Tidskrift för forskning om svensk och annan nordisk litteratur (original) (raw)

Volym 130, 2009


Jagets skådeplats. Medieteoretiska reflexioner kring Strindbergs Taklagsöl (1906)

Klaus Müller-Wille

130, 2009, s. 5–20



Klaus Müller-Wille, Jagets skådeplats. Medieteoretiska reflexioner kring Strindbergs Taklagsöl (1906). (The Scene of the I. Media theoretical reflexions on Strindberg’s The roofing Ceremony (1906)).

In this essay I show how Strindberg in his “The roofing Ceremony” displays a profound media theoretical consciousness, something that is reflected in the deployment of a series of medial devices in the plot. These media devices are in turn associated with a series of theoretical appre­hensions of the human psyche. Media technologies such as the graphopone, the telephone and pen and paper play crucial roles in the crisis of the subject that Strindberg stages in his story.

The notion of a self-sustained psychological identity is constantly challenged by the differ­ent media that surround the protagonist, but also by the inescapable otherness of human lan­guage and the very materiality of the perceptual and mnemonic apparatus itself.

These medial devices in turn reflect various contemporary psychological theories, such as psychophysical and protopsychoanalytical notions of the psyche. In this interplay between media technology and psychological theory, however, Strindberg does not simply reproduce current notions on the human mind, but rather reflects them critically.

Julius Regis' tidiga Marsberät­telser i Kamraten

Dag Hedman

130, 2009, s. 21–54



The essay presents two newly discovered Martian epics by the Swedish author of adventure and crime stories, Julius Regis (1889–1925), “En bröllopsresa i blå etern” (1906–1907; “A Hon­eymoon in Space”) and “Dokumentet från Mars” (1910; “The Document from Mars”). These stories about Swedes travelling in space are clearly influenced by Jules Verne’s novels. Compari­son is made with contemporary authors of Martian stories, e.g. H. G. Wells, George Griffith, Edwin Lester Arnold, and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Regis emerges as an original and independ­ent author of the space opera genre.

Kronotoper i Hjalmar Bergmans författarskap

Sten Brandorf

130, 2009, s. 55–84



Hjalmar Bergman’s authorship has previously been investigated with Bakhtin’s theories of the novel and the carnival as the main points of reference. This article is instead based on the cen­tral bakhtinian concept of the chronotope. The aim is to show how time and space are related to each other in psychologically and existentially significant ways in a selection of Bergman’s novels. Another aim is to demonstrate the usefulness of the concept of chronotope as an intru­ment of analysis.

Chronotope is a broad concept but limited to specific moments in the diegesis it opens pos­sibilities to study in detail how time thickens and how space is related to time. Furthermore, how chronotopes generate textual derivations on a metaphorical level, can be analysed with the support of Riffaterre’s semiotic theory.

The article deals with both major, genre-defining and minor, local chronotopes, but the pri­mary interest is the threshold chronotope, that is, the point where a crisis takes place. In the article there is a focus on key scenes in the chosen novels in order to show how the threshold chronotope constitute a recurrent motif, which in combination with, or contrasted to other chronotopes, forms a characteristic chronotopical pattern in the authorship of Hjalmar Bergman.

Vilhelm Ekelund och den fransk-italienska kultursfären. Några ned­slag i de tidiga prosaverken – från Antikt ideal (1909) till Attiskt i fågelperspektiv (1919)

Mattias Aronsson

130, 2009, s. 85–101



The Swedish poet, essayist and aphorist Vilhelm Ekelund was not only influenced by German literature and philosophy, he also wrote extensive literary criticism on the subject of Romance language authors. This article discusses Ekelund’s relationship to some of the most influen­tial French and Italian writers — as it can be seen in his work during the period 1909–1919. This relationship was ambiguous: he paid homage to French authors such as Montaigne, Mon­tesquieu, Stendhal and Comte — as well as to the Italian poet and philosopher Leopardi – but he also severely criticized such distinguished writers as Baudelaire, Rousseau and Maupassant. One conclusion of this article is that the authors praised by Ekelund all venerate the Greek and Roman cultural heritage, whereas the despised novelists and poets were, in his opinion, either too “modern” or too “feminine” — both highly pejorative adjectives in the author’s ter­minology. It is also noted that Ekelund’s most ferocious attacks date from the first part of the decade, before he entered a more harmonic period with the works Metron (1918) and Attiskt i fågelperspektiv (1919).

