Daniel du Toit (original) (raw)

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D A du Toit

1942 - 2011

Danie du Toit

Author of books on Theological topics

Professor of Systematic Theology, Stellenbosch University, until March 2000

Daniel (Danie) Albertus du Toit was born in the Herbert District of the Northern Cape on 8 January 1942. He matriculated from Douglas High School and received the degrees of BA, BTh and MA (all cum laude) at Stellenbosch University and DTh at the Free University of Amsterdam in 1971.
He served as a minister of religion (DRC) in Wellington and at the same time as senior lecturer at the Huguenot College, became associate professor at the University of Pretoria and finally professor in Systematic Theology at Stellenbosch University. Since his retirement in March 2000 he taught part-time.

Awards: Several bursaries from Stellenbosch University, the Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Fellowship, NZAV-bursaries, several research awards from the HSRC and the Edgar Pize

Memberships: Several religious and theological bodies, served on various committees of the DRC and the Reformed Ecumenical Council, FAK, Afrikaanse Skrywerskring
Full member of SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns

D A du Toit was married to Elsa, née Malherbe, (she died in 2002) and had three sons and a daughter.
He was associate editor of Ethics and Medicine (Rutherford House, Skotland) and member of the editorial team of Vraebus, Kerkbode. He published some 40 articles, especially in the field of Theological ethics as well as a great number of popular articles and contributed chapters to over 10 books.


"Neergedaal ter helle ...", Uit die geskiedenis van 'n interpretasieprobleem, Kok, Kampen 1971
Die Christen en Aborsie, NGK-Boekhandel, 1979
Woord en Antwoord, Bybelkorkursus oor etiese probleme, NGK-Uitgewers, 1980
Menseregte, (red), Tafelberg, 1984
Die mens en sy regte. Geloof in Praktyk, Zebra Publikasies, 1989
Vraag en antwoord, Bybelkor, Wellington, 1989
Antwoorde op eietydse vrae, CUM boeke, Vereeniging

Text by Danie du Toit, October 2004

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