Standard List Of Medical Supplies Issued to U.S. Merchant Ships During World War II (original) (raw)

Standard List Of Medical Supplies Issued to U.S. Merchant Ships During World War II

Operations Regulation No; 67 (Revised) March 1, 1944
Pertaining To All Vessels Owned By Or Under Bareboat Charter To
The War Shipping Administration

Acid, Acetylsalicylic (Aspirin), 5 gr. 100 in bottle 2
Remarks: Aspirin: For headache, colds, sore throat, grippe, fever: 1 tablet every three hours until relieved, or until 6 doses have been taken.

Alcohol, 70% - Medicated, rubbing 200 cc bottle 1
Remarks: To sterilize instruments; stimulant; to remove dirt from wounds; sterilize skin before giving hypodermic injections; for carbolic acid burns (apply freely to burn). If burn is around nose, mouth or eye dilute with equal parts water and alcohol.

Alkaline Aromatic Tablets 100 in bottle 1
Remarks: For gargle or nasal douche; dissolve two tablets in 1/2 glass warm water.

Ammonia, Aromatic Spirits of 8 oz. bottle 1
Remarks: For weakness, faintness, headache, shock: 1/2 teaspoon every 1/2 hour until relieved, or until three doses have been given. Do not give if patient 4.s unconscious; in this case bottle can be passed. under nose of patient. Date bottle and refill after one year as it loses strength.

Applicators, wood 72 doz. per box 1
Remarks: For cotton swabs, to apply Argyrol to throat; iodine to wounds; remove specks from eyes; to spread ointment. etc.

Ascorbic Acid Tablets, 25 mg tablets 100
Remarks: To prevent and cure scurvy which causes bleeding gums, sore swollen joints: Take 1 or 2 tablets daily if there are no citrus fruits in diet. They should be given to the entire crew when the diet is short on these foods.

Bandage, Gauze 1" 12 in box 3 boxes
Remarks: For applying small dressings or finger splints, avoid over tightening.

Bandage, Gauze 2" 12 in box 3 boxes
Remarks: For applying medium sized dressings and splints, to arms and legs.

Bandage, Gauze 3" 12 in box 3 boxes
Remarks: For applying large sized dressings and splints and dressing to body.

Bandage, triangular, compressed 1 1
Remarks: For use as arm sling, tourniquet, or to retain dressing in place.

| Bandage, cotton, elastic, 3" | | 3 | | ---------------------------- | | - |

Bandage, suspensory with leg strap 8 of each size 24

| Bandage, Esmarch, triangular | | 6 | | ---------------------------- | | - |

Band Aids or equivalent 100 per box 4

| Bed Pan, regular, white enamel | | 1 | | ------------------------------ | | - |

Bard Parker #3 handles #10 blades 1 12

Bismuth, Bicarbonate Powder 1-lb. pkgs. 5
Remarks: For diarrhea: - 1 teaspoon in 1/2 glass water. For heartburn: - 1/2 teaspoon with 1/2 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate about 1 hour after eating; to relieve pain of gastric ulcers, 1 teaspoon in 1/4 glass water 3 times a day one hour after eating.

Blood Plasma cartons 6
Remarks: To be placed aboard. ships which carry a Ship's Surgeon or Hospital Corpsman, a graduate of War Shipping Administration Hospital Corps School.

Boric Acid Solution, 4% 200 cc bottle 1
Remarks: For bathing inflamed eyes; use with eye cup.

Bottles, 1 oz. - 2 oz. - 4. oz. (screw tops and caps) assorted 1 dozen

| Canvas Roll, Khaki (for instruments) | | 1 | | ------------------------------------ | | - |

Calamine Lotion, with 1% Phenol bottle 1
Remarks: For itching irritated. rashes such as heat rash, hives, poison ivy. Caution: Do not get in eyes.

Case, Pins, Scissors & Forceps 1 1
Remarks: For applying surgical dressings; sterilize instruments before use.

Castor Oil (Substitute Mineral oil) bottle standard size 6
Remarks: Use heavy mineral oil as a laxative: 1 tablespoon every 4 hours until the desired results are obtained.

Catheter, soft rubber #12, #16, #18 1 each

Chloride of lime 12-oz. bottle 6 bottles

Compound cathartic pills, vegetable 500 in bottle 1 bottle
Remarks: Physic: 1 or 2 tablets before breakfast or before retiring.

