Fees for the Design of a Website (original) (raw)
Special rates: (valid only for approved pages in this website)
Stellenbosch artists and Stellenbosch authors First page Rand 300, additional pages: Rand 200. Updates gratis
Gallery with up to 12 photos sent via e-mail: Rand 500. Updates gratis.
Guests: Those of you who come to Stellenbosch to perform or exhibit can ask us to make a webpage for them as a guest. Their names (with link to their page) will be found on the authors and artists lists.
Guest authors page: Rand 400
Guest artists' gallery including up to 12 pictures: Rand 600
Homepage of up to 5 pages............... ... Euro 500 (Rand 2 000)
includes up to 12 pictures and preliminary consultation
Homepage of 1 page................. ... Euro 300 (Rand 1000)
includes up to 5 pictures and preliminary consultation
Installation on internet not included
includes upload, checks, debugging and counter
Servicing and further work ...... ... Euro 30/h (Rand 300 per hour)