Hermes & Argus Panoptes - Ancient Greek Vase Painting (original) (raw)

Greek Mythology >> Galleries >> Greek Vase Paintings 4 >> L11.2

Hermes & Argus Panoptes | Attic red figure vase painting


Museum Collection Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Catalogue No. Vienna 3729
Beazley Archive No. 202608
Ware Attic Red Figure
Shape Stamnos
Painter Attributed to the Argos Painter
Date -
Period Classical


Hermes grasps the beard of the eye-covered Argus Panoptes as he prepares to slay him with his sword. Behind the pair stands the heifer-maiden Io. Zeus (partially shown) witnesses the scene on the far right.


Argus Panoptes, Hermes, Io