A. J. Brink (original) (raw)
Photo by Bob Werra
Gladiolus carneus, rare white form in Bettys Bay
1923 - 2012
Author of medical publications
Former Dean of the Medical Faculty and Head of Cardiology at Tygerberg Hospital, Stellenbosch University
and President of the Medical Research Council
Andries Jacob Brink was born on 29 August 1923, at Potchefstroom. He matriculated from Jeppe High School for Boys, Johannesburg (First Class) and studied Medicine at the University of Witwatersrand (MB and CHB, First Class Honours, 1946) and at the University of Pretoria (MD 1951). F.R.C.P. in London, 1966, F.A.C.C. in the USA. 1969, Dr Sc Med at Stellenbosch University, 1971.
Academic Career:
Physician and Cardiologist
1956-1971: Head of Department of Internal Medicine, University of Stellenbosch
1971-1983: Dean Medical Faculty
1969-1988: President of the South African Medical Research Council
Founding Member of:
Faculty of Medicine, University of Stellenbosch,
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Stellenbosch
The Karl Bremer and Tygerberg Teaching Hospitals
Cardiology Unit, US/Tygerberg Teaching Hospital
Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Research Unit
South African Medical Research Council
South African Heart Foundation
3 Field Ambulance (which became 3 Medical Battalion) Western Cape
Served on the Boards of about 25 Organisations including:
The S A Medical and Dental Council
The S A Council for Scientific Industrial Research
The Scientific Advisory Council of the Prime Minister
The Council of the University of Stellenbosch.
Post Retirement Occupation:
Executive Director: Medical Consultancy Services CC, 1989
Clinics-Cardiv Publishing Co (Pty) Ltd, 1990
Tygerberg Clinical Trial Centre CC, 1991-1995
Editor: Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa
(Indexed in Index Medicus and on Medline database)
Consultant Cardiologist: Medical Faculty, US
Clinical Teaching: Medical Faculty, US
Registered wine producer; Galleon Wines 2004
Andries Brink was married to Maria Ruscovich. They had two sons and two daughters and lived in Durbanville and Betties Bay. Andries died at his home on 17 October 2012.
D.Sc. (h.c.) : P U for CHE, 1985
D.Sc. (h.c) : Natal, 1976
M.D. (h.c.) : US Stell., 1989
More than 30 Major Awards including:
The Havenga Prize for Medicine (Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns)
Claude Leon Harris Merit Award
The Decoration for Meritorious Service by the State President
Andries Brink Chair in Cardiology (US)
MT Steyn Award - Research of SA Academy of Arts and Science
Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns (SA Academy of Arts and Science): Honorary member 2006
Gold Medals from:
Medical Faculty University of Stellenbosch
South African Medical Research Council
Wellcome Trust
South African Heart Association
Recht Malan vir nie fiksie: Woordeboek van Afrikaanse Geneeskunde Terme
In International Who's Who since 1994/5
As a wine maker he received a Gold Michelangelo for his Cabernet sauvignon 2005.
Hobbies: Wine making, cycling, hiking, Gymnasium, 4x4 routes, reading and music
Favourite Books: Popular written books on Science, Fauna and Flora, Detective fiction
Most formative book: Lés Misérables
Favourite Quote: Procrastination is the thief of time.
125 of scientific and general nature in nationally and internationally recognized medical journals. Woordeboek van Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), Volumes 1-11, (contributor) 1956-2001
Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa (editor), Volumes 1 to 12, Clinics Cardive Publishing Co. 1990-2001
Co-Founder South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, 2004
Books, include:
Organ Transplantation in South Africa, Stellenbosch Pro Ecclesia, 1967
Hart- en Longsiektes, (with M A de Kock), Nasou, 1973
Cardiomyopathies (with A Lochner) Baltimore, University Park Press, 1973 (Consultant Editor)
Mankind and Medicine in the third millennium. Proceedings of the international conference, South Africa 1976
Woordeboek van Afrikaanse Geneeskundeterme (with co-workers), Nasou, 1979
Die Hart en sy Siektes (editor), Nasou, 1980
Jou Hart en Lewe
Your Heart and Life, Femina Publishers, Pretoria, 1982
South African Medical Research, Owen Burgess Publishers, 1988
Hou Goeie Moed, Clinics -Cardive Publishing Co, 1999
Brood op Mediese waters, Clinics-Cardive Publishing Co
Published to celebrate 50 year anniversary of the faculty of Medicine:
50 years on the Cape Flats/ 50 jaar op die Kappse Vlaktes, Vol.I
50 years in the Health Sciences / 50 jaar in die gesondheitswetenskappe, Vol II
125 of scientific and general nature in nationally and internationally recognized medical journals. Woordeboek van Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), Volumes 1-11, (contributor) 1956-2001
Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa (editor), Volumes 1 to 12, Clinics Cardive Publishing Co. 1990-2001
Co- Founder South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, 2004
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer