How TFAO updates the Calendar (original) (raw)

National Calendar of Art Exhibitions

(above: Jerome Thompson, Recreation, 1857, oil on canvas, 40.5 x 55.9 inches, e Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

How we update the Calendar

Our Organization reviews from time to time past, current and future exhibition sections of selectmuseum websites. These museums have enriched exhibit information and stability in archiving past exhibits. The list of sources is here: A-C D-G H-L M-Q R-S T-Z and is used to audit the National Calendar of Art Exhibitions. As of June, 2024, we audit the exhibitions of 141 institutions.

We study recent, current and future exhibitions of listed museums to to determine if a citation for enrichedcontent in the Topics in American Art catalogue will lead readers to important insight into American representational art.

We create a draft email listing all of the museums that have an audit date for that month being studied. For instance, for the audit month 10/22, a draft is made that looks like the one below, in which the first museum has already been audited and an exhibit found that meets the criteria for posting in the National Calendar of Art Exhibitions. In the draft email, Albany (GA) Museum of Art has already been audited and an exhibition has been selected for posting in the appropriate month in the Calendar.

Note that the draft is prefaced by a guide that gives useful data for use in the audit of each museum.

Audited 12/12/22, next review 5/23

Audited 12/12/22 - move to limited descriptions of past exhibits

Audited 12/12/22, next review 5/23 - no exhibits scheduled

is a 2022 exhibit at the which says: " Accessed 12/22

Also see the website of the artist.

Audited 12/12/22, - move to closed/saturated topic coverage/minimal RA focus/no permanent URL

Audited 12/12/22 - move to limited descriptions of past exhibits


Albany (GA) Museum of Art Audited 12/12/22, next review 5/23

Albany (GA) Museum of Art

Forsaking All Comfort and Prosperity: Works by Maryam Safajoo

October 6 through January 28

Allen Memorial Art Museum Audited 4/7/22, next review 10/22 -- 1/16 looked back thru 4/14; 8/18 looked back from pervious check thru 8/18

American Folk Art Museum Audited 4/7/22, next review 10/22 -- 1/16 looked back thru 4/14; 8/18 looked back from pervious check thru 12/16

Asheville Art Museum Audited 6/20/22, next review 10/22 -- 1/16 looked back thru 4/14

Aspen Art Museum Audited 4/7/22, next review 10/22 -- 3/17 looked back thru 11/09

... and so on.

Usually, audits are made for each museum about every six months. After each museum with the target follow up month is audited, a future date for the next audit is entered into the draft such as " Audited 12/12/22, next review 5/23." If a college museum is being audited, the follow up date is the month when the next semester begins. Information listed after the future audit month for the museum is always saved.

For each museum covered in that month's audit, the prior year's exhibits are reviewed against the Topics in American Art catalog. The purpose of this is to see if a qualifying current or upcoming exhibit was previously covered and doesn't need to be cited again.

Then, the current month's exhibits and future ones are studied to see if there are qualified exhibit candidates for future study. If so, for each exhibit we want to tag for later follow up, it lists in the draft email the year and month for placement in the Calendar the name of the institution, followed by the name of the exhibit and lastly its opening and closing dates.

After the draft is emailed, another volunteer receives it and posts each targeted exhibit in the appropriate calendar month. A sample of National Calendar of Art Exhibitionspostings for October 2022 is:

Bronx Museum of the Arts

The South Bronx Portraits by John Ahearn & Rigoberto Torres: Honoring our community's creative hearts, minds, and souls

October 26 through April 30

Cahoon Museum of American Art

Robin Tost: Scrap Metal Quilts

October 5 through December 23

Florence Griswold Museum

Dreams & Memories

October 1 through May 14

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*Tag for expired US copyright of object image:

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