Myanmar Districts (original) (raw)

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When Naypyidaw union territory split from Mandalay, I gave Mandalay a new HASC code. I have now updated the district HASC codes in Mandalay so that the truncated level-2 HASC codes will correspond to that change.

Comparing the sources cited below and others, I've concluded that Buthidaung is just a township in Maungdaw district. Therefore, I combined their listings, formerly coded MM.RA.BD and MM.RA.MD, into one. Populations and areas shown in the following table come from source [2]. Thanks to Valentin Arzoumanian for extracting these data.

District HASC Population Area(km.²)
Bago MM.BA.BG 1,775,419 13,855
Bawlakhe MM.KH.BW 43,931 5,166
Bhamo MM.KC.BM 363,300 10,743
Dawei MM.TN.DW 672,379 14,004
Falam MM.CH.FL 288,474 16,264
Gangaw MM.MG.GG 287,089 5,578
Hinthada MM.AY.HD 1,562,183 6,986
Hkamti MM.SA.HK 332,429 32,790
Hpa-an MM.KN.HP 994,971 17,612
Kalemyo MM.SA.KM 455,414 8,642
Katha MM.SA.KA 784,628 15,862
Kawkareik MM.KN.KK 495,171 9,635
Kawthoung MM.TN.KG 128,120 9,183
Kengtung MM.SH.KT 374,679 10,680
Kunlong MM.SH.KL 442,528 2,424
Kyaukme MM.SH.KY 752,504 25,793
Kyaukse MM.ML.KS 785,567 4,157
Kyaunkpyu MM.RA.KP 458,244 9,983
Lashio MM.SH.LS 546,511 23,339
Laukkaing MM.SH.LU 103,723 1,894
Loikaw MM.KH.LK 240,699 6,565
Loilen MM.SH.LL 731,462 31,948
Magway MM.MG.MG 1,576,290 9,630
Mandalay MM.ML.MA 1,175,009 915
Maubin MM.AY.MU 1,095,710 4,277
Maungdaw MM.RA.MX 763,844 3,538
Mawlaik MM.SA.MW 161,096 7,684
Mawlamyine MM.MO.ML 1,624,638 6,662
Meiktila MM.ML.ME 1,167,241 5,789
Minbu MM.MG.MB 776,550 9,314
Mindat MM.CH.MI 198,887 19,755
Mong-Hpayak MM.SH.MP 135,250 6,667
Mong Hsat MM.SH.MH 187,817 18,371
Monywa MM.SA.MO 1,480,793 10,042
Muse MM.SH.MS 419,287 7,817
Myaungmya MM.AY.MM 1,609,629 7,346
Myawadi MM.KN.MY 52,965 3,136
Myeik MM.TN.MK 654,599 20,158
Myingyan MM.ML.MN 1,564,052 6,416
Myitkyina MM.KC.MT 834,640 50,817
Nyaung-u MM.ML.NY 313,921 1,483
Pakokku MM.MG.PK 1,299,360 8,328
Pathein MM.AY.PT 1,802,450 10,900
Putao MM.KC.PU 136,730 27,482
Pyapon MM.AY.PP 1,113,569 5,522
Pyay MM.BA.PY 1,050,622 7,642
Pyin-Oo-Lwin MM.ML.PL 791,805 8,307
Sagaing MM.SA.SA 652,591 2,483
Shwebo MM.SA.SH 1,583,201 14,877
Sittwe MM.RA.SI 1,099,568 12,504
Tachileik MM.SH.TC 92,172 3,587
Tamu MM.SA.TM 84,883 1,325
Taunggyi MM.SH.TG 1,208,431 23,281
Taungoo MM.BA.TA 1,063,798 10,645
Thandwe MM.RA.TD 296,736 10,753
Thaton MM.MO.TT 1,046,758 5,635
Thayarwady MM.BA.TW 1,296,780 7,261
Thayetmyo MM.MG.TY 831,616 11,971
Yamethin MM.ML.YM 1,488,853 10,878
Yangon East MM.YA.YE 1,986,875 364
Yangon North MM.YA.YN 1,577,760 4,683
Yangon South MM.YA.YS 1,356,618 5,053
Yangon West MM.YA.YW 1,009,475 176
HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes. Population: estimated ca. 2003

Change history:

Here is an older list of districts by division and states.

