Collections-Centric Scholarly Texts Project / Institutional Sources Study Project online worksheet for Jonathan Batkin "The Taylor Museum: A Tribute to Folklore" (pp. 43-49) (original) (raw)

name of catalogue or brochure: Colorado Springs Fine Art Center: History of Collections

author(s) of essay: Jonathan Batkin

title of essay:"The Taylor Museum: A Tribute to Folklore" (pp. 43-49)

date of publication 1986

ISBN number:

name of copyright owner: Colorado Springs Fine Art Center



other contact: catalogue from the Lonnie Dunbier collection

other essays and authors in catalogue:

Note: not in TFAO or Google Books

recovery matrix composite score:


-- unassigned as of

-- assigned to Stacey Wittig on 4/29/08

-- approved by copyright holder on < > via

-- activity on this essay deferred on until

-- essay reprinted in Resource Library on

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