Compound. Cresol Solution 1 lb. 2
Remarks: Disinfectant: Caution: This is poisonous, do not take internally. Should not be kept in same cupboard with other medicine.

Cotton, absorbent 1/4-lb. pkg. 12

Cotton, absorbent, compressed l-oz. pkg. 6
Remarks: For swabs; in dressing (do not apply direct to wounds); padding splints for ears.

Cough Mixture, Syrup of White Pine with codeine 1 gr. per fl. oz. Pint bottle 4
Remarks: Directions:- 1 teaspoon every three hours until cough is relieved.

| Crutches, Adjustable with rubber tips | | 1 pair | | ------------------------------------- | | ------ |

Dentalone 1-oz. bottle 1
Remarks: To relieve toothache.

Detergent, Emulsion Pt. bottle 1
Remarks: For removal of fuel oil, tar, etc. Apply wet dressing of Emulsion (soak dressing in emulsion and place gently over burned area and allow to remain for one-half hour.)

Distilled Water 500 cc vials 4
Remarks: To be used only by a medical officer or Graduate Hospital Corpsman.

Dressing, battle, large 1 6
Remarks: For large wounds; do not touch inside surface of dressing.

Dressing, battle, small 1 18
Remarks: For small wounds; do not touch inside surface of dressing.

Dressing, head, adjustable 1-oz. pkg. 4
Remarks: Cap with tying tails for retaining head wound dressing in place.

Drinking cups, wax (Lilly type) 100 per box 1

| Ear Drops (Mineral oil or olive oil) | Use from Sick Bay supplies | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | | | Remarks: With the patient in prone position drop oil from a medicine dropper 3 or 4 drops of heated oil. Test by dropping oil on back of the hand to see if it is too hot for skin tolerance. | | |

Ephedrine Sulphate tablets, 3/8 gr. 100 per bottle 1
Remarks: To give relief from sneezing and coughing spells when due to asthma, hay fever, and whooping cough. 1 tablet every 3 or 4 hours.

Extract of Cascara Sagrada tablets 100 per bottle 1
Remarks: Mild laxative. 1 or 2 tablets at bedtime

Finger cots, leather dozen 1

Forceps, hemostatic straight 5" 1 3
Remarks: For clamping bleeding arteries, veins: for use as a needle holder.

| Forceps, tissue (thumb) mouse tooth 3" | | 1 | | -------------------------------------- | | - |

| Forceps, tissue (thumb) serrated 5" | | 1 | | ----------------------------------- | | - |

Gauze, plain; compressed 1-oz. pkg. 18
Remarks: Sterile gauze for dressing wounds after treating in accordance with instructions.

Gauze pads sterile 3" x 3" 25 per box 4 boxes

Glucose Saline Solution, 5% 500 cc bottle 4
Remarks: To be used by a medical officer or a graduate Hospital Corpsman only.

| Ice Bag, standard size (with throat collar) | | 2 | | ------------------------------------------- | | - |

| Ligatures, with needles (silk) medium Ligatures, #1 with needles (catgut) plain Ligatures, #2 with needles (catgut) plain | | 12 12 12 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------- |

| Litter, Metal "Stokes" (Navy type stretcher) Army canvas stretcher | | 1 1 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | --- | | For transportation of wounded. | | |

Magnesium Sulphate 1 lb. container 2
Remarks: As quick acting physic: Dissolve 1 tablespoon in 1/4 glass of water, take before breakfast. For boils use 1/4 cup dissolved in glass of hot water. Keep clean cloth wet with this solution and apply to boils for one hour. Repeat every six hours or until boil opens or healing begins.

Medicine glass, graduated

| | | 3 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | - | | Remarks: For measuring doses of medicine, or for use in dissolving tablets. | |

| Mosquito Netting (Tropics) | | 1 for each bunk | | -------------------------- | | --------------- |


Codeine Sulphate 1/2 gr.

Remarks: For relief of severe pain. Take 1 tablet (1/2 gr.) with 2 tablets of aspirin. This dose may be repeated in 1/2 hour if necessary. Not more than 3 tablets should be given within a period of 4 hours, unless absolutely necessary to relieve very severe pain. Coughing spasm due to colds: Take 1 tablet. Severe pain due to diarrhea and. colic: Take 1 tablet.

