Bibliography (original) (raw)
This bibliography serves only as a general guide and entry point into the vast historiography of Victorian sciences. Many of the individual pages in the Victorian Web history science contain particular bibliographies. A few primary materials are below.
Secondary sources
History of science reference sources, by Doug Stewart.
Ackerknecht, Erwin. Medicine at the Paris Hospital, 1794-1848. 1967.
Allen, D.E. The naturalist in Britain: a social history London, 1976.
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Primary materials
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Whewell, William. Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 1847. 3nd ed. London, 1867.
White, A.D. The warfare of science with theology in Christendom, New York, 1876.
See also:
History of science bibliography.
Online Bibliography for the History & Philosophy of Chemistry
History of science reference sources, by Doug Stewart.
History Journals Guide A useful bibliographic source. Find the links for historical journals all in one place.
History of Science and Technology: A Guide to Internet Resources.
Last modified 17 August 2002