P. S. du Toit (original) (raw)
1909 - 1983
Professor of Administration and History of Education, Stellenbosch University, 1951 -1974
Dean of the Faculty of Education
Petrus Stephanus du Toit, known to friends as P.S., was born on 25 November 1909, in Richmond, Cape, and grew up in Prieska. He matriculated from the Hoër Jongenskool in Paarl and studied History and Dutch-Afrikaans at the University of Stellenbosch (BA 1930, S.O.D., MA, Dphil 1936 and MEd 1942, cum laude. Title of doctoral thesis (Promotor H.B.Thom): Onderwys aan die Kaap onder die Kompanjie, 1652-1795: 'n Kultuurhistoriese studie). He continued his research in the archives in Den Haag and in the Public Record Office in England on a Dutch government bursary.
He has taught History at schools in Stellenbosch and Paarl and was head of schools in Grabouw and Retreat. He was known as a perfectionist and, in order to learn more about school administration, he embarked in 1948 on a study tour to the USA, England, Scotland, Holland en Belgium. He also attended a summer semester at the Teacher's College of the University of Columbia.
At the end of 1950 he accepted an offer to join the University of Stellenbosch as Professor of History of Education. He remained with the university for 24 years and became Dean of the Faculty of Education.
Active member of the South African Teachers Association (SAOU) and editor of their journal, Die Unie
Active member of the Nasionale Adviserende Onderwysraad (NAO) (later renamed Nasionale Onderwysraad NOR.) and editor of their journal, Die Onderwyser
Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
Founder member of the Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir die Bevordering van Opvoedkunde (SAVBO)
Maatschappij der Dutche Letterkunde
Chairman of the Suid-Afrikaanse Taalbond from 1958.
P. S. du Toit was married to Martha Kolbe van der Merwe, who died in 1955. He later married Elizabeth Geanetta Leicher, and they had a son and a daughter. P S du Toit died on 25 July 1983 in Stellenbosch.
Onderwys aan die Kaap onder die Kompanjie 1652-1795 -- 'n Kultuurhistorische studie, Juta, 1937
Onderwys in Kaapland -- 'n Historiese oorsig, Van Schaik, 1940/1951
Onderwys aan die Kaap onder die Bataafse Republiek- 'n Kultuurhistoriese studie, Van Schaik, 1944
Onderwys in Suid-Afrika, Van Schaik, 1958/1963 (co-authors: J. Chris Coetzee e.a.)
Skoolrapporte -- 'n Nuwe Benadering/School Reports-A New Approacb, Maskew Miller, 1955
Opvoedkundige studies. Stellenbosch en Grahamstad, Uiniversiteits-uitgewers en Boekhandelaars Edms., 1969
Onderwys in die Kaapland - 'n Historiese oorsig 1652-1969, J.L.Van Schaik, 1970
Book contributions:
Die Afrikaanse kinderensiklopedie: Die verhaal van die volkere van die wereld: dele 2, 3, 4 en 5
Suid-Afrikaanse biografiese woordeboek: Willem Blommaert; Lambertus Slicher
Standard Encyclopedia of Southern Africa: Education, History of, Cape, in deel 4, p.225-230
Onderwys in Drakenstein gedurende 'n anderhalve eeu, 1689-1939 in: Kwart-millenium. Gedenkboek Paarl (Drakenstein) Gemeente, 1691-1941, Paarl Drukpers Mpy, 1941
Stellenbosch 1866-1966 in: Honderd jaar hoër onderwys, Nasionale Boekhandel Bpk., 1966 (hoofstukke 2-12)
Professor H.B.Thom in: Die groei van de Universiteit 1954-1969. Uitgegee deur die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Nasionale Handelsdrukkery Bpk, 1969
Read also a CV (Afrikaans ) by A.J. Böeseken in Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Dutche Letterkunde te Leiden 1983-1984, pag. 155-159
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