Morphine Syrette

Remarks: Use only to relieve pain. Each syrette contains 1/2 grain which is a large dose. If the pain recurs a second dose maybe used two hours or more after the first. Caution: Do not give morphine when respiration is slow, 12 per minute or less, nor when there is severe congestion in the lungs and blue lips and blue skin from lack of oxygen. To give, remove transparent hood, grasp wire loop and push wire in to pierce inner seal, turning if necessary. Pull out and throw the wire away, thrust needle through skin, which has been cleansed with alcohol, to at least half its length and inject solution by slowly squeezing the syrette at sealed end.

Keep a record of each dose, noting the time of administration. If the patient is to be transferred after receiving the drug, note time and dose on a tag tied to the wrist or mark M and the time with blue pencil on the forehead,.

Caution: The syrettes contain morphine which is a habit-forming drug. Special precautions must be taken to see that none is stolen.

Do not give to patients suffering from head injuries.

Narcotics should. be given only to a patient in extreme emergency or acute pain or when other medications have failed.

Narcotics must be kept under lock and key in a safe of the Sick Bay or in the safe of the Purser Department. An accurate inventory of the supplies should be always kept.

Monthly reports on Morphine and Codeine must be rendered each month to the Deputy Medical Director, Division of Operations, W.S.A., to be received not later than 10th day of the following month. Such reports are to include the name of the patient, diagnosis, duration of illness and the amount of morphine, or codeine administered.

Oil of Cloves 1-oz. bottle 1
To relieve toothache, but only when the offending tooth has a cavity. A few drops of this oil on a very small ball of cotton is packed into the cavity with a toothpick or applicator stick, It sometimes helps to rub the gum with the oil.

Oil of Wintergreen 4-oz. bottle 4
Remarks: To be applied locally. Cover with clean dry flannel bandage. To be used for relief of pain, such as rheumatic pain in joints, or water on knee.

Ointment, Ammoniated Mercury 5%

| | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Remarks: For use on skin conditions, especially ringworm or eczemas. Caution: For external use only. Do not use on skin if skin has been painted with iodine. | |

Ointment, Anesthetic, Antiseptic Ophthalmic tubes 6
Remarks: Place a small film of ointment on the inner aspect of lower lid by gently pulling down the lover lid and squeezing film along the junction on lower lid and eyeball. The patient should then close his eye two or three times and then keep eye closed for a short period of time.

Ointment, Yellow Mercuric Oxide, 1% 1 dram tube 5
Remarks: For styes end inflammation of eyes and lids. Apply to margin of lids with cotton swab.

Ointment, sulphur, 10% 1 lb.

| | | 3 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | - | | Remarks: Sulfathiazole and, sulfadiazine ointment is recommended in strength of 5%. Lanoline and white vaseline, equal parts, as a base ointment can be applied to wounds, burns, etc., by covering affected parts with a thin layer of ointment. When the above ointment is not available, burns may be treated by applying wet dressings soaked in petroleum. | |

| Ointment, Tins (empty 1 oz.) | | 30 | | ---------------------------- | | -- |

Opium & Olycyrrhiza Compound., tablets 1000 per bottle 1 bottle
Remarks: Brown's Mixture. Dissolve one tablet in mouth every two hours for cough, bronchitis.

Paregoric bottles standard size 6
Remarks: To relieve pain, particularly colic and cramps in intestines. For diarrhea: 1 to 2 teaspoons. Caution: Do not give if appendicitis is suspected. Paregoric contains opium. Keep locked up. Be certain not to give overdoses.

| Pencil, indelible | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Remarks: To fill out Diagnosis Tags and keep record of sick and injured personnel. | | |

| Pencil, Dermatographic (Skin marking) | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Remarks: To mark on patient's skin, time tourniquet applied, time and dose of morphine, etc. | | |

| Personal Insecticide (Lice) | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Remarks: For body lice, wash entire area well with soap and water; dry. Cases of infestation (lice) should be reported to the medical officer in charge who will then direct the patient to go to the proper disinfestation station to clean his body and clothing. | | |

Petrolatum, Liquid (heavy) Pints 2
Remarks: Mild acting lubricating laxative. Average dose: 1 tablespoon night and morning until relieved.

