Related WWW Resources (original) (raw)

  1. Following these links will either bring you to a description of the resource or automatically open a new window in your web browser. You can move this new window aside and uncover the Victorian Web, which remains present. Return here by closing the newly opened window.
  2. Additional links to materials outside VW appear in sections of the site devoted to individual authors and other specific topics.
  3. Many thanks to Deborah J. Schmidle of Cornell for sending in new URLs for a dozen sites and to Helen Davis on Victoria. Thanks also to Karen Mardahl for updating a link.

Victorian Literature — General

Victorian Literature — Individual Authors

The Visual Arts

Victorian History and Culture

The site is used by genealogists and indeed anyone who wants to research ancestors or find out who lived at a particular address - individual or famous. It also includes details of those aboard vessels or in institutions at the time of the census. The site is ideal for researching your family tree or house history and for gaining an insight into life a century ago - work life, social status, occupations etc. Plenty of famous individuals feature - from Charlie Chaplin to The Queen Mother to Claude Monet and Dr Crippen!

The National Library of Scotland, which assembled these materials and hosts the site, explains that this collection of broadsides show us “How Ordinary Scots in Bygone Days Found out what was Happening.”

Miscellaneous general Resources

An essential source of material, which has severeal great advantages: (1) it offers a convenient list of all copies of a periodicals when you examine a single volume; (2) it has generally high quality OCR conversions of images of text into text you can copy. Its own search tool is very poor, and I frequently encounter no results when looking for a document I have open before me and which Google found near-instantly.

Originally its OCR text was quite poor but it has improved.

A treasure trove of copyright-free images on all subjects. For example, the Visual Arts, Landscapes and Cityscapes of Great Britain section contains 1,119 photomechanical prints in color.

Neo-Victorian Studies is a peer-reviewed, inter-disciplinary eJournal dedicated to the exploration of the contemporary fascination with re-imagining the nineteenth century and its varied literary, artistic, socio-political and historical contexts in both British and international frameworks. Perhaps most evident in the proliferation of so-called neo-Victorian novels, the trend is also discernible in a recent abundance of nineteenth century biographies, the continuing allure of art movements such as the pre-Raphaelites, popular cinema productions and TV adaptations, and historical re-evaluations in such fields as medicine, psychology, sexology, and studies in cultural memory. Neo-Victorian Studies provides a strategic forum to analyse the complicated investments of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in historical remembrance, revision, and reconstruction, to engage creatively with the period, and to stimulate international debate and exchange of ideas in this flourishing field of critical and artistic endeavour.

Last modified 9 July 2020