American Cartoonists and Cartoon Genres (original) (raw)

American Cartoonists


Cartoon Genres Including Comic Books, Comic Strips, Caricature, Editorial Cartoons and Magazine Cartoons


This section of the Traditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAO) catalogue Topics in American Art is devoted to the topic "American Cartoonists and Cartoon Genres." Articles and essays specific to this topic published in TFAO's Resource Library are listed at the beginning of the section. Clicking on titles takes readers directly to these articles and essays. The date at the end of each title is the Resource Library publication date.

After articles and essays from Resource Library are links to valuable online resources found outside our website. Links may be to museums' articles about exhibits, plus much more topical information based on our online searches. Following online resources may be information regarding offline resources including museums, DVDs, and paper-printed books, journals and articles.

We recommend that readers searchwithin the TFAO website to find detailed information for any topic.Please see our pageHow to research topics not listed for more information.

24 Resource Library articles and essays honoring the American experience through its art:

Edward Koren: The Capricious Line (9/20/16)

The Western Hero in Print; essay by Christine C. Brindza (1/28/16)

Western Heroes of Pulp Fiction: Dime Novel to Pop Culture (11/5/15)

Being, Nothingness and Much, Much More: Roz Chast, Beyond The New Yorker (8/7/14)

Art Spiegelman's Co-Mix: A Retrospective (1/14/14)

Heroes & Villans: The Comic Book Art of Alex Ross (12/10/12)

To Stir, Inform and Inflame: The Art of Tony Auth (7/17/12)

Have Gags Will Travel: The Life and Times of a New York Cartoonist (4/17/12)

LitGraphic: The World of the Graphic Novel (1/22/08)

Reflecting Culture: The Evolution of American Comic Book Superheroes (6/15/07)

Saul Steinberg: Illuminations (5/3/07)

\Art in the 'Toon Age (3/30/07)

Masters of American Comics (2/2/06)

Masters of American Comics (11/21/05)

Mark Newport: Super Heroics, with gallery guide text by John D. Spiak (6/10/05)

The Art of Warner Brothers Cartoons (3/9/05)

The Seuss, the Whole Seuss, and Nothing But the Seuss (7/3/02)

The Seuss, the Whole Seuss, and Nothing But the Seuss (7/3/02)

Mightier than the Sword, Political Satire, Caricature, and Cartoon on the Presidency, Presidents and Presidential Elections (11/9/00)

Speak Softly and Carry a Beagle: The Art of Charles Schulz (10/24/00)

Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham? Drawings by Dr. Seuss (4/18/00)

The Political Dr. Seuss (2/17/00)

Apocalyptic Giggles: The Industrial Cartoon Humor of Derf (7/28/99)

Children of the Yellow Kid: The Evolution of the American Comic Strip (8/20/98)

To gain further knowledge about this topic from sources other than Resource Library, see online texts and images focusing on:

cartoonists for multiple genres

caricature cartoons and cartoonists

comic books and comic book artists

comic strips and comic strip artists

editorial cartoons and cartoonists

magazine cartoons and cartoonists

institutional cartoon sources and miscellaneous information

audio and video cartoon sources

Plus selected:

DVD or VHS videos

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Links to sources of information outside of our web site are provided only as referrals for your further consideration. Please use due diligence in judging the quality of information contained in these and all other web sites. Information from linked sources may be inaccurate or out of date. TFAO neither recommends or endorses these referenced organizations. Although TFAO includes links to other web sites, it takes no responsibility for the content or information contained on those other sites, nor exerts any editorial or other control over them. For more information on evaluating web pages see TFAO's General Resources section in Online Resources for Collectors and Students of Art History.

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