Petrolatum, white 1 lb cans 1
Remarks: Vaseline - for sunburn, skin chap, massaging, chillblains, body lice. Soak dressing in vaseline and then place gently over affected parts.

Phenobarbital 1/2 gr. 500-gr. bottle 1
Remarks: Use to quiet nervous and hysterical patients without putting them to sleep. 1 or 2 pills can be repeated in 4 hours. Don't use for sleeplessness. Seasickness: 1 or 2 tablets 3 times a day. Epilepsy: 1 or 2 tablets 3 times a day. Headache: 1 tablet phenobarbital with 1 tablet of aspirin.

Pins, Safety (assorted) card 3

Plaster, Adhesive 2" x 5 yards 1

Plaster of Paris 4" rolls 6
Remarks: To be used only under the supervision of a medical officer.

Pontocaine, Sulphate, solution 1/2% ounce 1
Remarks: Eye anesthesia. Two drops placed in eye by means of eye dropper and repeated every one-half hour until relieved, but not more then three such doses.

| Quinacrine Tablets (Atabrine) l-l/2 gr. | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Remarks: To prevent malaria. Start by taking 1 tablet with water immediately after breakfast and, again after supper. Skip a day and repeat. Three days later, start same program again. Keep this up only while in malaria infested areas. To cure malaria: Give 1 tablet three times a day after meals for 8 days. | | |

Quinacrine Tablets (basic) 1 gr. Quinacrine Tablets (tropics) 1 gr. 500 per bottle 500 per bottle 1 1
Remarks: NOTE: The amount received per ship per voyage should. be kept. An accurate record. should be kept and. forwarded to Medical Department whenever requested.

Quinine, sulphate tablets (basic uncoated) - 5 gr. Quinine, sulphate tablets (tropics uncoated) - 5 gr. 500 per bottle 500 per bottle 1 5
Remarks: Not to be used for any upper respiratory infections, colds, or grippe. To be used only for the treatment of malaria in cases where other malaria drugs have failed. Directions: For acute cases of malaria 2 tablets (5 gr. each) every four hours, for eight doses or until ringing in the ears occur. For prophylactic; 2 tablets daily for three weeks, rest a week then repeat dose and procedure.

| Salt tablets | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Remarks: Supply should be kept available for crews aboard ship, especially for members who work in engine room. In the tropics or under conditions where a person perspires freely - 1 tablet every 4 hours during working hours. | | |

| Salt Tablet Dispensers | | | | ----------------------------------------------- | | | | Remarks: To be equipped with 1500 salt tablets. | | |

| Scissors, 5-1/2" (Mayo) | | 2 | | ----------------------- | | - |

| Sodium Perborate, plain | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | Remarks: For inflamed gums, mouth ulcers, or trench mouth. 1/2 teaspoon to 1/2 glass warm water. As a wet dressing for wounds - 1 teaspoon to 1 glass water. | | |

Shade, Eye, single 1 2
Remarks: For retaining eye dressings in place in treating eye injuries or inflammation.

Sheet, waterproof 45 x 72 1

Soap Liniment pint 2
Remarks: To be used as directed, on bottle.

Sodium Bicarbonate 1-lb. ctn. 1
Remarks: Baking soda for headache, burns, sore throat, indigestion. Directions: 1 teaspoon full in a little water or milk every two hours until relieved.

| Spectacles, smoked glass | | 3 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | - | | Remarks: For protection against strong light and to rest inflamed eyes. | | |

| Splints, wooden 18" x 3-1/2" | | 12 | | ---------------------------- | | -- |

| Splint, Thomas, leg (full ring) | | 1 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | - | | Remarks: To be used to apply traction during the time that a patient is being transported or as an emergency treatment. For proper application see instructions in manual "Ship's Medicine Chest First Aid at Sea." | | |

| Splint, basswood - 18" | 12 in set | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | | | Remarks: For splinting fractured (broken) bones, to mould (shape) wood splints soak in hot water. | | |

| Sulfadiazine tablets (7.7 gr.) | 1 doz. or 3 doz. | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | | | Remarks: Supply depends upon the length of the journey and the number of crew. Directions: (A) To be taken only in acute illnesses characterized by temperature of 100 degrees or above or (B) taken as a prophylactic in cases of specific infection to injury. In cases of temperature take 2 tablets, repeat every four hours for 6 doses, or until temperature falls to 99 degrees and stays at that temperature for four consecutive hours. This dosage can be supplemented by two doses of soda bicarbonate and one tablet (gr. 7.7) taken after second dose of sulfadiazine. In cases of specific infection - 2 tablets every three hours for four doses with bicarbonate of soda after second dose then stop - unless there should be clinical signs of infection or a rise in temperature as in case (A) then follow through as directed for that particular case. | | |

