The Books by Stephen Knapp (original) (raw)

The Books by

Stephen Knapp

The full details and contents of each book along with ordering information can be viewed by clicking on the titles below.

(1) The Secret Teachings of the Vedas,The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life, is an in-depth introduction to the Vedic philosophy and the topmost spiritual knowledge available to humanity.

(2) The Universal Path to Enlightenment, an analysis of the major world religions and the spiritual path most recommended for this age.

(3) The Vedic Prophecies: A New Look into the Future, Newly Updated & Expanded as of March 2011with much additional material, This provides a look at what the major Puranas say will happen in the future, some of which is already happening.

(4) How the Universe was Created and Our Purpose In It, a detailed description of the Vedic version of the creation of the material universes and life within.

(5) Toward World Peace: Seeing the Unity Between Us All, a much needed spiritual message for the present times. This is so important that I have added an ebook edition to this website for free reading and distribution. To read it now online, click here [**_Toward World Peace E-book_**].

(6) Facing Death: Welcoming the Afterlife, provides a look at the way death helps us reach our destiny, that it is not a tragedy, and how to view it and use it spiritually to relieve us of the fear of it.

(7) Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence, said by many to be a must read, offering a view of world history and the importance of the Vedic influence that most books leave out.

(8) The Key to Real Happiness, offers the means to attain one of the prime goals of life, genuine happiness. This book and its easy to understand information will show you how to experience real happiness and joy, and reach the spiritual level, the platform of the soul, beyond the temporary nature of the mind and body.

(9) Reincarnation and Karma: How They Really Affect Us. This is a short but easy-to-understand and thorough guide in comprehending this complex but basic level of spiritual understanding. For all who wish to learn how their actions affect their future and to determine their own eternal destiny.

(10) The Eleventh Commandment: The Next Step for Social Spiritual Development. Based on the Universal Spiritual Truths, or the deeper levels of spiritual understanding, this book presents a new code in a completely nonsectarian way to bring humanity to a higher level of spiritual consciousness that can impact all aspects of our life.

(11) The Heart of Hinduism: The Eastern Path to Freedom, Empowerment and Illumination. This is a definitive and easy to understand guide to the essential as well as devotional heart of the Vedic/Hindu philosophy. This is a complete course in all of its philosophy and meanings that allows you to see and easily put into practice the depths of its wisdom and insights that are contained within this profound spiritual knowledge.

(12) Destined for Infinity, is a highly spiritual adventure in which a Westerner embarks on a mystical quest into the Himalayas and is transported into a new and enlightening spiritual dimension. It relates a man's quest for Truth and shows his journey from a state of confusion to one of the highest levels of enlightenment and self-empowerment. It is a book that will take you to other worlds and unlimited realms.

(13) Vedic Culture: The Difference It Can Make In Your Life. This new book shows the advantages of the Vedic paths of improvement and self-discovery that you can use in your own life to attain personal spiritual awareness, happiness, and fulfillment. It also provides a new view of what these avenues have to offer from some of the most prominent writers on Vedic culture in the West, who discovered how it has affected and benefited their own lives.

(14) The Power of the Dharma: An Introduction to Hinduism and Vedic Culture.This offers a concise and easy-to-understand overview of the essential principles and customs of the Hindu tradition. It also provides many insights into the depth and value of the timeless wisdom of Vedic spirituality and reveals why the Dharmic path has survived for thousands of years.

(15) Seeing Spiritual India: A Guide to Temples, Holy Sites, Festivals and Traditions: 2020 UPDATE. This is especially for the pilgrim traveler who wants to get the most out of his or her spiritual adventure and experience in India. Contains information on hundreds of holy sites and towns, and many more temples. Describes how to get there, what you will find, and the places to see and the traditions, stories, and meanings connected with them, along with the benefits of visiting them.

