Collections-Centric Scholarly Texts Project / Institutional Sources Study Project online worksheet for Joan Marter, "Contemporary American Art at the Academy", pp. 229-258 (original) (raw)

name of catalogue or brochure: The Pennsylvania Academy: In this Academy

author(s) of essay: Joan Marter

title of essay:"Contemporary American Art at the Academy", pp. 229-258

date of publication 1976

ISBN number:

name of copyright owner:Academy



other contact: catalogue from the Lonnie Dunbier collection

other essays and authors in catalogue:

Note: not in TFAO or Google Books


-- assigned to Stacey Wittig on 4/29/08

-- approved by copyright holder on < June 10, 2008> via email

-- essay reprinted in Resource Library Contemporary American Art at The Academy; essay by Joan M. Marter (8/1/08)

On Tuesday, June 10, 2008, at 02:08 PM, Stacey Wittig wrote:

Thank you so much, Barbara.

I appreciate your help,


**From:**Barbara Katus

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:16 AM

To: Stacey Wittig

Subject: RE: Permission: In this Academy, 1976

Dear Ms. Wittig,

Permission is granted to reproduce the the articles cited in your email of May 23, from the book In This Academy: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1805 - 1976. Frank H. Goodyear, Richard J. Boyle. Published by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1976. Library of Congress Catalogue Number 76-2131.

The Academy's web link is: Telephone: 215 972-7600.

Please print this email as proof of reproduction permission.


Barbara Katus

Manager, Rights and Reproductions

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

118 North Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA 19102

Telephone: 215 972-2051

Fax: 215 567-2429

-----Original Message-----

From: Stacey Wittig

Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 12:52 PM

To: 'Barbara Katus'

Subject: Permission: In this Academy, 1976

Hello Barbara,

I wanted to follow up my email of May 22 below. Is there any more information that you need from me? I will email to you a permissions letter once you have approved our request.

I very much appreciate your help,


**From:**Stacey Wittig

Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:13 PM

To: 'Barbara Katus

Subject: In this Academy, 1976

Hello Barbara,

Gigi of your Public Relations department suggested that I contact you via email.

The Resource Library_would like your permission to rekey and post from the_In this Academy, 1976:

7 Frank Goodyear, "A History of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1805-1906", pp. 12-48

8 Doreen Bolger, "The Education of the American Artist", pp. 51-74

9 Louise Lippincott, "Charles Willson Peale and His Family of Painters", pp. 75-98

10 Mark Thistlethwaite, "The Artist As Interpreter of American History", pp. 99-120

11 Frank Goodyear, "American Landscape Painting", pp. 122-137

12 Richard Boyle, "American Impressionism", pp. 138-161

13 Louise Lippincott, "Thomas Eakins and the Academy", pp. 162-187

14 Frank Goodyear, "The Eight", pp, 188-228

15 Joan Marter, "Contemporary American Art at the Academy", pp. 229-258

If the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts were so kind as to grant us permission to rekey and post the above articles (without photos or illustrations), then your information would appear at the top of the page:

· Museum name

· Contact phone number of your museum

· Web link to your website

At the bottom of the page, after each article, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts will be further referenced with:

"Read more articles and essays concerning this institutional source by visiting the sub-index page for the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Resource Library Magazine." (You may see an example of the Santa Barbara Museum of Art references at )

_The Resource Library_is an online publication of Traditional Fine Arts Organization.

The Resource Library, founded in 1997, is the most comprehensive online publication devoted primarily to American representational art. The content time line spans the pre-Colonial period to the present and covers significant artistic and critical achievement in every state. It is published without subscription charges by its nonprofit owner and publisher Traditional Fine Arts Organization.

Library of Congress Number: ISSN 1550-8420

_Resource Library_readers include students, scholars and teachers, plus the general public. Site traffic analysis covering the most recent five-year period suggests that over a third of traffic derives from student and teacher readership.

We are an organization that you can trust with your publications; take a look at our site to see how we've handled others' works. We have hundreds of authors in our Author Index. There are hundreds of museums listed on our Museum Index.

TFAO's website,, outlines in much detail any questions that you or your colleagues might have. But please feel free to call me with any questions.

Please let me know when would be a good time to email to you a permissions letter.

I look forward to working with you,


A special TFAO emphasis is building an archive of material, authored by scholars and other informed individuals, beneficial for the study of art history in the United States. As a public service, without charge to readers, TFAO annually publishes a number of scholarly texts relating to American representational art in its publication Resource Library.An essay's status page is linked to the Author Study and Indexpage listing the author being studied.

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