Fine Art Valuation, a column by Roger Dunbier (original) (raw)

Dunbier on Fine Art Valuation

In this column, sometimes irreverent, provocative and always informative Dr. Roger Dunbier speaks out on issues regarding the valuation of fine art:

Ugly Is Beautiful (12/17/98)

Don't Call Me an Artist (9/11/98)

JAMES JOYCE VS WINSLOW HOMER: Avoiding Hype, Hoopla and Horse Dookey (8/18/98)

Painting by Numbers (8/8/98)

Beanie Babies (6/22/98)

Fame and Money (5/16/98)

The Tides of Critical Opinion (1/31/98)

Painting With and Without Gravity (12/24/97)

Intellectual Capital (11/25/97)

Mustangs and the Macabre (10/15/97)

What Makes an Art Collection? A Collector? (9/11/97)

Fine Art Comparables - Part Two (8/28/97)

Fine Art Comparables - Part One (8/24/97)

Robert Hughes: Art East of the Catskills (8/14/97)

"Important" Artists (8/5/97)

Something Should Be Done (7/31/97)

Resource Library editor's notes:

For more information on art valuation please see Appraisals of Original Art Objects in Resources for Collectors, Life Long Learners, Students and Teachers of Art History.

The following articles are excerpts from Dr. Roger Dunbier's unpublished writing of 601 pages titled WEST IS WEST: Your Money's Worth in Original Painting. Dated 1982, they were written prior to Dr. Dunbier's passing and are not part of the above series of columns written for Resource Library:

Top Auction Houses and Carmel Green; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (12/23/08)

Buying the Artist, Not the Gallery; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (12/3/08)

Houston to New York; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (11/11/08)

Painting and their Mediums; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (10/15/08)

Looking-Seeing; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (6/24/08)

My Youth With Western Artists (4/28/08)

Defining the West; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (4/15/08)

Early Painters/Recent Painters; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (3/1/08)

BOTHERED BY DEFINITIONS: Is that still life western?; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (1/10/08)

WHAT'S A WESTERN ARTIST?: "Is it really true that the most Western are the most Eastern?"; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (1/7/08)

WHAT'S WESTERN ART?; essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (1/6/08)

WHY ORIGINALS?, essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (12/10/07)

FIVE THEMES OF WESTERN ART: A Famous Pioneering Artist for Each of Those Themes, essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (12/10/07)

WESTERN ART: Never Replaced by Soup Cans, Soup Lines or Soup Itself, essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (12/10/07)

My Youth with Canvas Boards, (From Ralph Mayer to Maturity), essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (2/11/04)

WAY BACK WHEN: Celebration of the Concocted, essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (10/29/02)

Art Is Long, Décor Short (Way Out West), essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (8/13/01)

The Name of the Painter Is Everything, essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (8/5/00)

WEST TO EAST: The "West" of Remington and Russell and those Omahans In-Between, essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (7/18/00)

Bale Art-Spaghetti Westerns, essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (10/10/99)

The Term "Original Print" is More Than A Tad Suspect, essay by Roger Dunbier, PhD (9/2/99)

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