(16)Crimes Against India and the Need to Protect its Ancient Vedic Traditions. 1000 Years of Attacks Against Hinduism and What to do About it. This book explains the real history of India, and the many invasions and atrocities against it, its people and its culture that have been, and continue to be committed by many invading forces. Also contains action plans and ideas on carrying out ways to promote the profound and dynamic nature of real Vedic culture and how to protect and preserve it if we are going to provide a future for it through the generations to come.

(17) Yoga and Meditation: Their Real Purpose and How to Get Started This book explains the benefits of yoga, The real purpose of yoga, The types of yoga, such as Hatha yoga, Karma yoga, Raja and Astanga yogas, Kundalini yoga, Bhakti yoga, Mudra yoga, Mantra yoga, and others; The Chakras and Koshas; Asanas and postures, and the Surya Namaskar; Pranayama and breathing techniques for inner changes; Deep meditation and how to proceed; The methods for using mantras, Attaining spiritual enlightenment, and much more.

(18) Avatars, Gods and Goddesses of Vedic Culture, Understanding the Characteristics, Powers and Positions of the Hindu Divinities. This describes the various aspects, symbols, weapons, physical attributes, and some of the legends of the various Divinities of the Vedic tradition. Includes Lord Krishna, Vishnu, Their main avatars and expansions, along with Brahma, Shiva, Ganesh, Murugan, Surya, Hanuman, as well as the goddesses of Sri Radha, Durga, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, and others.

(19) The Soul: Understanding Our Real Identity. The Key to Spiritual Awakening. Short and to the point, this book provides a summarization of the most essential spiritual knowledge of the pre-eminent Vedic tradition. The descriptions will give you greater insights and a new look at who and what you really are as a spiritual being.

(20) Prayers, Mantras and Gayatris: A Collection for Insights, Protection, Spiritual Growth, and Many Other Blessings.The Sanskrit prayers, Gayatris mantras, and stotras or devotional songs within this volume offer many kinds of blessings, spiritual insights, protection, and the means for further self-development and spiritual advancement.

(21) Krishna Deities and Their Miracles: How the Images of Lord Krishna Interact with Their Devotees. This gives the philosophical and scriptural basis how Deities reciprocate with devotees, plus the antiquity of Deity worship in the Vedic tradition, ancient temples across India of particular interest, and old and modern stories of Deities interacting with Their devotees.

(22) Defending Vedic Dharma: Tackling the Issues to Make a Difference: This book takes on some of the most topical issues at present that many do not properly understand about Vedic culture, and explains and resolves them in a way that can help us apply Vedic culture to our lives and help others have a more positive view of what it has to offer.

(23) Advancements of Ancient India's Vedic Culture: The Planet�s Earliest Civilization and How it Influenced the WorldThis provides a detailed description of all the ancient advancements that were developed in the ancient Vedic culture of India and the Indus or Sarasvati Civilization. Much of this is what people are forgetting, or never knew, of how superior this culture was in mathematics, medicine and surgery, ship building and maritime trade, textiles, metallurgy, writing and language, architecture, and many other areas of development, including its spiritual path of Sanatana-dharma.

(24) Spreading Vedic Traditions Through Temples: Proven Strategies That Make Them More Effective. This book covers many methods that are not merely ideas, but are already being used in practical and successful ways to help preserve, promote and spread what is the last bastion of deep spiritual truth. As more temples are built in Western countries, these strategies will become increasingly important. Using these techniques as the basis of your ideas, your temple cannot help but be successful.

(25) The Bhakti-yoga Handbook A Guide for Beginning the Essentials of Devotional Yoga. This book is a guide for anyone who wants to begin the practice of bhakti-yoga in a practical and effective way. This supplies the information, the principles, the regular activities or sadhana, and how to have the right attitude in applying ourselves to attain success on the path of bhakti-yoga, which is uniting with God through love and devotion.

(26) Lord Krishna and His Essential Teachings: If God Were to Tell You the Truth About Life, This is It. This books explains who is Lord Krishna, why He appears in this world, and His instructions about the purpose of life and what we are supposed to do here, and how to use it to make the best use of our situation. This is like the secret knowledge of life that we should all know.

