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:: ONU - XX Assemblea Generale (1965): |
La XX Assemblea Generale dell�ONU (1965) dichiara "la legittimit� della lotta da parte dei popoli sotto oppressione coloniale, per esercitare il loro diritto all' autodeter-minazione e all'indipendenza". Inoltre, l'Assemblea invita "tutti gli Stati a fornire assistenza morale e materiale ai movimenti di liberazione nazionale nei territori coloniali". |
:: ONU - Risoluzione 1514 |
"L'Assemblea Generale dichiara che: la soggezione dei popoli a dominio straniero, conquista e asservimento costituisce una negazione dei diritti umani fondamentali, � contraria alla Carta delle Nazioni Unite ed � un impedimento alla promozione della pace e della cooperazione mondiali. Tutti i popoli hanno diritto all' autodeter-minazione; in virtù di tale diritto essi devono liberamente determinare il loro status politico e liberamente perseguire il loro sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale". |
:: Convenzione di Ginevra, Protocollo Addizionale I (1977): |
La lotta armata pu� essere usata, come ultima risorsa, come mezzo per esercitare il diritto all' autodeter-minazione. |
:: Tribunale penale internazionale |
In base allo Statuto del Tribunale penale internazionale, sono definiti �crimini di guerra�: (1) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente contro popolazione civili in quanto tali o contro civili che non prendano direttamente parte alle ostilit�; (4) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente nella consapevolezza che gli stessi avranno come conseguenza la perdita di vite umane tra la popolazione civile, e lesioni a civili o danni a propriet� civili ovvero danni diffusi duraturi e gravi all�ambiente naturale che siano manifestamente eccessivi rispetto all�insieme dei concreti e diretti i vantaggi militari previsti. |
:: Iraq anthem (click to listen) |
Yasin, Hakan and H�seyin
October 22, 2014 - Let's talk about Yasin B�r� today. Let's talk about the 16-year-old boy and his friends Hakan G�kg�z, 26, and H�seyin Dakak, 19 - the three young men who were chased down, surrounded and brutally killed by pro-PKK attackers in Diyarbakır while they were distributing meat to Kurdish refugees who fled Syria on the third day of Eid al-Adha. Yusuf Er, a friend of Yasin, Hakan and H�seyin, who survived the mob's attack with arm, head and chest injuries said, "We hugged each other before they came for us." They were traveling in a car when they saw an armed group blocking the road. Yusuf said, "We told the attackers we were only distributing food such as meat to the refugees but they accused us of being ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham] supporters."... continua / continued [110346] [ 02-feb-2015 03:19 ECT ]
In war against ISIL, a fine line between facts and artifacts
by Jessica Holland
October 22, 2014 - ....His speech was a version of the same foreign policy narrative that President Barack Obama has been telling, in which ISIL�s atrocities are stripped of context. Kerry referred to these crimes as "ugly, savage, inexplicable, valueless barbarism" and not the most virulent symptom thus far of two countries that have fallen apart in a mess of poverty, infrastructure failure, corruption and opportunistic power grabs. Bashar Al-Assad, of course, looms large in this picture, but Kerry sandwiched in only one mention of the Syrian president, in relation to his regime�s shelling of an ancient Roman temple, into a catalog of ISIL�s destruction. Assad�s many other, graver crimes don�t fit with the message being shaped, about the urgent need to stop a monstrous terrorist force, which threatens Americans at home as well as the entire Middle East.... continua / continued [110343] [ 02-feb-2015 03:05 ECT ]
Will Obama Follow Bush Down the Made-Up Torture Loophole?
By Jamil Dakwar, Director, ACLU Human Rights Program
Blackwater Founder Remains Free and Rich While His Former Employees Go Down on Murder Charges
By Jeremy Scahill
October 22, 2014 - A federal jury in Washington, D.C., returned guilty verdicts against four Blackwater operatives charged with killing more than a dozen Iraqi civilians and wounding scores of others in Baghdad in 2007.The jury found one guard, Nicholas Slatten, guilty of first-degree murder, while three other guards were found guilty of voluntary manslaughter: Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard. The jury is still deliberating on additional charges against the operatives, who faced a combined 33 counts, according to the Associated Press. A fifth Blackwater guard, Jeremy Ridgeway, had already pleaded guilty to lesser charges and cooperated with prosecutors in the case against his former colleagues. The trial lasted ten weeks and the jury has been in deliberations for 28 days... continua / continued [110339] [ 16-jan-2015 19:09 ECT ]
Will the U.S. Go to "War" Against Ebola?
