J.F.M. Potgieter (original) (raw)

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Author of theological works

Professor of Dogmatology at the Theological Department of the
University of Stellenbosch, 1963 - 1977

Frederick Johannes Mentz Potgieter was born on 9 October 1907 in Barkly East.
He attended school at Zastron. He studied at the universities of Cape Town (M.A., PhD.), Stellenbosch and Amsterdam (ThDr). Professor of Dogmatology at the Theological Department of the
University of Stellenbosch, 1963 - 1977.


1939: Die Verhouding tussen die Teologie en die Filosofie by Calvyn
1053: Verlossing
1958: Heldersiendheid, Goëlery en ander Okkulte Verskynsels
1961: Christ and Israel
1963: Gereformierde Etiek
1966: Die Teopneustie van die Heilige Skrif met besondere Verwysing na Karl Barth
1968: Die Afrikaner se Erfenis in "Die Waardes van die Afrikaner"

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