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Maigret - Early U.S. paperbacks
Simenon / Maigret postage stamps
3ème Salon BD & Philatélie / 15 & 16 octobre 94 / Caserne Fonck - Liège
The three (1994) images of Simenon are based on this portrait by the Belgian artist Désiré Roegiest.original drawing by Désiré Roegiest | Three 1994 stamps honoring Simenon were issued simultaneously in France, Belgium and Switzerland.France - 1994 Scott #2443 Belgium - 1994 Scott #1567 Switzerland - 1994 Scott #948 The background of the French issue, engraved by André Otto, is the Quai des Orfèvres; for the Belgian stamp, Liège, Simenon's birthplace, engraved by Paul Huybrechts; and the Château d'Echandens, near Lausanne, where Simenon lived for many years, on the Swiss stamp, engraved by Pierre Schopfer. | France - 1996 Scott #B674 Fictional French detectives:Maigret, Fantômas, Joseph Rouletabille,Rocambole, Arsène Lupin, Nestor Burma. San Marino - 1979 Scott #949 [80 - Perry Mason, 150 - Nero Wolfe,170 - Ellery Queen, 220 - Sherlock Holmes] Nicaragua - 1972 (Scott #C810, 50th Anniversary of Interpol)[5c Lord Peter Wimsey, 10c Philip Marlowe, 15c Sam Spade,20c Perry Mason, 25c Nero Wolfe, 35c C. Auguste Dupin,40c Ellery Queen, 50c Father Brown, 60c Charlie Chan, 1 cor Hercule Poirot, 2 cor Sherlock Holmes] |
Belgium_Centenerary of Simenon's Birth Year_issued April 28, 2003 | ||
Netherlands 2009 | ||
Any others? | ||
More Fictional Detectives on Stamps |
Simenon 10€ commemorative coin 2003As part of the centenary events, Belgium issued this commemorative 10-euro silver coin with Simenon's image |
[click to enlarge] |
Simenon bronze medalThis was reserved in the '60s for the first subscribers to a SIMENON collection of a famous Swiss publishing house, Cercle du Bibliophile. As Simenon was opposed to its distribution, since his authorization had not been requested, it was withdrawn, and very few copies are found. (In a gray velvet case.) |
Simenon's Bookplate
Comprendre et ne pas juger
To understand and judge not
- In Mattieu Rutten's Simenon, ses origines - sa vie - son œuvre, he shows a copy and identifies the artist as the Russian engraver, Victor Chapil.
- The
Simenon exposition in Paris, 1982, had a copy in the exhibit catalog, with the comment (p. 43), "La devise de l'ex-libris de G.S., Comprendre et ne pas juger, peut s'appliquer aussi bien au commissaire qu'au romancier." [The motto of Simenon's ex-libris, To understand and not judge, can be applied as well to Maigret as to the novelist.]
- In Brilliant Together in Paris, John Leonard's review of Pierre Assouline's biography of Simenon, he writes, "...when, in 1928, he first imagined Maigret, the cop who seeks 'to understand and not to judge.'"
- Leslie Garis, in Simenon's Last Case, writes: "Maigret's motto is 'to understand and not to judge,' and indeed what elevates him in the genre is his passion to know the human heart..."
- John Boe, in Simenon, Apollo and Dionysus: "Like a detached analyst, Inspector Maigret doesn't judge, he only unveils...."
- Michel Lemoine, in La Méthode d'enquête selon Maigret, "on ne peut manquer de rapprocher cette morale de la compréhension de celle de Simenon lui-même, pour qui comprendre importe davantage que juger." And in my translation, The Method of investigation according to Maigret, "one cannot fail to come closer to the understanding of Simenon himself, for whom to understand is more important than to judge."
- Waclaw Rapak, Une lecture existentielle...: "Adrien Josset, l'inculpé, celui que le commissaire Maigret veut comprendre et non pas juger..." [Adrien Josset, the accused, whom Commissioner Maigret wants to understand and not judge...].
- Ana Gonzalez-Salvador, Le Délit et ses corps: Maigret contre l'arrêt: " pas juger mais découvrir la vérité, �comprendre les gens�..."; ["not to judge, but to discover the truth, 'to understand people'"].
- It is reproduced large on the back cover of Maurice Piron's L'Univers de Simenon, and smaller on the front cover. The back cover says "Comprendre et non pas juger... establishes the sense of the works of a novelist like no other..."