Karen Blixen och maskulinitetens dekonstruktion. En läsning av ”The Old Chevalier”/”Den gamle vandrende Ridder”

Claudia Lindén

130, 2009, s. 102–138



Claudia Lindén, Karen Blixen och maskulinitetens dekonstruktion: En läsning av ”The Old Chevalier”/ ”Den gamle vandrende Ridder”. (Karen Blixen’s deconstruction of masculinity: A reading of ”The Old Chevalier”/”Den gamle vandrende Ridder”.)

It took a while before Isak Dinesen was read as a feminist writer. Many found it difficult to find feminist heroines in her stories. It was not until the the mid 1980’s that Dinesen scholars started to read her “Witches” and “Goddesses” (Sara Stambaug 1988) as such examples. The first to connect Dinesen to a feminist tradition was Ellen Moers. In Literary Women (1976) she pointed out that Dinesen belonged to a tradition, growing out of Ann Radcliffe and Mary Shelley, that Moers called the “Female Gothic”. Isak Dinesen named her first book Seven Gothic Tales. “Gothic” also recurs in Last Tales. In spite of this Dinesen’s use of the 18th century Gothic mode has not played any central role in the Dinesen reception. Even though her texts are full of skeletons and ghosts it is not terror that is in focus, but rather the investigation in the fundamental instability of the human psyche. Modern researchers on the Gothic period, like Cyndy Hendershot, has also pointed out the disruption of stable notions of gender and sexual­ity peculiar to the genre, especially “the fragmentation of normative heterosexual masculinity”.

In this article, which is part of a larger project on Dinesen and the Gothic, I argue that, by once more connecting Dinesen to this disruptive Gothic tradition of transgressing gender we can also change our way of reading her. Where earlier feminist readings have looked for femi­nist representations in Dinesen, I suggest a change of focus, to how intertextual “genre trouble” also produce “gender trouble”. Such a shift of focus also allows us to see how Dinesen’s feminism works through criticism and irony. Through a reading of the story “The Old Chevalier” I show how Dinesen systematically deconstructs and questions normative heterosexual masculinity, thereby showing that masculinity is not only unstable and constructed, but one of our cultures main fictions.

Rymden och tvåkronan. Karin Boyes För lite och den författarsociala debatten

Johan Svedjedal

130, 2009, s. 139–184



Johan Svedjedal, Rymden och tvåkronan. Karin Boyes För lite och den författarsociala debatten. (Space and the Two-Crown Coin: Karin Boye’s För lite and the debate on authors’ social circum­stances.)

Karin Boye’s (1900–1941) novel För lite (1936) [_Too Little_] depicts a writer who has failed his early promise as a literary author. To provide for his wife and two sons, he has relegated himself to a producer of popular fiction. The article begins with an examination of how Boye uses plot, symbols, psychology and references to the contemporary literary field to discuss the social and intellectual roles of different kinds of artists.

The novel has often been read as a veiled piece of literary autobiography, and the article moves on to an examination of Boye’s own literary career. Although Boye had temporary dif­ficulties in supporting herself solely by writing, there are many differences between her and the protagonist in För lite. Boye graduated as a school-teacher in the 1920s, but after a brief period of teaching she soon became a professional writer. In the early 1930s, Boye was forced to occasional reviewing and even writing of popular stories, but her main output was literary fiction, which made her an esteemed author, published by the prestigious Bonnier’s publishing house and a member of the distinguished literary academy Samfundet De Nio [Academy of the Nine]. She supplemented the remuneration for her own books with translation fees, but an important part of her income came from literary awards and grants (a general feature for liter­ary authors of her days). As exactly as possible, her literary incomes from various sources are calculated, grants roughly equivalating the remunerations from her books, grants and remu­nerations both each giving her double the income from her translations.

