American Art Review study online worksheet for James C. Kelly & William M. S. Rasmussen: "The Virginia Landscape" (original) (raw)

American Art Review month and year: July-August 2000 (Volume XII, Number 4)

author(s): James C. Kelly & William M. S. Rasmussen

title of American Art Review article: "The Virginia Landscape"

Note: Resource Library published The Life of Pierre Daura, essay by William M. S. Rasmussen (9/29/06), a catalogue essay.

recovery matrix composite score: 2

Contractor requested to obtain permissions for catalogue essay as first choice.


-- assigned to SJ on 8/13/08

-- approved by copyright holder on Jan 14, 2009 via email

-- activity on this article deferred on until

-- article reprinted in Resource Library: The Virginia Landscape, article by James C. Kelly & William M. S. Rasmussen (2/10/09)

From: William Rasmussen

Date: Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 2:57 PM

Subject: RE: Permission to reprint articles

To: Shana Johannessen

Dear Ms. Johannessen,

This reply constitutes permission granted by the Virginia Historical Society for Traditional Fine Arts Organization to reprint the following articles, pending your acceptance of the conditions that also follow.


"Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend," American Art Review December 1994-January 1995, by William Rasmussen

"Patrick Henry: Sentinel for the People," American Art Review February-March 1996, by William Rasmussen

"First Fitzhughs of Virginia: AColonial Dynasty Painted by John Hesselius," American Art Review March-April 1997, by William Rasmussen

"The Virginia Landscape," American Art Review July-August 2000 co-authored by James C. Kellyand William Rasmussen

We do not grant permission for you to reprint Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend, the companion book for the show, because that book is still being sold in the Virginia Historical Society shop.


You must credit the author(s) of each article.

You must credit the Virginia Historical Society.

You must mention the original exhibition from which the article was derived. (This will be done when you print the entire articles because each includes such wording.)

One of the articles, "The Virginia Landscape," is expanded in an online exhibition on the Virginia Historical Society website. You must include mention of and the following link to that online exhibition - online.htm

You must mention that the exhibition catalog Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend is available for sale at the Virginia Historical Society shop - http://www/

I am almost certain that you already planned to meet the first three conditions and I imagine that you will be pleased to meet the last two.


William Rasmussen

Lora M. Robins Curator

A special TFAO emphasis is building an archive of material, authored by scholars and other informed individuals, beneficial for the study of art history in the United States. As a public service, without charge to readers, TFAO annually publishes a number of scholarly texts relating to American representational art in its publication Resource Library.

American Art Review, ISSN 0092-1327, is published on paper and noted for its scholarly content by both senior authors and younger scholars. Tel 913.451.8801. The time period focus of American Art Review is from the Colonial era through 1970. The first issue of Volume 1 of the magazine was published in September, 1973. Publication was suspended with Volume 4 in November, 1978. Publication resumed with Volume V in the Summer of 1992 and continues to the present. In the 19th century there was a journal with a similar title, The American Art Review: A Journal Devoted to The Practice, Theory, History and Archaeology of Art edited by S.R. Koehler.

From time to time, TFAO contacts copyright owners of American Art Review articles and requests permission to reprint catalogue essays from which the articles were derived. -- without illustrations -- in Resource Library. As an alternate, TFAO may obtain permission to reprint the American Art Review articles without illustrations.

Currently TFAO volunteers and contractors are reviewing articles published in American Art Review from 1992 through 1998 in alphabetical order by author's last name. Contractors enter into an independent contractor agreement with TFAO for processing specified texts. For information on contracting opportunities please click here.

An article's status page is linked to the Author Study and Index page listing the American Art Review article(s) being studied.

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