By Tom Engelhardt & Karen Greenberg
October 21, 2014 - As Karen Greenberg points out today, given an administration already on the ropes over its new war in the Middle East, it would be all too easy for U.S. officials, amid the usual panic, to fall back on that comfortable template of the post-9/11 years, the war on terror, when it comes to Ebola. After all, it�s already enscribed in the DNA of a national security state that is, effectively, a shadow government. So no one should be surprised that Washington's first response to the Ebola crisis was to militarize it. U.S. boots are already on the ground in West Africa and preparations are underway for a possible future call-up of the reserves and the National Guard. In other words, in his initial move to contain Ebola, President Obama sent in the U.S. military, an organization as ill equipped to deal with a pandemic disease as it was to deal with "nation-building" in Afghanistan or Iraq... continua / continued [110332] [ 01-jan-2015 00:26 ECT ]
Shaker Aamer�s Abuse in Guant�namo Dismissed by British Foreign Secretary
Andy Worthington
Surprise: U.S. Drug War In Afghanistan Not Going Well
By Ryan Devereaux
Syria News - October 20, 2014
Local Coordination Committees of Syria
�The Alawite Tide Has Exploded� � A �Secular� Song For a �Secular� Regime?
Ben Allinson-Davies
Palestinian man successfully harvests olives for the first time in 14 years
International Solidarity Movement
October 20, 2014 - Today in al-Khalil (Hebron) Hashem Azzeh, a Palestinian man living in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood was able to successfully harvest his olives, on a certain part of his land, for the first time in 14 years. Hashem and his family live in H2 (the area of Hebron under full Israeli military civil and security control), right next to the illegal settlement in the heart of Tel Rumeida.Since the year 2000, Hashem has applied for a permit from the Israeli authorities to harvest his own olive trees but has been either denied, or received "permission", and had his olives stolen by Zionist settlers. This year, Hashem received a permit to harvest six trees today, and along with his brother and activists from ISM and Christian Peacemakers Team � Palestine (CPT), he began to work on his land. Two colonial settlers soon arrived an attempted to convince the Israeli police and army present that Hashem�s land belonged to them and that he should not be picking olives on "their land"... continua / continued [110312] [ 18-dec-2014 01:57 ECT ]
For near identical crimes, an Israeli and a Palestinian�s fate couldn�t be more different
By John Brown* (translated by Sol Salbe)
IS, coalition, regime: 'They're all criminals'
Syria Direct
October 20, 2014 - Since beginning airstrikes across Syria in August, the US-led international coalition has focused heavily on the Islamic State-controlled Iraqi border town of Al-Bokamel, which sits between Syria's Deir e-Zor and Iraq's Anbar provinces. There, coalition airstrikes targeted, among other locations, oil fields and refineries, paralyzing economic activity in a town whose residents rely on fuel supplies for personal business, Abu Zeid Abdullah, a member of the Syrian LCC Union, the umbrella group for the country's local coordination committes, told Syria Direct's Mohammed al-Haj Ali earlier this month.Now, Abdullah says the coalition is targeting grain silos and mills. For Syrians living in these towns, the airstrikes are part of a larger plan to destroy Syria.... continua / continued [110304] [ 16-dec-2014 02:46 ECT ]
The Reign of �Terror�
By Tomis Kapitan
October 19, 2014 - ... Even when a definition is agreed upon, the rhetoric of "terror" is applied both selectively and inconsistently. In the mainstream American media, the "terrorist" label is usually reserved for those opposed to the policies of the U.S. and its allies. By contrast, some acts of violence that constitute terrorism under most definitions are not identified as such � for instance, the massacre of over 2000 Palestinian civilians in the Beirut refugee camps in 1982 or the killings of more than 3000 civilians in Nicaragua by "contra" rebels during the 1980s, or the genocide that took the lives of at least a half million Rwandans in 1994. At the opposite end of the spectrum, some actions that do not qualify as terrorism are labeled as such � that would include attacks by Hamas, Hezbollah or ISIS, for instance, against uniformed soldiers on duty. ... continua / continued [110296] [ 12-dec-2014 02:02 ECT ]
Epidemic of Birth Defects in Iraq
Carol Dudek
Palestinian boy fatally shot by Israeli forces
Defence for Children International Palestine
Phantoms of the past: Britain�s vote on Palestine is a nonstarter
Ramzy Baroud
October 17, 2014 - It would be intellectually dishonest to reflect on the British House of Commons� vote of Monday, 13 October, on a Palestinian state without digging deeper into history. Regardless of the meaning of the non-binding motion, the parliamentary action cannot be brushed off as just another would-be country to recognise Palestine, as was the Swedish government decision on 3 October. Unlike Sweden, and most of the 130 plus countries to effectively recognise Palestine, Britain is a party in the Middle East�s most protracted conflict. In fact, if it were not for Britain, there would be no conflict, or even Israel, of which to speak. It is within this context that the British vote matters, and greatly so..... continua / continued [110276] [ 05-dec-2014 03:52 ECT ]
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