2011-2016 Resource Library articles and essays with the topic "Realism in American Art and American Realist Artists" (original) (raw)

2011-2016 Resource Library articles and essays with the topic "Realism in American Art and American Realist Artists"

(above: John Sloan, Self-Portrait, Working, 1916, oil with Windsor & Newton Copal Varnish and wax finish on canvas, 22 x 17.9 inches, Hood Museum of Art, Gift of John and Helen Farr Sloan. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

(above: John Sloan, Sunday, Women Drying Their Hair, 1912, oil on canvas, 26.1 x 32.1 inches, Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA, museum purchase, 1938.67. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)


This section of the Traditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAO) catalogue Topics in American Art is devoted to the topic "Realism in American Art and American Realist Artists." Clicking on titles takes readers directly to the articles and essays. The date at the end of each title is the date of publication in Resource Library.

Our 12 articles and essays honoring the American experience through its art:

Robert Douglas Hunter and His Students; essay by Mickey Myers (9/5/16)

Jeffrey T. Larson: Domestic Space (7/15/16)

Katharine Steele Renninger: Craft, Commitment, Community (4/15/16)

Katharine Steele Renninger: Craft, Commitment, Community; essay by Liz K. Sheehan (4/15/16)

Austere Beauty: The Art of Z. Vanessa Helder (7/31/14)

Telling American History: Realism from the Print Collection of Dr. Dorrance T. Kelly (9/7/13)

Colleen Browning at Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art (7/21/12)

Love Never Fails: The Art of Edouard and Luvena Vysekal (10/28/11)

Preservation of Place: The Art of Edward Rice (9/1/11)

Preservation of Place: The Art of Edward Rice; essay by David Houston (9/1/11)

Preservation of Place: The Art of Edward Rice; essay by Martha R. Severens (9/1/11)

To Make a World: George Ault and 1940s America (4/15/11)

(above: Alice Ravenel Huger Smith,The Rector's Kitchen and View of St. Michael's, c. 1910-15, watercolor on board, 22 x 28 inches, Greenville County Museum of Art. Smithsonian American Art Museum says: "Back the rector's home at St. Michael's Church in Charleston, South Carolina showing the small kitchen building with church spire rising behind it. Standing just outside the doorway of the kitchen is an African-American woman tending to a baby that is seated on the ground in front of her." Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

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