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� �������� �.�. �������������. ������-�����-������� �������� �������. 18-� ���., 1998-2015.
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������������ ���� (���): http://hupsy.welldocs.com
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� Tryphonov E.B. Respiratory System. � Russian-English-Russian Explanatory Dictionary. 2002. Respiratory System is the part of the dictionaries system: � Tryphonov E.B. Human Psychophysiology. � Russian-English-Russian Explanatory Dictionary. 2001 (URL: http://tryphonov.narod.ru/).
Interpretations ~1000 terms in Russian and their English equivalents. More than 5000 terms are from allied sciences. Probabilistic methodology. For physicians, psychophysiologists, psychologists, physiologists, sociologists, managers, students. Free.
URL: http://tryphonov.narod.ru/respir/respi.htm
Mirror (USA): http://hupsy.welldocs.com/respir/respi.htm

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