Tidskrift för forskning om svensk och annan nordisk litteratur (original) (raw)

Volym 141, 2020


Sivilisasjonen i ødemarken. Om Stina Aronsons kritiske dialog med den litterære sanatoriumstradisjonen i Sång till Polstjärnan (1948)

Beatrice M.G. Reed

141, 2020, s. 5–35



Beatrice M.G. Reed, Department of Language and Literature, Volda University College

Civilization in the wilderness: On Stina Aronson’s critical dialogue with the literary sanatorium tradition in Sång till polstjärnan [_Song to the North Star_] (1948) (Sivilisasjonen i ødemarken. Om Stina Aronsons kritiske dialog med den litterære sanatoriumstradisjonen i Sång till Polstjärnan [1948])

The article argues that Swedish author Stina Aronson renews the sanatorium as a critical literary topos in her short story collection Sång till polstjärnan [_Song to the North Star_] (1948). By reading two of Aronson’s texts in light of Knut Hamsun’s Siste kapittel [_The Last Chapter_] (1923), Thomas Mann’s Der Zauberberg [_The Magic Mountain_] (1924) and Sven Stolpes’s I dödens väntrum [_In the waiting room of death_] (1930), it shows that Aronson related critically to central ideological and aesthetic tendencies of her time, especially to the primitivism of the interwar period, and the post-war pessimism of the 1940s. In light of the text being situated in a northern landscape, far from the urban centers in the south, the article seeks to illuminate how Aronson enriches the literary sanatorium tradition by introducing a new geographical environment, in which alternative forms of cultural belonging, class and gender identity are reflected in the tradition of sanatorium literature.

Tema: Ekokritik. Inledning

Magnus Jansson & Niclas Johansson

141, 2020, s. 36–41

Entomologiskt risktagande i Georg Stiernhielms ”Emblema Authoris”

Rikard Wingård

141, 2020, s. 42–62



Rikard Wingård, Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion, University of Gothenburg

Entomological gamble in Georg Stiernhielm’s ‘Emblema Authoris’ (Entomologiskt risktagande i Georg Stiernhielms “Emblema Authoris”)

This article is a follow-up of an earlier investigation into the poetic treatment of creatures of low esteem in Swedish poetry during the 17th century. The materiality of such animals — found e.g. among reptiles, amphibians, and insects – that was initially proclaimed by Aristotle and put into ‘the great chain of being,’ posited these creatures in connection with immorality, sin, and chaos. As such, they were hard to fit with classicistic aesthetics, but all the more potent for baroque expressions. In Swedish literature, Georg Stiernhielm’s sonnet “Emblema Authoris” (1644) stands out as one of the few examples from the century that solely and seriously attends to one of these animals, and tries to put it in a favorable light: the silkworm. Although it is one of the more highly appreciated species of insects, a closer examination shows that depicting the silkworm, rather than its more perfected imago, the silk moth, was not without risk. The analysis shows how Stiernhielm uses several poetic strategies to contain or disarm the troublesome materiality of the worm in order keep his authority and avoid being associated with the negative aspects of the animal. A look at the ‘baroque power’ of these beings might also explain why Stiernhielm did not choose to make the spider his emblem, a creature he in other instances held in even greater regard. The spider in general stood much lower than the silkworm on the stepladder to heaven and would be especially dangerous for Stiernhielm to exploit publicly, as it was often used as a symbol contrary to his scientific ambitions. Hence the choice of the silkworm, which represented a lower risk of being compromised. The analysis, finally, is able to shed new light on the inspirational emblem for “Emblema Authoris,” identifying it as originating from Emblemata of zinne-werck (1624) by Johan de Brune.

Men i hjärtat fanns ingen annan. En studie om relationen mellan häst och flicka i Lena Furbergs Stallgänget på Tuva

Anna Nygren

141, 2020, s. 63–91



Anna Nygren, Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion, University of Gothenburg

A Special Place in the Heart: A Study of Girl-Horse Relationships in Lena Furberg’s Stallgänget på Tuva (Men i hjärtat fanns ingen annan. En studie om relationen mellan häst och flicka i Lena Furbergs Stallgänget på Tuva)

Stallgänget på Tuva is a cartoon series by Lena Furberg published in Min Häst between 1996 and 2008. Min Häst is a magazine whose main target group is girls interested in horses. The cartoon and the magazine are part of a specific literary genre and a broader culture of girl-horse relations. Furberg’s cartoon could be seen, on the one hand, as a good example of fictional horse stories, and, on the other hand, as a cartoon that has influenced the genre, and its readers. My purpose is to analyse the relation between girl and horse in Stallgänget på Tuva. Using theories from the field of Human-Animal Studies, I discuss different aspects of the relationship and the portrayal of it, such as the realistic contra the romantic view of the relationship, and the complex question of responsibility and power in the relation between human and non-human. For a long time, the genre of fictional horse stories had quite a low status in literary and academic context. More recent studies have enhanced its value and reputation. My analysis shows that Stallgänget på Tuva opens up for ideological as well as existential questions. Several episodes in the cartoon have a radical political potential, showing how girls in their relationship with horses protest against for example patriarchal and capitalist structures. At the same time, the relationship is established on the girls’ premises. What this article shows is the complexity of the girl-horse relationship, the political potential it may have and the power structures it may both reproduce and reveal.