(27) Mysteries of the Ancient Vedic Empire: Recognizing Vedic Contributions to Other Cultures Around the World. This book takes us on a journey through history and across many countries as we point out similarities and remnants of the Vedic tradition that remain there to this day.

(28) Casteism in India: Is It the Scourge of Hinduism or the Perversion of a Legitimate Vedic System Known as Varnashrama. This book is a short study of what the Vedic texts actually say about what the Vedic social arrangement is really supposed to be and the purpose of it.

(29) Ancient History of Vedic Culture: The Time Line of India's Vedic Civilization as Presented by the Tradition. This books explains the traditional views as to the antiquity of Vedic society, its ancient beginnings, how the Vedic texts manifested, and how the Vedic knowledge was given to humanity and spread around the world.

(30) A Complete Review of the Vedic Literature: India's Ancient Library of Spiritual Knowledge: This book shows how these many texts fit together, their divisions, the supplements, what information they contain, and their philosophical conclusions.

(31) Bhakti-Yoga; The Easy Path of Devotional Yoga: This offers a systematic description of how bhakti-yoga works, the practice and philosophy of it, and how to become successful on this spiritual path.

(32) The Power of the Maha-Mantra: This explains by scriptural references what is so special about chanting the Hare Krishna mantra.

(33) The Power of Bhagavad-gita, This book is a key to opening the possibilities in the ways the_Bhagavad-gita_ can be of assistance to us and lead us to a higher understanding of who we are and the purpose of life.

(34) The Power of the Ramayana, shows how it has remained so popular for so many years and explains the many levels of knowledge is has to offer us, and historical nature of Lord Rama.

NEW (35) The Power of Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihari: Stories of the Miracles of the Deities of Detroit's Devasadan Mandir, along with gorgeous photos of the Deities including some of the installation ceremony.

NEW (36) _SEEING SPIRITUAL INDIA: Photos of Temples and Holy Sights of Northern India_This book shows 462 color photographs of northern India with a section on far northeastern India as well.

NEW (37) _SEEING SPIRITUAL INDIA: Photographs of Temples and Culture of South India_This book shows 345 color photographs of temples, architecture and the culture of South India.

NEW (38) SEEING SPIRITUAL INDIA: Photographs of Temples and Culture of West India. This books presents 490 photo of various temples, holy sights, forts, architecture and art, and culture of West India.

NEW (39) SEEING SPIRITUAL INDIA: Photographs of Temples and Culture of East India. This books presents 586 color photos of various temples and huge festivals, architecture, art, and culture of East India.

NEW (40) Glories of His Divine Grace Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This gives a biographical description of Srila Prabhupada and prophecies of his appearance and offers 83 never-before published photos of him.

NEW (41) _The Taj Mahal: Its Alternative History as a Vedic Temple:_Available only as an Ebook, Contains several papers by noted researchers into this topic as found on this website but as a Kindle Ebook or pdf file.

NEW (42) Memories of Vrindavana The Land of Krishna: Photographs of Many of its Holy Sights: With 489 photos, this presents a look at the many temples, deities and village life of the people of Vrindavana, with a wide overview of sights and temples from the surrounding area.

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YOU CAN SEE ALL OF THESE BOOKS on Stephen Knapp's Amazon Author's Page to order directly from at: on any other Amazon website using the local currency.

KINDLE E-BOOK versions are now also available for many of Stephen's books at in the U.S., UK, Denmark, France, India, Spain, and other places. Check the book's page on this site for the direct links under the "Ordering Information" for those books that are available for the Kindle reader. You can also go to the following link to see all Kindle E-books that are available in the U.S.:

**FOR THE NOOK E-Reader:**Most of Stephen's books are also available for Nook E-Reader. Just do a search for Stephen Knapp on their site.