Sufanilamide or Sulfadiazine powdered 5 gr. or equiv. pkg. 25
Remarks: Sprinkle freely in open wounds, after controlling hemorrhage and before applying dressing.

Suture, catgut, boilable No. 2 threaded in needle tube 6
Remarks: For tying off bleeding arteries or veins and for sewing wounds.

| Syringe, Urethral, bulb type, blunt tip - 2 drams | | 6 | | ------------------------------------------------- | | - |

| Syringe, 2 cc "Luer with 2 needles" 2 24 gauge - 3/4" hypodermic in case | 2 | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | - | |

Tag, Diagnosis 20 in pkg. 1
Remarks: Fill out completely as possible and tag each sick or wounded man before transfer.

| Thermometer, clinical | | 1 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | - | | Remarks: For taking temperatures - wash (don't boil) before and after use. | | |

Tongue depressors, wood 25 in bdl. 1
Remarks: For examining throat, splinting fingers, to spread ointment, etc.

Tourniquet, holliard type 1 1
Remarks: Tie square knot loosely between wound and heart, insert stick, turn tightly enough to arrest hemorrhage. Do not allow tourniquet to remain in place longer than 1 minute end then release so that blood can flow freely over wounded parts; reapply tourniquet and repeat this procedure of applying and releasing until patient is in the hands of proper surgeon's care or until other means have become successful. Palliative or emergency treatment to arrest hemorrhage in addition to applying tourniquet can be attained by applying wet dressings of hot normal saline solution applied to cut or lacerated area and left in place. Do not remove such dressing and do not wipe the injured parts. Further means of arresting hemorrhage is outlined in "Ship's Medicine Chest First Aid at Sea" manual.

| Truss, adjustable - single and double | | 1 ea. | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | ----- | | Remarks: A truss should never be applied for the first time without instructions from the medical officer or a trained medical attendant. Incorrect adjustment of truss can be more dangerous than no truss at all. In many cases incorrect adjustment causes intestinal obstruction (blocking). | | |

| Urinal, male, white enamel | | 1 | | -------------------------- | | - |

V. D. Prophylactic Kit (Doughboy or equal) 2 tube set 100
Remarks: See instructions for use in "Ship's Medicine Chest First Aid at Sea" manual.

| Insecticide Powder Insect Repellent (Skat) Formula No. 0-262 cans or bottles D.D.T. Insecticide (U.S. Army Standard) | | 12 of either | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------ | | Remarks: The amount of each to be placed on ship will depend upon the size of the crew and the length of the voyage | | |

| Book: "Ship's Medicine Chest First Aid at Sea" and "Guide for Hospital Corpsmen on Sea Duty" | | 1 ea. | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----- |

The following drugs may or may not be included in the drug list, however, if included, instructions were given in Operations Regulation #67.

Aluminum Hydroxide tablets Boric Acid powder Carbon Tetrachloride Epinephrine Chloride Methenamine tablets V. D. Prophylactic Kit Whitefield's Ointment 1" and 3" adhesive tape One-yard 4 1/4" gauze or Five-yard 4 1/2" gauze White enamel irrigator Clinical thermometers reduced to one oral and one rectal Water-proof sheet Mosquito netting

| The following drugs should be included in the drug list and placed on ships only if they carry a ship's surgeon or a hospital corpsman who is a graduate of the Hospital Corps School, U.S. Maritime Service Training Station, Sheepshead Bay, New York. | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------- | | Penicillin | | 200,000 units | | Remarks: Instructions for the administration of this drug have been included in the training of hospital corpsmen at the Hospital Corps School. Specific instructions regarding the administration will be forwarded under separate cover. | | |