
Marsabit KE.EA.MB 406 121,478 61,296 Marsabit
Mbeere KE.EA.MR 407 170,953 2,093 Mbeere
Meru Central KE.EA.MT 408 498,880 2,982 Meru
Meru North KE.EA.MN 411 604,050 3,942 Maua
Meru South KE.EA.MS 412 205,451 1,093 Chuka
Migori KE.NY.MG 606 514,897 2,005 Migori
Mombasa KE.CO.MM 304 665,018 230 Mombasa
Mount Elgon KE.WE.ME 803 135,033 944 Mount Elgon
Moyale KE.EA.MO 409 53,479 9,390 Moyale
Murang'a KE.CE.MU 203 348,304 930 Murang'a
Mwingi KE.EA.MW 410 303,828 10,030 Mwingi
Nairobi KE.NA.NB 101 2,143,254 696 Nairobi
Nakuru KE.RV.NK 709 1,187,039 7,242 Nakuru
Nandi KE.RV.NA 710 578,751 2,899 Kapsabet
Narok KE.RV.NR 711 365,750 15,098 Narok
Nyamira KE.NY.NM 607 498,102 896 Nyamira
Nyandarua KE.CE.NN 204 479,902 3,304 Ol Kalou
Nyando KE.NY.NN 612 299,930 1,168 Muhoroni
Nyeri KE.CE.NY 205 661,156 3,356 Nyeri
Rachuonyo KE.NY.RA 608 307,126 945 Oyugis
Samburu KE.RV.SA 712 143,547 21,127 Maralal
Siaya KE.NY.SI 609 480,184 1,520 Siaya
Suba KE.NY.SU 610 155,666 1,055 Mbita
Taita Taveta KE.CO.TT 305 246,671 17,128 Voi
Tana River KE.CO.TR 306 180,901 38,446 Tana River
Teso KE.WE.TE 806 181,491 559 Malaba
Tharaka KE.EA.NT 413 100,992 1,570
Thika KE.CE.TH 206 645,713 1,960 Thika
Trans Mara KE.RV.TM 713 170,591 2,846 Trans Mara
Trans Nzoia KE.RV.TN 714 575,662 2,487 Kitale
Turkana KE.RV.TU 715 450,860 68,388 Lodwar
Uasin Gishu KE.RV.UG 716 622,705 3,328 Eldoret
Vihiga KE.WE.VI 807 498,883 563 Vihiga
Wajir KE.NE.WJ 503 319,261 55,501 Wajir
West Pokot KE.RV.WP 717 308,086 9,064 Kapenguria
HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes. The middle two letters identify the province. Forkey, see "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries". Cod: District code used by Central Bureau of Statistics. Population: 1999-08-24 census.

Note on areas: The source for the area data lists land, water, and total areas as of 2001-12-31. I have chosen only the land areas. It did not list an area for Ijara, because that district had not yet been created. For some reason, it also lists the area of Meru district (9,922 km.²), although other sources indicate that Meru had been split into smaller districts by that date.

Change history:

According to source [10], there were forty districts as of 1966-07-31, as shown in this table.