FROM BOOKS-A-MILLION: Many of Stephen's Books are also available here:

ADOBE READER E-BOOK EDITIONS for Stephen's books can also be ordered for reading on your computer no matter where you live, from Just do a search for Stephen Knapp on their site. To get the latest version of the free Adobe Reader to read the Ebook, use this link:



Books published in India so far include "The Secret Teachings of the Vedas", "Vedic Culture: The Difference It Can Make in Your Life", "Destined for Infinity", "The Power of the Dharma", "The Heart of Hinduism," and "Spiritual India Handbook" (Indian title for "Seeing Spiritual India").

"The Secret Teachings of the Vedas" and "Seeing Spiritual India" (titled "Spiritual India Handbook") is available through Jaico Publishing House in Mumbai, email id or visit their website,or go directly to:

You can also find the books by Stephen Knapp that are available in India through

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These free e-booklets are meant not only for reading here online, but you can also download and read them on your own computer, or share them and email them to others, as is the case with most of the articles on this site. This way we can spread free spiritual knowledge throughout the internet, especially to those who may need a better understanding of Vedic culture. All of these are now available as Microsoft Word or Adobe .pdf files and can be emailed to you upon your request so you can format them to your own preferences to be printed and distributed to others as you wish.

(43) Why Be a Hindu: The Advantages of the Vedic Path, a free and simple "e-book" for easy reading on the web or distribution through email for providing and promoting a better understanding of the Vedic process. This points out 28 simple yet thought-provoking distinctions that are worth considering, and from which anyone can benefit. Click on the title for immediate access. (23 pages)

This is also now available as Kindle E-book for $2.99 at: at all other international outlets as the following: USUKDEFRESITNLJPBRCAMXAUIN

(44) Vedic Culture / Hinduism: A Short Introduction, this shows that Vedic philosophy is not as complex as some people think. It briefly explains the major points of Vedic philosophy and Hinduism, how it started, what are the basic beliefs and goals that we are all looking for, what are the Vedic texts, the main spiritual concepts and processes, and some of the traits and characteristics of the practice and meanings of them. (30 pages)

(45) Basic points About Vedic Culture / Hinduism, A Short Introduction Part 2. This booklet goes a little deeper than the previous booklet, and is designed to give succinct and easy answers to a wide assortment of common questions about the Vedic philosophy, tradition, customs, symbols, Dharma, worship, etc. This is to help show that everything in the Vedic tradition has a purpose and a logical explanation, if we only know what it is. It is time to again awaken to the reasons for the traditions that have been followed for thousands of years, and this booklet will help to do that. (40 pages)

(46) Thirty-one Days to Salvation on the Vedic Path. This "e-booklet" takes 108 essential verses from the Bhagavad-gita and clearly shows how easy and simple this path can be. By taking one lesson a day and adding the recommended principles and characteristics to your life, by the end of 31 days you will have most everything you need to reach salvation, moksha, which means liberation from material existence This booklet is meant for free distribution for the advancement of Sanatana-dharma, the eternal and universal spiritual path meant for everyone. (28 pages)

This is now available as a Kindle E-book for $2.99 at: at all other international outlets as the following: USUKDEFRESITNLJPBRCAMXAUIN

(47) Meditation: A Short Course to Higher Consciousness. This 38-page "e-book" provides an essential description of the process of meditation, from its basic purpose to the preparations and techniques, asanas, pranayama exercises, the use of mantras, the meaning of OM and the Mahamantra, and the means for enlightenment and ultimate liberation. It also gives information about which processes are most recommended, and gives the average person a quick understanding on how to begin and what to expect, and how to get the most out of it.

(48) Yoga and How To Get Started. This ebook explains what is yoga and its benefits. It then explains how to start a yoga program, and provides instructions for eighteen asanas that you can do to begin a routine. It also describes the systems of karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, raja-yoga, bhakti-yoga, kundalini-yoga and others and how they work so you can persue the path best for you for additional spiritual benefits. Used with the "Meditation" ebook for a practical guide on yoga and meditation. (30 Pages)

(49) Sri Krishna is a 28 page "ebooklet" that explains the nature of Lord Krishna, who He is, some of His activities, His beauty, and some of the nature of the spiritual world, which is our real home. This article is extensively referenced from Vedic texts and is essential for any readers new to this topic of Vedic spiritual science. Several rare paintings of Krishna are also included.