  1. Ayeyarwaddy: Bassein, Henzada, Ma-ubin, Myaungmya, Pyapon
  2. Bago: Hanthawaddy, Insein, Pegu, Prome, Tharrawaddy
  3. Chin: Northern Chin Hills, Pakokku Hill Tracts, Southern Chin Hills
  4. Kachin: Bhamo, Myitkyina, Putao
  5. Kayah: Bawlake, Kantarawaddy, Kyebogyi, Mong Pai
  6. Kayin: Salween
  7. Magwe: Magwe, Minbu, Pakokku, Thayetmyo
  8. Mandalay: Kyaukse, Mandalay, Meiktila, Myingyan, Yamethin
  9. Mon: Mon
  10. Rakhine: Kyaukpyu, Sandoway, Sittwe
  11. Sagaing: Katha, Lower Chindwin, Sagaing, Shwebo, Upper Chindwin
  12. Shan: Eastern, Northern, Southern
  13. Tanintharyi: Amherst, Mergui, Tavoy, Thaton, Toungoo
  14. Yangon: Yangon

Other names of subdivisions:

  1. Bago: Pegu (variant)
  2. Bawlakhe: Bawlake (variant)
  3. Bhamo: Banmo, Hsinkai (variant)
  4. Dawei: Htawei, Tavoi, Tavoy (variant)
  5. Falam: Hpalam, Palam (variant)
  6. Hinthada: Henzada (variant)
  7. Hkamti: Kanti, Singkaling Hkamti, Singkawng, Zingkaling Hkamti (variant)
  8. Hpa-an: Pa-an (variant)
  9. Kalemyo: Kale Myo (variant)
  10. Kawkareik: Kawkareit, Kawkayeik (variant)
  11. Kawthoung: Kau Saung, Kawsung, Kawthaung, Pulodua, Victoria Point (variant)
  12. Kengtung: Kengtong, Kentung, Kyaingdon (variant)
  13. Kunlong: Kunlon, Kunlong Ferry (variant)
  14. Kyaunkpyu: Kyaukpyu (variant)
  15. Lashio: Lasho (variant)
  16. Loikaw: Loi-kaw, Luykau (variant)
  17. Loilen: Loi-lem, Loi-leng (variant)
  18. Magway: Magwe (variant)
  19. Maubin: Manbin, Ma-oo-beng, Ma-ubin (variant)
  20. Mawlamyine: Mawlamyaing, Moulmein (variant)
  21. Minbu: Magwe Minbu (variant)
  22. Mong Hsat: Maingsat, Muang Sat (variant)
  23. Mong-Hpayak : Maingbyat, Monghpyak (variant)
  24. Muse: Mu Se, Mu-se (variant)
  25. Myaungmya: Myoungmya (variant)
  26. Myawadi: Myawaddy (variant)
  27. Myeik: Mergui (variant)
  28. Myingyan: Myingan, Myingyin (variant)
  29. Nyaung-u: Nyaungoo, Nyaungu, Nyoungoo (variant)
  30. Pakokku: Pagukku, Pakkoku (variant)
  31. Pathein: Bassein (variant)
  32. Putao: Fort Hertz, Hkamti, Hkamti Patau, Kamde, Pudao, Puta-O (variant)
  33. Pyapon: Pyapun (variant)
  34. Pyay: Prome, Pye (variant)
  35. Pyin-Oo-Lwin: Maymyo, Meimyu, Pyin U Lwin (variant)
  36. Sagaing: Sugaing, Sitkaing (variant)
  37. Sittwe: Sittway, Akyab (variant)
  38. Tachileik: Tachilek, Tha Chi Lek, Tha Chaleak (variant)
  39. Tamu: Tammu, Tama, Tana (variant)
  40. Taunggyi: Taunggye (variant)
  41. Taungoo: Taungngu, Toungoo (variant)
  42. Thandwe: Sandoway, Arakan, Thandway (variant)
  43. Thaton: Tha-tun, Thadon (variant)
  44. Thayarwady: Thayarwaddy, Thayawaddy, Tharrawaddy, Tharyarwady (variant)
  45. Thayetmyo: Thayet, Thyatmyo, Thayetmo (variant)
  46. Yamethin: Yamethinn (variant)


  1. [1] An Introduction to the Toponymy of Burma , a publication of the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use (retrieved 2009-12-19), discusses naming issues in Myanmar. It includes a list of districts.
  2. [2] The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has compiled a Digital Agricultural Atlas of the Union of Myanmar (retrieved 2009-11-17).
  3. [3] Burma Second Order Administrative Divisions - 2003, a report of the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use, (dead link, retrieved 2005-09-06). It says, "Some official sources state that there are 63 [districts], but when identified from official cartographic sources the total is 64. The additional district appears to be one of the eleven within Shan State, though precisely which one is not evident." However, when the list in the report is compared to source [2], the additional district would be Buthidaung, in Rakhine state. The list of districts in source [1] matches this document, and is obviously a direct copy.