Index to the Etymologies - -N- (original) (raw)

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nail (A, Q, S) TAK naked (A, Q, OS, S) SKEL Nambarauto (Q; S) NDAM name (R, Q) ES Nan Don-goroth (S) DUN; Nan Dongoroth (S) ÑGOROTH Nan Dungorthin (Dor) DUN,ÑGOROTH; Nandungorthin NAD Nan Orothvor (S)ÑGOROTH Nan-tathren (S) TATHAR; Nan Tathren (S?)NAD
Nan-dairon (Dor?) DAY Nann Orothvor (S)DUN Nargothrond (S) NÁRAK, OS,ROD Narog (S) NÁRAK; realm of Narog (S)NÁRAK Narogardh (S) NÁRAK
Narqelion_[Narquelion]_ (Q) LAS1 narrative poem (S)GLIR; narrator (A, Q, S, Dor) KWET/PET narrow (R, A, Q, S)AK; narrow neck (Q) YAK; narrow path (Q) AK, (R, A, S)LOD nasal (Q) NEÑ-WI natural death (as act) (Q)PHIR Nauglamîr (Dor), Nauglavir, Nauglvir (S)NAUK Ndolmed (Dor) NDOL neat (Q) POY neck (A, Q, S) YAK,narrow neck (Q) YAK need (noun) (A, S, Q) MBAW, (S) STAG negative prefix (Q, S)LA Neldoreth (Dor) NEL Nen-Echui (S; Q) KUY Nessa (Q) NDIS, NETH, NÎ net (Q) NAT, (S) WEY Neth (S) NETH,NÎ new (Q, S) SI (but in later Quenya, Tolkien uses vinya, not sinya,for "new"), (S)AT(AT); news (S) SI Nienna (Q) NEI night (OS, S)PHUY, (Q) LUM, (R, A, S, Q, Ilk) MOR; night (S)NDÛ;Night (Q) PHUY; night, night-time (Q, OS, S, Ilk) DO3/(for Q cf. DOMO; A forms whence Q lómë are found under DOMO); early night (without moon) (A, S?) TIN; night-shade (S) DO3/DÔ; nightfall (S) DO3/DÔ; nightingale (Q) DO3/DÔ, (Q, Ilk, S) TIN, (Q, Ilk) MOR, (Q, S) LIN2; a kenning of the nightingale (S, Q, A) TIN nimble (Ilk) LEK; nimbleness (R) PHIN Nimdil-dor (S) NIK-W,TÂ/TA3 nine (R, Q, S) NÉTER Ninkwitil(de) Tára (A) NIK-W Nírnaeth Arnediad, Nírnaeth Aronoded (Nirnaeth Arnoediad in the published Silmarillion)(S) NAY Nivrim (Dor) NIB, RÎ Nivrost (Dor)NIB, ROS2
no (R, Q) LA, (R) ; no indeed not (Q) LA; no, not (prefix) (A, Q) noble (A, OS) KHAL2, (A, T, OS, S) BARÁD, (R)TÂ/TA3; noble man (A, Q, S) KAL Nogrod (S?)NAUK noise (loud) (R) ROM; confused noise (S) GLAM; noise of blowing or breathing (R) SWES; [noise of leaves] (Q, Ilk)EZGE
noose (OS, S) SNEW normal (Q) STAN north (Q, S, A) PHOR, North (Q) MEN; northern (Q, S) PHOR; Northerland (S) PHOR; Northmen (S) PHOR Nos Finrod (House of Finrod) (S) nose (A, Q, S) MBUD, (Q, S, Dor)NEÑ-WI not (R, Q) LA, not (Q?) GALA, (R); not- (Q) UGU/UMU; do not, am not (Q)UGU/UMU; not endure (R) WAR notion (S)INK/INIK novel tale (S) SI now (R, Q) SI Nuinoer, Nuinor (in the published Silmarillion Nienor) (S)NAY
number (noun) (Q, S) NOT; large number (Q)KHOTH; in a very great number (Q) UB; numberless (S)AR2, (Q?) AWA Númenóre (Q)NDÛ; Númenórean (Q) TUR numerous (A, Q, OS, S) RIM Núron (S) NU Nurqendi [Nurquendi](Q) NU Nurufantur (Q) ÑGUR, (Q; S) SPAN nymph (Q) PHAL/PHÁLAS, WIG

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