(50) Shiva and Durga: Their Real Identity. This 28 page "e-booklet" explains who Shiva and Durga are, the meaning of their symbols, how Krishna devotees are dear to Shiva and Shiva is dear to them, Lord Shiva's position and purpose, what is Shaivism, the Shivaratri festival, the Shaktas and Tantrism, the Tantras, how Shiva and Durga are considered the Mother and Father of the universe, how Lord Shiva appeared in the world, how he assists in the universal destruction, the Shiva-lingam, and Lord Shiva's ultimate spiritual advice.

(51) Manifestation of Souls and Where They Go. This 21-page "e-booklet" provides the details of how the individual souls are manifested from God, how they evolve through the material existence, and how they can be liberated from it by reaching the ultimate destination. This shows how we are all the same and all related because we all have the same beginning.

(52) Death of the Aryan Invasion Theory. This booklet discusses and presents evidence of the real origins of the Aryans and Vedic civilization, and why the theory of an invasion of Aryans, a so-called tribe of Caucasian people from the north, was developed to denigrate the real culture of India. It establishes how there never was an Aryan invasion, how the Vedic texts present no evidence of such happening, how the Vedic Aryans were indigenous to India, and how the Vedic influence spread from India throughout the world. (23 pages)

(53) The Aryan Invasion Theory: The Final Nail in its Coffin The Theory that the Vedic Aryans were a tribe from the north that invaded the area of India and established the Vedic civilization is rapidly falling into discredit, but it still exists in many school books and carries some influence in certain areas. This puts together the information on how and why Max Muller started the theory, the damage it has done, objections to it and lack of evidence for it, the misleading dates for it, the Sarasvati River in the Rig Veda and proof of its existence and its demise, deciphering the Indus seals, how genetics show an east to west movement, all of which proves there never was any Aryan Invasion. (25 pages)

This is also now available as a Kindle Ebook for $2.99 at: and at all international outlets, such as:


(54) The Tulasi-devi Handbook: Guidelines and Instructions on the Importance, Care and Worship of the Tulasi Tree. This is a compilation to help anyone successfully grow the Tulasi tree, consisting of: 1. Quotes From Srila Prabhupada, 2. Prayers and Mantras for Tulasi, 3. How to Offer Tulasi Devi Worship (Puja), 4. Tulasi Devi: The Importance of the Sacred Tree, 5. The Marriage of Tulasi and the Significance of Shalagrama-shilas, 6. How to Care for Tulasi, 7. Caring for Tulasi Devi From Seedlings, and 8. Picture Pages that illustrate some of the instructions on caring for the Tulasi tree. This is also available as a pdf file for easy use and reading.

Along with the above booklet, we also have "Growing Organic Tulasi Indoors" by Bhakta Patrick who gives a thorough and updated explanation of how to grow the sacred Tulasi Tree in an organic environment. This can provide more advice on what to do, including: Basic Plant Anatomy, Organic vs. Inorganic, Obtaining a Tulasi Plant, Caring for Young Seedlings, Soil, Watering, Lights, Nutrients, Pests, Collecting Leaves, Transplanting, Supplies List, and more.

Defending Dharma: Handling the Christian Challenges. This booklet provides the means for standing up to defend Sanatana-dharma especially against the arguments that Christians use most often to criticize and demean the Vedic tradition, or discourage others from being Hindus or followers of Sanatana-dharma. Herein you can find the means to help yourself and others defend Dharma by using logic and common sense, and the counter arguments that can be used against the criticisms from those who simply do not understand it, especially Christians. This also helps you recognize the lapses in logic (known as "philosophical fallacies") in their own arguments. Thus, everyone should awaken to the realities of what Christianity has done to decent humans in the past, and how their conversion tactics are still performed with the mission of Christianizing the world. (33 pages)

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