Påsar, gräs och andra aktörer i Karl Ove Knausgårds årstidskvartett

Marie Öhman

141, 2020, s. 92–107



Marie Öhman, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University

Plastic Bags, Grass and Other Agents in Karl Ove Knausgård’s Season Quartet (Påsar, gräs och andra aktörer i Karl Ove Knausgårds årstidskvartett)

The aim of the article is to point out an ecocritical dimension in Karl Ove Knausgård’s writings. Knausgård is generally associated with an autobiographical tradition, dealing with questions about authenticity, truth, and the human subject. In his encyclopedia on the four seasons Om hösten (2016), Om vintern (2016), Om våren (2017), and Om sommaren (2017), however, Knausgård directs his attention to the material side of life. By thoroughly scrutinising the human body, material objects, and nature, he brings to light the role of inhuman forces within the human, the self-organizing powers of things, and the agential capacity of natural phenomena. The article relates this focus on, and ascribing of new qualities to, materiality to new materialist theories that question dualistic thinking and anthropocentrism.

Utan egna tankar. Vandring och kreativitet i två romaner av Anders Paulrud

Camilla Brudin Borg

141, 2020, s. 108–136



Camilla Brudin Borg, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg

Without Thoughts of One’s Own: Walking and Creativity in Two Novels by Anders Paulrud (Utan egna tankar. Vandring och kreativitet i två romaner av Anders Paulrud)

This article studies how walking on the pilgrim’s way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain creates meaning in the narrative of two novels by the Swedish author Anders Paulrud: Inbjudan till sorg (2000) [Invitation to Grief ] and Kärleken till Sofia Karlsson (2005) [The Love of Sofia Karlsson]. The aim is to highlight the complexity of meaning production and creativity vis-àvis materiality that results from the use of the metaphorical images of walking and being lost. The interpretation draws on perspectives from material ecocriticism, cultural ecology and cognitive psychology and is carried out through metaphor analyses and close reading of the walking-narratives. The history of walking in literature contextualizes and deepens the interpretation and brings to the fore several examples of historical narratives that also use walking as a motif and narrative structure. It is shown how the novels create an intertextual dialogue with Jean-Jacque Rousseau, Dante Alighieri and the Christian allegorical tradition. Paulrud’s novels are viewed as using the complex and deeply metaphorical image of walking to process all-embracing subjects such as abandonment, love, and a sense of being lost in a postmodern, late-capitalist era, as well as creativity and a sense of being a subject deeply enmeshed in materiality.

Intermedial økokritik. Repræsentationer af økokrisen i forskellige medier

Jørgen Bruhn

141, 2020, s. 137–164



Jørgen Bruhn, Linnaeus Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies, Linnaeus University

Intermedial Ecocriticism: Comparing Representations of the Ecological Crisis across Media (Intermedial økokritik. Repræsentationer af økokrisen i forskellige medier)

This article argues that major insights from intermedial studies and ecocriticism could be combined in order to produce a productive theoretical and methodological position called Intermedial Ecocriticism. Intermedial Ecocriticism is built upon the simple observation that the production of scientific knowledge concerning the critical ecological condition in the Anthropocene reaches the laymen public by way of non-scientific texts in a number of different media types. This corpus — called ecomedia products — covers everything from popular scientific journalism, museum exhibitions or educational material, to literary climate fiction, visual art projects and documentary film or poetry. The main goal of Intermedial Ecocriticism is to be able to analyze, interpret and compare samples from this extensive and heterogeneous corpus of texts, thus going far beyond the tradition of ecocriticism to focus only on literary and other artistic texts. Thus, the position is meant to offer a humanities contribution to better understand and act upon the pending ecological crisis.

The first part of the article offers a general outline of theory and method of Intermedial Ecocriticism, whereas the second part exemplifies one particular concretization of the position. A videoanimation by Danish artist Per Arnoldi and two contemporary cli-fi novels by Mats Söderlund and Hanna Rut Carlsson are briefly analyzed and compared. The analysis focuses on the questions of narrativity and the representation of the possibility of human agency in the three ecomedia products.

”En lithen krønika vtdraghen påå swensko”. Handskrift D 25 i Kungliga biblioteket

Andrej Scheglov

141, 2020, s. 165–181


Charlotte Elmgren, J.M. Coetzee’s Poetics of the Child. Stockholm University. Stockholm 2019

David Attwell

141, 2020, s. 182–184

Sandra Grehn, Dom stökar och bråkar och kastar sten. Iscensättning och hybridisering av dominerande diskurser i Backa Teaters uppsättningar Lille kung Mattias, Gangs of Gothenburg och 5boys.com. Göteborgs universitet. Göteborg 2020.

