New Mexico Art History:Selected articles (original) (raw)

New Mexico Art History

with an emphasis on representational art

Selected articles

Michael R. Grauer: "Neighbors: Texas Artists in New Mexico" American Art Review July-August 2003 (Volume XV, Number 4)

Michael R. Grauer: **"**The Founding of the Santa Fe Art Colony" American Art Review July-August 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 4)

Michael R. Grauer: "Women Artists of Santa Fe"American Art Review September-October 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 5)

Dean A. Porter: **"**The Taos Art Museum & Fechin House" American Art Review March-April 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 2) -- see reprintfrom Taos Art Mseum

Dean A. Porter and Jochen Wierich: "The Taos Society of Artists & Ancient Cultures" American Art Review July-August 2005 (Volume XVII, Number 4)

Cynthia Roznoy: American Art Review "Modernists in (New) Mexico," November 96

Joseph Traugott: "How the West is One: The Art of New Mexico" American Art Review May-June 2007 (Volume XIX, Number 3)

Ellen Zieselman: "The Founding of the Taos Art Colony"American Art Review March-April 1999 (Volume XI, Number 2)

(above: John Mix Stanley, The Abduction, 1847, oil on board, 12 58 x 17 58 inches. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

(above: Gustave Baumann, Green Gate Orchard, 1923, wood block print, private collection. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

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