The possibility of receiving such grants is conspicuously absent in the literary world of För lite. In fact, the novel may be read as an attempt of promulgating the necessity of such grants. During the 1930s, Karin Boye took an active part in the campaign launched by Sveriges Förfat­tareförening [The Swedish Association of Authors] for giving authors compensation for the use of their books in public libraries. The gloomy representation of the writer’s conditions in För lite is perfectly consistent with arguments in this campaign.

The article concludes with information on Karin Boye’s work in Sveriges Författarefören­ing and Samfundet De Nio (the later with the main objective of dispensing literary grants and awards), and on her posthumous success as an author. The vast differences between her own literary career and that of the protagonist in För lite is stressed, maintaining that the novel is neither realistic nor mainly psychological, but an attempt to stir up debate.

En besynnerlig bibliotekarie. Prosafragment av Viktor Rydberg

Andreas Hedberg

130, 2009, s. 185–197



The article presents a hitherto unpublished prose fragment by Swedish author Viktor Rydberg (1828–1895). The fragment, in accordance with Rydberg’s notes entitled “En besynnerlig bibliotekarie” (“A Peculiar Librarian”), is here published for the first time, together with a list of variants in the original manuscript, which itself is preserved in the collections of the Royal Library in Stockholm. Following upon an initial overview of the the fragment’s place in Rydberg’s production, the setting and theme of the fragment are compared to a contemporary and more famous work by the same writer, the romantic novella Singoalla. Romantisk Sagodigt, first published in 1857. Similarities between the two texts are presented in order to cast further light upon the imaginary world of Rydberg during one of his most productive periods as an author. In a concluding discussion, the citings of literary works in the fragment are taken into consideration. The mentioning of the popular German author August Lafontaine’s adventure novels is, among other things, used to interpret the fragment’s title figure as obsolete and foolish. This is, in fact, his “peculiarity”, and the fragment can accordingly be read as a satire.


Pär Alexandersson, Konsten att avstå. Framställningarav åldrande och visdom i västeuropeisk litteratur från Cicero till Fredrika Bremer. (Acta Universitatis Uppsaliensis, Skrifter utgivna av Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen vid Uppsala universitet, 44). Uppsala 2009

Merete Mazzarella

130, 2009, s. 198–200

Åsa Mälhammar, En svensk harlekinad. Narren som litterärt motiv hos Carl Jonas Love Almqvist, Hjalmar Bergman och Lars Forssell. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet, 47; Skrifter utgivna av Hjalmar Bergman samfundet, 17). Nordic Academic Press. Lund 2009

Johan Stenström

130, 2009, s. 200–205

Jonas Asklund, Humor i romantisk text. Om Jean Pauls estetik i svensk romantik. C.F. Dahlgrens Mollbergs epistlar (1820), C.J.L. Almqvists Amorina (1822) och C. Livijns Spader Dame (1825). Litterarum Lundensis. Skrifter utgivna av avdelningen för litteraturvetenskap, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lunds universitet 9). Lund 2008

Christina Svensson

130, 2009, s. 205–211

Nina Björk, Fria själar. Ideologi och verklighet hos Locke, Mill och Benedictsson. Wahlströms & Widstrand. Stockholm 2008

Bibi Jonsson

130, 2009, s. 211–220

Axel Lindén, Förnimmelser. En fenomenologisk analys av Herman Bangs författerskap. ellerströms. Lund 2009

Bo Hakon Jørgensen

130, 2009, s. 220–222

Haníf Sabzevari, Varför tiger du? Expositionen i sju enaktare av August Strindberg. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Skrifter utgivna av Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen vid Uppsala universitet, 43). Uppsala 2008

