Theseus, Dionysus & Ariadne - Ancient Greek Vase Painting (original) (raw)

Greek Mythology >> Galleries >> Greek Vase Paintings 2 >> K12.17

Theseus, Dionysus & Ariadne | Attic red figure vase painting


Museum Collection (not known where), Berlin
Catalogue No. Berlin F2179
Beazley Archive No. 202898
Ware Attic Red Figure
Shape Hydria
Painter Attributed to the Syleus Painter
Date -
Period Early Classical


Athena commands Theseus abandon Ariadne on the island of Naxos and guides him back to his ship. Dionysus discovers the maiden and leads her away to become his wife. Dionysus is bearded and wears a wreath of ivy, Ariadne is adorned with a crown, and Athena is draped with the aegis--a snake-trimmed cloak.

This is a drawing of the vase rather than a photograph.


Dionysus, Ariadne, Athena