Imágenes e Historias/Images and Histories: Chicana Altar-Inspired Art (original) (raw)

de Saisset Museum

photo: Copyright 2000 John Hazeltine

Santa Clara University

Santa Clara, CA


Imágenes e Historias/Images and Histories: Chicana Altar-Inspired Art

Santa Clara University's de Saisset Museum presents "Imágenes e Historias/Images and Histories: Chicana Altar-Inspired Art," an exhibition inspired by traditional church and domestic altars, and presented in two and three-dimensional artwork.

Within the Hispanic cultures, personal altars have served as domestic extensions of larger counterparts found in colonial churches throughout the world. These home-based sacred spaces traditionally fell within the creative realm of women, reflecting their faith as well as the specific desires and histories of the devotees and their families. (left: Santa Barraza, La Lupe-Tejana, 1995, oil on canvas, 30 x 50 inches © Santa Barraza)

The exhibit recognizes both spiritual and cultural aspects as motivating factors behind artistic creation. The objective of the show is not only to present the historical position and diversity of expression of contemporary Chicana art, but also to clarify the visual language of the art to viewers from a variety of cultural backgrounds and geographic areas.

Eleven artists have work in the show: Connie Arismendi, Santa Barraza, Barbara Carrasco, Tina Fuentes, Ester Hernández, Anna Jacquez, Delilah Montoya, Gloria Osuna Pérez, Celia Rodriguez, Marta Sánchez and Consuelo Jiménez Underwood.

The exhibition was curated by Constance Cortez, Ph.D., SCU assistant professor of art history and organized and produced by the Tufts University Gallery in Medford, MA, with partial support from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

The show and events are co-sponsored at the de Saisset Museum by SCU's Center for Multicultural Learning "Building Partnerships for Diversity" Grant; Sybase, Inc.; and SCU's Art and Art History Department.

Read more about the de Saisset Museum in Resource Library Magazine

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This page was originally published in Resource Library Magazine. Please see Resource Library's Overview section for more information. rev. 2/28/11

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