Name Population Area(km.²) Capital Province
Baringo 150,400 10,627 Kabarnet Rift Valley
Bungoma 241,900 3,074 Bungoma Western
Busia 172,400 1,629 Busia Western
Central Nyanza 626,400 4,615 Nyanza
Elgeyo/Marakwet 161,000 2,722 Tambach Rift Valley
Embu 134,700 2,714 Embu Eastern
Garissa 80,600 43,931 Garissa North Eastern
Isiolo 54,600 25,605 Isiolo Eastern
Kajiado 68,400 20,963 Kajiado Rift Valley
Kakamega 600,200 3,520 Kakamega Western
Kericho 340,500 4,890 Kericho Rift Valley
Kiambu 431,300 2,448 Kiambu Central
Kilifi 247,800 12,414 Kilifi Coast
Kirinyaga 158,600 1,437 Kerugoya Central
Kisii 526,100 2,196 Kisii Nyanza
Kitui 284,700 29,389 Kitui Eastern
Kwale 157,800 8,257 Kwale Coast
Laikipia 61,300 9,702 Nanyuki Rift Valley
Lamu 23,000 6,506 Lamu Coast
Machakos 571,600 14,178 Machakos Eastern
Mandera 75,500 26,470 Mandera North Eastern
Marsabit 37,500 72,732 Marsabit Eastern
Meru 473,800 9,922 Meru Eastern
Mombasa 179,600 210 Mombasa Coast
Murang'a 369,800 2,476 Fort Hall Central
Nairobi 343,500 684 Nairobi Nairobi
Nakuru 227,900 7,024 Nakuru Rift Valley
Nandi 167,200 2,745 Kapsabet Rift Valley
Narok 110,100 18,513 Narok Rift Valley
Nyandarua 100,700 3,543 Nyandarua Central
Nyeri 274,500 3,284 Thomson's Falls Central
Samburu 56,600 20,808 Maralal Rift Valley
South Nyanza 481,600 5,714 Nyanza
Taita 90,200 16,959 Wundanyi Coast
Tana River 42,700 38,695 Galole Coast
Trans Nzoia 86,100 2,468 Kitale Rift Valley
Turkana 159,300 60,824 Lodwar Rift Valley
Uasin Gishu 92,000 3,784 Eldoret Rift Valley
Wajir 112,800 56,501 Wajir North Eastern
West Pokot 59,000 5,076 Kapenguria Rift Valley
Population: 1962-08-15 census, proleptic for boundary changes.
  1. ~1968: In Nyanza province, Central Nyanza and South Nyanza districts were replaced by Homa Bay, Kisumu, and Siaya districts. The capitals of the new districts were Homa Bay, Kisumu, and Ukwala, respectively. This brought the number of districts to 41.
  2. Between ~1969 and ~1989, the following new districts were created: in Eastern province, Makueni district split from Machakos, and Nithi district split from Meru; in Nyanza province, Migori district split from Homa Bay, and Nyamira district split from Kisii; in Rift Valley province, Bomet district split from Kericho; in Western province, Vihiga district split from Kakamega. Some territory was transferred from Turkana to West Pokot district in Rift Valley province. There were 47 districts as a result, as shown in this table (sources [3] and [4]).
Baringo KE.RV.BA
Bomet KE.RV.BO
Bungoma KE.WE.BN
Busia KE.WE.BS
Elgeyo-Marakwet KE.RV.EM
Garissa KE.NE.GA
Homa Bay KE.NY.HB
Isiolo KE.EA.IS
Kajiado KE.RV.KJ
Kakamega KE.WE.KK
Kericho KE.RV.KR
Kiambu KE.CE.KB
Kilifi KE.CO.KF
Kirinyaga KE.CE.KY
Kisii KE.NY.KI
Kisumu KE.NY.KU
Kitui KE.EA.KT
Kwale KE.CO.KW
Laikipia KE.RV.LK
Machakos KE.EA.MC
Makueni KE.EA.MK
Mandera KE.NE.MD
Marsabit KE.EA.MB
Migori KE.NY.MG
Mombasa KE.CO.MM
Muranga KE.CE.MU
Nairobi KE.NA.NB
Nakuru KE.RV.NK
Nandi KE.RV.NA
Narok KE.RV.NR
Nithi KE.EA.NT
Nyamira KE.NY.NM
Nyandarua KE.CE.NN
Nyeri KE.CE.NY
Samburu KE.RV.SA
Siaya KE.NY.SI
Taita-Taveta KE.CO.TT
Tana River KE.CO.TR
Trans-Nzoia KE.RV.TN
Turkana KE.RV.TU
Uasin Gishu KE.RV.UG
Vihiga KE.WE.VI
Wajir KE.NE.WJ
West Pokot KE.RV.WP
HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes. The middle two letters identify the province. Forkey, see "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries".
  1. Between ~1989 and ~1995, the following new districts were created: in Central province, Thika district; in Eastern province, Mwingi district; in Nyanza province, Kuria district; in Rift Valley province, Keiyo, Koibatek, and Trans Mara districts; and in Western province, Mount Elgon district. Thika district was formed by splitting it from Kiambu. The total was now 54 districts.
  2. Between ~1995 and ~1997, the following new districts were created: in Eastern province, Mbeere, Meru Central, Meru North, and Moyale districts; in Nyanza province, Rachuonyo and Suba districts; in Western province, Lugari and Teso districts. At the same time, Meru district disappeared from the list. Probably Meru district was divided into Meru Central and Meru North. This made 61 districts.
  3. The entries for ~1998 to ~2002 are deduced from source [2].
  4. ~1998: Seven new districts were created: in Central province, Maragwa district; in Coast province, Malindi district; in Nyanza province, Bondo, Gucha, Kisii Central, and Nyando districts, while Kisii was eliminated; in Rift Valley province, Bureti district; in Western province, Butere/Mumias district. Kisii district was probably split into Gucha and Kisii Central. The number of districts in Kenya was now 68.
  5. ~1999: In Eastern province, Nithi district was split into Tharaka and Meru South. This results in the list of 69 districts reported by the SALB project as of 2000-01-01.
  6. ~2002: In North Eastern province, Ijara district created, probably by splitting from Garissa.
  7. ~2005: In Rift Valley province, Nandi district split into Nandi North and Nandi South.

Other names of subdivisions:

  1. Buret: Bureti (variant)
  2. Gucha: South Kisii (variant)
  3. Lugari: Lugari/Malava (variant)
  4. Maragua: Maragwa (variant)
  5. Marakwet: Elgeyo/Marakwet (variant)
  6. Meru South: Nithi (variant)
  7. Nyamira: North Kisii (variant)
  8. Taita Taveta: Taita (variant)
  9. Tharaka: Nithi (obsolete); Tharaka Nithi (variant)


  1. [1] Statistics on Pre-schools by Years and Provinces (, dead link, retrieved 2000-11-19).
  2. [2] Secondary Schools Gross Enrolment Rates, 1998-2003. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (, dead link, retrieved 2005-04-07).
  3. [3] Kenya District Boundary Map. USGS, EROS Data Center, citing Kenya Bureau of Statistics, Cartographic Section, 1989: Kenya population census District maps, 1989 (, dead link, retrieved 2005-04-07).
  4. [4] Kenya - Administrative Level 3 Metadata (, dead link, retrieved 2005-04-07). This was the metadata file for source [3].
  5. [5] 1999 Census Report. Kenya Central Bureau of Statistics (, dead link, retrieved 2005-04-07).
  6. [6] Table of land areas. Kenya Central Bureau of Statistics (\_land.html, dead link, retrieved 2005-04-07).
  7. [7] Kenya County Fact Sheets, Dec. 2011 . Kenya Open Data. (retrieved 2013-03-23).
  8. [8] Population and Households, 2009 census . Kenya Open Data. (retrieved 2013-03-23).
  9. [9] County Stats . Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (retrieved 2013-03-23).
  10. [10] National Atlas of Kenya, 3rd ed. Survey of Kenya, 1970.