Richard Bark

130, 2009, s. 222–227

Henrik Johnsson, Strindberg och skräcken. Skräckmotiv och identitetstematik i August Strindbergs författarskap. Bokförlaget h:ström – Text & Kultur. Stockholm 2009

Ola Holmgren

130, 2009, s. 227–232

Sofia Wijkmark, Hemsökelser. Gotiken i sex berättelser av Selma Lagerlöf. Karlstad University Studies 2009:20. Karlstad 2009

Birthe Sjöberg

130, 2009, s. 232–240

Anna Bohlin, Röstens anatomi. Läsningar av politik i Elin Wägners Silverforsen_, Selma Lagerlöfs_ Löwensköldstrilogi och Klara Johansons Tidevarskåserier. Bokförlaget h:ström. Umeå 2008

Katarina Leppänen

130, 2009, s. 240–244

Styrbjörn Järnegard, ”En konstnärs rätta namn det är hans verk”. Orienten, pilgrimen och den svenska poesin i Verner von Heidenstams Vallfart och vandringsår. Artos & Norma bokförlag. Skellefteå 2009

Tom Hedlund

130, 2009, s. 245–253

Sofi Qvarnström, Motståndets berättelser. Elin Wägner, Anna Lenah Elgström, Marika Stiernstedt och första världskriget. (Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för Litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala, 58). Gidlunds förlag. Hedemora & Möklinta 2009

Jenny Bergenmar

130, 2009, s. 253–260

Jimmy Vulovic, Ensamhet och gemenskap i förvandling. Vägar genom Eyvind Johnsons och Rudolf Värnlunds mellankrigsromaner. Carlssons. Stockholm 2008

Magnus Nilsson

130, 2009, s. 260–267

Anna-Karin Carlstoft Bramell, Vilhelm Moberg tar ställning. En studie av hans journalistik och tidsaktuella diktning. Carlsson Bokförlag. Stockholm 2007

Lars-Åke Engblom

130, 2009, s. 267–269

Elina Druker, Modernismens bilder. Den moderna bilderboken i Norden. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska barnboksinstitutet, nr 103). Makadam. Stockholm 2008

Nina Christensen

130, 2009, s. 269–272

Jan Hellgren, Det osynligas arkitektur. Om rumsligheten i Bo Carpelans författarskap. (Åbo Akademi, Litteraturvetenskap). Åbo 2009

Lars Elleström

130, 2009, s. 272–277

Peter Hultsberg, Därför berör oss fåglarnas liv. Lennart Sjögrens poetiska livsförståelse. (Acta Wexionensia, Nr 142/2008, Humaniora). Växjö University Press. Växjö 2008

Håkan Sandgren

130, 2009, s. 278–283

Johan Sahlin, Om kyrklundheten. Värde, kunskap och skrivande i Willy Kyrklunds ”Om godheten”. ellerströms. Lund 2008

Anders Pettersson

130, 2009, s. 284–289

Christian Mehrstam, Textteori för läsforskare. (Institutionen för Litteratur, Idéhistoria och Religion vid Göteborgs universitet). Göteborg 2009

Johan Elmfeldt

130, 2009, s. 289–292

Staffan Bergsten, Den svenska poesins historia. Wahlström & Widstrand. Stockholm 2007

Eva Haettner Aurelius

130, 2009, s. 293–295

Dansk litteraturs historie. Red. Klaus P. Mortensen & May Schack. Bind 2: 1800–1870. Förf: Sune Auken, Knud Michelsen, Marie–Louise Svane, Isak Winkel Holm & Klaus P. Mortensen. Gyldendal. København 2008

Roland Lysell

130, 2009, s. 295–301

Jesper Gulddal, Litterære pasregimer. Bevægelsekontrol og identifikation i europæisk litteratur 1725–1875. Museum Tusculum Forlag. Köpenhamn 2008