Karin Helander

141, 2020, s. 184–187

Daniel Helsing, The Literary Construction of the Universe. Narratives of Truth, Transcendence, and Triumph in Contemporary Anglo-American Popularizations of Physics and Astronomy. Critica Litterarum Lundensis, 18, Lunds universitet. Lund 2019.

Jerry Määttä

141, 2020, s. 187–193

Jenny Jarlsdotter Wikström, Materiella vändningar. Läsningar av Parland, Lispector, Berg och Byggmästar. Umeå Universitet. Umeå 2020.

Amelie Björck

141, 2020, s. 193–198

Heidi Karlsen, A Discourse Analysis of Woman’s Place in Society 1830–1880 through Data Mining the Digital Bookshelf. University of Oslo, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies. Oslo 2020.

Jon Viklund

141, 2020, s. 198–203

Tommy Sandberg, The Difference Approach to Narrative Fiction. A Recurring Critique of Narratology and Its Implication for the Study of Novels and Short Stories. Örebro University. Örebro 2019.

Karin Kukkonen

141, 2020, s. 204–208

Anna Sigvardsson, Möten med dikten. Poetiska läspraktiker inom och utanför gymnasieskolan. diss. Luleå tekniska universitet, Avdelningen för pedagogik, språk och ämnesdidaktik. Luleå 2020.

Lotta Bergman

141, 2020, s. 208–213

Claes Wahlin, Att anlita översättning. Chaucer, Dryden, Arnold, Pound. Ellerströms. Lund 2020.

Andrew Chesterman

141, 2020, s. 213–217

Elżbieta Żurawska, Parabeln i Stig Dagermans novellistik. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Kraków 2019.

Claes Ahlund

141, 2020, s. 217–220

Alexandra Borg & Nina Ulmaja, Strindbergs lilla röda. Boken om boken och typerna. Atlantis. Stockholm 2019.

Ragni Svensson

141, 2020, s. 221–223

Carina Burman, Bellman. Biografin. Bonniers. Stockholm 2019.

Helene Blomqvist

141, 2020, s. 223–228

Contemporary Nordic Literature and Spatiality, red. Kristina Malmio & Kaisa Kurikka. Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke 2020.

Anne Heith

141, 2020, s. 228–233

Olof von Dalin, Samlade skrifter. Första delen: 2, Poesi, samt Andra delen: 2, Kommentar till poesi. Red. Ingemar Carlsson, James Massengale, Gun Carlsson och Barbro Ståhle Sjönell. Svenska författare utgivna av Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet, XXVI. Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet, Stockholm 2017 samt 2018.

Marie-Christine Skuncke

141, 2020, s. 233–236

Henrik Fürst, Debutant! Vägar till skönlitterär debut och ett särskilt uppmärksammat mottagande. Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala 77, Uppsala universitet. Uppsala 2019.

Jana Rüegg

141, 2020, s. 236–240

Tobias Hübinette, Att skriva om svenskheten. Studier i de svenska rasrelationerna speglade genom den icke-vita svenska litteraturen. Malmö 2019.

Therese Svensson

141, 2020, s. 240–246

Jag gör med dig vad jag vill. Perspektiv på våld och våldsskildringar, red. Torsten Pettersson. Makadam. Göteborg & Stockholm 2019.

Katarina Gregersdotter

141, 2020, s. 246–249

Birgitta Johansson Lindh, Som en vildfågel i en bur. Identitet, kärlek, frihet och melodramatiska inslag i Alfhild Agrells, Victoria Benedictssons och Anne Charlotte Lefflers 1880-talsdramatik. Makadam. Göteborg & Stockholm 2019.

Maria Mårsell

141, 2020, s. 249–254

Anna Jungstrand, Det dokumentära och litteraturen. ellerströms förlag. Lund 2020.

Christian Lenemark

141, 2020, s. 254–256

Johnny Kondrup, Bjergtaget. Illusion og forførelse fra Søren Kierkegaard til Karen Blixen. Wunderbuch. Skive 2019.

Roland Lysell

141, 2020, s. 256–260

Rebecca Merkelbach, Monsters in Society. Alterity, Transgression, and the Use of the Past in Medieval Iceland. De Gruyter. Berlin 2019.

Daniel Sävborg

141, 2020, s. 260–262

[Recension av:] Daniel Möller, Rolldiktningens poetik: Olof von Dalins experimentella tillfällesdiktning, 2019

Lars Burman

141, 2020, s. 262–265

Maria Nilson, Blott Sverige svenska kvinnor har? Birgit Th. Sparre, Margit Söderholm och det nationella projektet. Makadam. Göteborg & Stockholm 2019.

Anna Bohlin

141, 2020, s. 265–267

Anna Nordlund, Selma Lagerlöf. Sveriges modernaste kvinna. Max Ström. Stockholm 2018.

Ann-Sofi Ljung Svensson

141, 2020, s. 267–270

Tranströmer och det politiska, red. Gustav Borsgård. ellerströms. Lund 2020.

Markus Huss

141, 2020, s. 270–273