U.S. Flag Ships including U.S. Maritime Commission ships (original) (raw)

U. S. Flag Ships including U.S. Maritime Commission ships

The following lists of ships include all those built by the U.S. Maritime Commission 1939 to 1947, and also many other lists, including "Ships sunk or damaged during World War II," all from various sources.

Ships are listed by first name or initial. Ships may appear on more than one list.

We would appreciate your corrections and additions to these lists.

Ships Sunk or Damaged during WW II (20K)
View in Alphabetical, Chronological, or Geographical order

U.S. Merchant Ships Sunk or Damaged by Mines in World War II(40K)

Foreign Ships Taken Over by U.S Maritime Commission during World War II

Ships Attacked Before December 7, 1941 (12K)

American Merchant Marine Ships at Normandy in June 1944(44K)
Includes: Cargo ships, Blockships, Troopships, Tugs

American Ships on the Murmansk Run(11K)

U.S. Merchant Ships Participating in World War II Combat Operations and Engagements whose U.S. Armed Guard earned Battle Stars (12K)

Ship Casualties of the Socony Vacuum Company During World War II(now Mobil Shipping and Transportation Company) (21K)

American Flag Ships 1939 (80K)


Hospital Ships (8K)

President Lines (6K)

Matson Navigation Company and Oceanic Navigation Company Ships (28K)

Ships Used in World War I and beyond

Hog Islanders (12K)

American Flag Ships in 1914(32K)

U.S. Merchant Ships Lost from all Causes during WWI(chronological list 44K)

Ships Used in Korean War

Merchant Ships Used in Korean War (20K)

MSTS Ships Used in Korean War (12K)

MSTS and Merchant Ships Participating in Inchon, Korea Invasion (8K)

MSTS and Merchant Ships Participating in Hungnam, Korea Redeployment(8K)

Ships transferred to MSTS from Naval Transportation Service and Army Transportation Service 1949-1950 (28K)

List of Special Missions Ships in MSTS and MSC fleet (12K)

Military Sealift Command Ships Nov. 2000 (68K)

Ready Reserve Force Ships April 2003 (90K)

Allied-Flag Chartered Ships Used in Support of 1991 Persian Gulf War (88K)

RRF Ships Activated for "Operation Iraqi Freedom" April 2003 (90K)

Ships built by the U.S. Maritime Commission 1939 to 1947

graph Ships built by the U.S. Maritime Commission 1939 to 1947

Shipyards and Suppliers for U. S. Maritime Commission During World War II(64K)

Operators of American Flag Ships During World War II (39K)

Liberty ShipsAlphabetical list (109K)

List of Shipyards which built Liberty ships and list of Liberty ships built by each yard

Victory ShipsAlphabetical (32K)Victory Ships by Shipyard (32K)

Tankers built during WWII (26K)

C1 Typeincludes "Knot" series (32K)

C2 Type (24K)

C3 Type (9K)

C4 Type(9K)

C5 and R (Refrigerated) Type Ships(9K)

Miscellaneous 1 (16K)includes:

  • Ferries
  • N3 Coastal Cargo Types
  • Ore Carriers
  • S2 Frigate Type, including weather ships and British "Colony" class frigates
  • S3 Types Tank Landing Ships and Cable ships
  • S4 Types (Kaiser-built Escort Carriers, Special Attack ships, Operation Crossroads)

Miscellaneous 2(20K) includes:

  • Railroad Car Floats
  • Concrete Ships
  • Derrick Barges
  • L6 Laker Types
  • V Tugs
  • Wood ships, barges, and lighters

P -Type Passenger Ships (20K)


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