Carlton Nell (original) (raw)

Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts

Montgomery, AL


Carlton Nell

January 13 - March 11, 2001

The Montgomely Museum of Fine Arts will exhibit the paintings of Carlton Nell from January 13 through March 11, 2001. This exhibition features delicate floral compositions that have a sensitive balance between a virtually dominant foreground image and a softer receding image that moves the eye into a perceived distance. (left: Composition #41, oil on panel)

Nell's investigations and portrayal of plant forms comes from a variety of sources ranging from his own yard and studio to studies he did at the Royal Botanic Gardens in London. According to Nell, plants are "universal, accessible, and beautiful while engaging in no particular activity but living. The inanimate quality prevents any narrative or storyline from attaching itself to the picture, thus allowing transcendent issues of time and space to surface." (left: Composition #32, oil on panel)

Nell graduated with a BFA from Auburn University and earned an MFA at Georgia State University. He is currently an associate professor of art at Auburn University.

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