American Art Review study online worksheet for "Grant Wood, An American Master Revealed" (original) (raw)

American Art Review month and year: VOLUME EIGHT NUMBER 1 - FEBRUARY-MARCH 1996

author(s): Brady M. Roberts and James M. Dennis

title of American Art Review article: Grant Wood, An American Master Revealed

Exhibition catalogue has essays by several authors.

from Amazon:

Grant Wood: An American Master Revealed (Paperback) by James M. Dennis (Author), James S. Hornes (Author), Helen Mar Parkin (Author), Joslyn Art Museum (Author), Davenport Museum of Art (Author), Worcester Art Museum (Author), Grant Wood (Author), Brady M. Roberts (Editor)

# Paperback: 112 pages

# Publisher: Pomegranate Communications; 1st ed edition (October 1995) (do not pursue these essays further if the commerical publisher owns copyright instead of authors or museum)

# Language: English

# ISBN-10: 0876544855

# ISBN-13: 978-0876544853

recovery matrix composite score: 4

Contractor requested to obtain permissions for catalogue essays as first choice, but do not pursue these essays further if the commerical publisher owns copyright instead of authors or museum.


-- assigned to SJ on 8/13/08

-- approved by FIGGEART MUSEUM on Feb 23, 2009 via email

-- article reprinted in Resource Library: Grant Wood: An American Master Revealed; article by Brady Roberts & James M. Dennis (4/22/09)

From: "Andrew Wallace" <aw ...

Date: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:50:50 AM US/Pacific

To: "'Shana Johannessen'" <sjp ..


Subject: RE: Permission to reprint Brady Roberts essay from Grant Wood catalogue

Note: Mr. Wallace verified permission directly to TFAO

From: Shana Johannessen <sj..

Date: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:12:35 PM US/Pacific

To: John Hazeltine <in...

Roberts: The Figge Art Museum has granted permission; I'm working out whether I also need it from the author, who is supportive and with whom I am in contact. I'll tie that up shortly.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Shana Johannessen <sj...

Date: Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 5:21 PM

Subject: Re: Permission to reprint Brady Roberts essay from Grant Wood catalogue

To: Andrew Wallace

Thank you, Mr. Wallace. Could you please resend this message to, copying me? The organization's policy is that permissions must be send directly to the office (rather than forwarded by me).

Thank you again. I will send you a link when the article has been published.


On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Andrew Wallace wrote:

February 23, 2009

Shana Johannessen

Traditional Fine Arts Organization

Dear Ms. Johannessen,

You have the Figge's permission to reprint the text from the article by Brady Roberts et al. which appeared inAmerican Art Review(Feb/Mar 1996 Vol 8 No 1) on Traditional Fine Arts Organization's online Resource Library.

Please send us directions to the link when it is published.


**Andrew Wallace |**Registrar

Ph: 563.326.7804 x 7...


225 W. 2nd Street | Davenport, Iowa | 52801

A special TFAO emphasis is building an archive of material, authored by scholars and other informed individuals, beneficial for the study of art history in the United States. As a public service, without charge to readers, TFAO annually publishes a number of scholarly texts relating to American representational art in its publication Resource Library.

American Art Review, ISSN 0092-1327, is published on paper and noted for its scholarly content by both senior authors and younger scholars. Tel 913.451.8801. The time period focus of American Art Review is from the Colonial era through 1970. The first issue of Volume 1 of the magazine was published in September, 1973. Publication was suspended with Volume 4 in November, 1978. Publication resumed with Volume V in the Summer of 1992 and continues to the present. In the 19th century there was a journal with a similar title, The American Art Review: A Journal Devoted to The Practice, Theory, History and Archaeology of Art edited by S.R. Koehler.

From time to time, TFAO contacts copyright owners of American Art Review articles and requests permission to reprint catalogue essays from which the articles were derived. -- without illustrations -- in Resource Library. As an alternate, TFAO may obtain permission to reprint the American Art Review articles without illustrations.

Currently TFAO volunteers and contractors are reviewing articles published in American Art Review from 1992 through 1998 in alphabetical order by author's last name. Contractors enter into an independent contractor agreement with TFAO for processing specified texts. For information on contracting opportunities please click here.

An article's status page is linked to the Author Study and Index page listing the American Art Review article(s) being studied.

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