Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) (original) (raw)

Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902), the celebrated pathologist, became in 1857 Professor of Pathology and the Institute of Pathology in Berlin from Wurzburg where he held a similar post. A student of Johannes Mueller in Berlin, Virchow also worked closely with Robert Remak. As a supporter of cell theory, he influenced all later generations of bacteriologists. His influential Die Cellularpathologie... was published in 1858 (Berlin: Hirschwald) and a new edition appeared in 1871. Virchow's pronouncements at the Second Cholera Conference (held in Paris, 1859; also known as the Second International Sanitary Conference) were quoted verbatim by CF: 274, twenty years later.

Created 25 January 2017

Last modified 16 February 2023