TaekwondoData (original) (raw)



born on 14.12.1978, Taiwan
TaekwondoData Person-ID: 2918X




* These data may not be used to assessing an athlete, as the level of the tournament (national / international, etc.) is not considered. Calculated on the basis of all available data.

Career Ranking

livetime ranking of all international fighters
Chi-Hung is on place 1.279 with 191 points.

Saison Ranking

Ranking calculated: 24.01.2025 01:14:02

Chi-Hung does not have any season ranking points.

Rivals and results

Rivals and results international

winner points looser
US Open, Colorado Springs -64 senior
1/01-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung unknown De ROSA, Wayne
World Cup, Rio de Janeiro -64 seniorTrainer / Coaches: LEUNG, Lee-Shan (Headcoach)
1/08-Finale EUGENIO, Marcio unknown HSU, Chi-Hung
World Championships, Barcelona -66 youth
1/16-Finale BETZ, Marcel unknown HSU, Chi-Hung
World Championships, Hongkong -64 senior
1/32-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung unknown GUANG, Ling Teck
1/04-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung unknown ALMOG, Tomer
1/02-Finale BOYALI, Ekrem unknown HSU, Chi-Hung
World Championships, Edmonton -67 senior
1/32-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung 0 : 0 FYSENDJIDES, Giorgos
1/16-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung unknown ARHIN, Kofi
1/08-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung 0 : 0 ZAPATA, Sebastian
1/04-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung 1 : 0 VARGAS, Jaime
1/02-Finale NO, Hyun-Goo unknown HSU, Chi-Hung
World Cup, Lyon -67 senior
1/16-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung 3 : 2 SINSEAU, Frederic
1/08-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung 2 : 2 IONAS, Georgios
1/04-Finale HSU, Chi-Hung 3 : 1 MOLLET, Tommy
1/02-Finale BIBAK ASL, Mehdi 6 : 3 HSU, Chi-Hung
Olympic Games, Sydney -68 senior
1/08-Finale SAEI BONEHKOHAL, Hadi 5 : 2 HSU, Chi-Hung