Simenon Telephone Card
Belgian telephone card from the 1993 Liège Expo - 26/6 - 31/10. (Thanks, Willy!) |
Maigret Theme
Maigret Locations
Place des Vosges setting of L'Ombre Chinoise [Shadow on the Courtyard,Maigret Mystified],L'amoureux de Madame Maigret [Madame Maigret's Admirer]and others. | photo, P. Bonnard |
(based on Leconte, Plan de Paris, 1961) | Maigret on the Boulevard Richard-LenoirBoulevard Richard-Lenoir and Rue du Chemin-Vert are highlighted.The upper circle is close to the area of No. 130 Boulevard Richard-Lenoir, too far north to match the descriptions in the various stories. [Fenton Bresler's The Mystery of Georges Simenon contains a photograph of a two-story building, with the caption "Maigret's 'home' at 130 Blvd. Richard-Lenoir, Paris; he lived on the non-existent fourth floor."] The lower circle, approximately Nos. 41-51.At the upper left corner is the Place de la République; at bottom left is the Place de la Bastille. Also at the lower left can be seen the Place des Vosges, Maigret's sometimes address and the location of L'Ombre Chinoise and other stories. |
Maigret in Comics
Maigret et l'affaire Nahour, French - n.d. (1983)
Another bd Maigret, Maigret and the Nahour Case, drawn by Rumeu and adapted by Camille Dulac:
No date indicated, but the appearance in Le Nouveau D�tective was January 6 & 13, 1983. 8½" × 11½", 46 pages, softbound, with this publishing info on page 2:
Editions Nuit et Jour
82 rue Paul Vaillant Couterier
Levallois-Perret 92300
Tel: (1) 739.35.35
Directeur de la Publication: J.N. Beyler
Imprimé par Montsouris-Massy
Distribuées par les NMPP
N° de commission paritaire en cours
Click on the cover image (looks a lot like Gabin, doesn't he?) for a sample page.
Although "Le Pendu de Saint-Pholien" is promised as "coming soon" on the back cover, apparently it was never published.
in Le Nouveau D�tective | ||
On the title page: "Maigret et l'affaire Nahour a été pré-publié dans le Nouveau D�tective". ("prepublished" in "The New Detective") | No:16, 06/01/1983 | No:17, 13/01/1983 |
Le port des brumes, Portuguese - 1955
click to enlarge | Le port des brumes was printed as a comic strip in Portugese in 1955. It was published in S�culo Ilustrado, No. 935, December 3 1955 and following editions. O S�culo Ilustrado was a weekly supplement to O S�culo, a Lisbon newspaper.It seems to be the oldest Maigret comic outside of France... |
Earliest French Maigret comics - 1950-55
The artist of the Portuguese strip above was Jacques Blondeau, whose Maigret image appeared in this Forum as a "Mini-Mystery" in 1999! He worked then for Opera Mundi, which produced the Portuguese one as well.
Blondeau drew 15 Maigret episodes between 1950 and 1955, one unidentified:
Cahiers Simenon no 27 (2013)
Maigret en bandes dessin�es et en romans-photos Essai de bibliographie
Michel Schepens
S�rie � Le commissaire Maigret �
Bandes dessin�es d'apr�s les romans de Georges SIMENON publi�es chez Arth�me Fayard et aux Presses de la Cit�.
Adaptations : Jacques Blondeau.
In Samedi-Soir, hebdomadaire. Paris.
Quinze r�cits (le quinzi�me est rest� inachev�). 1473 bandes.
� Op�ra Mundi.
1. Le Chien jaune, 114 bandes. nos 281-299, du 18/11/1950 au 24/03/1951. Repris dans Semaine du Nord, revue �dit�e par La Voix du Nord, Lille. Cinq bandes par num�ro. D�but : no 48. semaine du 25/02 au 03/03 1955.
2. Le Port des brumes, 150 bandes, nos 300-325, du 31/03 au 30/09/1951.
3. La Pipe de Maigret, 48 bandes. nos 326-333. du 06/10 au 24/11/1951.
4. L'Amie de Mme Maigret, 76 bandes, nos 334-349, du 01/12/1951 au 08/03/1952.
5. Maigret au Picratt's, 90 bandes. nos 350-366. du 15/03 au 05/07/1952.
6. Les Vacances de Maigret, 104 bandes, nos 367-390, du 12*07 au 18/12/1952.
7. Maigret en meubl�, 95 bandes, nos 391-416, du 24/12/1952 au 18/06/1953.
8. Maigret, Lognon et les gangsters, 102 bandes, nos 417-443, du 25/06 au 24/12/1953.
9. Maigret et la vieille dame, 60 bandes. nos 444-458, du 25/12/1953 au 08/04/1954.
10. Maigret se trompe, 68 bandes, nos 459-457, du 15/04 au 05/08/1954.
11. Maigret et la guinguette [d'apr�s _La Guinguette � deux sous_], 104 bandes, nos 476-502, du 12/08/1954 au 03/02/1955.
12. Le Revolver de Maigret, 120 bandes, nos 503-531, du 10/02 au 31/08/1955.
13. Maigret et la jeune morte, 64 bandes, nos 532-547, du 07/09 au 21/12/1955.
14. Maigret tend un pi�ge, 78 bandes, � partir du nos 548 du 28/12/1955.
15. R�cit inachev� (titre non identifi�), 20 bandes, num�rot�es 79-198.
R��ditions : Paris-Journal, Paris-Jour, La D�p�che du Midi, Le Courrier Picard, Nord-Matin, La Montagne, Le T�l�gramme de Brest (1952), Le Nouveau M�ridional, L'Echo-Soir d'Alger.
(Presumably the Portuguese version of Le port des brumes was the French one with the words redrawn...)
Thanks to David Derrick for pointing out that the previously listed date range for Blondeau's Maigret strips (1950-53), was an error.
Thanks to Jérôme Devémy of Paris for much of the comics, Place des Vosges postcard, and some of the stamp information. And to Ian Slater for the Grainer Decca album scans.
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