Leif Dahlberg

130, 2009, s. 301–304

Leif Landen, Carl Michael Bellman – En biografi. Bokförlaget Atlantis. Stockholm 2008

Stefan Ekman

130, 2009, s. 304–308

Johan Svedjedal, Kärlek är. Carl Jonas Love Almqvists författarliv 1793–1833. Wahlström & Widstrand. Stockholm 2007; Rosor, törnen. Carl Jonas Love Almqvists författarliv 1833–1840. Wahlström & Widstrand. Stockholm 2008; Frihetens rena sak. Carl Jonas Love Almqvists författarliv 1841–1866. Wahlström & Widstrand. Stockholm 2009

Åsa Arping

130, 2009, s. 308–313

Lisbeth Larsson, Hennes döda kropp. Victoria Benedictssons arkiv och författarskap. Weyler. Stockholm 2008

Christina Sjöblad

130, 2009, s. 313–315

Gli scrittori stranieri raccontano Roma. L’immagine della Città e della cultura italiana nel XIX secolo. A cura di Sergio Campailla. Newton Compton Editori. Roma 2008

Conny Svensson

130, 2009, s. 315–319

Cristine Sarrimo, Heidenstams harem. Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion. Stockholm/Stehag, 2008

Ann-Sofie Lönngren

130, 2009, s. 319–322

Niklas Schiöler, Begränsningens möjligheter. Svensk kortdikt från Heidenstam till Jäderlund. Carlssons Bokförlag. Stockholm 2008

Anders Cullhed

130, 2009, s. 322–324

Kristin Järvstad, Den kluvna kvinnligheten. "Öfvergångskvinnan" som litterär gestalt i svenska samtidsromaner 1890-1920. Symposion. Stockholm/Stehag 2008

David Gedin

130, 2009, s. 324–327

Claes Ahlund, Diktare i krig. K.G. Ossiannilsson, Bertil Malmberg och Ture Nerman från debuten till 1920. Gidlunds förlag. Hedemora 2007

Per Rydén

130, 2009, s. 327–330

Bibi Jonsson, Blod och jord i trettiotalet, Kvinnorna och den antimoderna strömningen. Carlssons förlag. Stockholm 2008

Lena Kåreland

130, 2009, s. 330–332

Bengt Landgren, Sten Selander. Lyrik och litteraturkritik 1916–1957. Gidlunds förlag. Hedemora 2009

Martin Kylhammar

130, 2009, s. 332–334

Conny Svensson. Pli på pojkar. Från Dumas till Kar de Mumma. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska barnboksinstitutet, 102). Atlantis. Stockholm 2008

Maria Nikolajeva

130, 2009, s. 334–337

Dag Hedman, Extravaganta eskapader. Gösta Palmcrantz’ liv och verk; Gösta Palmcrantz (Gösta Segercrantz). En bibliografi. Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för Litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala Nr 57. Uppsala 2008

Sara Kärrholm

130, 2009, s. 337–341

Rónán McDonald, The Death of the Critic. Continuum. London & New York 2007

Per Rydén

130, 2009, s. 341–342

Ann Steiner, Litteraturen i mediesamhället. Studentlitteratur. Lund 2009

Johan Svedjedal

130, 2009, s. 342–344

Berättande i olika medier. Red. Leif Dahlberg & Pelle Snickars. (Mediehistoriskt Arkiv, 7). Statens Ljud- och bildarkiv. Stockholm 2008

Anna Gunder

130, 2009, s. 344–346

Narrativity, Fictionality, and Literariness. The Narrative Turn and the Study of Literary Fiction. Red. Lars-Åke Skalin. Örebro University. Örebro 2008

Anežka Kuzmičová

130, 2009, s. 346–348

Litteratur som livskunskap. Tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv på personlighetsutvecklande läsning. Red. Skans Kersti Nilsson & Torsten Pettersson. Högskolan i Borås. Borås 2009

Jerry Määttä

130, 2009, s. 348–350